Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Seasonal Samplings

Hello everyone! Sorry it has been a while since my last post. I've just been working more than usual and haven't really been "in the mood" to write. Is it just me, or do you have to be in the right frame of mind to compile a post, too? Many of you are so good about posting each week (or even multiple times a week!). Here I am with over two years of blogging and I haven't even reached my 100th post. Sigh...

But, I do have a "year's worth" of stitching that I've done over the past couple of weeks to share with you. Hard to believe? Well, I...
Started with a bit of Spring...

Added a touch of Summer...

Threw in a pinch of Autumn...

Topped it off with a sprinkling of Winter...

And I had stitched a full year of all four seasons!

I honestly can't remember the last time I enjoyed stitching a piece so much! "Seasonal Samplings" by Hillside Samplings is a chart passed on from dear Melissa over at Words and Blooms last year. I don't know what it was about this piece, but it instantly calmed me down as soon as I started stitching. (Well, except for the point when I realized I had mistakenly stitched eyelet stitches for the apples rather than Rhodes stitches and I had to rip every single one out!) What's the most relaxing piece you've ever stitched?
I used 28 ct. natural brown linen for this piece along with the suggested DMC colors, but I changed the rabbit to brown so he would show up better and resemble the little bunnies that visit my yard each summer. The lettering, rabbit, birds, and year are all stitched "over one." And I love the specialty stitches--they just add so much dimension to the piece.

Since I enjoyed Seasonal Samplings so much, chances are one of you will, too, so I'm having a drawing to pass it along. Just leave a comment (on this post only) letting me know that you would like to be included and I'll announce the winner when I post next (which knowing me could be a couple of weeks!). I only ask that, when you are finished stitching it, you pass along the chart yourself and keep the kindness going...

I've been on a lucky streak lately and want to thank two special bloggers for their generous giveaways. First of all I won a very nice $25 gift certificate to 1-2-3 Stitch from the generous Riona at Oubliette. She was having a giveaway to celebrate her 500th post! Can you imagine?!! At this rate, I'll be 100 years old before I reach that milestone. Thank you so much, Riona--I can hardly wait to go shopping and I'll be sure to let you know what goodies I choose...

And from one of the most entertaining bloggers out there, Barbara at Mainely Stitching, I won this quartet of spring-themed charts. Aren't they so cute and, well, spring-like? Most of you are probably familiar with the adventures of Barbara's four kids and the house rooster (yes, rooster!), but if not, please pay her a visit...There is always so much fun going on over there. Thank you so much, Barbara--I need a touch of spring more than you can imagine after this never-ending winter!

A big winter storm caught western Pennsylvania by surprise Monday night. Things were so bad it took my dear husband almost three hours to make the normally 20-minute drive from the city to our house. Cars were abandoned everywhere and driving was treacherous. I can count on two hands the number of days we haven't had snow on the ground since early December--winter just seems endless this year.

But, the next day dawned sunny and, oh, so beautiful. It almost made up for the fact that spring doesn't seem right around the corner any longer! Just the day before this storm hit, I had seen my first robin and a tiny violet poking it's head out of the ground. Maybe next week things will turn around. Please...enough is enough!

Your comments on my last post meant so much to me--I'm glad you enjoyed my little story about the young mother. Thank you all for your visits, your comments, and your friendship. Hopefully, the next time I write the snow will be gone. And to all of my New Zealand blogging friends dealing with that horrible earthquake, please know my thoughts are with you...

Have a wonderful week everyone and take some special time to do what you love most. Bye for now...


  1. What a beautiful finish!! I love your choice of fiber and fabric -- just gorgeous! I already have this chart so don't put me in the drawing. :D

    Days without snow on the ground? I don't think there's been a single day without snow on the ground here since Dec. 26. Seriously. No ground to be seen yet -- even with the 60 degree weather we had last Friday. I'm so sick of the snow!

  2. That is a beautiful design, and I'd love to be able to stitch it! I promise to pass it on!

  3. Beautiful finish Carol! The color combo is wonderful. Looks like you've been a lucky one. Congratulations on your wins. Love the new blog look!

    No need to enter me in the drawing. So much to stitch, not enough time! *le sigh*

  4. I have had enough of snow already to. What a brutal winter. Your piece is so pretty and what a pretty sampler. I have been working a lot also and I want spring to be here already. Have a blessed week Carol.

  5. What a beautful finish hun; I'd love to be entered in your drawing and would love to stitch this and then send it onto someone else. Love your blog..

    Hugs, Shar

  6. Oh, I recognize that design! lol. I really enjoyed stitching it too and I'm glad you are passing the joy along!

    Congrats on the winnings! You're on a lucky streak...although you probably want to cash in on some of that luck for a little less snow I think! Take care!

  7. Love your Hillside Samplings - so very pretty. Great additions to your stash as well.

  8. What a pretty finish Carol! I stitched this one a while back and it hangs in my hall so I see it regularly. I agree with you, the speciality stitches add so much interest to the piece :)

    I hope you've seen the last of the snow and that Spring is just around the corner for you!

  9. Very beautiful finish! I would like to have a chance to stitch it, too! So please include me in the drawing!


  10. Congratz on the lovely finish!!
    When you enjoy a pattern is also so great to stitch it..

    Wow you won 2 great give-away's!!!
    Have fun choosing goodies :)

    Beautifull pictures of the snow... I so love it... Here it's wet wet wet and wet!!!

  11. Wonderful stitching! I love the colors. If possible, put me in the drawing.
    Greetings, Gabi

  12. Dear Carol,
    this chart of four seasons really looks wonderful and I would appreciate stitching it!
    The story of the winter storms sounds very bad and I can imagine how over you were with all that snow.
    Here in Austria there is no spring in sight either.

    I hope that spring will come soon to our northeren hemnisphere.

    Have a nice day and keep stitching!


  13. wow, I can see WHY you felt so relaxed stitching that is gorgeous & I would love a chance to stitch it.
    I agree about winter lasting forever...we got the same storm on poor husband drives over an hour each way.....Monday took him a WHOLE LOT LONGER to get home.
    We have had robins all winter.....but they were really plentiful last week when we had 'spring like' temps...ok, it was 2 weeks ago..

  14. Your finish is so beautiful!!! I would love a chance to stitch it and pass it on!!!

    Congratulations on your winning!! They are fabulous!!!

  15. Carol, our local weather prognosticator puts out an uncannily accurate Weather Calendar each year [sales benefit local children's charities]. His calendar has become a sort of local Farmer's Almanac, but much more reliable! He correctly predicted the recent 5-8" snowfall on Monday as a "major weather event" in that block of the calendar. And, at least according to his calendar, we are not done yet. Another "major weather event" is predicted for March 19. So I guess the winter that came in like a lion is going out like a lion as well. Since I am in the metro NY area, my weather forecast may suggest similar weather for your own not-so-very-distant area. Stitching may be the only way to truly experience Spring this year. I am just hoping we don't get a false Spring that brings out all my daffodils and jonquils and hyacinths, only to be buried in snow.
    Your giveaway is very tempting but I am trying to tame and subdue my stash [and my acquisitive instincts], so I don't think I'll enter myself but simply wish good luck to all who do!

  16. Your finish is beautiful, I love the chart, and I'd love a chance to win it!! Thanks :-)

  17. You post two to three times per month at least, Carol. :) My last post was 2 months ago; Shame on me. So just think about me when you didn't update your blog for more than 3 weeks and you won't feel guilty. LOL. Your "Four Seasons" are awesome! That little brown rabbit is too cute and I love all those little apples.

    Congratulations on the wins! Happy shopping and I can't wait to see your new stash. Beautiful charts from Barbara.

    Seasonal Samplings is pretty but no need to enter me into the draw as I don't have time to stitch it. Too much graphic designing jobs to do. And this is also the reason I didn't update my blog since 2 months ago. :(

    I hope spring will come to you very soon. :) Have a nice day and happy stitching.

  18. Congratulations on the finish!! It's so pretty. I will pass o the giveaway because as much as I'd like to stitch it at some point, I'm sure there are others who will put it at the top of their lists. But thanks anyway!

    Nice snow pics--I think! ;)

    Congrats on the wins!

    Don't apologize for not posting. Blog when you can--it's meant to be fun. I can barely manage every two weeks because I have the attention span of a gnat and can't manage to stick to one thing long enough to finish it. I don't want to subject people to pictures of "Look! Three more stitches!". LOL

  19. Gorgeous stitching! I can see why you found that design so appealing.

    You must be living right to win all those great contests! Congrats!

    Glad you were able to appreciate the snow after the storm was over. The clean-up is the part I like least... when you get all the mounds of dirty, gray snow all around.

  20. Beautiful Samplings! I'd love to win this chart :)

    And your story about young mother really touched my heart... thank you!

    Best wishes,

  21. Your seasonal samplings finish is lovely Carol. I'd love to be included in the draw for the chart please.

    I'm with you all the way about needing to be in the mood for blogging. Sometimes I know I have to write a post but my mind is completely blank. I don't know how some people can blog every day, in four years I've only notched up 120posts! I even have trouble composing comments at times!!

    Over here in the U.K. the weather has been so dull and dreary although the sun is shining today. Winter does seem to have gone on for a long time, starting at the end of November when we had quite a lot of snow. I'm now more than ready for Spring!

  22. Hey Carol, not entering but wanted to say your finish is lovely! We sometimes go to Manheim for Spring auctions and are always amazed to see the PA flowers and trees in full bloom on the first of April.


  23. I too have to be in the "right frame of mind" to post on my blog! I completely understand.

    Your Four Seasons is so beautifully done! I really like your choice of fabric and threads. Love those specialty stitches. I would love a chance to stitch this and would enjoy passing it on as well. I have seen this particular chart several times and almost picked it up.

    I won a gift certificate to 1-2-3 Stitch once in a giveaway and I really enjoyed surfing their site to spend it on anything I wanted. It's a very thoughtful way to offer a giveaway, I think.

    Rain...rain...and more RAIN for us here in Kentucky today. I should be thankful I suppose because so many have had to suffer through several inches (or feet) of snow!

    Take care...LOVE your blog!

  24. Your Seasonal Samplings is just beautiful Carol! I can see why you enjoyed this so much. You did such a pretty job of stitching. Congratulations on your wins!

    Your winter wonderland pictures are so pretty and peaceful looking, but I'm sure the snow is anything but that to you now. Our weather has been beautiful and tells us spring is definitely on the way. Wish I could send you some warmer tempperatures!

  25. I'm a summer girl! Guess which one is my favorite block? Summer! LOL :D
    All really cute but I love the bird and the bunny block :)
    Can't say something relaxing.. humm.. I usually get excited to see my pieces complete :p When I'm having fun stitching I get excited to see my piece all done =) I think I go to the opposite way of relaxing LOL
    oh! I'd love to enter!!! Please, count my name too :)

    We had terrible weather until Monday, now we have Sun! Cold but sunny days :D
    Wish you a lovely day!

  26. Beautiful finish!!I would love to try to stitch it,

  27. That's a lovely finish! Every time of the year has something special. And I love the little rabbit and the apples!

  28. Your seasonal samplings is utterly gorgeous! :) Beautifully done!
    And you have been on a winning streak! Have you purchased a lotto ticket recently? :D

  29. Congrats on your recent wins!! Isn't it fun when that happens? Your stitching is beautiful. Isn't it fun to stitch a piece that you thoroughly enjoy? I'm going to pass on the drawing this time. I need to finish a few more first!!

  30. You did a beautiful job on Seasonal Samplings Carol. I love the colors and specialty stitches. I would be thrilled to stitch it and pass it's too pretty not to share!
    I think one of the most relaxing pieces I stitched was Nora Corbett's Halloween Fairy. It was just fun and had a lot of beads (my fav)

    You were the lucky recipient of "Happy Mail" this week. I hope you enjoy it all.

    Oh yes, I'm so tired of the snow and ice. I always anticipate the first snow of the season but that feeling has l-o-n-g gone!!

    Your blog is wonderful and always a pleasure to read~~~~no matter when you post.

    I'm sending you warm, sunny wishes and hugs,

  31. Carol,
    I have been pretty embroidery stations.
    Congratulations on your good fortune, are nice gifts.

    Happy day

  32. Carol,
    Your 4 seasons piece turned out lovely as always! I'll pass this time around ~ trying to finish a few pieces myself lately.
    I sort of have to be in the mood to post too, for stitching/sewing sometimes too!
    Here's hoping you don't get any more snow!

  33. I love this finish!! It's absolutely darling. There is definitely something about it that stands out. I think I like the winter square the best. I'm always drawn to pine trees. :)

    How much I post depends on my mood. I definitely go through periods where I either have nothing to say or do have something to say but don't like sharing. lolol

  34. Carol --
    Your Seasonal Sampler is so pretty. Your stitching is just beautiful.

    I would love a chance to win the chart:)))

    I'm ready for spring too but they say tonight we could get another 3-6 inches of the white stuff. UGH:(((

    I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing your beautiful pictures no matter how often you post. I'll take it even if it's only once a month:))))

    Have a good week. Spring isn't that far off:)

  35. Carol, I love your Seasonal Samplings !!! You are right, it is peaceful looking..
    I am slow with posts too !!! I wish I was as good as others, but it takes me a lot of time to do a post and yes, I have to be in the mood for it, and most importantly I have to have the time, so you are not alone :-)

  36. Hi Carol. Has beautiful embroidered some stations, are very nice special points.
    You really want the good weather arrives, it seems that those who wait.
    It is better to publish quality short and long and not so good. Each person takes time. I'm glad your husband did not pass anything with snow.
    I like your template changes on the blog.
    The translator does his, I mean not very good.
    Congratulations on winning awards.
    And waiting for some time, receiving a warm hug.

  37. Questions which is what I embroidered quietly? Villages quietly Maggi 'cos.
    Very nervous and excited to finish mis Mary Mack, my daughter called "Medusa", I love it.

  38. What an absolutely gorgeous finish. So pretty. I would love to be in with a chance to win this lovely designs and, if I am lucky enough, will gladly pass it on :)

    Congratulations on your wins.

    Your snow pictures are beautiful.

  39. I definitely have to be in the mood and find the right time to sit and write, but when I do it always gives me a good feeling.

    Your Seasonal Samplings is lovely and I would love to have the chance to stitch this. Don't you just love it when a piece is so calming to stitch!

    Congrats on all of your wins!! You've been on a roll!!

    We were hit with about 5 inches of snow again too - it was hard to take after temps in the 60's last week!! Of course, a couple of us are fighting the sniffles now! But spring is just around the corner, isn't it?

    Have a great Friday and weekend!

  40. What a beautiful finish Carol! I always enjoy what you are stitching and enjoyed my visit while having a cup of tea.
    Don't fret about the snow, we have no control over that and we both have "many friends in the same weahterpattern, blessing compared to New Zealand! But please, please hurry spring!!!!


  41. What a sweet finish Carol! I would love to be included in the draw for the chart.
    I'm usually most relaxed when I'm stitching a LHN design. They're such fun stitches.
    Congrats on your wins. We both seem to have been on a bit of a streak!
    We're expecting another storm here tonight and I'm dreading the drive into work tomorrow!

  42. I love your finish, soo pretty.
    Pls include me in the drawing of the chart, I would love a chance to stitch it.
    Many thanks
    LISA V

  43. What a pretty finish... those are such cute seasonal designs! Kudos on your new stash goodies!

    Hope you find more time to stitch....

  44. Hi Carol - beautiful finish! That is a very sweet design. As you can tell my blogging has slowed considerably. I just haven't been in the mood. Do you think we are suffering from the winter blues???

    Congratulations on your recent wins. I know you will stitch some gorgeous things. Unbelievable that you had another snow storm. Bring on spring I say!

  45. Very nice finish! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway - I don't have a four season piece and think it'd be a great addition - love the specialty stitches. And, of course I would move it on in a giveaway!

    I'd have to say the most relaxing piece I've done is Home of a Needleworker - probably because it was straight forward and I was really excited to be doing it!..

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    Mary in MN

  46. What a gorgeous finish! (But I'll sit out the giveaway, given my current sporadic stitching schedule.) And thank you for your heart-warming words. :D

  47. This is a gorgeous finish, I love the little bunny on Summer. No need to add me to the giveaway list thank you, I'm still concentrating on my Nature's Beauty. I can't believe you've had snow for so long, we've just got damp and grey weather at the moment, here's hoping it will cheer up soon! Happy stitching to you.

  48. A beautiful finish.
    Please include me in your draw. Thank you.

  49. Lovely finish! And wonderful gifts! All I can bring on spring!!

  50. Your Seasonal Samplings came out great. I stitched this piece up about 5 years ago and I too really enjoyed it.

  51. Beautiful stitching! I love seasonal designs and would love a chance to stitch these.


  52. It's so pretty! I love it so much.

  53. oh very beautiful !
    have a good day
    marylin France

  54. Fancy seeing the Hillside Samplings chart here, i am in a RR and that is one of the charts i'll be stitching a block on. It's such a lovely design and i can't wait to see if i love it as much as you did

    I hope your snow soon melts Carol and springtime sunshine comes your way, i'm ready for it too.

    Congrats on your recent wins

  55. What a great finish! The spring one looks so inviting! I just want to see a peek of grass. We have had snow on the ground since December 26th.
    thanks for the contest.

  56. Hi Carol,

    Love these four seasonsyou stitched carol, this is on my to list, so don't drop me into the drawing, i alreadyhave this chart :-))

    Yust love the way you finished the santa ornament with the twigs (i keep that in mind for one of my next ornaments.

    Hope you wil soon have some sunny days without snow :-)))

    Happy stitching
    Nicole from Belgium ( eggs etera :-))))

  57. I always enjoy your work - Everything looks wonderful

  58. Absolutely LOVELY! You never disappoint whenever I come to see your Blog ;o) I would love a chance to stitch this piece. I doubt I could do as good a job as you though!

    Lucky you!!! You'll be in so much stash that we'll have to dig you out of that instead of snow ;o) LOL!

    Your pictures are so pretty but I'm glad it's you with the white stuff. We're down to grass again but it's cold out today. Spring IS almost here though!

  59. What a beautiful finish! I've had a few pieces here and there that have given me a total sense of calm and peace, I still feel that way when I look/think of them.

    Boy you have been a lucky girl laltely!

    What beautiful pictures after the snow storm! I came home to freezing rain and snow on Monday turned out to be a snow day. It was fun driving to work in that.

    I mostly blog when I feel like it but I do try to at least get a stitching update up once a week.

  60. What a pretty piece. Congrats on the finish. Did you already do the giveaway?

  61. I agree - I love the specialty stitches on the piece, especially the autumn apples. So cool!

  62. I ahve been blogging for over 5 years and find that you can go in fits and starts, sometimes you have things to post about and you post regularly, other times weeks go past and you have nothing to blog about or no mood too, everyone goes there, everyone understands and if they are good followers they follow you through it all, post or no post.

  63. Yes, please include me in on the drawing for the Seasonal Samplings, yours is beautiful and I particularly love the trees. Thank you for sharing!


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!