Saturday, March 7, 2009

Week Ten: Christmas Village

It was surprising just how many stitches there were in this week's ornament--it took much longer to finish than I would have expected! Of course, I added to my work by incorporating some back stitching around the little windows and changing many of the colors of the houses and their roofs. This tiny 3 3/4" square "Christmas Village" was worked on 18 ct. summer khaki aida with DMC threads from a pattern by Nancy Sturgeon of Threads Through Time. The chart can be found in the 1999 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue. Having grown up in a tiny New York village myself, I feel that this piece really captures the feeling of Christmas and winter in a small town...

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Hello! So glad you dropped in and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! I truly appreciate each and every one...I'm happy to try to answer any questions you may have, but please make sure to include your email address so I can get back to you...

Hope you have a wonderful day!