Saturday, May 23, 2009

Week Twenty-One: Gingerbread Birdhouse

Well, this week I'm back to stitching Christmas ornaments. Even though the temperatures are finally warming up (we're having a string of lovely 80 degree, sun-filled days for the Memorial Day weekend), I'm thinking ahead to Christmas. This would make a perfect gift for a friend whom I give an ornament to every year. After all, who doesn't like gingerbread houses? This pattern is from an old issue of Stitcher's World magazine and was stitched on 28-count black Monaco with DMC threads. Lots of backstitching in this one! But I think the finished piece resulted in a house any bird would be happy to call home...

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!


  1. So cute Carol! I need to get back to some Christmas stitching myself.

  2. Beautifull Christmas birdhouse, I would love to spend my holidays there.
    And your stitching is ♥lovely♥ (as always)!

    Oh, I'm soooooo curieus what you are stitching now... for next week.
    ssssttt don't tell!

  3. Its so pretty I would be happy to call it home!

  4. Your work is just perfect and inspiring! I loved it!
    I am Brazilian and I have just started my blog about cross stitching. I loved visiting your blog. Bye]

  5. Your work is just perfect and inspiring! I loved it!
    I am Brazilian and I have just started my blog about cross stitching. I loved visiting your blog. Bye]


Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!