Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pay It Forward Anyone?

Pay It Forward (PIF)~ verb: "1. to repay the good deeds one has received by doing good things for other unrelated people."

I signed up for Andrea's "Pay It Forward" in November and was rewarded with this perfectly lovely pinkeep in my mailbox this week. Andrea obviously studied my blog and realized how much I love Prairie Schooler designs! She was concerned that I may have already stitched this little parrot in his gilded cage, but I don't yet own this chart (from the Forget Me Not designer series), so she made a wonderful choice. When I showed it to my oldest son, he even said, "That looks just like something you would stitch, mom." (See, the guys are learning!!) Notice the beautiful gold braiding that Andrea trimmed it with and the "Made With Love" charm that she included on the back. She even made the lovely little card. You should be able to click on the photos for a clearer look. Andrea, everything is so "me"--you couldn't have stitched a more perfect piece! Thank you so very much. It has a place of honor in my sunroom...

And now it is my turn! Would any of you like to participate in a PIF from me? The rules are very simple. I will send a stitched gift to three people who leave a comment (on this post only) requesting to join my PIF challenge. Knowing my love of ornament making, it will most likely be an ornament, but who knows--I'll surprise you! I have 365 days to fulfill my end of the bargain. If you are chosen as one of my PIF recipients, then you must offer the same on your blog to keep the kindness going... Please specifically mention in your comment if you wish to be considered for this...If more than three people sign up, I will have a drawing for three names. I'll keep this open until April 15th.

I'm been hard at work trying to finish Block #3 of Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow by the end of March, but today I'm taking the day off and going to the Pittsburgh Zoo. I haven't visited the zoo in many years, but my animal-loving, middle son volunteers there on Saturdays so my husband and I are getting our own private tour... Hope your weekend is relaxing and stitch-filled. Thank you all for visiting me here each week--I love hearing from you!


  1. Wow! That's a beautiful PIF! I'm not signing up -- I don't think my finishing work would measure up! lol! Have fun with it!

  2. your PIF gift is gorgeous! I would LOVE to be signed up for your PIF.....I have never done one of these!!!!

  3. What a wonderful gift you've received. I've also read your post about the DMC that came in that big box. Congratulations on winning their give away. That must have been a dream come true and I'm sure you could have been rolling in all the DMCs, lol.

  4. What a wonderful PIF you received. I stitched this pattern about two weeks ago and finished it just bout the same! Enjoy!

  5. What a lovely PIF gift. I haven't seen that one before and it is wonderful. I will pass on the PIF as I have several exchanges on the go.

  6. Too funny! I commented on this yesterday on her blog! It's gorgeous and I know you'll enjoy it forever.

  7. So glad you enjoyed the PIF gift. I love the photo display you have created for it. :) It was a pleasure to stitch for you Carol.

  8. That's a beautiful pinkeep from Andrea. Her work is always exquisite!

  9. Trina @Stitching OzMarch 27, 2010 at 2:43 PM

    Such a beautiful PIF gift! Please sign me up for this and even though I am new to your blog - I am pleasantly enjoying it!

    Beautiful sight!

  10. Loved the pinkeep you received and the finishing is just perfect. How wonderful to receive such a gift.
    Please sign me up I think it is a great idea. and a great way to share your work with others.

  11. It's beautiful, what a beautiful present to receive. I would love to be signed up for the PIF.

  12. Beautiful pinkeep, such a treat to receive such lovelies in your mailbox! I'm going to pass on the PIF unfortunately...

  13. That is such a lovely pinkeep from Andrea.
    I am not signing up for the PIF-i've done it before.
    Hope you have a wonderful time at the Zoo.

  14. The pinkeep is just beautiful. I am not too hot at the finishing but I have never taken part in a PIF and would love to have a go.
    Please add me to your list.

  15. Hi Carol! I admired this on Andrea's blog. Doesn't she do the most exquisite stitching and finishing. I was the lucky recipient of one of her Christmas ornaments and treasure it. I am going to pass on the PIF although I would love to have something you stitched - I just have too much on my plate right now. Maybe I can join in another time. I hope you are having a fabulous weekend and had fun at the zoo.

  16. Hihihihihi, Carol this is your "winner-year"!!! Congratulations on this most wonderful PIF!
    Have a good time at the zoo!

  17. Carol, what a very special and beautifully stitched PIF gift.

    Enjoy your day at the zoo

  18. I saw this on Andrea's post - it is beautifully done! Enjoy!

    How fun to have your own little tour of the zoo! We spent the weekend at a cold baseball tournament in the Lehigh Valley!!

    Perhaps one day I'll get a blog going and then I can participate in a PIF - that will give me some time to practice my finishing as well!

  19. What a gorgeous PIF gift. Those PS designs are so lovely. Hoped you enjoyed your day at the zoo and good luck with finish block #3!

  20. Dear Carol,

    What a lovely PIF present you received, I love Prairie Schooler designs, too. Would like to stitch more of them, but there is always this problem with the time :(

    I hope you had a great time at the zoo with your private tour guide :) and good luck for finishing block #3.


  21. Oh ! what a beautiful PIF you received, Carol !!! It is very very beautiful !!! I did not know this chart... but I love it too much !!!!!
    I hope that you had a good weather to go to the zoo ??? Here, it is raining !!!! it is raining and it is still raining, all the days !!!! My poor daffodifs are lying on the ground !!! grrrrrr !!!

  22. What a gorgeous design. I have seen pinkeeps before but are not sure of their use. Is it like a pincushion? Thanks for your comments on my blog. I am sure your sister will enjoy her experiences in Russia, I stitched all the blues in my design while watching my murder/mystery shows so it was no problem. Take care, Shirley

  23. Wow, what a fantastic PIF!! It really is beautiful--excellent finishing touches. Like Margaret, my finishing skills aren't up to snuff so I will pass on the PIF offer, but I will enjoy watching what is exchanged. ;)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. What a beautiful PIF gift from Andrea!

  26. Hi Carol,
    I think the PIF is a sweet gesture, but my finishing skills are terrible, so I will pass. Mine would never measure up to what I see on others' blogs. Andrea's PS pin keep is gorgeous. I love that design. Keep plugging away on block 3. :) It was my favorite of the three I have stitched so far. I loved that big fruit basket and the pears beside it. I have started block 4 but those white snowflakes already have my eyes crossing. LOL! The private zoo tour sounds like such a blast! How neat that your son volunteers there.

  27. Carol, what a lovely gift you received from Andrea - she does beautiful work. I'm with Siobhan and Margaret, my finishing skills are nil.

    I look forward to watching this as people share their talents with others.

  28. That is absolutely gorgeous! No wonder you are tickled pink Carol :o)

    Have fun at the zoo!


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!