Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's Giveaway Time and Things That Bring a Smile!

Good morning, everyone! March is almost half-over and here I am with only my first post of the month... What have I been up to? Well, I've been stitching a few little things to celebrate my followers--yes, that means you. I wish I could stitch something for each of you, but I fear I would be spending the rest of my life on that pursuit. As of this morning there are 1040 of you--amazing and humbling, indeed. So, even though I only have three little offerings today, I do offer my sincere thanks to each and every one of you who stop in whenever I post to take a peak or leave a kind comment. Thank you all! As I've said many times, I think our cross-stitching / blogging community is the best of any on the internet!

The other night when my two older sons were over for their usual Sunday night dinner, I told them that I was having a giveaway because I had reached 1000 followers on my blog. My oldest son, with his typical quick wit said, "Yep, mom has a whole army of stitchers!" For some reason, that image just really made me smile--can't you picture us all just marching along with needles raised and ready to conquer all that stash we have patiently waiting in our drawers and closets?

So, what have I created to send to three new homes? Well, first up is this little Prairie Schooler pillow from the "In the Woods" booklet. This sweet, brown bunny is stitched on a mystery piece of 32 ct. linen with the suggested DMC colors and is trimmed with some handmade cording in the same rose color. The fabric shown behind him is what I used to back the pillow.

Prairie Schooler Rabbit

My next offering is one you've seen before, but everyone seems to love and that is "Painted Egg" by The Cricket Collection. This is one piece I never tire of stitching because the little bird is so dear. Now, the same can't be said for the finishing--boy, do those beaded edges take me a long time. I really admire those of you who routinely finish with beaded edges--what patience you must have! This one is stitched on 32 ct. Permin twilight blue linen and uses the suggested DMC threads. The chart can be found in the The Cricket Collection's "Eggs...etera" (No. 109) booklet, which occasionally comes up for bid on Ebay.

Painted Egg by The Cricket Collection

And finally, another Prairie Schooler that I've stitched many times, but have yet to keep for myself: "S Is For Spring" stitched with the suggested DMC threads on white 32 ct. evenweave. The handmade cording is done in the same yellow as is in the flowers and it is backed with this fun brown and yellow polka-dot fabric.

Prairie Schooler's "S" Is For Spring

Here is a photo of all three together. 

Spring Giveaway Offerings
Would you like to give a new home to any of these little pillows? If so, please let me know in your comments and make sure to tell me which one you like best. If you'd be happy with any of these, please list them in order of preference. The contest will be open until March 31st and I will pick three winners in April. To make it more fun and more interesting for all of us, I have a little task for you. Oh, don't worry--it's easy!! I would like to know what "simple things" you see in your room right now that make you smile and why? Yes, right now--no cheating and going off into another room. Whatever room you're in--just look around and what brings a smile to your face?  Pets and people are off limits because I know they make us all happy... Is there are certain photograph, a treasured hand-me-down, or a blooming plant that always makes you light up when you pass by it? Now, it's only fair if I answer the same question, right?

Well, I blog in my kitchen at my desk in the far corner so looking around I see many things that make me smile. I'll share four of them with you here in pictures...First of all, is one of my glass-front cupboards that houses a portion of my collection of reproduction Dedham pottery bunnies. Every time I see their sweet faces peering out at me, I feel good!

Awww... who can resist those cute little guys?

My husband always says it doesn't take much to make me smile and this next "happy thing" is proof of that. I bought a package of 24 polka-dot ribbon spools the other day with my 50% off coupon at JoAnn Fabrics (for a grand total of $7.50) and every time I pass by this basket of beauties I grin. Aren't they bright and cheery? And no, I don't normally keep my finishing supplies in my kitchen, but I just took them out of their plastic wrapper and had placed them in this basket so they're temporarily sitting on my kitchen island.

 A rainbow of ribbons--polka-dotted no less!

Another thing sure to bring a smile is my little Marjolein Bastin (love her art!) corkboard to the right of my desk. On it are photos of my parents and grandparents in their younger days, of my three sons when they were all about 3 or 4 years old, my dear husband at age 30, and my sweet black kitty, Shadow. There are also two Chinese fortune-cookie "fortunes" that have special meaning ("A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever" and "Use your education to change the world"). Plus, one of my old favorite quotes:  "She's not your typical librarian" cut from a very old magazine.

 A corkboard full of memories...

It is on this bulletin board that I keep an inspirational phrase by Edward Whymper always in sight. It simply reminds me of the importance of the way you conduct your life and that what you say and do each day  may truly have an impact on others. It reads...

 A favorite thought...

And finally, looking around my kitchen, I see these lovely flowers that my husband brought me after he returned from his recent Colorado skiing trip. I think he missed me--what do you think? This was a huge bouquet which I split into two arrangements. After the March we've had (it snowed AGAIN yesterday after being a perfect 72 degrees on Sunday!), I love having the bright colors nearby to cheer me up.

A burst of spring colors set against a snowy backdrop

Oh, and look what I saw yesterday as I peered out my kitchen window--the first robin of spring. Such a welcome sight after our long winter! Welcome back north, little one--hope you're bringing warmer weather with you.

The first robin of spring!

So, there you have it... some very simple things that made me smile recently. Now, it's your turn. If you would like to enter my giveaway, please describe something that makes you smile wherever you're reading this from and make sure to state specifically that you want to enter the giveaway. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.  As I mentioned previously, this giveway will remain open until March 31st... Best of luck to all who enter. Who knows, I may just include a few more little goodies with the stitched pieces!  

Thank you again for your visit--and I hope your day is filled with simple things that bring you a smile! Bye for now...


  1. awwww such a sweetie made me smile..
    and your giveaway gift is so cute and so sweet..
    please count me in.
    i love the ps rabbit.
    then painted egg..
    and then ps spring..
    at the moment the simplest thing i see in my room is my little mousie that i made last night..she is making me smile so much.
    love for you x

  2. Hi Carol! It's always good to see a post from you & I enjoyed this one very much! It will be fun to come back & read the various comments about the simple things people are seeing nearby them that make them smile : ) As you know, I don't have a lot of things on display as many of them are still in moving boxes hoping to see the light of day when we truly settle down sometime ... but for now I can say that one simple thing I can see that is making me smile is a little bunny pincushion I recently purchased from Carol at Buttermilk Creek Farm. It's just the cutest thing & it makes me smile every time I look at it. And yes, of course, please do enter me in your giveaway! All 3 offerings are lovely, but 2 are especially calling to me ... the painted egg, & the rabbit. I can't really say which one I like better than the other ... I love them both equally ... so if I'm lucky enough to have my name drawn, I would be happy with either one : )

  3. I'd love to be entered please . The Painted Egg is my favourite , but the other two are lovely too.
    My smiley things as I sit here are my two cats curled up on the sofa with me, pictures and cards from my kids which are stuck on the wall.My stitched pictures hanging up,and my wobbly ladybird on the window sill never fails to raise a grin ,lol .

  4. As always, this post and your stitching is positively delightful. It is no wonder you have so many followers. You are obviously a very charming, very beautiful, very lovely lady.

    Thank you for sharing with us.

  5. What a generous giveaway and cheery start to Spring! It is almost here, I just know it (aside from the snow that is coming tomorrow! lol). I love all three, your stitching and finishing are so beautiful!, but to put in order, rabbit, then Spring, then chick with egg. :)

    The first thing I see in my room that makes me smile is a small loose photo that I have tucked into the edge of another frame. It is a small black and white photo of my grandparents and based on the timeframe and what is happening in the photo I believe it was taken immediately after he proposed to her. Someday I will find the right frame but for now it suits the spontaneity of the photo. It always makes me smile :)

    Have a great day!
    krista x

  6. Love your blog header Carol, with your March ornies ! Your new finishes are beautiful ! My first choice would be the bunny , then the spring flowers , then the bird.. I love Prairie schooler :)
    I would have to say the thing that makes me smile right here is my camera that is sitting right next to my lap top on the desk ( should be put away in its case :) I love to take photos ( way too many) and it just reminds me that I am preserving our family memories ! Hope you get some warmer weather and it stops here first on its way to you !! We are having snow again this afternoon ! Have a great weekend !!

  7. What a fabulous way to start my day with your post, Carol! I would love to be entered in your generous giveaway -- rabbit, spring, egg.

    What makes me smile where I am currently sitting are the assorted pieces that I have stitched for my husband and his coffee mug (one side says "I wish the dog had a snooze button" while the other side says "Mornings are ruff").

    Robin in Virginia

  8. I love all your stitched pieces with their great finishes. In order it would be CEC Painted Egg, PS Rabbit and PS S is for Spring. As I look around right now I see my fuzzy sleepers and they make me smile. So warm and cozy and a sign that I am at home, because no way would i where these out in public ;-) CJ in OK

  9. Hi Carol, I'd love to entered for your give away, oyur little gifts are so goregeous. My preference would be for PS Spring, PS Rabbit and then the egg. Things that are making smile right now? Well reading your blog of course! lol Next would be the simple daffodils that I have in my lounge and dining room. They were in bud when I bought them last Friday and I'm enjoying watching them slowly emrge. At this time of year theyh are just the most cheerful flower! Lastly the sun is making me smile. It has shone here for most of the week so far, although it is still clod and we have had a little snow. Love the new header, it's great to see your monthly bowls again!

  10. What a lovely post! All of your finishes are beautiful but if forced to choose, I'd pick the bunny, then spring then the egg but truth be told - they're all delightful! The flowers your DH sent you are lovely and really do pick up your spirits, don't they?
    I am in my office right now and what makes me smile is a vase my son made for me in about 3rd grade. It's orange and red and teal blue and it's wonky and rough and I adore it. It makes me smile - especially when I have flowers to put in it.

  11. what a wonderful post. I would love to be included in your giveaway. The rabbit pillow is darling with the bird next then the PS piece. What do I see that makes me smile right this minute? A jar full of ribbons. They are so colorful and look so inviting. I really need to make some smalls so I can use them!

  12. Hello Carol! All pieces are beauiful! I'd love to be entered please .The bird with the egg is my favourite, then PSch. Spring and PSch. Rabbit.

    Outside it's snowing and I'm sitting in this room with a mug of hot coffee. My mug makes me smile because there are cute and colourful lambs painted on it :)

  13. Hi Carol! Always a delight to read a post from you. That is what made me smile before I knew you were asking. Well, that is a tough question since the computer is in our basement, nicknamed the "kid cave" around here. (I don't watch t.v. so I don't hang out so much down here.) But the framed characterture drawing of our three teens always makes me smile. And I can see my clear bins of stash across the room! ;)
    Please count me in for your generous drawing Carol. I have always admired that Painted Egg!

  14. Hi Carol, what a beautiful post as always. I have to say I always admire your finishing as its something I've never attempted but I would love to one day.
    I would love to enter your giveaway also please. All lovely, but my favourite is painted egg (so cute!) Followed by rabbit and then spring. Oh I hope I win, I never win anything!
    I am in my bedroom at the moment and as I look around the things that make me happy and smile are my wedding photo of my husband and I as that day holds such beautiful memories. My daughters first paintings and hand prints and my teddy bear who still sits on my bed to this day who I got the day I was born. A gift from my Mum's best friend. I love him, he's very special.
    Thank you :)

  15. Dear Carol, I always look forward to your posts and squee with delight when they show in my reader, they are always such a visual feast.
    I definately would love to be included in your giveaway (of course), I love them all but my order would be Painted Egg (I love this birdy), PS Spring and PS Rabbit.
    My computer is in my study/stitching room and I have a bookshelf with all exchange pieces I have received from my dear stitching friends on the shelves, they always make me smile, and a little felt owl that my 8 year old son made in art class (its just the cutest).
    Hugs to you

  16. What a lovely post Carol. I would love to enter your giveaway please. I love everything you've stitched but I think my absolute favourite is painted egg one so please could I enter for that one.

    I blog in my dining room and there are several things that make me smile in here. The knitted bunny, Snowdrop, which Julie gave me for my birthday a few years ago, the robin ornaments in my window sill which were gifts from my youngest DD and my iPod in the dock playing my favourite music :)

  17. You do such exquisite finishing....I would be proud to win one of your giveaways. I love each one you have done....
    two of my favorite designers(and I haven't done any of these individaul designs yet).

    Hmmmm, looking around the room for something simple that makes me smile....well, I'm in my unfinished basement so it's not pretty, but it is set up as work areas....I love my counter areas for computer, sewing machine and work space(if it weren't piled with projects). But the pictures in front of me make me smile...DH's two drawings and one of DD's 3-D artwork.

  18. Oh Carol, you're so sweet! You deserve over 1000 followers! Thank you for the giveaway! I love all three ornies and would love any of them. My fave is the bunny, followed by the sweet bird.

    Now for the task. Hmmm. Well I can't say Mia, so I won't. :D I'm in my bedroom. Right now, some of the things that make me smile (I love your Dedham bunnies, btw!!!) are 1.) a lovely card I received from Nicola's DD and DS of their adorable baby son Archie, 2.) my microfiber cleaning cloth of Mary Mccallester that Vickie from Needlework Press sent me as a thank you for stitching her, 3.) My Jane Atkinson sampler -- always brings me pleasure to look at it, 4.) some new Liberty of London Tawna Lawn fabric I just got in the mail yesterday -- yum!

  19. Wonderful stitcheries Carol and I love being one of many in your "army"! lol The simple things I'm enjoying and seeing right now are my tea set up with it's little pot, cup and a platter they set on. A clean desk(you did say simple), nice lighting and to my left on the book shelves my collection of Counted Cross stitch patterns, ah makes me smile and what a joy.
    If I was one of the lucky ones to win your fantastic giveaway my preferences are the painted egg, s is for spring and then the rabbit but truly, any would be welcome and cherished. Glad to see spring arriving in your neck of the woods. That means mine should be here in about 3-4 weeks! Jane

  20. Hi,
    I just found your blog this morning, and I love it, it's so well done and cheerful.
    Kathee in Maine

  21. PS: Your St. Patty's pillow in the header photo look grand. If I didn't have to scroll down to post they would have been amongst my list since they make me smile too! J

  22. All three giveaway pieces are lovely... but my favorite is the bunny.
    Right now there are two 'things' sitting next to me that always make me smile... Emma and Owen, my sweet corgis. But... the other thing that brings a smile to my face is the lovely vase of yellow and white spider mums. Despite the snow that's falling outside I have high hopes that spring will arrive soon.

  23. Beautiful finishes, l especially love that rabbit! Please enter me in your giveaway, thank you for the chance!

    I am sitting in the living room typing this comment. I look at the corner of the room, on the coffee table, there are my beautiful exchange pieces. They make me smile everytimes I look at them, I appreciate the time and love that my partners put in these pieces!


  24. Ladies -I have been in Carol's kitchen and let me tell you - there are treasures all around. Her home is so warm and inviting - just like Carol is.

    I love your spring give-a-ways Carol. I have to admit that the little bird is my favorite. He really really reminds me of spring.

    As I sit at my computer in the office (surrounded by boxes of unfinished tax returns) my eyes focus on a photograph my brother took of a cross-stitched piece my Mother did and that he claimed for himself after her death. There are 3 spring flowers interspersed with the words "Love One Another." In today's troubled world, that really says it all for me.

    Linda B

  25. You have a robin!!!! I keep looking for one, even though we have snow on the ground. We spotted the first one this week last year, so there is hope!! I so enjoyed your breath of spring - from your stitching to the bunnies in your cupboard and the polka dotted ribbon (who couldn't smile when looking at polka dots???) to the beautiful flowers. You are truly blessed! I love all of your giveaway stitches, so it's hard to put them in order.... hmmm, I guess rabbit, bird, spring, or vice versa!! : )

    Thanks for the chance and enjoy your robin!!


  26. I really enjoed reading your post about happy things. As I sit here at my computer I see my big dog looking out our window at all the birds and the beautiful wooded setting. I loved your St. Pat's header. Your Spring giveaway stitching is lovely. I like the CEC bird and the PS rabbit the best. The flower is pretty also.

  27. Silly me, I forgot to add my "make me smile" things. Hmmm, let's see. A little stuffed white Easter lamb, that one of my dd's bought me when I didn't feel good because she knows I like sheep... a half-finished LHN Sheep Virtues piece... A couple of project bags that I made and am using for cross stitch, a sweet PS chart with a bundle of floss tied in a pink bow that a stitching friend sent, a Winnie the Pooh coffee cup (empty, though.... hmmmm... must remedy) and a sweet puppy sleeping in front of the heater on the floor. There's happiness all around!!
    : )

    Blessings my friend!


  28. Everything is b eautiful Carol! I would love to be a part of it. my favorite is the painted egg followed by the bunny and then spring. Right next to me is a 8 picture picture frame of my married into family, my stepchildren, inlaws- all of them, it makes me smile that we are a true blended family.

  29. The first thing that made me smile was your finishes. I SO need to try a beaded finish. I love the end result. What brings a big smile on my face is the picture on the fridge of my son's recent college graduation and commissioning in the Marine Corp. It also brings a tear to my eye as well. Love your stitching and finishing. Hard to say as to just one. So, I'll say CEC Bird, PS Spring and PS rabbit.

  30. Is that robin going to have babies?? She looks very healthy for sure. I love your little pieces, they are so sweet. Unfortunately all my treasures are packed but I do have my bike in this room with me, and it makes me very happy! Have a delightful day!

  31. I really love the Painted Egg
    Followed by the S is for Spring.
    Rabbits really aren't my thing though.
    The thing that makes me smile is a suncatcher that my mom sent me in the mail shortly after I moved away when I got married. It arrived in pieces but I painstakingly glued it back together with super glue. You can't really tell from this distance.

  32. I don't know if I can play being a foreigner, but if I can, I'd love to enter my name in the basket, for the little birdie
    That would be matching well what makes me smile/laugh right now, in my little craft room in front of me I have a birdhouse hanging, with a little bit perched on it. I don't know what happened or who played with it, but I just noticed the bird is gone and replaced by a platypus....maybe ??? what is this strange animal ???... LOL.. Now off to find out where the little bird is...

  33. Fun giveaway! I would love to win any of the three, I think my favorite is the rabbit followed by painted egg and then PS Spring. I'm in my office right now and there are two things that just make me smile. First is a little framed piece of cross stitch that says Hearts, stitched as a large heart with little heart buttons insdie. Second is a wooden sign that reads "My kids have Paws". Love it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. What a wonderful post! it made me smile because there is something I like too. Things that opens my heart, like your ribbons and bunnies.Your finishes are as always exquisit. I like the TPS-rabbit.
    No robin in my garden, but a lot of other little birds.
    Greetings from Germany

  35. I love Giveaways, thankyou!

    They are all lovely, but I think that the painted egg is my favourite, followed by Spring and then the rabbit.

    I'm in the office at work right now, but one that makes me smile is a birthday card I got from workmates a couple of years ago. It has a picture of a turtle up in the air catching a huge frisbee!



  36. Loved your post!! We saw robins the other day too! I LOVE Painted Egg and would love a chance to win it!!!

    Love, Heather

  37. Congrats on having so many followers! Your prizes are so beautiful. I would love a chance at one. My first choice is the bird, second the rabbit and third S is for spring. My computer cabinet is a corner of my dining room. The things I can see that make me smile are three cross stitched gifts that were given to me. When the blinds are open and the sun is out, I love to watch the birds outside.

    Thank you for the generous drawing.

  38. Love your blog. You have given me so many new ideas on finishing and displaying my stitching. I don't have access to the internet at home but, before work and on my lunch hour, I read the blogs everyday. I enjoy connecting with people who have interests like mine. I love the painted egg, bunny, then S is for Spring. Right now I am sitting at my computer at work and it makes me smile because I have a wonderful job with really nice people and that is a real blessing. Thanks for taking the time to share a little of your world with all of us. Toni

  39. A very lovely post Carol, your flowers look wonderful from hubby.

    I love all of your ornaments but i think for me the little bunny is just perfect, i would love to be entered for that one please.

    I am in the office today, so for me there is a very little cat on the windowsill in here that my mother bought me some years ago and it says 'millionaires fund' on the side of it. The hole for the money box is that tiny you wouldn't be able to get anything into it, i think it is meant to make you realise you are a millionaire already with the things that you have in your life and not to wish for more.

    Happy stitching! x

  40. I sooooooo look forward to your posts! What an inspiration you are! Each and every stitched ornament is such a keepsake! I love the painted egg but could live with any of them...and be honored to have one in my house. Thank you for such a generous giveaway...have an awesome Thursday!

  41. What a sweet giveaway. Your work is beautiful. I'd love the chance to win one...and I'd pick that sweet bunny first, the cute chick second.
    Right beside my computer monitor is a picture of our sons when they were little, dressed up for Halloween, one as a cowboy and the other a scarecrow - I love that picture and wonder (sigh)where the years have gone.
    Thank you for your generosity!

  42. What a wonderful give-a-way! I love the egg,then rabbit and finally spring. They are all wonderful but the order is above. I have 2 things. There is a small Christmas tree on my desk that my friend sent me. It reminds me of our friendship. The second is 3 cottages stitched about 20 years ago that hang on the wall.

  43. Carol -- It's always so much fun to visit with you and see what you've been up to. You created some beautiful treasures for several lucky people. Since I've received a recent gift from you I will take a pass and let someone else have a chance to win one of your treasures. But I will tell you about simple things that make me smile -- I collect antique clocks (something my Grandpa and my Mom did too) and their gentle tick-tock and chiming always makes me smile and think of my Mom and Grandpa and all the wonderful memories in my heart!

    Have a wonderful week my friend. Spring is coming -- we so deserve it after all the snow we've had recently.

  44. Hi Carol,
    What a fun post! Congrats on reaching 1,000 followers... and counting.

    Please enter me in your giveaway. I think all the finishes are lovely, but here they are in order:
    egg, rabbit and spring.

    My computer is in my sewing room, and a lot of my finished pieces are on the walls and they all make me smile. In addition, right next to the computer is a small glass bowl filled with colorful woolen orbs that I have yet to incorporate into any project because they are so darn cute sitting there, and they always make me smile!

    Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  45. Please enter me in your give away. Your Painted egg is first , PS Rabbit and then PS Spring.
    As I look around in my dining room I see my life size granny doll that sits in an old wicker chair that was my grandmothers. My granny makes me smile every time I look at her. I dress her as the seasons change. Her hats and shawls.
    Thank you for this great give away.

  46. Oh Carol, I do enjoy your posts and our visits together. What a sweet giveaway. If I had to put them in order I'd say the CEC Bird, PS Bunny, and PS Flowers.

    As for things that make me smile, I'm looking at the tiny pincushion I finished last night from an old wooden spool and my collection of little gifts given to me by my coworkers. Especially the tiny Beanie flamingo. If only you could see my desk!

    Also a picture of me standing in front of the Eiffel Tower taken on a trip to France several years ago. Oh to be there now! Sweet memories.

  47. These are beautifully done! My favorite is the rabbit because I collect rabbits, but of course I also love the spring and the bird and egg. Thanks for sharing!


  48. I love all the ornaments, so I would be pleased with any of them.

    Since I am sick, I am thankful for this nice cozy bed and for my iPad which keeps me connected. On my nightstand, my olde Colonial box with Drawn thread design in it makes me happy every time I see it.

    Congrats on 1000 followers!

  49. Super-cute finishes and so generous of you to give them away. Frankly, my apt. is so stuffed, I wouldn't be able to show them off properly, so I'll leave the contest to others who have more display space.

    It's worth it to let your DH go on a ski trip if he gives you such beautiful flowers!

    "Good day? Ain't got no pain" to quote Paul Simon. That makes me smile!

  50. Gorgeous finishes Carol, as always!

    I'm sitting at my desk at work right now (shhhh!) so there's not a whole lot of things to make me smile among all of this paper :S But there is a couple, pics of my kidlets, one particular one of my boy with his great-grandparents, and a post-it note on my cabinet with a joke my daughter wrote out one time when she was at the office... Why don't monsters eat clowns?? Cause they would taste funny! ;o)

  51. What a sweet give away hun; I love them all and would be happy to have any of them. :) 1)bunny, 2)bird 3)spring. I just put away my "winter" goodies and put out my spring goodies; and I saw on pinterest where you take a little piece of burlap and criss cross it on a small lamp shade and add a little bird nest w/blue eggs on it (I have a picture on my blog) and I have been looking at those..:)
    Hugs, Shar

  52. Reading your post and seeing all of the 'lovlies' that you stitched for your giveaway made me smile:)

    I would love to be included in your giveaway. If I am one of your lucky recipients, please choose any one of them for me.

    As I sit here at my desk, and look around, I am surrounded by some favorite of my dearly departed grandparents, a cobalt blue Shirley Temple pitcher, given to my one of my beloved grandmothers, (she used to put syrup in it whenever she served us pancakes for breakfast), There is a lovely painting of the the dunes and ocean,behind my chair, and a favorite painted porcelain little girl with red hair and pigtails, (which reminds of our daughter when she was a little girl. These are just some of my favorite things!

    Blessings, dear Carol, for a wonderful week!

  53. Oh, please enter me in your give-away! I love them all but I especially love the rabbit. Love reading your blog!

  54. What a lovely giveaway, it's very kind of you! The egg one is my favorite, and your finish is amazing! Do you know that your finishes and your gorgeous Christmas tree are all over Pinterest? My friend near by here just finished stitching the egg ornament...I was thinking to stitch one too, but now I think I will wait :)
    The thing that make me smile.
    I just finished reorganizing my little "home office" corner on my living room and have a new frame with pictures from the last trip to Brazil above the desk. That makes me smile. Also the same frame has hooks and I have my cross stitched blue bird heart hanging from it. The last thing is a ceramic bunny I have near me holding a little basket with a pink primrose plant in it. But your post as always, made me smile. Pretty ribbons (I love polka dots)and the robin! He is sooo cute!Thank you for posting the picture. How blessed you are! How blessed we all are!
    Thank you for the giveaway.
    Have a great weekend!
    Ana Paula.

  55. You are so generous to your readers. I love them all but in order I like the PS Spring first, the PS rabbit second, and the Painted Egg third. Reading your blog has inspired me to start cross stitching again. It has fallen to the wayside as I started making more and more quilts. I am in my office/sewing room so the things that make me smile are many. My fabric stash is always good for a smile. And I use quilts for curtains. I am looking right now at a little alphabet quilt that is really a happy one. And the pile on my cutting table. Yes it is a mess but it is all the things both quilting and stitching that I am planning on starting in the NEAR future.
    Thanks for offering this great giveaway.

  56. Hi Carol:
    What a fun idea! As always, your stitching is spectacular and it would be a joy to receive any of the three ornaments but I do have a really soft spot for bunnies so would choose the PS Bunny first followed by either of the other two cute ornaments.
    I love your question. As I sit here in the kitchen, I keep smiling each time my eyes land on our Easter centre piece which is my collection of vintage Easter egg cups. I have them on a white wire 3-tiered tray. Each time I look at them I see something different. I am just so tickled with them and to have them on display at this time of year.
    Thanks as always for your beautiful blog full of inspiration.
    Have a great weeek, Wanda

  57. What wonderful works! Prairie Schooler Rabbit has won my heart. I'm in my office now and here I have some postcards on the walls that make me smile. These cards are very special as they've been sent by my friends by ordinary post from different parts of the world - France, England, Spain, Cuba, Russia, etc. As I'm cat&rabbit addicted, most of the cards contain cats and rabbits)

    Thanks for such a lovely giveaway!

  58. Well that was fun,reading everyone's comments. I am sitting in my dining room and in this room what puts a smile one my face is the antique mirror I got at an estate sale for 5 bucks....yes,5 bucks,really,it is a beveled mirror in a frame that totally matches my antique China cabinet.Don't you love a bargain?I would absolutely love to be so lucky as to have my name drawn for the rabbit,or any one of these little treasures.Thank you so much for offering them.Carol B

  59. What a fun post you've written.

    I'd like to be included in your give away.
    I'd like to be the proud owner of the PS Rabbit or the PS S is for Spring

    I just received the Painted Egg chart by ordering it through 1-2-3 Stitch! and I love the 32 ct. Permin twilight blue linen so much that I may have to get the same.

    The thing that makes me smile is the ability to look from where I'm sitting out into my garden that is coming alive with Spring. Where every day I can see something new.

  60. hahahaha, what makes me smile, even laugh just right now, is imagining me, besides you and our fellows on the same line, armed with a needle , with on our head a big thimble and a huge button as a shield =D
    such a funny picture...
    Your son found the perfect sentence, and I'm very happy to be part of your army =D
    (by the way how does your son who has been operated on feel now ? )
    If I look in the room I'm now, my office, I can see a picture of me, which has been taken in Rochester some years ago during the Dickens festival. I joined a competition in swimsuits of the Victorian period and seeing it makes me smile each time =D
    I will send you if you want, sure it will make you laugh too =)
    such a good memory of a splendid day I had
    your pictures smell Spring, I need Spring...
    I love your 3 pillows, please count me in your giveaway, such a great idea for the comment we must leave =)
    According to the picture of the 3, my heart goes to them in this order 1 / 3 & 2
    big big hugs sweetie

  61. My dear Carol,

    what a lovely idea from you to make us happy! ;-) So lovely Easter Ornaments, love them all, but my favourite is the "Painted Egg".
    So I would be very happy to enter in your giveway and hope I will have a little bit luck, but whish it to all cross stitch ladies here, too!

    Have a wonderful week
    Gabriele, still in the snow...

  62. All of the little pillows you stitched are beautiful, and I would be happy to win any one of preference for me!
    I agree with you about our stitching community being amazing. I don't have a blog, but I get SO much enjoyment and inspiration reading yours and all the others I read. I love your son's comment, and the image of all the stitchers armed with needle and thread marching to conquer WIP's and UFO's everywhere, making the world a better place!
    Since I'm reading your post from work, the simple things I see that make me smile are all my kids' various school and sports photos that I have at my desk, and a mug from a friend that says "If I"m sitting, I'm knitting".
    Thanks for a fun contest:)

  63. Hi, What a nice surprise for all of us. ;o) I love all 3 little wonders ;o) But my favourite is the little bird on it ;o) It's so cute. And about you're question. Now I'm looking on my white bunnies on my shelves, they are so sweet, that they makes me smile all day long ;o)

  64. Carol, I am an official follower today! I read your blog faithfully.....I would love any of your creations, but, the bird and egg are my favorite. As I look around my room I see my daughters report card on the fridge..Deans list! That really makes me happy. I also see a pot of spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove, and my favorite tea pot really makes me smile. Thanks for a fun giveaway. Beth N.

  65. My dear friend, what a lovely lovely post! and what sweet finishes to spoil us with! Like more everyone, I love all three, but if I were to have to pick my fav it would be Spring, then Painted Egg, then PS Rabbit .. darn that was hard! lol

    I'm at work right now and on my desk is little grouping that always makes me smile. There's a little red beach chair, some rocks with words on them (like Joy) and a picture of my kids *smile*

  66. Hello Carol,
    Every time I read one of your blog entries, I take away new ideas for finishing my smalls, so I feel like I've already won something every time I visit. So thank you for your inspiration. My mother was born June 26, 1913 and what makes me smile in my stitching room is her framed baptism certificate. It's elaborately decorated with flowers, angels, and Christ blessing little children. And I can't believe it's 100 years old this year!

  67. Love your header Carole it is so pretty,
    Congratulations on all your followers.
    Love the giveaways, would love to win any of them they are all so pretty
    Oh now what make's me smile , Oh Carol I have so many things in my room right now that make me smile,
    Here are just a few,
    My vase of roses my DH brought for me.
    Two ornaments of friendships my friends brought for me .
    My duck with pink boots,
    my Joy, Peace and dream bird's.
    My butterfly's they are everywhere I look.
    My cross stitch ornaments from my dear friends,
    And all my wonderful cards from friends I have on my table right now.
    I could go on and on I always display the things I love but I do chance them around every few weeks , hugs.

  68. You are so sweet to have a giveaway!! I love all your stitched things. They are so beautiful! However, the sweet birdie on the painted egg is my favorite...not to mention he's on my favorite color Permin linen! I love all things blue!! =)

    Hmmm, unfortunately I am at work, but there are still a few things on my desk that make me smile. There's the picture of my husband taken just before our wedding, he in his spiffy morning coat. There's my Castle calendar (TV show...I love this show!). There's my tea cup (really a mug)...nothing better than a good it's a Marauder's Map mug that says, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." There is my page-a-day "365 Cookies" calendar. Plus I have a little tribe of stuffed friends that perch on my bookshelf. Looks like it's possible to smile, even at work! =D

  69. Oh Carol what a beautiful cheery post with lovely photos. I have so enjoyed reading it. What a lovely giveaway, please include me xx

  70. Another lovely post Carol.
    Your blog header looks so nice. The cat with the four leaf clover is adorable :)
    I had to smile when I saw your S is for Spring pillow as I just finished that same design at the weekend and mailed it off to a friend on Monday.
    I had the most terrible time with the cording and almost emailed you for help. Would still love to know your cording secrets!
    I'd love to enter the giveaway
    1 Rabbit
    2 Spring
    3 Bird
    The thing in this room that makes me smile is the bunting made from Cath Kidston fabrics that my friend Sheila made for me birthday before last.

  71. Your posts never fail to brighten my day! Your stitching is lovely, and today's post was particularly uplifting, with your fat robin, flowers and a giveaway!

    From my spot on the couch, I can see my husband's grandmother's handmade candles, which always make me smile. She loved her garden, and used pressed flowers to decorate them. We love looking at them so much, and we miss her so much, we'll probably never light them!

    Thanks for the giveaway - I am totally in love with Painted Egg and would love a chance to win!

  72. Your finishes are beautiful. I guess i would put them in order as 1. PS Rabbit. 2. Painted egg. 3. PS S is for Spring.

    I have a picture on the wall that I splurged on. It is a folkart picture of Santa in a sleigh on the ocean being pulled by a large whale. A Nantucket Sleigh ride, if you will. Back in the day, one of my favorite rock groups was Mountain. They had a song Nantucket Sleigh Ride - a ballad. I loved that song. Nantucket sleigh rides were rather grim. Whale hunting, harpooning the whale while in a smaller boat and being pulled by the whale was the actual Nantucket sleigh ride. But this light hearted version by the artist makes me smile.

  73. I love this post! Congrats on 1040 followers.

    I'm currently sitting at my dining room table and the simple things are right in front of me: the woodstove that brings so much warmth and comfort throughout the long winter months and the antique teapot that was my Grandma's which is displayed in the antique china hutch that was my other Grandma's.

    I would be honored to receive any of the stitched pieces if I am a lucky winner.

  74. Hi Carol, wonderful little pillow finishes. I love them all.
    Favorites would be first the little bird, spring, and the bunny,but I would be thrilled with any one of them. Thanks for the chance!

    Right now I am visiting my mom and sitting in her immaculate living room. :) The first thing I see that makes me smile is her vast collection of Fenton glass vases and baskets. Next is the collection of porcelain dolls she has sitting around along with some cute little bears. They are all placed lovingly in their places.
    I smile just looking at my precious 86 year old mom. She is precious to me!

  75. Hello!
    I like them all, but the most beautiful is PS Spring:)

  76. As ever your give aways are delightful my favourite is the painted egg and I am so fortunate as I have that one already stitched by you sitting by my favourite chair, so I will pass. what I see when sitting at my computor that makes me smile is a small rabbit beanbag sitting on the top of my computor screen looking at me.

  77. Hmmm...looking around the room I am in...well I am at work in my cubicle so I would have to say that the felt stuffed flower on my desk that DH gave me so I would always have flowers at work makes me smile! and the picture of he and our son at Disney World too!

    Love the pillows....if I had to choose an order it would be:

    Thanks for having a giveaway!

  78. Carol....what a smile maker your posts always are! Our kids must be cut from the same mold!!! My boys always have witty comments about my stitching friends too!
    I love all of your little give away pieces, but I have been blessed by your kindness before, so I will let others enter...
    Things I see around me at the moment that bring a smile to my face are:
    the FREE merchandise I got in the mail from Thirty One for reaching a certain level!
    One of the scarves that I just made (I got too warm so I took it off!!)
    My incentive list for the next level with Thirty One.

  79. Carol, as usual this was a delightful read and all your pieces are beautiful. Your giveaways are fabulous - you're very generous. I was delighted to see your photo of a robin - such a harbinger of spring. Alas, winter is hanging on here with a vengeance. Just now I'm sitting in front of the computer and what makes me smile is having access to the internet and all that it makes available to me. Congrats on the 1000+ followers!

  80. Hi Carol
    I love coming home from work and finding you have posted. Your small finishes are beautiful as always and I would like to be included in your giveaway. My favourite is the Painted Egg, then the Rabbit and then the Spring one.
    As I look around the room I have a lovely bouquet of flowers from my step daughter for Mothers Day last Sunday, they smell divine! My work basket at the side of the coffee table always makes me smile with my current project sticking out of the top and I have a painted stone on the table beside me which was a present from a dear friend. It is so nice to be surrounded by simple pleasures which can be appreciated.
    Melanie x

  81. What a great give-a-way. I would like to enter to win the painted egg piece. I love the bird on the egg. (Really, I like them all.)

    I am at my computer at my desk where I have a small bulletin board. I have a variety of things pinned and tucked on there. One is a cut out newspaper clipping that says: "Ground Control to Major Pam..." (Refering to Pam Melroy but if the name fits...what the heck.) That always makes me chuckle. There are also a couple cartoons but one is of a man sitting at a grand piano in a tux saying..."This song goes out to everyone whose mom made him play piano even though he begged and cried and scremaed not to because he hated the %$#@ piano." Sums up my YEARS of forced piano lessons.

    Hope that robin is a sign of things to come.


  82. Another great giveaway Carol. I would love to be entered. I love all the designs and your finishing is so fabulous. My favorites in order are: PS rabbit, PS spring and painted egg.

    The first thing I see is my tubs of yarn. I'm so torn between stitching and crocheting granny squares. Stitching still seems to be winning.


  83. You are a busy stitcher! Love the little gifties, though I'm dying for spring so much right now, that little pillow is perfect! LOL
    And what do I see? I see beautiful sunshine pouring through the skylights. Memories of my entire life as I look at the bookcases with all of our photos. And of course, all the various and sundry items for stitching, as that's the room I'm in. So I smile. :)

  84. What a wonderful spring giveaway and a fun post. I am one of your army of fun that must have been to hear that.

    All three of your spring goodies are very sweet. I have totally fallen in love with the PS rabbit, but would be excited to have any one of them.

    I'm in my bedroom at the moment and some of the simple things that I see that make me smile are a life sized stuffed animal Dalmation that my daughter gave me years ago when I had my two deaf Dals, Baby and Zoe; a white painted glass fronted wall cupboard similar in size to your wonderful cupboard full of blue and white those bunnies in there...that is filled with angels, ceramic treasures made by my grandmother, Horizon of Hope baskets, etc., and some clear file drawers full of Lakeside linens and other stitch stash necessaries.

    What a sweet question to make you stop and look around and appreciate your surroundings.

    Thanks for your wonderful blog, your fun post, and the chance to win one of your sweet spring stitches.


  85. Over 1000 followers!
    Wow! It's because your posts are fun to read and great inspiration to us stitchers. Congratulations!

    Please enter me in your giveaway. Painted egg is my favorite ornament, but I'd be happy with any of them.

    Something that makes me smile at my desk is the mug rug made for me by Lorrie at A Stitcher's Snippets. It is a combination of many pink fabrics (my fav color). AND the 3 My Little Ponies I leave out for my granddaughter to find when she comes over. She is only 13 months but toddles over straight to them and she knows they are hers.

  86. Hi Carol,
    Always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your stitching projects.
    Congratulations on 1000 followers!
    WooHoo!! Thanks for a giveaway.
    So enjoyed reading all the above comments as I am sure you will also. What a great idea to lift us all up...a smile is a gift to pass on to others. CEC, PS rabbit and PS Spring for the order. I smile when I look at a photo of our 3 children taken 28 years ago when our oldest was 18. They went to a studio on their own to have their picture taken together as a Christmas gift to us, their parents. Since I usually orchestrate these events, it was a total surprise to both of us that year at Christmas. They got me!!
    Please keep sharing with all of us whenever you have time!! Take care.

  87. I love the Painted Egg! I'm in my family room right now with my children, and they always make me smile. Thanks for offering such a nice giveaway.

  88. I hope I'm a friend but not actually a follower, dear Carol, so am not eligible for your giveaway but wanted to *smile* lol! The view from the window over the lake, which is thawing, the Canada geese which do NOT make the WT smile at all, the ducks and swans that also live on the lake. The photograph of the forest in the UK where I lived for the last two years, given to us by our former neighbour. The painted sign that says My wife says I never listen, at least I think that's what she said! My stitching lying next to me, the blue sky and the sunshine today and the absence of snow!

  89. Hi! I love your blog and all three ornaments, 1.egg, 2 & 3 spring and rabbit. I have always celebrated the first Robin of spring as well, though now here in KY we sometimes see them year round! What I see in this room that makes me smile - little statue of a frog dancing - lovely candle that smells like spring - dog toys all over the floor - and the ikea dark chocolate bar on the table next to me (this is my living room) keep smiling! Shari (

  90. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway, and congrats on all your new followers. I love all of the sweet stitching, but in order are 1st The Painted Egg, 2nd the Rabbit, and 3rd Spring.
    I am sitting in my bedroom and looking around at what here makes me happy. I have the birth samplers for all of my children on the walls. Next to the bed on the floor is my current stitching piece plus the one I finished today. I always stitch on my bed because it is my happy place so there is always needlework nearby.

  91. Carol-I love seeing your new finishes, beautiful as always! I would love to be entered in your giveaway for either of the pieces. If I had to place an order, would be Spring, Rabbit, and Painted Egg. You have a wonderful collection of bunnies in your cabinet, I love them! Looking around my living room, I see my Grandma's glider. She's been gone several years now, but I can still envision her sitting in it, and it makes me smile. This chair is where I sit to stitch, and it makes me feel close to her again.

  92. Congrats on your many Followers Carol. Your Give-away is mot generous and if I had to put them in order it would be, bunny, bird, bouquet. Right n what maks me smile is the small drift of daffodils bloomig outside my window.

  93. I love your St. Patrick's Day blog header :) Your give-aways are all so beautiful - I just love how you've finished each one. Please enter me for a chance to win the beautiful little bird. Since our PC is actually in our laundry room, and where my DH has all his fishing gear piled up, it's not an easy task to find something that always brings a smile to my face in here....but I do have a beautiful calendar hanging up with nature photographs and I do enjoy seeing that as I sit at the computer...for March there's a photo of lovely daffodils & tulips in the Netherlands. Thanks for your generous give-away.
    Smiles, DianeM

  94. Carol, Another great post! Wow, over 1000 followers! That is something and stitchers too! We love your finishes and I would be so proud to own one of your little gifts. I like the CEC egg, bunny then spring. All are beautiful!

    I am so ready for spring too. Winter wants to hang on in the midwest. We still have some snow and cold temps.

    Thank you for your generosity and such great sharing. We love pics and you do a great job of making people feel like they are sharing a cup of coffee or tea and chatting away.

    pam in iowa

  95. Oh, my, I am losing it...I forgot to tell you what is making me smile today in my kitchen. I have a cute little basket of eggs from the Jim Shore collection and a wonderful Adam and Eve sampler right next to me. I love holidays and decorating for different seasons. Easter will be here soon...pam in iowa

  96. Oh Carol, I'm so excited! I would treasure anything that you stitched and would find a special place in my home for whichever one it please count me in.
    Things that make my smile....So many things as I look around....1st and foremost this very minute is my Mom as she sits and and is cooing to the second thing that makes me smile...Lulu. The 3rd hubby's reading glasses placed on top on MY I-pad..knowing full well that if I turn it on it's going to be on some page of the Bass Pro shop catalogue that I downloaded onto it this weekend for him. And there are soooo many other things, but those are the things that make my heart smile too :)

  97. I always enjoy your blog. Your stitching and finishes are so lovely.

    My favorites are:

    One thing that makes me happy as I sit here is something that I don't see - the tired wallpaper that my husband removed from our home office. Something that I actually do see that makes me happy is the evening sun shining through the window.


  98. Hi, I like your blog and your embroidery, and I hope I get a chance to win a wonderful bird, if I can participate. I live in Russia. Come for a visit to my blog. I recently embroidered clover as in your blog header.

  99. Sorry, forgot to add.
    I am pleased with blooming blue hyacinth on the window, a black cat, who loudly murcit and embroidered clover.

  100. I would be honored to have any of the 3 smalls you so lovingly stitch and finish with such detail! I can't believe you hit 72 already!We got to 50, but also got more snow, which is now gone again. Can't wait to have consistent 60's at least! I have my curio cabinet which is full of family photos from now and years gone by, it always makes me smile. And of course the Seasonal Collide picture hangs right above it! LOL

  101. Carol, congrats on your followers...we all wait patiently for your next beautiful post! Never a disappointment and always filled with beautiful, perfect stitching and lots of other goodies!

    Your giveaway is awesome and I would treasure any one of them if I should be so lucky! Please add me to your list.

    I have a small room in my home that is "my perfect space" filled with so many things that make me smile. Many great gifts from friends(stitched and other things) and favorite photos of my children and family. Now my computer is in here and all I need is a frig!

    Thanks for the fabulous post and opportunity to win one of your perfect smalls.

    Judy heartland stitcher

  102. Hello there! I love the Egg/Bird one and the Rabbit piece... And would love to win either! What makes me smile right now is a chart that was RAK-ed to me, the Snow Angel bead fob I am sending off to Beth, picture of my three older granddaughters, and my two framed beach pictures hanging on the walls here in my office. That was just off the top of my head... Hugs!

  103. I would be very honored to have one of your beautiful finishes in my home! Now, I am in the study and I see a beautiful basket that my DD made for me several Christmas's ago.Plus pictures of my sweet little Grandson!!(They are in almost every room)

  104. Carol's Army-where do we sign up?! I get snarky comments about my stitching and stash from my daughter but she doesn't understand my love for it and besides, it keeps me out of trouble! I would be honored to have any of your creations but I especially like Painted Egg for the beading!

    Something that makes me smile-the couch that my daughter has claimed as her own. We have two couches-I sit and stitch in the corner of one and she sits on the other. She's 18 and has quite the collection of nail polishes. They reside in a large plastic stationery-type basket on the other side of her couch. She's so girlie-girl and so unlike me. I'm starting to feel the empty-nest syndrome and she's starting to flex her 18-year-old muscles. So it's something I'm trying to get used to. I know! Buy some Nashville stash! Thanks Carol! Now I'm going so I can read the comments because I'm seeing some neat stories:)

  105. I love your post. What a great giveaway. I love them all but if I had to pick in order... Bunny, spring , egg

    As I look around I would have to say my Easter bunny a cross stitched design from Homespun Elegance makes me smile. I love bringing Mr. rabbit out each year.


  106. Who in their right mind would not want any of these......
    My picks would be
    egg, rabbit then spring.

  107. Oh my. I replied several hours ago but things seemed odd when I hit publish and there's nothing here from me, so I guess it got lost somewhere. I'll try to condense my earlier answers, :). Congratulations on your followers tho it's not surprising. Your blog is a pleasure to follow!

    I was walking my dog, so the things that made me happy were seeing the bright sunshine after days of snow, rain, and more snow, American flags blowing in the breeze at the house I has just passed and another home up ahead, and of course my good friend at the other end of my leash, Woody!

    If I have to rank your lovely gifts-to-be, I'd choose the egg and bird first, then the rabbit, and last but not least the spring design. Thanks for sharing!

  108. What a joy it is to read your posts. All those tiny pillows are so precious! My favorite would be the bunny, but any one of them would be wonderful. In front of me at my desk is a dear stuffed tiny bunny our grown daughter gave to me. It makes me very happy to see it every day and think of her:)

  109. Carol, I love them all so the rabbit first, s is for spring second and the darling bird third. My computer is in a small room with a treadmill(doesn't make me smile) I lost mu mom 12 years ago and my husband 9 years ago. They both dies way to young. I always make space in most of my rooms for pictures of them both. They always make me smile.

  110. Lovely and bautiful finishes as always Carol. Reading your blog always brightens my day and your stitching always inspiring. Please enter me for the draw :) My choice are Rabbit, Bird and Spring.

    As for your task, this is hard as I am currently in my office,LOL. Staring at my monitor, I had this little 2 1/2" fridge magnet in the shape of a killer whale attached below. Its transparent like the globe where it's filled with water.Inside the whale's belly are these minature seashells of white and brown shades and the largest of all is a red starfish. Cute little thing that reminds me of an island in our east coast with white sandy beach in the South China Sea. A wonderful getaway that make me smile everytime.

    Thank you and have a happy weekend.

  111. Firstly what a wonderful giveaway. The simple thing that makes me smile is a photo taken by my son who has special needs of frost covered leaves that sits on our mantelpiece. As for preference in order would be
    1. PS Rabbit
    2. Painted Egg
    3. PS Spring

  112. A lovely post Carol. I would love to be entered into your giveaway for the PS Spring ornament. I sit at my computer in the dining room and things I like in here are the flowers I received for my birthday and photos of my children and my favourite one of my boys and me on my 40th birthday.

  113. Well, I never knew until just now that what you call a robin and what we call a robin are not the same bird. Gosh, you learn something every day.
    Simple things that make me smile: I can see a vase of daffodils from here, which are just gorgeous and on the wall is a framed picture my younger daughter made on the first day she walked. We let her walk though dishes of paint and then across a sheet of paper. She's 16 now.
    I'd love to win any of those wonderful ornaments. The bird and egg is my favourite but I'd be delighted to receive either of the others too as they are all beautiful

  114. What a pretty giveaway, makes me want Spring to come!
    I love the Painted Egg, but the Bunny and Spring are all so pretty too.
    What makes me smile is my big glass bowl of Seashells on my coffee table.
    Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  115. Thanks so much for the contest and sharing your lovely stitching. I would like to try for the painted egg one, very pretty. There are many things that make me smile in my room right now - the wooden vase we brought back from our fantastic trip to Fiji, the fabric flowers in that vase from a lady I coach who wanted to show her appreciation of the work I do, the basket of tuck pillows awaiting my handiwork (they look pretty empty!) and the chocolate ripple cake my husband is currently making ;-).

  116. Lovely post Carol :)
    I'd really love to be entered! Three little cushions are cute, but I prefer the "painted egg".

    Which thing make me smile? Definetely Helmut, a metallic "reader" (he has a book) bird with a black hat that I bought in Germany. It's so cute and lives between my books :)

    Hugs and congrats for your followers army! :) Giovi

  117. What a lovely giveaway. I love all 3 designs and it took some time to rank them, but I think maybe painted egg, then PS rabbit,then PS spring. The simple thing that makes me smile is a BBD cushion that I received in an exchange from Shirlee. She filled it with lavendar, which I love.

  118. What a lovely give-a-way! Please enter me I Love them all but 1) Painted Egg, 2) S is for spring and 3) PS Bunny.

    I am in the living room on the wall is a wood print of a bird that my daughter made for me and on another wall are the first pictures of my 2 daughters from the hospital with their high school graduation pictures. Also a small photo of my dad laughing (always how I remember him).

    Thank you again,
    Rose K.

  119. Thanks for offering this great giveaway! My favourite pillow is the CEC bird on the egg, followed by the hare. I'm in my office, and my favourite objects are the photographs of my two boys, taken at different ages - which reminds me, I need to add a new, recent one! :-)

  120. My dear Friend,
    here is so cold...
    but you make a post every day more beautiful and rewarding with your work, and I cant' resist participating, I really like ^^
    my choice is<:
    'painted egg', 'ps spring' and then 'ps rabbit'...
    Your bunny collection is fantastic, I loved that collection,
    Thanks for everything, for sharing, your words,the flowers,
    Happy spring, happy St. Patrick, and I hope the heat get into our homes and gardens,
    I look forward to it.

    A big kiss
    thanks for the illusion of the draw ..

    kisses from Spain,
    so coldddddddd


  121. Hi Carol,

    Your blog is an inspiration and would be one of the "happy" items on my desk each day! I love to see your finishes. But I also have two old card catalog drawers on my libray desk that I fill with seasonal items - I love to repurpose items.

    I would choose the ps Spring for my daughter (S is for Sharon!), then the painted egg and then the ps rabbit.

    Thanks for brightening a warm spring day!


  122. My order of picks would be
    1. The egg
    2. The rabbit
    3. Spring
    I really love them all so I would be delighted to win any of your beautiful stitcheries. The thing in my room that delights me is the unpacked suitcase that I emptied last night. I have just returned from a four day quilting retreat with some of the ladies of my quilting guild, and looking at the suitcase reminds me of the wonderful time we spent together.

  123. Welcome to March!
    I'm not surprised at the number of followers you have - you are an inspiration to us all.

    What a lovely give away. I'd put the bunny in first, the bird/egg second, and I was the fortunate winner of Spring in a previous give away.

    Looking around, just this week I hung With thy Needle, March Word Play on the door of my office. Every time I look up, it makes me smile. Also, I have a wall calendar by Karen H. Good, and each month's design is colorful and sweet.

    I'd say, yes, he did miss you! And so did that fluffy robin. Makes me say spring is certainly not far behind.

    Have a great weekend!

  124. Hi Carol,

    Count me in, please! I love all your givaway designs, but the spring one most of all! Right now the thing that makes me smile is my "Hope" LHN pincushion, I keep it on my writing desk and have a look at it every now and then ;-)))

  125. I am always in awe of your stitching and your delightful finishing, so I'd have to say that it is almost a tie between the PS Spring and the Painted Egg and the rabbit comes in last place~ha! But really I would love anything handmade by you!

    My computer is in my craft room, on a desk that I have filled w/pics of family on the top shelf, so when I look up~I always see them smiling back at me! :))
    Also, I see all of my favorite things in this room~my bins of fabric, wool and linens, and some very sweet items that I've received in swaps from dear bloggy buddies. So I have plenty to make me smile in the C.R. (craft room)!!

    Thanks so much Carol!!

  126. Carol,
    I come to your site often, getting much inspiration! Your work is lovely!
    I am in my office room and the thing that always brings a smile to my face in here is the cross stitch piece of Noah's Ark my sister, Joy, did for me in 1996. She passed away in 2000 and I so miss her, but all the lovely things she has made me always brings smiles and wonderful memories of a wonderful sister I so miss.
    She taught me to cross stitch in 1993.
    I think she is the reason I give most of my stitching away, knowing how much I have loved her things, I hope my things bring pleasure to those I give them to.
    I LOVE the PS bunny...they are one of my favorite things!! He is just so cute!
    The Painted Egg is just wonderful with that cute little bird!
    And the PS Spring would be wonderful too.
    But, the bunny would be my very first choice.
    Thank you for a chance to win one of your wonderful creations! I promise to display it proudly!
    Judy in Kansas

  127. I would be hard pressed to select just one design as I love all works that you stitch! I would be honored if my name was chosen. I am in my computer/stitching room and I can look out into the yard and smile when I see the deer resting among the pines in the backyard. I guess the painted egg would go to 1st place if I had to choose...Barbara(Maureen's Mom)

  128. Hi Carol, I am a new follower - I came across from Anne Doll's lovely blog and I must say I am blown away by your blog, too. It is lovely and that was a great post that I just read.
    Please enter me in your giveaway and I love all of your sweet gifts so would be happy to win any of them - so, I will leave it in the laps of the gods (ie your capable hands).
    The sights that give me joy as I look around where I am currently sitting (my open plan lounge room/dining room/kitchen) are as follows: 1.My kindle sitting charging on a bench. I love my Kindle as it holds over a thousand books for me to read whenever I like. 2. My framed illustrated map of Shakespeare's England which my three dear children gave me one year and 3. My stitching chair, where I rest, relax and create.

    I would love it if you came to visit me on my blog,
    hugs Kaye

  129. Hi Carol,
    What a wonderfull post you made for us again.. really lovely
    I can imangine you have over 1000 followers. with all the beautifull things you show and tell us.

    Your sons must be so funny..I can see them laughing at you.. lol

    What a beautifull pieces you made, cute bunny.
    I love the birds, a really really cute pattern.
    And teh S is for Spring beautifull

    You always have such great tasks for use!!

    At this moment , my Easter tree.
    I made it together with the kids, all the crafts are hands made by us three.. it is looking so cute.
    The dak blue Easter eggs from Noah make me laugh so much..
    My two cuties..

    I love all tree of you pieces, most the bird and teh Spring.
    I love to enter for the Spring!!!

    Those bunny's of you really indeed are cute!!
    Your a big bunny fan?????

    What a wonderfull basket full of spools, and for that price?
    here one spool is that price!!!
    They are really really beautifull
    What a wonderfull Corkboard (funny name) love those picures!!
    fortunes cookies, can say the bast things
    With thise ebautifull flowers he has missed you ow so much..Your sweeeet sweet DH.

    Never seen a robin like that.. Here they are much more beautifull.. hihi.. but always so cute too see the birds.. it means Spring is coming.. and please let it come!!!

    Thnak you so much for writing this beautifull post

  130. Hi Carol,
    What a wonderfull post you made for us again.. really lovely
    I can imangine you have over 1000 followers. with all the beautifull things you show and tell us.

    Your sons must be so funny..I can see them laughing at you.. lol

    What a beautifull pieces you made, cute bunny.
    I love the birds, a really really cute pattern.
    And teh S is for Spring beautifull

    You always have such great tasks for use!!

    At this moment , my Easter tree.
    I made it together with the kids, all the crafts are hands made by us three.. it is looking so cute.
    The dak blue Easter eggs from Noah make me laugh so much..
    My two cuties..

    I love all tree of you pieces, most the bird and teh Spring.
    I love to enter for the Spring!!!

    Those bunny's of you really indeed are cute!!
    Your a big bunny fan?????

    What a wonderfull basket full of spools, and for that price?
    here one spool is that price!!!
    They are really really beautifull
    What a wonderfull Corkboard (funny name) love those picures!!
    fortunes cookies, can say the bast things
    With thise ebautifull flowers he has missed you ow so much..Your sweeeet sweet DH.

    Never seen a robin like that.. Here they are much more beautifull.. hihi.. but always so cute too see the birds.. it means Spring is coming.. and please let it come!!!

    Thnak you so much for writing this beautifull post

  131. Your posts always make me smile Carol. :o) Your finishes are lovely as always. I am so ready for spring and this post is just full of spring. Right now Lola my bulldog mix is making me smile. She is sound asleep beside me on the sofa. When she sleeps her tongue sticks out just a little bit and that makes me smile. Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  132. Titus is snoring in his perch, it's dark but I see a jar of root beer gum drops on my computer desk :D Congrats on reaching 1040 followers!! Love your you know :D Hmm...funny that I just pulled out that PS Spring design and threads to give it a start this week! I knew I had seen that chart before!!

    All of your stitching is amazing, but if I had to go with favourites, it would be the PS Rabbit and then the Bird and Egg. Although I like them both equally.

    Love your bowl of polka dotted ribbon!! I adore polka dots and always try to find material with dots. I have a pretty skirt and dress with polka dots. Seeing them altogether in the bowl is a lovely sight and would make me smile too! The Marjolein corkboard is lovely too with all your memories pinned up to see.

    Take care my friend


  133. I wish you would blog more often because I really love to read your post and admire your works! You always make me smile :)
    Hahahhaahah I love that! I'm laughing with that image of an army of stitchers! :D LOL!!!
    And there are gifts for us? Please count me in! :D I loooove Painted egg :) but Spring and Rabbit are also lovely pieces! :) crossing my fingers for good luck! :D
    I would smile with that basket of ribbons too! :D Polka-dots are always a happy thing :) right now, I'm in my bedroom, I have a photo that I love from sweet Carol, my niece :) she was a baby, her photo is all in blue and yellow, with the sweetest smile on her face :) I love it and I always smile looking at her smile =)
    Hugs to you my sweet friend! Enjoy your weekend :)

  134. I've already won one of your giveaways (used the little red scissors this morning!) so I don't think I should enter, but if I hadn't done so, I would choose the painted egg. Being a bit of a clutterbug there are lots of things in my kitchen that make me smile, so I'll just name a few - I have a model-size cast iron stove with miniature accessories, including a butter churn, and tiny mugs on its shelf with my name and my husband's and son's on them. I have had it (though not the husband and son!) since I was about 8, and I love it. And I am looking over at a stand-up plaque of a cut-out picture of my son crawling when he was about 10 months old - he is wearing a bib that says "Born to Trike" (as you know my husband is a big cyclist, so this only seems fitting!) I could go on (pewter fish measuring spoons, a little stained glass bird on the window...) but that's enough from me. What a great question!

  135. I would be honored to win any of your stitched beauties. I especially love the spring one.

    The first thing I see that makes me smile is my orchid plant that my son gifted me for Mother's Day four years ago. It has just recently bloomed again, and it's just gorgeous.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!


  136. Lovely pincushions! You have done a great job! Painted egg is my favo. I admire Marjolein Bastin works and collect her
    Works for almost 41 years. Your cupboard is reslly lovely!

  137. Congrats on having so many followers!
    What a lovely give away!. I'd put the the painted egg first; second PS Spring and the last one, the rabbit.
    At this moment, my lovely persian cat makes me smile.
    Thanks for this giveaway. I´ll posted on my blog.
    Hugs from Spain

  138. I'm always happy for a chance to win one of your stitched pillows. You do such beautiful work.
    I really do like all three of them so to put them in order with my favorite first:
    #1 Painted egg
    #2 Rabbit
    #3 Spring

    What makes me happy in this room is a doll on my daughters dresser. It's the doll that Santa brought me when I was a very little girl and the fact that I still have it and my daughter treasures it pleases me and makes me very happy.

  139. A lovely post, Carol! Such beautiful stitching and finishing - the 'Painted Egg' design certainly is gorgeous and looks so great on the blue fabric!

  140. Such a warm and cozy post! I am sitting in my bedroom, what I am looking at is a very large aqua blue glass ball that my husband and I brought back from Cozumel several years ago. It is exactly the color of the ocean where we were. On to the wonderful little pillows, my pick would be bunny, egg, flowers!
    Thanks for the lovely post!
    Amy from Oklahoma

  141. Thanks for such a cheerful post.
    I would like a chance to win
    1. Painted Egg
    2. PS Spring

    I'm in my bedroom now and my favourite things are a crystal polar bear given to me by my DMIL and a bookmark made by my DD.

  142. Without a doubt, the thing that makes me smile in from my perch at the bar in the kitchen is a footed green Depression glass bowl on the table. The bowl belonged to my grandmother and I've never seen another one like it. I think of her every single time I look at it.

  143. I'm in my bedroom and what makes me smile in here is my wall of photos of my husband and I. My daughter drew a picture of us on our wedding day and it hangs up there too. I have our wedding invitation framed and ticket stubs from a concert we went to together. So it's that whole wall that makes me smile. ~~ I love the 'Painted Egg'... I have a love for birds.

  144. What a generous give away of your beautiful work Carol. I love the bird and egg but all the rest are as beautiful. Love the army of stitchers picture. it is true! Hope you are having a great March and have a wonderful Easter holiday .

  145. I am a merry recruit in your stitcher's army Carol! And I would very much like to enter your giveaway. The PS Bunny has stolen my heart, so please put my name in that hat. Thank you so much for the chance to win such a delightful gift.
    Now, onto the question and a good one it is too. I'm in my bedroom, curled under a blanket as I'm a bit under the weather. But seeing my bookcase crammed full with books always makes me smile. I have all my favourites tucked in besides recipe books and Uni books and books that seem like old friends. Nothing makes me smile as much as my overcrowded bookcase :)
    Thank for hosting such a lovely giveaway, happy stitching to you!

  146. Beautiful finishes! I would be honored to display any of them in my home - first, Painted Egg, then Rabbit, then S is for Spring. From where I am sitting, the things I see that make me smile is my sweet cocker Abby who is sleeping at my feet, a little stuffed dog from an old McDonalds' kids meal that's sitting on my desk, and a 15-yr old photo of my boys hugging in the playpen. Thanks for making me smile!

  147. Hi Carol, Please enter me in your giveway. I love them all but in order I guess would be 1) the bird, 2) the bunny, and 3) s is for spring. Hmmm... let's see, what makes me happy right now would have to be the picture above the desk of me holding Madison when she was a month old. She is sleeping in my arms and it was my birthday. Everytime I look up at it it makes me smile.

  148. What wonderful little pillows. They are so pretty. I would love any of them, but if I have to pick a favorite, it would be the painted egg, the rabbit and then spring. All are just beautiful. Some thing in the living room (that's where i am right now)that makes me smile, I have a little chick pin cushion that I think is so cute. My cat tries to steal it often and that makes me smile too. I also have a kilt coaster sitting next to my chair, my husband is a piper and a friend gave the coasters to us.

  149. Hi Carol,
    If I had choose from all three delightful bowl fillers, I would say that the Painted Egg is my favorite, with S is for spring my second choice, followed by rabbit. My pincushion collection is in my room with me and it brings me a smile every time I see them... Mary A

  150. I like to read about the things that give you a smile. What a great question !!
    I blog in a corner of the livingroom and besides me there are standing some lovely handmade bears (made bij friends) and when i look at them they bring me a BIG smile ! On a small drawer I see my small collection of scissor (always make me smile) and 2 other small handmade bears and again ... there is the big smile :-)

    I like the things you made for the give away, its hard to say which one is the best because they are all three, but we had to make an order so here we go:
    the rabbit, then painted egg and then spring.

  151. Dear Carol!
    Above all: Congratulation to the 'army of stitchers' that follows your blog .....
    But I do not wonder about - I enjoy every post you write and love every little story you tell - and most of all (of course) I love your stitchings!

    I would be very happy if I would win one of your wonderful little works. And as they are so cute all three of them, I really can not decide, which one I like most ...

    I hope you can enjoy a sunny and warm day today after this long long winter!


  152. Dear Carol,
    I would love to enter the giveaway! I especially love the bunny, but my second choice would be the spring design and then the little bird on the painted egg. Any of your stitched pieces would be wonderful to win.
    As to what thing(s) bring me joy in my current environment, I would have to say the blue spode plates that are hanging on the wall over my computer desk. Some of my friends surprised me with them on my 50th birthday...and this year, I will be turning the plates have given me pleasure for ten years.
    Your blog is my favorite! I love how beautifully you stitch and finish your items. I admire your beautiful home and garden and your wonderful family. Thank you for giving your blog followers so much pleasure.

  153. I am collecting my bookmarks and adding them into the new Bloglovin reader. So I am a new follower and what a wonderful post to start with! I enjoyed your entire post, but especially the first Robin. I don't see any here in TX but had a bunch when I lived in PA.

    You are so generous to give away your precious stitching. They are all lovely - but I love rabbits and birds so those would be my choice if I would dream of winning your giveaway.

    What makes me smile - I am working from my home office today and have a poem my 10 year old wrote me and a Darth Vader coloring book page he made for me when he was 6. Then a stitched piece that says "The beatings will continue until morale improves!"!

  154. Hello Carol!
    Congratulations on your "army" of stitchers. I think that you are an inspiration to many of us.
    Of course I would love to be entered in the drawing for the sweet rabbit. So simple things that make me smile....My slippers, the cloth napkin that I am holding a warm bowl of dinner and my husband nearby. Sigh. I am blessed.
    Have a wonderful week!

  155. These are all so adorable, I couldn't possibly pick! What a great variety to them, and all so perfect for spring.

    I thought the answer to your question would be hard because I'm in the office right now, which doesn't have a lot of happy-making items in it, unless I wanted to get my geek on and say my iPads. (And I have to say, they do make me happy.) But it turned out to be simple because I have a thank you card received from my mother sticking out of one of the slots where cd's can be stored on my desk (remember cd's?), with the printed side hanging out. It's a cute little dragonfly and I kept it as a memento because I have gone years sometimes without connecting with my mother when her life goes off the rails so it's a reminder of better times and that she does love me. So maybe it's more bittersweet than 'happy' but I do cherish it and do like to look at it. I think your cherished items are far cheerier than mine but, like I said, it's slim pickings in this room of the house and I'm sticking to the 'rules'. :)

    I would have knocked someone over to get to a pack of polka dot ribbons. Maybe. *ahem*

  156. I have a favorite photo of our three sons taken a year ago at the youngest wedding. Love my boys! Makes all those years of raising worth it when I look at them all grown up.
    I really like the Painted Egg-reminds me of the wrens that we have in summer! Such fun to watch and oh so busy! Next would be PS Srping--I am so ready for it! And then PS Rabbit--he is a cute little critter!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these!

  157. I have a cute little stuffed cow in my kitchen. Every time I see it I think of my (silly) husband the first time he saw that cow. He said - oh what a cute little cat --- oink oink.

  158. oops - I forgot to say I would like to be entered in the giveaway too.

  159. Oh Carol your finishing are always the best! Please enter me in your giveway, I love the stitched peace with bird and egg, the rabbit and then the flowers.
    In this moment I'm in my bedroom, I'm reading your blog from my Ipad...on the wall there's a LHN stitched, it says "while stitching threads with gentle care, I pray this humble little prayer thant with this work the world may see, the beauty in simplicity"'s a gift from my lovely friend Paola and it makes me smile, because it reminds me of our big friendship. There are 250 km that separate us, but it doesn't matter: real friendship it's stronger than the distance!

    A big hug,

  160. I love the way you've put this giveaway together! Very creative.
    Congratulations on your "army" of followers. I'm not surprised at the number.
    I have been sitting here looking around the room, looking for something that makes me smile but it has proved to be very difficult as I am currently in a hotel room...and it's not for pleasure but work related.
    My eye keeps going to the three juggling balls I packed with me. I guess they make me smile because it's just a silly thing that I am determined to master and I'm really not very good at it yet. :o)
    I have so enjoyed reading some of the comments here. By doing this you have brought smiles to SO MANY faces.
    Oh I almost forgot...Ohhhh it's so hard to choose my favorite!
    I think I like Painted Egg, Spring, and then Rabbit in that order. You finished them all so beautifully!
    By the way...I really like the things that make you smile too!

  161. Congratulations on such a landmark number of followers.

    All your pillows are gorgeous, I couldn't choose a favourite.

    What's making me smile? That would be the Mothers Day cards that my children made me :)

  162. Hi, I would love to win your give away. A simple thing that makes me happy? On my pie safe I have 5 glass baskets from my Grandmothers house. My Mother has just given them to me and I think of springtime and would love to put the pillows in the baskets. Thanks!

  163. Carol congratulations on a 1,000 followers. These three pieces you made are just beautiful. who wouldnt want to win those. Things that make you smile, the bunnies are so cute. They would make me smile to. How thoughtful of your husband to bring you flowers. Special flowers for a special lady. Looking around my room, I am still living with my sister, My yankee candle makes me smile. The scent right now is vineyard, one of my favorites.

  164. First, thank you so much for making this contest so interesting. It brought me such pleasure, taking the take to really look around and think. I have an apothecary cabinet that stands about 4 ft. On top is what I called "Tommy Gifts". It has on it items that are from my son Tommy who moved out to go to school in Boston. I miss him terribly. The item I love the most is a photo he took of the Citgo sign near Fenway Park. It makes me smile every time I look at it.

  165. What a wonderfully happy post! I would definitely love to be entered to win any one of those lovely preference, cos' anything made by you is a treasure :-)

    I, too, love the simple things in life. So, what makes me smile where I am right now? I am at work, so I would say first off I smile at the open window that lets me feel the breeze and hear the birds. I am also surrounded by pictures of my children and grand-daughter, so those definitely bring a smile to my face. Next would be my jar of mini M&Ms that I love to steal from throughout my day, LOL! A girl can never have enough chocolate :-) And last, but not least, would be my stitching corner that offers me a wonderful place to relax on my breaks and lunch hour! My office is truly my home away from home!!

    Congrats on the massive amount of followers you have gathered...they are well deserved since your posts are always so wonderful, full of positive thoughts and feelings and beautiful stitching.

  166. Hi Carol, Your son's remark made me smile. I can just imagine 1000+ women marching along, needles aloft ;-) My computer is in my work/sewing room and to my left are large glass jars full of ribbons, sorted by colour. Lots have come from gift packaging, some very old pieces of lace and offcuts and some from craft shops. I love turning them and admiring the colours.
    Please enter me for your draw. My favourite is the rabbit, followed by the bird but they are all beautiful. I don't know how you get them all so neat, you should give us who just sew round the endges and stuff a few pointers. Mine never look this good.
    all the best,

  167. That is one FAT robin! I haven't seen any yet. But then it's sub30F with below zero windchills. Brr!

    As for what makes me happy at the moment? I'm on break at work so in looking around... it's the happy people I work with :)

    I'd love to be included in your giveway. I like the one with the egg the best... so cute! Second would be the PS one. I know I've said it before, but you do such cute finishes! Kudos to your army of stitchers :)

  168. Your Giveaway is perfect - As always !!! It is soooooo hard to pick a favorite but the bunny is just awesome!

  169. Hello Carol!

    What a lovely giveaway! I would have to choose the bird on the egg by Cricket as my first choice, should I be that lucky...

    Your stitching is beautiful as always. I love your collection of Dedham pottery. I have one piece of it, and smile when I see it. I also am a big fan of Marjolein Bastin. I have several of her pieces in our kitchen.

    What makes me smile in this room? (I am currently in my office at work) So, I smile when I look at a cute rabbit figure holding a book in his paws and wearing gold rimmed glasses. He is a favorite accessory of mine on my desk. I also have a beautiful clear glass paperweight on my desk with the quote "I cannot live without books" by Thomas Jefferson etched on it.

    I enjoy your blog so much, it is one of my favorites. I also smiled when I read your son's remark about "Mom's army of stitchers" ha!

    Take care.

  170. Carol, I enjoy your blog so much. Inspiring! I loved reading/seeing the things that make you smile in your kitchen. I especially love the quote you shared and will have to add that to my collection. ( Yes, I collect quotes...quirky!)

    I am currently in my sitting room that is connected to my bedroom. This is one of my favorite rooms in my house and it makes me happy just being in here. I spend a lot of time in here stitching and knitting. There are three framed candid photos that hang directly across from where I am sitting. They were all taken on various favorite vacations and remind me of tun we had. Good memories! Also on the walls are a sampler I stitched by With Thy Needle and Thread that I adore, two framed collections of Disney pins and buttons that my husband and son have acquired over the years, and a framed sketch of the Disney character Stitch that was drawn by a Disney Imagineer that we see in the parks frequently when we visit. As you can tell, I and my family really love Disney! I also enjoy the little radio on my side table that my iPhone connects to. I've enjoyed many an audiobook while stitching using this device. I love being able to combine two loves!

    Your giveaway is very generous and I would be honored to win anything you have stitched and finished, and while I really don't have a preference, I will make a list because you asked us to do so.

    Painted Egg
    PS Rabbit
    S is for Spring

    I hope you have a wonderful and blessed weekend!


  171. Oh my goodness, what a WONDERFUL giveaway! I drool over your beautiful finishes every time I see a new one. How fun it would be to own one. Let's favorite is the PS rabbit, so that would be my first choice. Second would be the birdie on the egg, and then lastly would be "think spring"....although they are ALL three so pretty. :)

    Okay, what makes me smile. Well, my most favorite thing in this room is my wall of samplers that I've been adding to for years. I love it VERY much, and smile every time I look at it. It's fun to look at each one and remember what was going on in my life when I stitched it, etc.

    Thank you for the chance and for sharing your pretties with us. I enjoy your blog very much. :)

  172. I would love to be included in your giveaway. As I looked around the room my eyes were drawn to the view from my window. It is a very pretty and peaceful view and this made me smile. Then my eyes took in my stitching corner and this also made me smile as I always feel so much better are stitching on a project for an hour or two.

  173. As always you have such amazing finishes, I love them all. Hard to choose which one I like because they all stand out, so in the off chance I was a winner I would be happy with anyone of them! The flowers are beautiful that your husband gave you! Congrats on your huge following in the stitching blog world! As for what makes me happy that is around me, seeing all of my cross stitching stash scattered around the living room all neat and tidy and knowing that later tonight I will be sitting in my corner and stitching away!

  174. What a lovely post to have found. I'm your 1059th follower - that's quite a list!
    I'm stitching on a little house of hearts but am mostly knitting for three expected grandchildren right now.
    I love the little bird on an egg!

  175. Hi Carol
    Your blog header is adorable. The 3 smalls you have offered as giveaways are all just too cute. The stitching is so beautifully done. It is hard one to decide which I like best. But, if I'm forced to choose I would love to put in the drawing in this order: 1) PS Rabbit 2) PS Spring 3) Painted Egg.
    Well since I'm at the office very few things make me smile when I look around (haha) but I do have some lovely handmade baskets that I've brought in from home and have on my desk. I love that they are handmade in the USA and that they are made of wood and are ever so earthy. I also still have up a small 6 inch handmade pinecone Christmas tree. I haven't decide how I'm getting it home on the bus without getting crushed. I'm slowly clearing out all my personal items because I get to retire in a few months. That definitely makes me smile. Then I can stitch all I want and maybe I'll get brave and try to blog :-)

    Albany NY

  176. Love your spring giveaway Carol. Here in N.Z we are having a very hot summer, officially now Autumn but still good high temps. Easter this week end, it's looking pretty good.Love the stitcheries for your giveaway. Please enter me. I like all, rabbit, egg, spring.What makes me happy and smile in the room I am in now, A photo of my grandaughter, chubby little cheeks, long curley hair tied with a bow, reaching out to a flower ready to pick.The look on the face is "I'm going to pick that'. Thank you for your lovely blog and viewing all your wonderful stitcheries. Shirley

  177. Hi Carol, I have only recently discovered your blog and I am really inspired by all of the lovely projects, especially your Prairie Schooler pieces. Every time you post one, I think about how I need to get back to work on mine! :)

    If I were lucky enough to win one of the pieces from the giveaway, my first choice would be the lovely bird and egg from the Cricket Collection. It reminds me of a wren, one of my favorite birds, and I love their designs! The other two PS designs are beautiful and I would be grateful to receive either of them.

    A friend recently gave me some pussy willow branches and I found a pretty blue dotted jug to put them in. That is definitely making me smile right now. :)

  178. All three are so lovely I'd be pleased to receive any one.. and what makes me smile, is a photo of my daughter on her wedding day taken to show off the fresh flower headress. Something I thought wouldn't work, but thats what she wanted and it is beautiful. That was 20 years ago..
    Congrats on getting a 1000 followers, I am in there somewhere and I signed up to follow you a while ago
    Chris x

  179. I would love to be consider for ANY of these. They are all so pretty! What makes me smile - my buddy Brandy! She is a cocker spaniel and my best bud.

  180. Hi Carol!
    I love your collection of ribbons. And you've bought them as a real bargain.
    I never win anything but I'm going to give it another try. I would go for the "Painted Egg" followed by "S is for Spring" because I love the cording :-).
    Kind greetings,

  181. Thanks for the opportunity!! I like them all, but since an order was asked for...Rabbit, egg and spring. Something that makes me smile in the morning is seeing the project I am working on :-) Have a great day!!

  182. Carol I'd love to be included in your give away and I would be honoured to receive any of the little stitched pieces you've made.

    What simple things make me smile as I sit here at my desk at work? The clover plant my friend gave me after I had to put my cat down. I've managed to keep it alive for 2 years now.

  183. What a lovely giveaway! I'm rather partial to "S is for Spring" myself.

    Well, I blog in the family room so there's lots around. Let's see: there's the bowl of bright red apples that always cheers me up, and the lucky bamboo that's a lovely splotch of greenery.

  184. Hi Carol..well I might as well throw my needle into the ring ha ha. Love all your giveaway items but I'm partial to the PS Bunny with the pink trim :). As for simple things...well I'm at my desk working at the moment and right above me is my cross-stitched Scarlett O'Hara. It took me 7 yrs off and on to stitch it and I still love it. That and my desk clock with it's Paris theme...I can look at it and think back to fond memories of my 2 trips there. Thank you Carol for the lovely things you make to cheer us.

  185. I would love either of the Prairie Schooler finishes :)

    What makes me smile in my Living Room......the Gracious Era piece that both my Mom and I worked on together. It's a true treasure :)

    Thanks for entering me :)

  186. What a great post! Thanks for a chance to win. I love the birdie the most, but would be tickled to give any of them a new home. I'm actually at work right now, and I have a little stuffed Giraffe in my cube that makes me smile. He was given to me when I was having a tough time in life, and he continues to add cheer to my day.

  187. I couldn't possibly decide my favorite .... they are all just adorable! As I look around my family room, I try to pick something that is "my favorite"....anything connected with baskets of WIP's, a favored basket hamper filled with fibers, a basket of charts waiting to be pulled into the "flavor of the day" stitching project, a basket of charts and
    "current" WIP' needlework on the all gives me great peace and joy (even when I've had to do some reverse stitching! I'd love to be included in the wonderful give-away you've so generously offered!

  188. Oh yay! A fun giveaway. I am glad I didn't miss it since I am 770+ posts behind on blogs from my vacation. Will I ever catch up?! I love the's my favorite! Next would be S for Spring and then the PS Rabbit. I'm at work (shhh, don't tell anyone) and only have my tiny cube to look at but the things that make me smile are my little good luck chinese cat, my wall-e figurine, my winnie the pooh figurine, a photo of me dressed in full firefighter gear with my first chief and a magnet that reminds me to laugh once in a while. It says "laugh". :) Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway Carol!

  189. I recently got back into cross stitching, and your blog has been just such an inspiration

    to me. I got back in while under breast cancer treatments, and I worked on Margaret Sherry's design of four chickens knitting-I named each chicken the name of a knitting friend. It hangs in my sewing room--every time I looked at it, I smile.

  190. The simple pleasures in life bring a smile to my face...the smell of fresh bread from the oven permeating the house, the sound of my grandchildren responding with "I love you MORE, Nonna", the taste of homemade strawberry ice cream, the sighting of the first robin of spring, the feel of a well-worn quilt...
    Thank you for entering me in your lovely giveaway...if I should win, please choose for me...surprises make me smile, too!
    Happy Easter...Happy Spring
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  191. Wow so many comments! I would love to enter your give way for any of the pretty pillows please. Now I shall look around and see what makes me smile. Firstly there's an Eiffel Tower sitting on my desk which reminds me of my recent trip to Paris. Secondly, a beautifully stitched and finished rabbit from a dear friend. Thirdly a jar full of AVAS silk threads wound onto tiny spools. Lastly, but by no means least, is a photograph of my darling grand-daughter Kirby at her graduation from university!

  192. I stumbled upon your blog and I am amazed at all of the wonderful posts. I would love to enter the give away for the Painted Egg. What makes me smile. When I look around I see my Lighthouses and it reminds me of the beach. I love when my family and I go in the summer to the beach - there is the sound of the ocean, the sand running through your toes, and then sunset - the most peaceful time of the day.
    Happy Easter!

  193. Oh, please do enter me in the giveaway! I would be so happy to "win" any of the three...they are so lovely. I look forward to your posts and you have inspired me to try and complete some seasonal pillows each month too! While I look around from where I am sitting, one thing that makes me smile is a little plastic solar powered flower in a pot that waves back and forth when the sun is shining that was given to me by a friend. Unfortunately, it hasn't been waving too much lately, but it still makes me smile whenever I see it and gives me hope for sunny days ahead. Thank you for taking the time to write such a wonderful blog with pictures showing your lovely stitching. Happy springtime!

  194. Dear Carol, what a lovely, and sweet post to remind us of the promise of Spring ~ I so love reading your posts as they always make me smile and dream ~ Thank you for another lovely giveaway ~ they are always so special~~ and what beautiful tresures made with loving hands! I love all three and cannot make up my mind between The Painted Bird and the PS Rabbit as first choice ~ They are both special and beautiful ~ and I Love the PS Spring as well ~

    And what lovely photos of your treasures in your kitchen. I so love your Dedham bunnies~ so sweet and lovely~ and the corkboard of memories~ and what lovely and cheerful flowers from your DH~ There have been so many birds and squirrels and rabbits visiting my gardens of late ~ several robins and cardinals and bluebirds, and blackbirds along with all the others and they always bring a smile~ and the grandkids love watching them~

    As for the simple things that make me smile here in my study ~ well I'm looking at your blog just now and it always brings a smile ~ Here on my desk I have precious photos of my beloved family surrounding me ~ and they never fail to bring a smile ~ On the wall over my desk is a favourite old cross stitch design of a robin on a holly limb with the beautiful verse "I heard a bird sing In the dark of December~ A wonderous thing And sweet to remember" ~ I stitched this back in 1981 and it always, always makes me smile! Another stitched piece with the verse "You Are My Sunshine" along with a cheerful smiling Sun hangs beside it in the center of my desk over all my family photos~ because they are indeed my Sunshine in this life ~ Those are just a few of the simple things here in my study~ and they never fail to cheer me~ And of course there is my Coffee I'm sipping in my favourite Starbucks mug with a scene of the North Carolina Outer Banks and the Bodie Island Lighthouse~ a treasured gift from my love~ Thank you again for the lovely giveaway and wishing you a joyful and blessed Spring Thyme and Easter~ Blessings in stitches~ Cheers~ Elizabeth

  195. Happy Easter!
    Also I would like sign up for this super candy.
    I like flowers.

  196. I finally had a chance to visit your blog this evening. I love your pieces--but I love the picture of you from your birthday when you were little. Too cute!


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Hope you have a wonderful day!