Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yiota's Cross Stitch Kit Review

Happy Spring everyone--or should I say "summer," since that's what it feels like here in western Pennsylvania. Yesterday, we had a record-breaking 80 degrees--amazing for mid-March! But, I'm loving every minute of this unprecedented stretch of warm weather.

A few weeks ago, I had a lovely email from Yiota, owner of Yiota's Cross Stitch asking me if I would do a review of one of her kits on my blog. I had read reviews of her kits on other stitching blogs so I was most eager to see one for myself. Her website was very easy to explore and she seems to offer something for everyone... beginning to advanced stitching and everything in between on a host of subjects and themes ranging from animals to fairies to landscapes and more!

So would you like to know what kit I chose to review? It was a hard decision, but I ended up choosing this wonderful William Morris design called "Strawberry Thief." It has both birds and blue, so, of course I love it!

I was so pleased with the packaging itself--it arrived in a very sturdy cardboard envelope which suffered no damage in the journey "across the pond." Yiota's business is located in England and she and her husband design and manufacture their own kits. I love the fact that it is a small business because I feel like you get more personalized attention should a problem ever arise.

My favorite part of the kit was the way the threads were packaged... Aren't they beautiful?! All wound up so neatly on their own little card bobbins, clearly numbered, and a hole already punched into the card should you want to place them on a ring to keep them all together. Yiota's cross stitch kits use Madeira threads, but also offer DMC numbers in case you want to substitute. I've never stitched with Madeira before and am really looking forward to it. You also have the option to purchase the chart only.

The chart was printed in large, easy-to-read symbols on quality paper... The kit included a choice of aida or 28 ct. evenweave along with a nice needle. I chose the evenweave and was pleased with the nice Zweigart piece that arrived in the kit. I'll have to say I was a bit surprised that it wasn't black, though, as I was expecting that given the black background of the design. It would be helpful if the description included the color of fabric and offered it in 32 ct. size, too. Just a couple of suggestions to make an already fine product even better!

Here is a look at the whole kit--isn't it pretty? Please hop over and take a look at Yiota's site--I think you'll be very pleased with both the shopping experience and her wonderful products. Thank you, Yiota, for the chance to review your delightful kit--I'm sure I'll enjoy stitching "Strawberry Thief!"

I haven't done much stitching since my post last week, but I am almost done with the "Nature's Alphabet" that I began back in January (in this post). The stitching itself is complete, just have to add the beads; I can't wait to show it to you next week (hopefully!). In the mean time, I'll share a couple of older spring finishes with you:

"It's Spring!" by Sue Hillis Designs.
Stitched back in 2005--I still love it!

"Summer Scene" by The Drawn Thread.
Stitched back in 2009, but just framed in January.

"Daffodil Run" by Just Nan
stitched and framed in 2009.
The little daffodil charm is so sweet
and I love the ribbon hanger!
(Found the frame at Michael's...)

Here's just a sneak preview of one thing I'm working on for my bowl of April finishes... Any guess as to what it is? Here are two hints: it's stitched over one and uses 28 ct. babbling brook Jobelan!

March 21, 1982--a most special day... It's hard to believe that 30 years ago today, I became a mother. Yes, today is my oldest son's 30th birthday and I still remember the day he was born like it was yesterday... There is nothing like the feeling a young mother experiences when she holds her newborn in her arms for the first time. To my dear, oldest son, I wish you a most ♫♪♫ Happy Birthday ♫♪♫ and I hope all of your wishes come true... After all, you made one of our wishes come true the day you were born, and we are so proud to be your parents (even if we do feel awfully old right about now!!).

Your comments on my "March bowl" were all so wonderful! I sure am enjoying coming up with new finishes for it each month and I truly appreciate your compliments on both my stitching and finishing. I'd like to offer a big welcome to all my new followers, too. I've just noticed that my number of followers has topped 700 this week and I'm just astounded that so many of you find my blog interesting enough to follow... I'd say a celebration giveaway is in order, wouldn't you? Let me put on my thinking cap and try to come up with some cheery spring gifts to offer as a giveaway very soon, okay? I hope your week is filled with everything that brings you smiles! Bye for now...


Mavi. said...

Muchísimas felicidades a tu hijo por su treinta cumpleaños.
Me asombra la complejidad del gráfico que vas a comenzar a bordar, estoy segura que te quedará precioso. Como preciosos son los bordados de primavera de años anteriores que nos muestras.
Felices cruces, Carol.

butterfly said...

Lovely kit chosen Carol, its so pretty and just you.

Happy Birthday to your son, wish I was 30 again ha.

Love all your Spring stitching how pretty they all look.

Sounds like you are having some nice weather pretty daffodils.

Thanks for sharing hugs.

Margaret said...

Oh, I'd love to stitch up the Strawberry Thief! Nice choice! Nice review too! Love seeing your older finishes. And happy happy birthday to your eldest son. How does the time go so quickly?

Vickie said...

My week is smile filled Carol. Thanks! Awesome chart choice,love it. We are having great weather also in the 80's. Pretty weird for Wisconsin in March. :) Take care my interesting friend.

Giovanna said...

Great choice of design for the review - William Morris rocks :-) Happy Birthday to your son! And I enjoyed seeing your Summer Scene. I stitched that a long time ago and made it into an ornament, but I'm not too happy with the fabric I used - might just stitch it again...

Faye said...

What a glowing review of the English chart...I love the look as well.. The flosses look very nice as does the clarity of the printed pattern. Which DMC is most prominent in the pretty blue bird? I am wondering if it is on the purple side of blue, true blue or robins egg blue.... Just curious as I want to visit her site and take a gander at her patterns...

Oh, HB to your son! My oldest is turning 28 next week and like you, it seems like it was not long ago we were pushing him in his stroller..

Take care Carol,


Hilda said...

Dear Carol!
You have chosen a lovely kit to review. It looks as it is quite huge, isn't it? Much fun with stitching this lovely birds and strawberries.
The Spring finishes you showed are soooo lovely. My favorite is the "Summer Scene" (always when there is a little house on it, I immediately fall in love with it ;-) ).

Happy Birthday to your son (and of course congratulations to you - for being a mom since 30 years.) It is always a special day - the birthday of one's child. My son turned 22 on 16th of March. They grow up soooo quickly ....

Have a nice and sunny first spring week, my dear friend!


Elia said...

Hi Carol,
it's amazing the work you have planned, it is incredibly difficult, very encouraging!

;-) Congratulations to your son on his birthday and you being his mother.
I love the pictures of the other springs, especially the 'Sue Hillis'
I send a warm embrace,
although it is snowing here today!!



Rachel S-H said...

thank you for the review of the kit. I am thinking about wandering over there, you enabler, you! LOL. Pretty spring finishes. I want to say that new WIP is "are you my Mother," by Bent Creek, but I'm pretty sure it's not.

Anonymous said...


Just found your lovely blog.

Your Spring finishes are lovely, especially the Just Nan design.

You chose a lovely kit. Thanks for the review and I'll look forward to seeing it grow.

Dying to know what your WIP is.

Happy stitching.

Solstitches said...

What a great choice you made Carol.
I love Strawberry Thief. It reminds me of some Liberty of London fabric I had one time.
Your two little framed pieces are beautiful.
Congrats on 700 followers! I am not surprised that people want to come here to see all of the lovely things you stitch.

Shirlee said...

Yiota's kits are so beautiful! I can't wait to see it finished! Your finishes are lovely & I don't know what to guess for the WIP ... a fairy maybe?

Deborah said...

Love all the finishes! The Just Nan piece is so cute.

Jackie said...

Hello Carol,
You've already done a nice review of the assembled kit and looking at the picture, it would be assumed that the fabby in the kit would be black.
TFS all of your older spring pieces. They are indeed beautiful.
Please send birthday blessings to your DS. It is true we remember those births as though they happened just yesterday. I hope he enjoyed his special day.
I'll be looking forward to your giveaway.
Take care:)

Ann said...

Hi Carol,

Looks like your kit from Xiotas is everything you need to have a pleasant stitching experience.

I stumbled upon your blog a couple of months ago through another blog called Notes from Blue Hen Hollow. I immediately fell in love with your decorated staircase full of stitching goodies (ornaments in this case :-).

I hope to have my own within a couple of years since this will take some time (I made a good start with subscribing for the monthly LHN ornaments for 2012 :-)!

Kind greetings,
Ann in Belgium

Kay said...

I live in Ohio, so I can relate to what you are saying about the weather. Been in the 80's the last few days and many days in the high 70's for almost 2 weeks now here. My flowers have opened up outside as well, trees are blooming, grass is growing and of course the bugs that had hibernated during the winter having been making themselves known. Your sewing kit looks beautiful, it will look great when done. Your sewing to begin with is always beautiful! Happy birthday to your son.

Tricia said...

Have fun stitching your Yiota's kit, Carol! Just think of all that stitching in black that you get to do! : ) I started my kit from her when I got it last month and haven't touched it, which is sad because it is so much fun to stitch!

Enjoy your beautiful spring weather. We have the windows open and are listening to the birds sing outside. It's heavenly! In fact, my dd wondered out loud the other day if it would always be spring in Heaven. What a lovely thought!



Anonymous said...

First, sending happy birthday wishes to your son! Hope he has a wonderful day!

Lovely finishes you shared! Terrific review of the cross stitch kit! Will need to venture over there and take a peek.

I want to say that your WIP is Bent Creek's Are you my Mother?, but I am probably not correct!

Enjoy your day!

Robin in Virginia

Barb said...

Hi Carol! What delightful fun to find a new post from you (I check your site really frequently (hope you don't think I'm a stalker!! :) ), so it's a happy moment to read what you are up to currently. I think you have so many followers 'cuz your stitching is so beautiful and so inspiring. I want to make everything you've made too (you are an enabler!! LOL)

Happy Birthday to your son and best wishes to you and your husband - it must be just as special a day for you, too!!

Anonymous said...

Daer Carol,
Spring is here also! Lovely weather! People look a little brighter!!!
Happy birthday to you but specially to your son!
Best regards

Elizabeth said...

Pretty kit your have chosen, I love your flowers! We had snow yesterday so you know I don't have any flowers yet. Have a safe trip this week!

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday to your son! You have a lot to be proud of with him!

Annie said...

Finally cashing in on the 700 followers now.

Best of birthdays to your son!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Thanks for telling us about Yiota's designs. I really like the one you chose. I also love your spring designs. The daffodil charm is sweet, I must agree! Can't wait to see what you fill the April bowl with. :o)

Deb said...

Love love love the chart you chose from Yiota's!! I love all things Art Nouveau/Victorian and Alphonso Mucha and William Morris are my favorite artists. I enjoyed having a look at your past stitching - the frames you chose are just perfect!! I have no idea what you are working on now!

marly said...

Strawberry Thief is beautiful. And this little wren at the bottom of your flag counter deserves to be up higher! I just spotted him and it's a darling finish. Happy Birthday to your son. Oh to be 30 again!

BrendaS said...

Carol --
Happy Spring to you!

Love all your framed pieces (new and old). I especially like that Drawn Thread piece with the black cat. I haven't seen that one before.

Happy Birthday to your son! Time does pass by so quickly doesn't it?

Have a good week my friend.

Barb said...

Hi Carol, The kit looks like it was fun to review. Your spring projects are all so pretty!! I do know how you feel! When my dear daughter turned 40, I had quite a time of it. Just couldn't believe I was old enough to have a 40 year old child. However, she has become a great friend.

The Queen Bee said...

What fun that website was. I lost half an hour over there. I'd have a hard time picking just one. I love the Victorian look many of the kits have and wish I was feeling like I could do one of them soon. I currently have two HEADS and keep thinking I'm going to start one next.

Wow...30! Time sure does go fast. We'll be celebrating a 21st birthday soon and a 20th this fall. I can remember being 20 and 21 like it was yesterday so it makes it hard to have kids that old!


Mouse said...

lovely review of a gorgeous kit too :) and cooo happy birthday to DS :)
lovely stitching as always :) love mouse xxxxx

Linda said...

I love the Yiota kit you chose to review. Am going to look at her site now.
Happy Birthday to your son.
Love all your spring finishes.


Valma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Valma said...

I love the kit you chose !
Sure it will be an even more wonderful piece stitched by you
Going to have a look at Yiota's Xstitch :)
Happy birthday to your son...
Aren't people from March the nicest people to meet ? hehehehe =D
Ok I'm not objective , I'm from March too
Big hugs happy Mom

Valma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christina said...

I too thought your WIP was 'Are you my mother?' - it's been on my wish list forever, it's so cute!
Happy birthday to your son. It scares me when I hear parents comment how quickly the years pass by. My daughter turns 4 in July and I just know she's going to be 21 in the blink of an eye! ;0)
Strawberry Thief is an excellent choice - I love William Morris designs. I have a vase with this design on it. I must admit I think the design would be more striking stitched on black fabric, as shown in the photograph.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful choice for your review. And from what I've seen of other's reviews, the packaging and set up for each kit is wonderful too. Your WIP is coming along very nicely also. Spring is definitely here, that's for sure. Beautiful past Spring finishes. You do amazing work.

Alissa said...

Wonderful review. Thanks for taking the time out to do that - I will take a look. I love your "older" finishes, too, especially the spring sampler and the summer scene. I need to start stitching on different color backgrounds. I'm always amazed at how different they can make a pattern look. (Love the little garden tools in the picture - so cute!!!)

passionfruitprincess said...

Pretty kit, Carol! I love the colors.
And your framed finishes are darling.
Oh, and I love your flowers. Spring is so wonderful. Happy birthday to your big boy :)
Have a wonderful day!

valerie said...

What pretty daffodils! And a lovely kit too! Happy Birthday to your oldest! It seems like there are a lot of birthdays on this date. I hope he has a fantastic day! Great spring finishes and start on your April piece!

Melissa said...

1. Congrats to 700+ followers!
2. Happy 30th to your boy and a big hug for Mom too for a job well done!
3. Lovely stitching!
4. Looking forward to your progress on the new kit!

Now did I get everything? ;-)

Ellen said...

Wonderful review, you chose a beautiful kit!

Congrats on reaching 700+ followers! Your stitching and finishing are perfect, a great inspiration to me!

Happy Birthday to your son!


Cindy's Stitching said...

beautiful kit and love the spring pieces. I really like this warmer weather.

Catherine said...

Carol, I love the kit you chose to review! I was surprised when you said the fabric wasn't black. Do you have to stitch the black, or will you just leave it white? Looking forward to seeing this one grow.
Great review of your spring finishes and great stitchy progress as well.
Happy Birthday to your son and many hugs to you!

Veronica said...

Pretty kit you've chosen.

I love seeing some of your older finishes. I really like that frame for Daffodil Run. It has a very interesting dimensional effect.

I'm no good at guessing mystery stitches but I must say that fabric you're using is so pretty. I'm always amazed by your over one stitching.

Looking forward to see your April bowl. Happy Mother's Day!


Christine said...

Lovely choice of kit and it was nice to see your older spring finishes.
Happy Birthday to your DS

Nicola said...

A very well written and considered review of a beautiful design. Happy birthday to your son, mine also turns 30 this year. Where do the years go?

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your son's 30th birthday - hope he had a wonderful day!

Congratulations on your 700+ followers - that is truly amazing, but you have such a stunning blog, I'm not at all surprised that so many others also love coming to you :)

Great review and all the stitchy pics are great - love the frames you use!

Chris said...

Hey Carol!
I think I would have picked the same kit from Yiota. I love the strawberry thief.
It is wonderful seeing all your spring stitches.
I hope you have a great weekend with some stitching time!

Lynn said...

Yiota has some truly lovely designs and you've picked a gorgeous one. I look forward to seeing it stitched up.

Your Spring finishes are all so cheery Carol! I haven't figured out what your new stitch is but the fabric colour is very pretty!

Happy 30th to your son! My oldest was 31 in January and boy does it ever make you feel your age. I'm sure he's feels he's old now too, lol! My son was lamenting the fact that his twenties are over and done with.

Anne said...

Carol! First of all, Happy Birthday to your son!! And congrats on reaching 700 followers! That's astounding! You do stitch beautiful things and are a lovely person, so I can see why :D

Gorgeous little designs you stitched for spring, even if they are older designs...I like them too :D I love the photo of the daffodils. We are finally getting them here now!!
Great review too! I love William Morris designs and can't wait to see you start to stitch it!

No guesses on the bluebell like flower...I really like that mottled fabric you chose for it!


Julie said...

A lovely review Carol, nice choice of kit.
My son celebrates his 27th birthday today, 22nd Mach. Birthday wishes to your son on his special day.
Lovely spring framed finishes.

Lois said...

What a nice kit you picked Carol. I'm looking forward to watching your progress on this one. What sweet Spring pieces you have out on display this time of year. Seems like a lot of places are having warmer than usual temperatures. While we aren't reaching your dizzy heights it is definitely milder than usual here and the plants are getting very confused! Happy birthday to your eldest. The years just go in so quickly, don't they.

Michele B. said...

Thank you for the spring-filled post. Strawberry Thief was a perfect choice. It will definitely look beautiful on black linen. What a plus to have all the threads wound on bobbins for you - I'm happy to learn about this company and will definitely check it out. Happy birthday to your oldest! How quickly three decades can fly.

By the way, I am beginning a small design for a friend today, and I am using one of the ornament-sized pieces of linen I won in your giveaway. It's the perfect size and color. Thank you again!

♥ Nia said...

Lucky you!! Is it Summer already?? My favorite season :) eheheheh
What a nice gift :D Gorjuss kits have Madeira threads, I really enjoyed stitching with those :)
I have no idea what your wip is.. humm.. I'm curious :p Colors are pretty :)
What a milestone!!! Happy birthday to your DS!! :D
Happy weekend to you my friend :) hugs&smiles

Vinniey said...

Happy belated birthday to your son! Beautiful chart you've choosen. Strawberry Thief is gorgeous! The threads looks so yummy, beautiful colours!

Kathy Ellen said...

Love seeing your daffodils and green grass....such a pretty sight! 'Strawberry Thief' is such an intriguing design, and so beautifully packaged by Yiota! Love seeing some of your beautiful 'Spring' & 'Summer' pieces and your new start too!

Happy 30th birthday to your son, and congratulations on 30 years of Motherhood too!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Carol I'm looking forward to your happy dance!!!

Lots of good reviews for those kits!

Annette-California said...

I enjoyed your review on Yiota's kit. How pretty. Your samplers are beautiful.

Unknown said...

your Summer Scene is very's so beautiful

Barbi said...

OH! Look how beautiful those daffodils are! And it's soooo green there! It's still brown here. :( but my daffy's are up 2 inches now, so are my tulips!

Lillie said...

Enjoy stitching the kit!
Happy Birthday to your son.
Your framed pieces are gorgeous and enjoy Spring. Loved the daffodils!

Edit said...

Really nice kit and how lovely that they asked you to review it!

Enjoyed seeing your spring stitches, and happy birthday to your son!!

Oh, and your daffodils... absolutely beautiful! :)

Debbie said...


Meari said...

Happy Belated Bday to your DS!

Your older spring finishes are adorable. Do you keep your finishes out year round or do you store them and pull them out each season?

Annette said...

It´s looking very Summerly at your place... love the yellow flowers!!
You also got the change top get a piece from Yiota´s..
I love the threads that are in it!!

What a lovely Spring pieces!!
YOu house will be so Springy...hihi.

Wonderfull colors on your sneak preview... What will it be??

Congratz with your sun.. What a wonderfull day to remember!!
I hope uou had a great day..
Spoil him...
( how it it with the ladies??)