Friday, September 14, 2012

This and that

Good morning, my blogging buddies! I hope this post finds you enjoying September in all of it's glory. I am loving this cooler weather and the sounds and smells that only autumn can bring. I took a stroll around our yard and gardens yesterday and, even though things are slowly withering and fading away, fall has a beauty all its own, don't you think? I just love the way the light shines in autumn--there is something so appealing about the way it streams through the windows and illuminates the house in a softer, quieter way than the harsh rays of summer. The world of nature is slowing down and preparing to rest for winter and that slower pace of life is so appealing to me right now...

I've been stitching a bit--not as much as I'd like, but I've still managed to get a few things finished... I've also started on my monthly "bowl" finishes for September, too--any guesses as to what my theme will be? My Christmas ornament for August is this winsome snowman. I mean really, who can resist that face? Doesn't he resemble Winston Churchill a bit? Well, I think that is what the designer intended as the name of this chart is "Winston the Snowman." It is a Trilogy chart which I stitched on 40 ct. raw natural Newcastle linen using the recommended overdyed threads with a couple of small substitutions.

I did make some minor changes to the original design; I added little snowflakes (Smyrna stitches) falling around the snowman and also added a handle to his umbrella. Winston is backed with a blue checked fabric that picks up the colors of his scarf. I then finished him off with blue cording and a wire hanger made by simply stretching out a spring--a super easy finish!

"Winston the Snowman" by The Trilogy

September's ornament is a companion piece to my December 2011 ornament which you can see about in this post. This is simply the motif at the top of the "Woodland Peace" sampler from the February 1993 issue of Leisure Arts Magazine. I wish the true color came through (my camera is wonderful, but reds always tend to look a bit "off" for some reason)--it is more of a cherry red than this fire engine red that seems to be showing (on my monitor at least). I used DMC 304 and stitched it over one on 28 ct. white evenweave.

This is a perfect example of how you can turn a very simple design into something a bit more special by adding various fabrics and trims. Isn't it cute? I love those miniature bells and the engraved silver button--I think they give the piece a nice, old-fashioned appeal. So, I'm now caught up with my monthly ornament stitching--whew! This has obviously been a year of stitching smalls for me and I'm so proud to say that I've been keeping up with my finishing for a change. (Of course, I still have a drawer full of things I've stitched, but not finished, from years past--I wonder if I'll ever find the time to get to them?).

"Woodland Peace" from an old Leisure Arts magazine

I stitched a couple of birthday gifts for friends last month which were well received. For my sweet friend, Linda, I made this small pin pillow. "Blessed Be" is a freebie from Plum Pudding NeedleArt which you can find right here. This is the second time I've stitched this one and the second time I've given it away! The third time will be one I keep (I hope!). It is stitched on 40 ct. flax Newcastle using DMC threads. I used a gold colored fabric (from a cloth napkin) and a bit of black ric-rak to finish it off quite simply. Linda told me she'll be displaying it in her office along with some of her own lovely stitching this autumn.

For my dear friend, Lois in Northern Ireland, I made this Homespun Elegance design ("Crows Treat" from the Tiny Stuff II booklet). If this looks familiar, it's because I made another similar one for myself which I showed you in my last post. Can you spot the differences? I simply made hers into a long pillow with the gingham fabric on the bottom and mine is a wide pillow with the fabric on the side. I also stitched the buttons on Lois's with a gold thread and used black on mine. This one, like the one I showed you last month, was stitched on 32 ct. dirty linen using good old DMC threads. I'm so glad you liked your birthday gift, Lois--I wish you a most happy year ahead!

Another special stitching friend sent me a delightful package of goodies this week--all the way from England! June, one of the most generous people I know, surprised me with this fun sewing themed tote bag along with some pretty fabric (in blue and yellow--my favorite color combination, no less!!), and ribbon. The bag will be so handy for storing charts or fabric--we stitchers can never have too much storage, can we? And I just love the little handmade cards you included, June!! What a talented person you are--thank you so very much! If you haven't visited June's blog, please stop by and say "hello!" She is always so warm and welcoming...

So, are any of you beer lovers? I'm not in the least, but all the guys in my life are, so in an effort to do something as a family, we all attended the 6th annual Steel City Big Pour beer tasting event on Saturday. In addition to my husband and three sons, we were lucky enough to have my youngest son's girlfriend from Washington, D.C., my brother-in-law from Indiana, and my nephew from Kentucky joining us. I was the DD (Designated Driver), but I didn't feel like I missed out on any of the fun. There were some tasty and unusual food samples from local restaurants and even home-made sodas--the root beer was my "drink of choice" that evening. I've heard there were over 2000 people in attendance--a bit many for me as I tend to do better in small groups, but I had my "posse" of men with me so all was well!

This was a charity event to benefit a Pittsburgh organization called "Construction Junction" which recycles used building materials and household items. The beer-tasting was held in their warehouse so the decor included rows and rows of used sinks, doors, windows, and (ahem) toilets just waiting for new homes. A true handyman's dream!! I loved the names of the different craft breweries--so fun and creative: Dogfish Head, Duck-Rabbit, Flying Dog, and by far the most interesting name: Smuttynose! Who thinks of these names anyway? While most of the crowd was male, there were also a fair number of females in attendance. There were even a couple of craft booths which I missed, but my son's girlfriend did manage to stop at one and make him a cute beer koozie all decorated with his name and the Pittsburgh Steeler's logo. Hmm... now that I know she's crafty, I might just have to introduce her to cross stitch! What do you think?

I'll leave you with a little beer-themed humor (in the photo on the right) that I've seen popping up on the internet lately, but perhaps it's new to you. Apologies to the men in my life, but this just cracked me up...

Whatever you have planned for your weekend, I hope it's filled with things that make you smile. Thank you all for your comments and emails; even though I've never met most of you, I consider you true friends and I'm always so happy to hear from you! I'll be working at the library ALL weekend, but I plan on finding some time in the evenings for stitching. Hope you find some, too! Bye for now...


  1. Such cute X-mas ornaments. You really come up with such great little finishing touches. Love the spring hanger and the little bells.

    Super-cute gifts. I sure your Linda and Lois were head over heels in love with those pieces. And your new tote bag is made from such a cool sewer's print.

    Nice write-up of your beer blast. Definitely worth a try to indoctrinate your son's girlfriend in x-stitch. We need all the converts we can get!

  2. Die Stickereien sind alle wunderschön. Und Weihnachten ist schneller da, als man denkt.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  3. Oh Carol! Your posts are always so enjoyable & the photos of your stitching & finishes always take my breath away, but this morning I had a double dose of hyperventilation because I went ahead & clicked on your "in this post" link & was presented with your GORGEOUS Christmas stitchings & decorating!!! I'll say it again ... GORGEOUS!!! I'm actually at a loss for any more words. That's just it ... GORGEOUS!!!

  4. Wonderful pieces! Snowman is so cute. I bet PA is so lovely in the fall with all the trees there. Have a great weekend!

  5. As always your stitching and finishing are exquisite! I have committed them to memory for possible use! And I just threw away a spring! Dang! It took a second try to get the beer joke... until I realized a guy wrote it! ha! Too true! Hugs!

  6. Lovely stitching Carol! Love how you did the finishing and your friends will just adore them!

  7. Your finishes are fantastic! Wonderful ornies and pillows! And I love your crows - Going to add these to my wish list!

  8. Todos preciosos!!!. Besitos

  9. Great finishes Carol. I love how inventive you are with your pillow finishes, you always have such great ideas.

  10. Love all your work Carol all so beautifully stitched you always add just the right material and ribbons you have a wonderful eye for design.
    The snowman is soooo cute and love the red Christmas one also the birthday gifts you sent to your very lucky friends.
    My DH would have loved the beer fair. hugs.

  11. I love all your finishes! The one with the spring -- so clever! And the gifts for friends and the gift you received -- so nice! It was fun to read about the beer tasting. I love that sign -- thought the duck was a rabbit at first. lol! Until I read the sign. :D Funny names for breweries for sure! And that "why men shouldn't take messages -- OMG! Soooo funny! Sorry you have to work this weekend. Bummer. Hope you find some stitching time!

  12. Fabulous finishes, Carol! I love the color of Winston's coat! Great recycling tip with the spring! What lovely gifts you stitched for your friends.

    The beer tasting adventure sounded like fun; I'm with you on the root beer!

    And yes, I think you should teach your son's girlfriend to stitch!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Robin in Virginia

  13. Love it all ! The ornaments are very nice and the way you finish things just makes them so special , Love the red one !!
    The two gifts you made are wonderful too ! I am guessing an apple theme for Sept. Not a beer drinker but the event sounds fun !Hope you do get some stitching in this weekend !

  14. Carol, your finishes are as beautiful as ever. I just love the old fashioned red and white ornament - what creativity! Thanks for sharing them.

  15. They're all lovely, but I particularly like the red winter ornament - great finish too.

  16. lovely stitching carol,,i love all your finishes so much..
    snowman is so cuteeeeee
    lots of love for you x

  17. Love your finished! Simply amazing :) I wish I could finish like you - I will have to practice practice practice that's for sure!

    Have a great weekend :)


  18. Carol, your finishes are as beautiful as always! Love Winston the snowman. I may have to go find my chart and stitch him up!

    Sorry you have to work all weekend. Sounds like your guys enjoyed the big pour.

    take care.

  19. Very pretty! You have such a way with finishing.

  20. I so enjoy seeing photos of all your wonderful ornament finishes. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.

  21. What great gifts given and received! I always love seeing your finishes. They continue to inspire me. Congrats on the jump ahead on the ornaments. I really need to get in gear and get started on mine too. I love you went to the beer fest to support the menfolk. Gotta love the discovery of another crafter too. I think you should totally introduce her to cross stitch!

  22. Root beer would have been my drink also. I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Can't help it, I think beer is yuck!
    Carol! Woodland Peace is FANTASTIC! Absolutely perfect.

  23. Winston is so sweet! He's just a little different from the usual snowmen, and I like that about him. Very sweet. I absolutely ADORE the red sleigh ornament. I generally lean towards blue, but that red is really stunning, and your finishing is always so beautiful. I know I say this a lot, but you really do have an excellent eye for finishing - your stuff really works.

    My husband and I are big fans of craft beers and we like to try local beers whenever possible. I've actually heard of all the ones you mentioned - Dogfish is a Delaware based brewery and they have a pubs in Rehoboth Beach and Gaithersburg. And Smuttynose is from New Hampshire - we've had their beer many times when we've been in that area. And from someone who loves trying different beers, I can tell you there's not much we love more than having a designated driver along.

  24. Beautiful stitching and finishing hun; love your pattern choices. I also love, love, love the fall and the cooler weather. I think I'm going to put up my fall decorations this weekend..have a wonderful weekend hun.

    Hugs, Shar

  25. I love all your small pillows very much. Really, most simple design turns to a masterpiece, in your hands.

  26. Hey if you ever decide to get up the courage to start Autumn at HRH give me a bell, I would love to stitch that with you : )

  27. Your finishes are so adorable Carol and you are such a professional!
    You're always such an inspiration to all of us stitchers. I always get such a thrill when viewing your pillows.

    Have a wonderful wkend!

  28. I always love visiting your blog .. love your finishes!

  29. Your finishes are just wonderful!! And I have to laugh about the message. I never trust a message that my husband takes - he never gets it right!

  30. Carol - Fabulous finishes once again. Woodland Peace is especially charming - as you said take something simple and make it something extra-special! Your 'note' from a guy cracked me up!

  31. Love Winston. He looks great, like a proper Gent with his hat & umbrella & pose. The woodland piece is amazing, love the red fabrics you used to finish. "Blessed be" looks precious(love the pumpkin). "Crows Treat" pops really well. The color fabric you stitched on - perfect. Oh you stitch lovely finishes. I see the Rick Rack - very nice accents.
    I congratulate you for being a designated driver and that all your men posse made it home safe.
    Yes my husband tends to get the message right but only gives me a tidbit. I never get the full message or sometimes not at all....Sure enjoyed your post.
    love Annette

  32. Carol --
    Great to see a post from you! I'm definitely enjoying the cooler weather too and looking forward to autumn:)))

    LOVE your ornament finishes. Your stitching and finishing are simply superb! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

    Take care my friend and have a wonderful weekend:)

  33. Winston is so cute with his umbrella and the snowflakes are a great idea.
    The red Christmas ornament is so very pretty - lovely choice of fabrics and trims.
    The Homespun Elegance crow looks fabulous second time around.
    Another lovely post Carol. I have enjoyed catching up on your blog today :)

  34. great finishes Carol! As always! You always do such great work. That last message is hysterical. I have never heard that but I love it. Have a great weekend.


  35. Love your ornaments. Great job on them.

  36. I wish I had 10% of your finishing skills! You always finish them so beautifully and your choices are always perfect.

  37. Your ornaments are adorable. Your little pillows are always stuffed so perfectly. What is your secret?

  38. Your finishes are stunning Carol. All of them. Really love love love the way you finished all of these gorgeous pieces.
    I'm not really a beer lover. The only beer I drink every now and then in the Summer is half beer and half lemonade.
    Great gift from June. She is a lovely lady isn't she?
    And the beer message just cracked me up. SO funny.
    Wishing you and your loved ones a fantastic weekend.

  39. Here we had a summer week and Guedes what? Sun is staying for the weekend! Uhuuuuu I'll be swimming tomorrow :D need to enjoy a little more before Autumn kicks in! Heheheh

    I loooove your snowman! So cute =) I read you stitched on 40ct, can I ask how many threads your used? Looks soooo pretty :D as all the others heheheh you always make the most perfect finishes! :)

    Have a great weekend sweetie! :)

  40. Creative and gorgeous finishings, love them all!

    I am not a beer lover, prefer red wine anytime ha ha!


  41. Love all your stitching and finishing. Always so inspiring and beautiful. Sounds like you had a good time at the beer festival. Lovely gift from June. Looking forward to seeing your September bowl.

  42. Wonderful pieces - I adore the Woodland one. June is so lovely isnt she xx

  43. The X-mas-Ornies are really cute! I love the snowman, adorable!
    Hugs from Germany

  44. Carol, I have had so much fun this morning catching up with your blog because I am so,so far behind on doing that these days! What lovely finishes you've been doing and you know that I just love the one you sent for my birthday. It is sitting where I can see it every day and it just makes me smile!

    I love your ornament finishes (I've very much fallen by the wayside on that this year, hopefully I can do better next year!)and you always come up with such wonderful finishing touches. Sounds like you'd fun at the beer tasting! Like you, I am not a beer drinker but I would enjoyed all the food samples!

  45. Wonderful finishes, Carol! Your ornaments always turn out so perfectly. You really have an eye for fabrics, colors and style. Great work!

  46. Ah, fall. My favorite season as well. So this must be the theme for September's bowl - but so many choices!

    Winston (in stash) has always been one of my favorites, and your fab finish makes me want to go find him right away. So is the PP Thankful piece.

    The family tasting event sounds like loads of fun. Beer has never been a love of mine, either.

    Hope there's some joy in the weekend - your posts always bring a smile to me!

  47. Autumn is here, too, but the days are still toooo hot for me. At least it cools down in the evenings/mornings.

    I can't wait to see your September bowl :) but the snowman you stitched is so cute I almost want to have snow :) And the Woodland Peace is absolutely beautiful. Like the rest of the autumn finishes, too.

    Beer tasting sounds fun, but it has never been my favourite drink.

    Have a great weekend!

  48. Wonderful finishes Carol!! I love Winston and the little snowflakes around him! So adorable! Hmmm....theme for September? Leaves? Crows? Apples? Schoolhouses? Pumpkins?! I adore your finish for Woodland Peace. You always have a way to make a simple design really pop and shine with your finishes...I truly bow down to the master!! Such sweet gifts you stitched for your friends and a lovely gift from June! I would've loved the beer festival and it looked like it was fun even though you didn't drink any!



  49. Such great little additions to your ornament collection!!! It's all in the details and you do such a beautiful job. Maybe next year can be the year of doing one NEW ornament per month and finishing one old one? I'm sure you must have such fabulous little stitchies stashed away. :)

    Ive had exactly ONE beer in my entire life - and that was just because I thought I was grabbing for a Diet Coke. Lol one sip later that thing was down the drain. Blech. No thanks. Not when there are yummy nummy magaritas in the world. Lol. I would still go to a festival though to be sociable. You can have fun anywhere with the right company, right?

  50. I always love your beautifully finished pieces, Carol. You inspire me so much. 'Woodland Peace' is especially beautiful! Linda and Lois must have been thrilled to receive your perfectly finished little gifts.

    How generous of June to send you some special surprises. Doesn't she always find the most unique little treasures?

    Blessings for a lovely weekend!

  51. Your finishes are so utterly perfect and utterly adorable! I just love them. :) Many hugs from all of us in Maine!

  52. I just love your finishes! You are so talented but it is the whole package of your sharing of yourself, your stitching, your finishes and your beautiful writing that makes me so excited to read your blog. Thanks so much, Wanda

  53. Great finishing! You always find a way to make certain details of a stitched piece stand out by your finishing. That's what I particularly love about your finished pieces.
    A beer tasting event - would be perfect for my DH and DSIL, they both like beer and are always ready to try new ones, lol.

  54. Lovely stitching, Carol. I'm new to your blog...followed you from another and enjoyed viewing your current and past posts.

    I will visit you again, soon!

    Carolyn :)

  55. Hey Carol!!
    I love Winston. What a fun finish.
    Your finishing on the other pieces is just stunning too. I think if you worked on that drawer of stuff you need to finish you would clean it out pretty fast :)
    Have a great week!

  56. I'm just having the best time reading your blog and seeing all of your pretties. I LOVE your ornaments, and you do a great finishing job! So, so pretty. I love the way you stitched and finished the gifties for your friends, too. I bet they LOVE them!

    You are such an inspiration. I love seeing what you come up with. Keep sharing!

    Have a great week!
    Carolyn :0)

  57. I just love coming here to see your latest creations Carol, these are splendid, I particularly love the red Christmas finish, perfect!

  58. Love your finishes and your sense of humour.

  59. It is always such a treat to see a post from you, Carol! Love all of your stitches and gifts. How do you always manage to find just the right touches and fabrics to make them so cute! Sounds like you managed okay with your root~beer and being the designated driver. I am not a fan of beer or of big crowds either.
    Hope you found the time to put in a few stitches over the weekend!

  60. Love your newest "pretties", especially the snowman. So cute.

    (The beer joke made me LOL) :)

  61. Oh Carol, I just love Winston the snowman - he's gorgeous!! Your other finishes are lovely too - I always enjoy seeing your stitching.

  62. again Carol, your work amazes is always such a pleasure to visit your blog.....this is my 3rd time to view this post & I am finally leaving a comment.....Winston is just too cute...
    the rest of the finishes are adorable as well, but he just jumps off the screen at me!

  63. all of the pices are lovely. The red piece was finshed really nice. It really popped. I like having no humidity. I dont like that it keeps getting darker and earlier in the day.

  64. As usual, beautiful stitching and finishing! Love the beer humour :)

  65. I always love reading your blog posts and seeing your finishes! Beautiful as always. :)

    I've done that Plum Pudding one several times myself... made into needlebooks.

    I'm not a beer fan either.

  66. Winston is absolutely my favourite of this gorgeous lot of stitching. Love your story of the beer event.... that beer humour is perfect...LOL
    I do enjoy a cold beer at the end of a hot day, nothing like it to quench a thirst!

  67. que de bien jolies réalisations,
    j'adore le bonhomme de neige

  68. Woodland Place is just perfect. Winston is a good-looking snowman and I like your changes. You need a add a page to your blog (or two) showing all your finishes so we can see them all in one place. Better than a magazine!

  69. July and August were very quiet for the blogosphere...I come back after 2 weeks of great vacations in September and there are posts everywhere =D
    So super !
    your stitching are so cute ! I love Winston, you always find the perfect fabrics and ribbons and charms, buttons.. for your finishes
    I love
    and woodland peace is just perfect !!
    You've been blessed by June
    she is a real sweetheart, I have also been blessed when I won her giveaway ! sure you will enjoy all her gifts
    big big hugs

  70. Gorgeous ornaments and pillows, congratulations

  71. I'm afraid I don't agree with you regarding the weather Carol...the dip in temperature has left me a bit depressed. I'm not looking forward to the cold months ahead, brrrr. Of course it doesn't help that we didn't really have a summer here in the UK! :0)
    Winston the snowman is a handsome fella. He seems to be smiling a lot more than Winston Churchill ever did. And where's his cigar?! Lol. My best friend is a Churchill fan and named her little girl Clementine, after Churchill's wife.
    What a lovely gift package from June - her handmade cards are beautiful.

  72. Hi Carol! I am so behind and I owe you email. It's amazing how you keep up with all your smalls goals but you really do turn out some beauties. That sewing style bag from June is precious...just love that print! And very sweet of you to send gifties to Lois and Linda. :)

  73. I always love seeing your finishes Carol. They are all so pretty and so nicely finished.

  74. OOh; what fun! I love the "hook" you've added to the umbrella--a must for both representations of and in-the-flesh umbrellas!

    Also, what a wonderful red ornament! Your finishing truly does elevate it--I love eyelet lace and things that look tatted, so I do love the hanger! :D What do you suppose the streaming line from the horse is? I love the motion it adds to the scene, but I find myself puzzling over whether it is a whip being wielded by the driver or a streaming ribbon billowing in the breeze. Do you know?

    I am not much for beer, but I do like trying it with my friends; they very much go in for trying out various alcohols (whether it is craft beers or 18+y.o. scotches). There is pretty much always something around for me to sample, lol! I do rather like Guinness, but honestly can't drink more than 3/4 of a pint. Other beers seem too fizzy, or have a strong olive flavor to me (yuck!) Honestly, my favorite alcohol is in deserts! I adore rum cake (Edgar has a great recipe on his blog), and often put an ounce or two of Domaine de Canton (a ginger liqueur) into my homemade hot chocolate for the last minute of cooking. I've even been known to anoint my vanilla ice cream with a tablespoon or two of rum and cinnamon. :D

    Looking forward to seeing September's stitches! I'll guess "apples" for your theme, because I'm currently thinking about them/apple tarts as my next cooking challenge.

  75. У вас очень интересный блог и прекрасные вышивки!

  76. I love the snowman, Carol, but I have to say that the red ornament is just beautiful! Amazing how you got part of a sampler and turned into such a sweet thing. I love the fabrics you used and the finishing touches are perfect as always.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Ana Paula.

  77. The snowman is very nice and embroidery on count 40, much more.
    September ornament has a luxurious finish, I love how you've finished.
    I hope you do not get tired a lot in the weekend having to work.
    Many kisses.

  78. Hello

    just found your lovely blog.
    Your finishes are beautiful!
    Hope you have a good weekend.

  79. I am a bit late on the comment but I have to say your posts are always so inspiring. I love all your finishes. LOL at the Pabst Beer message - that one could have been taken at my house! Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

  80. I've been thinking of you, Carol! I am sooooo woefully behind in blogging and commenting but was thinking the other day that I miss reading your blog and seeing what you're up to. I LOVE your finishes, as always!! Your Winston is adorable! LOL at the beer stuff. I'm definitely not a beer drinker, so I'd be joining you for a root beer, but do find the craft brewing interesting. That, plus my brother works for Miller-Coors, so I always support their company when it comes time to buy beer for whatever family event we're having. LOL at the Pabst Beer message!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  81. Hi Carol,
    Your stitching and finishes always look lovely, I have a hard time getting mine to look so neat. I love all the different ways you finish them too. I like that craft bag and was thinking of buying one for myself after I saw it in a stitching mag. Happy stitching,

  82. Love all of your pillow finishes.

  83. Hi Carol,
    Just passing through very quickly. I guess I could call this one a "drive by".

    All your ornies look wonderful. TFS as I enjoy seeing them as always.

    I am not getting much computer time. Perhaps we can have a root beer together one day. LOL.

    Hugs darling.


  84. Septemeber .... .... apples and pears??
    Love your first piece!!
    That cute little snowmen!!
    How many suitcashes did you have left under your bed empty?? many bauy a new one, for these lovely pieces.
    The finish of that second part.. so wonderfull.. 2 differnts pieces of fabric and then that lace.. love it!!

    You made 2 wonderfull piece as a gifts.. your friends must feel so blessed with you..
    I so love how you always finish everything off so wonderfull.

    And you also got a wonderfull gift!!

    Not mt thing to a beer event...
    Good for you that you went!!

    I hope you have a great month with lots of crafting!!

  85. Beautiful stitching and fabulous finishes.

  86. "Winston the Snowman" is so cute!! As always, I love all your finishes and beautiful stitching! Have a great day!

  87. Carol your ornaments are just lovely and you sure have a talent for making the ordinary extraordinary!

  88. Love your ornament finishes! I am always in awe of your work.
    I would also have been the DD at the beer event. I'm not a big drinker but beer is definitely not my forte! Mind you, my youngest took us to one of his favourite haunts and got me to try the strawberry beer. An interesting flavour to say the least!
    Love the little phone message. It gave me my chuckle for the morning!

  89. Winston is such a cutie! I've always love your finishes but I gotta say, you've outdone yourself on Woodland Peace. Everything is put together so perfectly, it's gorgeous! Lovely gifts you've received from June. I'm not much of a beer person either but that beer tasting even sure sounds liks fun.


  90. Dear Carol
    as always, I like so much your finishes...
    the red is for me the most beautiful!!
    I like so much ;)

    Have a great weekend my Friend
    (I don't drink :) )

    send you spanish hugs and kisses


  91. Love all the finishes. You have such a knack for the perfect finish. I just can't "see" the finished product when I am stitching a piece, unlike you! So very talented. I do like beer, although usually the smaller breweries don't appeal to me. I like a lighter beer. Summer Shanty has been my new favorite. It's a lemon beer. Seasonal....and now we have several cases in the basement to get us through the winter months! LOL

  92. carol .... what size this ornament? I found the pattern on the web but it seems that embroidery had become too large. With the fabric I use here will be eighteen centimeters!

  93. Lovely smalls as always! I think the way you've finished Woodland Peace is really gorgeous!

  94. Hi Carol
    I love Winston your adorable snowman!! do you share that pattern?
    Thank you, Jackie


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!