Monday, August 16, 2010

For the Love of Sunflowers

Good morning everyone! First of all, thank you so much for all of your compliments on my sunflower header photo and new blog background--I really appreciate them! This weekend, I was sorting through my drawers and boxes of unfinished finishes in an attempt to count how many I have (and perhaps motivate myself to finish some of them!) when I happened to notice the many sunflower finishes I had stitched through the years. Thought you might like to see them yourself and hopefully, they'll inspire you or just bring you a smile...

First up, is one of my all-time favorites...I actually finished this piece from Prairie Schooler's "Garden Samplers" (Book No. 45) three years ago and still haven't framed it! I really need to get a frame ordered for it soon--it is too pretty to hide away in a dark drawer. I especially love this one because we have a large martin birdhouse in our backyard--not exactly like this one, but similar. If I can recall, I used 32 ct. summer khaki jobelan and DMC threads on this one--but I'm not positive. At my age, I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday, let alone what I stitched a three-year-old piece on!

Next up is a finish I showed you last year, but I finally got around to framing it this week. It fit perfectly in a frame that I use for other monthly Prairie Schooler pieces... (see here and here) so I'll just pop it out of the frame and replace it with the September squirrel next month. This is from an old Mill Hill bead kit that I converted to stitching. The original kit came with sunflower buttons so I had to improvise these stitched flowers.

This cheerful Prairie Schooler rooster crowing "Good Morning" to the sunflowers is from an old issue of Just Cross Stitch magazine (January/February 2002). It appears as if this one was stitched on some sort of oatmeal colored evenweave with DMC threads. I always thought this would be fun to finish as a flat-fold and use as a decoration at a brunch. Well, it has probably been almost five years since I stitched this and it still remains unfinished... perhaps I need to schedule a brunch to get me motivated? Want to join me :)

My Prairie Schooler sunflower Santa should look familiar to you (unless you just began reading my blog) because it was my April ornament finish earlier this year. It is from Book No. 48 "A Christmas Visit" and is stitched on 32 ct. natural light linen with DMC floss. This was my first circular finish and I love it!

My final sunflower stitching is called Manuela's Sunflower by Chatelaine Designs and is a freebie available here. There are some really lovely designs on this site. I especially love Kathy's Violets and Debi's Roses. Not sure what I stitched this on--some sort of mystery linen with DMC floss and a few bronze colored beads in the center. I didn't stitch the border that was on the original chart--just liked it better without. So there you have it; all of my sunflower stitchings in one post! Hope you enjoyed seeing them...

I had a wonderful RAK sent to me this week by my friend Cindy at "Cindy's Cross Stitching". Two darling LHN patterns and the overdyed floss to stitch one of them and the cutest Just Nan "Snow Faces" chart. I love everything, Cindy--you have been such a wonderful friend and loyal blog commenter ever since I can remember. I truly appreciate your gifts and even more, your friendship...

I actually gasped when I opened these one-a-kind gifts from Lee at "Notes From Under the Mountain". Just look at the elegant workmanship in the scissor fob and pin cushion--I mean Lee is a true needleworker and I'm just in awe of these beauties. Click on the photo and you'll be able to see all of the beading, bullion-stitched roses, and tiny extra touches that make Lee's gifts so special. And guess why she sent them to me? All because I left so many comments and gave her lots of encouragement and support during her first year of blogging. Please stop over at Lee's blog and check out her stunning work--I especially love the little birds in her side bar under "Lee's Birds"--stunning! Truly, Lee, I hope you know how much I will treasure your gifts. Someday I would love to visit your breath-taking New Zealand and thank you in person :)

So, anyway, back to my first paragraph of this posting--the number of unfinished finishes that reside in my home? Are you ready? 82!! How about you? Are you one of those stitchers who promptly finishes each thing after it is stitched or do you stitch mainly for the love of stitching like I do? How many poor neglected finishes do you have patiently waiting in bags and boxes, drawers and closets just begging to see the light of day?

Well, that's about it for now--I hope your week is a special one filled with all of your favorite things. Thank you so much for visiting me today--your comments are so much fun to read and I really appreciate the time you take in leaving them! Bye now...


  1. Wow.. that's a gorgeous collection of sunflower designs. You could decorate a whole sun room!

    And those are truly wonderful gifts you've received. Lee really outdid herself with those hearts.

    Never counted, but I'm definitely the 'stitch and stow' type. I like the stitching part best like so many of us and my walls are full anyway!

  2. You have a beautiful collection of sunflowers!

    Did you find anything in your 82 UFOs that you're feeling like working on? I'm sure there are some goodies in there!

  3. What an amazing collection of sunflowers. I am looking forward to a photo of the framed sunflower sampler ... that is stunning. As to your RAKs, I am green with envy ... those bullion stitch roses, oh my goodness!!!

  4. All your precious work, I love the sunflower is a shame that is not yet framed, is precious.


  5. Well, you have me beat by about 20 in the UFO dept. Here all along I thought I had the highest pile. Thank you for letting me off that hook. Your sunflowers are wonderful. Funny how that flower can make anyone smile.
    Be always in stitches.

  6. I loved seeing all your sunflower pieces! All are just lovely! Nice RAK too!

  7. All your sunflower finishes are beautiful. So sunny and cheerful. Your RAK's are lovely too. I am a stitcher and finisher just about there are a couple of things I haven't done anything with because I am not that happy with the stitching on them but most other things have been framed.

  8. How wonderful to see all those lovely sunflowers in one post. I must show it to my BFF who loves sunflowers!
    Lovely, lovely gift. Her stitching is indeed incredible.

  9. Your Sunflower stitches are beautiful. I have many unfinished finished projects. I do love stitching but the finishing is not my specialty. I enjoyed seeing your RAKs. How very lucky we ar to have blogging to bring stitching friends together.

  10. I love all the sunflower finihes! Wonderful RAK's. I don't have that many unfinished projects. I usually don't put them down because I know that i will never pick them up again. Sad but true.

  11. Your sunflower collection is BEAUTIFUL Carol. What we choose to stitch says a lot about us, doesn't it? I can't wait to see the finishes! I have many (not 82!) that are also asking "when is it my turn?" You had a fun treasure hunt...
    The RAK you have received are so special and lovely. You so deserve them for being a supportive and wonderful blogging friend. Stitchers are thoughtful souls :)(*HUGS*)

  12. Love your sunflowers, congrats on your gifties, great post, enjoyed every word. I'd better let you go... you have some *finishin too doo Loocy* ~ lol!


  13. Sunflowers are some of my favorite flowers. You have so many nice pieces. I do have 1 unfinished piece to finish. You have so many. Your stitching is so pretty. I like to finish mine right away. Glad you like the charts. Lee sent some amazing pieces, how pretty. As always your blog is great.

  14. What a beautiful collection of sunflower pieces!! I'm not sure of the exact number of unfinished finishes I have, but it's a bunch. I used to keep up with them, but then the boys came along!

    Your gifts you received are stunning - enjoy them, you deserve it!

  15. What beautiful sunflower pieces Carol! I am sure I have that Garden leaflet from P.S. It stitched up beautifully . All your lovely gifts are wonderful too. I have many unfinished projects but the blogs have inspired me to get cracking and finish them up or I will never have anything on the walls! Enjoy the rest of the summer

  16. I just love sunflowers! What a bunch of sunny finishes thanks for sharing!

    What gorgeous gifts you received!

    Ooh I don't know how many unfinished finishes I have! I'm what my friends call a process stitcher. I love the act of stitching when its done it goes in "The bin". LOL perhaps I should do a blog entry about "the bin"

  17. Love your sunflower finishes Carol! I can't believe you have 82 finishes in your! I think I'm a slow stitcher and slow to finish too. I rarely do anything immediately after that last stitch.

    Lovely packages from Cindy and Lee!

  18. I love sunflowers! what a cool collection
    Awesome packages

  19. All your sunflowers are so pretty. It's the perfect time of year to get them out and display them no matter what state of finish they're in.

    82! That's impressive. I'd love to see more.


  20. What a great sunflower collection! I particularly love the first one. It's divine. It's a new-to-me design that I think I might have to go snooping around for. Heheh. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  21. So many lovely sunflowers! The first one is my favorite. And the rooster and hen are cute.

  22. Carol your sunflower finishes are so gorgeous! I love all of them (and your frame!), but I think my favorite has to be the sampler from Prairie Schooler's Garden Samplers. I have said it before, but you are truly a talented lady! And 82 finishes? Wow!

    I used to get my samplers framed when they were finished, but I haven't done that in the past couple of years. Hopefully I can again soon. I do try to finish my small items into pillows, ornaments or pinkeeps.

    Lee's gift to you is exquisite! You are right - she is a true needleworker! Truly amazing. And, your RAK is wonderful.

    I enjoyed reading your post and looking at your lovely photos!

  23. beautiful post!!!! Your blog is always such a joy to read. I love all the sunflower pieces you have done. I think my favorite is the one in the frame that you said you use over & over. I also love that frame. Wonder if Duane can make one like that?!?!?!? He makes my frames for me!!! I 'finish/finish many of my projects, but you have me wondering how many I have in my completed box?!?!

  24. You have a garden of stitched sunflowers! And what a beautiful garden!! :D

    I always end what I'm stitching before I start something new, but I do have a few pieces waiting for a finishing ;) But not 82, far away from that!!! LOL :D
    Last week I finished my blackwork butterfly, it waited 2 years :p
    Right now I have... 3 :) One to make a recipe book and 2 to frame :)

    I've been following your blog not for very long but since I do, I really enjoy reading your posts :)
    Have a great week!!! :D

  25. All of your sunflower finishes are wonderful! What a great RAK you recieved too!

  26. What a wonderful collection of sunflower finishes you have Carol. Those gifts from your friend Lee are stunning.
    82 ufo;s , just a few then...LOL!
    Have a lovely week. Hugs.

  27. Such beautiful finishes! I tend to finish off any small items that I do, but my larger ones tend to sit around waiting for inspiration. I also have some waiting for framing too.
    LISA V

  28. The sunflower is such a happy plant don't you think? I can just look at one and feel a smile coming on. All of your finishes are gorgeous as always Carol. I usually try to finish finish my pieces as soon as they are stitched but I have fallen behind lately. I have a few that I really want to frame but don't have the right frame nor the funds for framing. I will get there one day. :o)

    Your gifts are lovely and what special friends you have. Isn't it amazing how close we can all feel without ever meeting one another?

  29. Gorgeous sunflowers! I love sunflowers, they are my favourite flowers. Your stitchings are so beautiful.

    Nice RAK and gifts!

  30. Carol, such a lovely post to read and admire all of the beautiful sunflowers in your collection! I especially love the PS one, have that in my stash, I really do need to stitch it, don't I?

    I hope your week is starting out wonderfully, and that you get plenty of stitching time!

  31. You have a beautiful collection of sunflower designs Carol! I love them all, especially the Prairie Schooler ones. Right now I am stitching a PS design and already planning the next one. I started to like them a lot lately :)

    82 unfinished finishes? This means that whenever you feel like finish something, you only have to open your drawer and take something :)

    Have a nice week,

  32. I so enjoyed all of the sunflowers - Beautiful work - tremendous colors - nice presentation

    Take Care

  33. I love all your sunflower pieces. They are so cheery and summery looking.

    Wow, the gifts from Lee are exquisite. I read Lee's blog and she is a very talented needlewoman.

    I recently looked through all my unfinished finishes. I would say I have at least 50, maybe more. I will count them at the weekend... maybe I can shame myself into starting to do something with them all! lol

  34. Just love your sunflower collection, know I will visit again just to enjoy them one more.

  35. I love all your sunflowers. Your stitching is beautiful and inspiring.


  36. I really enjoyed readng your post the sunflower stitchings are beautiful and I especially loved the good morning - must see if I have that JCS.
    Your gifts from your friend are so amazing.

  37. Carol --
    I love all your sunflower pieces. My very favorite is the PS Garden Sunflower Sampler. I have stitched it more than once.

    Your gifts that you received are gorgeous. I especially like the one from Lee. Exquisite!

    You have quite a collection of items for "finishing". Any time you need a gift you could go to your drawer and see what you can find!

    Thanks for sharing. I always enjoying stopping by your blog for a visit.

    Have a great week.


  38. Wow!! What a beautiful sunflowers collection! Heavy rain here in Malaysia, thanks for your sunflowers show to brightened up my day (LOL). I especially love the Garden Samplers. All the gifts from your friends are lovely, Carol. I have many unfinished finishes too. Because I afraid of finishing. LOL.

  39. Your sunflower finishes are beautiful, but HOLY COW girl... 82 UFO's??? You should make a goal of finishing at least a few before the end of the year :) :) :)

  40. So many smiling faces looking back at me :o) I can't help but love the sunflower. How can a gorgeous, laid back flower like that not make you smile?

    Your pieces are just beautiful Carol but then you are a beautiful stitcher :o) I don't recall ever seeing the pattern for the first picture and I LOVE IT!

    I checked out Lee's birds and they are INCREDIBLE! My goodness that woman is a talented needleworker.

    Oh many unfinished finishes? At least one tote full so I'm not sure how many that is ;o) LOL!

  41. What a talent needlewoman Lee is, your gift is amazing, so pretty and delicate.

    Love the sunflowers, i think the rooster one is really cute.

    82 waiting to be finished off, i have quite a few, but not quite that many i dont think, although i only have 1 UFO project.

  42. What a lovely collection of sunflower pieces Carol! I have more finishes than I care to admit to that lie unfinished or unframed but, I have to say I think you outdo me in the number that you have! Oh my!!!

    What lovely gifts you've received lately! Lee's work is exquisite!

  43. First off, you are one lucky girl with all the great gifts you got!

    Your finishes are beautiful! I especially love that first piece with the birdhouse. I've seen that every now and then and when I tried to find out where the chart was from - oops, missed that boat. Glad to see it here again!

  44. Your sunflower finishes have really cheered me up this week. They're beautiful!! I have to find a copy of that PS Garden Sampler. The saying used on it from the Song of Solomen was read at our wedding.
    Lee's work is stunning! I would have gasped too. The roses on it are incredible. Wish I could do work like that!
    I'm with you. I love to stitch and when I'm finished they are relegated to "the drawer". I've been trying to get some of my favourites framed up this past year but the drawer will always be full.

  45. What a fun lot of sunflowers! Definitely cheerful.

    Can't come near your 82(!) unfinished finishes. I have 4 smalls to finish and half a dozen waiting for me to win the lottery so I can get them framed!

  46. It was a pleasure to read through this sunflower post and look at your wonderful sunflower stitching. All these finishes are so beautiful, but the Prairie Schooler ones juat have to be my favourites. Book #45 is one of my favourites and I should really start to stitch one of these great designs.
    I don't know how many unfinished stitched projects I have. All I can say is that nearly all my stitched pieces remain unfinished, which is a real drama, lol. I do love the stitching process but when it comes to finish or frame something I put it aside and prefer stitching. Sometimes I go through my boxes and drwers to just look at all my little treasures and then put them away again. I admire all the stitchers that finish their stitched pieces immediately.

  47. What a beautiful collection of sunflower designs. All so pretty and cheerful.

    Lovely RAKs you received. Lee's work is absolutely gorgeous.

    Definitely nowhere near you with your 82 unfinished pieces. Not sure how many I have but it would be around 6 maybe!

  48. I love your finishes Carol, the sunflowers are so happy looking!

    Wow, 82 unfinished finishes...I felt bad about the 2 I have!!! LOL

  49. Your sunflower pieces are gorgeous so bright and cheery. Like yourself, I have a lot of finished work that I have not done anything with. My husband asked me what I was going to do with my latest finish and I said to him "fold it up and put it in the cupboard with all the rest" LOL.
    kind regards, Shirley

  50. Some gorgeous stitching you have to show.

  51. Absolutley adore all your PS sunflowery finishes!! Those gifts are amazing too. 82!!! Wow you have just made me feel so much better all of a sudden. I'm free, I'm free!!! Hahaha. Yes I stitch for the love of it although I do want to get some of my wips out of the way and finished which is my intention for the next few months. x

  52. I love all the sunflowers, such a pretty post :)
    Donna in WV

  53. 82 ? EIGHTY TWO ??? Do you mean that you have 82 pieces that you have started or 82 that are finished but not "finished off" or are you counting patterns and kits?
    You have stitched so many beautiful patterns that I am guessing it is quite possible that you have 82 still to be framed/made up.
    I do have a few pieces not made up and quite a little pile of "beginnings" but I will refrain from counting them on the grounds that I will become too depressed to start anything new.

  54. What a wonderful blog! :D

    I'm not much of a finisher so far, but I think the reason for that is I just can't bear to "part" with a WiP. :P

    Love them all especially the large PS and the santa ornie! :D

  55. Oh my goodness, you have me salivating big time over all your beautiful finishes you have shared with us. Those Prairie Schooler finishes are right up there with ones I want to stitch myself. . . . TIME, I need more of it!

    I'm actually pretty good at finishing my stuff as soon as it comes off the snaps...I figure I put so much time in them, I need to get them done so I can enjoy them. I have a friend though that would finish big project after big project and just put them in a drawer. They are still there after 10+ years. I want to hijack her drawer and finish it for myself!

  56. What gorgoeus sunflower finishes. They would look perfect in my kitchen which has a sunflower theme. :) I have a ton of sunflower themed pattern but have yet to stitch a one! There is always something else to do. LOL

    As for the unfinishes works, well I would be embarrassed to admit how many I have. But after reading your post and Shari's (she said she has 97!) I have to admit I am curoius so I just might go hunting them out this weekend. :)

  57. What lovely collections, Carol. I especially love The PS Garden sampler, i haven't seen that design before.

    WOW! What gorgeous gifts you received. Enjoy!!

    I honestly don't know how many unfinished works i have and can't count too right now as some were packed and don't even know where or which box.

  58. It was fun catching up with you, Carol! I loved seeing all your stitching. The sunflower pieces are so pretty! It reminds me that I have a barely started DT sunflower bellpull hanging around in a drawer somewhere. Eek. You make me want to run and grab up a PS or five to stitch! ;)

  59. Carol, this is a very impressive collecton of sunflowers ! I love them all ! Especially the Prairie schoolers..
    Your blog is one of my favorite, you are so talented !

  60. 82 unfinished finishes? That's AMAZING! The ones you've shown are certainly wonderful!

  61. What lovely finishes! I think my favorite is the Garden Sampler - so pretty!

  62. Lovely sunflower garden. :) Your circular finish is gorgeous! I want to know how you did that! I am more of a start and finish kind of gal, but I do have multiple projects going, like maybe 6. The cost of time and materials is what keeps me motivated or else I would have 100 in progress!

  63. What a beautiful collection of sunflowers !!!!!!

    I love very much your Prairie Schooler rooster crowing "Good Morning" !!!!!!! I have not see this design before....

    But I can't beleive that you have 82 unfinished at your home !!!??? You stitch so many beautiful patterns... perharps you find the time to finish them one day !!!...
    I think that I have 20 maybe... And I make feel guilty as soon as I begin the other one but sometimes, I can not resist to the temptation !!

    Have a good week-end, Carol !!!!
    Here, in France, The weather is beautiful after several rainy days!!! It is so pleasant !!!

  64. Love all your beautiful sunflowers! I even went hunting for the garden sampler pattern (I know, I know - you said it is old) and only found one, on e-bay for $39.95! Guess I'll just have to be content with looking at yours, haha!


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!