Saturday, June 20, 2009

Week Twenty Five: Prairie Schooler Boy With His Snowman

Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking--another Prairie Schooler design?! What can I say--I guess I'm an official Prairie Schooler addict. Looking back over the past 25 finishes that I've stitched so far this year, one quarter of them are Prairie Schoolers! This little boy carefully applying the finishing touches to his color coordinated snowman is from the "Button Up" leaflet and was stitched on 32-count Lambswool Jobelan. I finished another of the designs from that leaflet in Week Six--the little boy ice skating. I hope to someday stitch all 8 and finish them as tiny ornaments for our Christmas tree. But, knowing me, I'll give them away as gifts. Is it just me, or do you find yourself giving away much of your cross stitching?

When my sons were little, I used to stitch a small Prairie Schooler Santa for each of their teachers and frame it for them as a Christmas gift. I can't tell you how many of those Santas I stitched, but multiply three boys by who knows how many teachers and you get the picture. I still remember one of the boys saying to me, "Mom, you've made so many for the teachers, but you've never even kept one for yourself!" So, I guess maybe it is finally time to stitch some things just for me...


  1. Hi Carol, I think this one is the cutest of the Button Up's.
    Love it!

    Until you haven't stitched all PS designs for yourself to keep, you can never have to much of them.

  2. Cute! I love the PS designs too.


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Hope you have a wonderful day!