Saturday, January 30, 2010

I've got the "blues"...but my giveaway winners won't!

All I can say is, it's a good thing that blue is my favorite color because I've been stitching with nothing else all week (oh, okay, there is a bit of white, too!). I was really hoping to be finished with Waxing Moon's January Sampler by the end of the month, but as you can see, I'm not even half done. I forgot to order one of the overdyed threads, so I am at a standstill until it arrives. I'm stitching this one with WDW and DMC floss on 32 ct. sage jobelan and just loving it. I love to stitch I weird?

Here is what January Sampler will look like when I'm all done. It just reminded me so much of my sons sled riding down the little hill in our backyard when they were younger. The photo at the top of my blog is actually our backyard and there is a hill on the left side where they used to sled-ride. If you look closely at the picture, there is also a pond at the back of our yard where they used to play hockey when it was cold enough to actually freeze over. I love the memories that snow in the winter conjures up...

Well, enough about that--on to my birthday giveaway winners! If you're like me, you've probably scanned past all of the above and already peeked to see if you're a winner. Believe me, I wish I could send you all something--you've been such great friends and supporters of my blog. However, the fact is, there were more than 70 entries, but there are only three prizes so, without further ado, the winners, drawn randomly by my dear husband, are:

Giveaway # 1 winner is: Cole

Giveaway #2 winner is: Jennifer

Giveaway # 3 winner is: Lynda

Please send me your home addresses as soon as possible and I'll get your goodies in the mail next week. Interestingly, two of the winners are from Canada. It must be Canada's year with the Olympics starting in two weeks in their beautiful city of Vancouver! And my third winner, Lynda, who is brand new to my blog, just happens to be a fellow librarian. It was nice to have new readers and a few new followers, too. You may have noticed that I didn't require anyone to become a follower with my giveaway. Is it just me or does that "requirement" bother anyone else? I would rather people decide on their own and not be forced. Anyway, welcome to all of my new visitors and I hope you'll return often! Thanks to everyone for the great reading suggestions. I never get tired of having a wonderful, new book recommended to me.

Until next week... stay warm and I hope your days are filled with lots of uninterrupted stitching time. Thank you again for all of your comments--I appreciate each and every one...


  1. Love the two monthly samplers and congrats to the winners!

  2. The sampler is very pretty - at first I thought it was Prairie Schooler design! I'm a blue fan so this one is really up my alley. Congrats to the winners!

  3. Congrats for the winners !

    Carol ! Your January sampler is very beautiful ! I love it with his small house and childrens who play in the snow...
    To us too, we had some snow this night...
    I like the blue but I prefer the pink !!!!
    Have a nice week-end !

  4. The January sampler is beautiful. I love the sage Jobelan.

    Congrataulations to the winners of your great prizes!

    Have a great week!


  5. Congratulations to the winners!

    Your January is shaping up nicely. Me thinks you might get a bit tired of that white when you get to it. :o) I usually don't enter giveaways if it requires that I become a follower or post about it on my blog or something else. I follow blogs using the blog reading in my browser and have a tough enough time keeping up with that!

    Have a great weekend! Pssst - we have lots of snow here today. :o)

  6. I ♥ your January stitching!

    Congratulations to the winners!

  7. No it's not just you...I don't particularly like becoming a follower just because you might win something. I like people to follow me because they like what they read.
    I love your January sampler!

  8. The sampler looks great! I love all the shades of blue.

    Congrats to the winners~

  9. Love how the sampler looks.
    I love stitching letters too, then houses, lol
    Congrats to the winners

  10. Your January Sampler is lovely, I'm a big fan of blue too!

  11. Your stitching looks fabulous!

    Congrats to the winners - enjoy!

  12. Love the January Sampler especially since I myslef am a Januaru baby..

    Congrats to all the winners :)

  13. The January sampler looks great Carol.

    Congratulations to the winners. Gee, if I'd won, you'd have had 3 winners from Canada!

    I don't ask people to be a follower. I agree with you on that. I do ask a question though and it's heaps of fun to read the answers! Well worth it for a giveaway to be given!

  14. Your project is really beautiful! I hadn't seen this design before. Just think, instead of being late for this January, you're just going to be early for next January! And congrats to your winners!

  15. First off Happy Belated Birthday, I hope you had a great day. I Love the monthly sampler you are working on and am wondering how I missed seeing this one before?? I too enjoy seeing what others are reading and suggesting...I am currently reading The Help and it is one of the best books I have read in a long time :)

  16. Congratulations to the three winners!

    I do like your January sampler, certainly is a lot of blue but, it's the perfect colour for the month and blue is such a nice colour to stitch in. As for liking lettering? I'm another one who likes stitching lettering. I probably should say I'm close to addicted if I'm being honest!

    What a lovely picture of your backyard. It looks so pretty in all that snow. I know, nice to look at as long as you can be inside keeping warm!

  17. Congrats to the winners!

    I love the January sampler...and I love blue myself. I look forward to seeing it finished.

    I think some people put becoming a follower on their giveaway requirements to boost up their follower-ship. For me personally, that's why I asked that people become a follower for my first giveaway. I probably won't the rest of the time, but for now I wanted to draw people in. I think if you are having an incredible giveaway, people will become followers either way.

  18. I love the January sampler, it is so pretty.
    Be always in stitches.

  19. Congratulations to the winners! I LOVE the January sampler!!!!

  20. Congratulations to the winners! Your January wip is coming the variegated lettering. And you know, your backyard does look like a prime sledding spot!

  21. Your sampler looks wonderful. What I love most is the memories that it invokes in you. I can just see your kids sledding down the hill in your beautiful backyard.

  22. Hi Carol, the January Sampler is looking lovely.

    Congrats to the lucky winners of your birthday competition.

    I am with you on the giveaways. I'd rather have a giveaway out of generosity, than increasing the number of followers.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  23. What a nice picture of your backyard. Love the sampler you are working on. Congrats to the winners.

  24. Hi Carol,
    Love that sampler!! Love that cute sled going down the hill. I want to stitch it just for the sled alone. :) Looking forward to seeing your continued progress on this one.
    Congrats to the winners!
    Hope you are having a cozy stitching weekend!

  25. I love that sampler!! You are making great progress! Will be stunning when finished! Congrats winners!!

  26. Congrats to all the winners! Love your WM WIP! I don't mind stitching lettering too :)

  27. Love your sampler - I have often looked at them and thought about doing them - just might have too now. Congratulations to the winners. Love the snow pictures and the memories.

  28. I love your new start, Carol! It is so pretty. I've never seen it before so will enjoy watching your progress. :)

    Congratulations to the winners!

  29. Congrats to the winners! Your January Sampler is looking beautiful!!

  30. gorgeous backyard photo!! So pretty!
    I love the piece you are working on! I thought I had it, but I looked & I guess I don't. Oh well!
    I will watch you stitch. No, you are not weird at all for liking to stitch letters! I love it!! Letters are such fun to do!
    Congrats to your winners. You know, I don't like when the requirements are put on entries either. I just don't enter those!!!
    I wish I knew how to get more readers & followers thou. My blog is boring!

  31. The Waxing Moon January sampler is quite beautiful! Great job so far!
    Congratulations to the winners!


  32. I am thrilled to be a winner Carol!! I have sent along my details. Your January sampler is so pretty . I love all the colours. Enjoy your sitching

  33. January Sampler is lovely, congrats to the winners.

  34. Your sampler looks great, Carol.

    Congrats to your winners!

  35. This January is so nice!! Great job! Faye

  36. Carol, your new stitching is so lovely. I can't wait to see how it develops :) I also like stitching letters very much, maybe because I like writing :)

    Beautiful the photo in the header of your blog. Must be great to have a place like that in your backyard.

    Best wishes,

  37. The January Sampler is so lovely. Lucky winners on the stash!!!

  38. Your January sampler is coming along nicely - the colours are wonderful! (Blue is also my favourite colour.)

    Congrats to the winners!

  39. Oh, a new secret project ;o) I love the colors and can't wait to see it done.

    The picture at the top of your Blog was the first thing I noticed. So beautiful.

    Congrats to the lucky winners!

  40. Happy belated birthday, Carol! Your January Sampler is very nice and I love the fabric. Congrats all the lucky winners!

  41. Look at all the pretties :)
    And you're the first I've seen stitching the Waxing Moon monthly samplers...I really do like these. A LOT...


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!