Monday, April 29, 2024

Santas and Spring

Greetings on what has been a glorious spring day! The temperature reached the mid-80s today and I loved every minute! Isn't it wonderful to have the windows open after a long winter and hear the birds chirping, the bees humming, and the lawnmowers droning on and on (okay--well, maybe not that last one so much!). Amazing how a nice, sunny day can lift one's mood...

It's been a quiet couple of weeks since I last posted and I've managed to stitch and finish both my ornament for April and another for May. It always feels good to be a bit ahead of the game! On Instagram, the #12in24ornamentstitchalong that I host is going swimmingly. It's wonderful to see so many international stitchers participating this year, too. It's a lot of fun getting to know stitchers from so many countries!

For April, I stitched a Homespun Elegance chart that was so generously passed on to me by Catherine over at "I Love to Stitch." (And, as always, I like to keep the kindness going with charts that have been passed on to me so I'm having a giveaway for this particular chart below). Isn't this guy the most whimsical Santa? There he is, just relaxing on his bike as he pedals through the falling snow. "Avery's Cycling Santa" is stitched on 40 ct. vintage country mocha Newcastle with a mix of DMC and Weeks Dye Works threads. I added burgundy colored beads to the Christmas tree in his sack and a small bell to the end of the stick that he is carrying. 

A Homespun Elegance finish for April

To finish it off, I sewed on two pieces of Woolies flannel with a bit of ecru rick-rack peeking out, topped by a polka dot bow. My husband is a big bicyclist (in fact he's away on a bike trip right now so you know what I'm going to be doing this week--stitching each and every day away!) so he thought this one was pretty cute (even though Santa is not dressed quite properly for biking!). I ended up switching out the silver bell that is shown in the above photo for a tinier gold one--just thought the scale was better.

Doesn't he just make you smile?


And for my May ornament, I stitched the 2024 annual Prairie Schooler Santa. Isn't he a handsome fellow? Once again, I used 40 ct. vintage country mocha Newcastle with most of the suggested DMC threads. I did change the belt buckle to gold (used Gentle Arts toffee) and changed all the green to DMC 520. Don't ask me why, but I have  always used 520 on all of the PS Santas along with that signature Prairie Schooler red: DMC 221. I accidentally made his pants one stitch too long so all of the lower tree trunks are a bit elongated as a result. No problem, though--I bet you wouldn't even have noticed if I hadn't pointed it out!

2024 Prairie Schooler Santa finish

I finished the 2024 Santa in the same way that I've finished other PS Santas over the years with a simple cording in DMC 221 and a gingham checked bow. Easy and classic... I really love the back stitching on this one--it's very different and those trees were a lot of fun to stitch! This one is definitely one of my favorite of the PS annual Santas.

My May 2024 ornament


Two more for my tree!

Giveaway time... It's been a while since I've offered a giveaway and I thought the "Cycling Santa" chart might be perfect for this time of year when everyone is getting outside and, perhaps--riding a bike. Would any of you like to enter this giveaway? If so, please follow the guidelines below and I'll announce the winner in my next post.

I'm having a giveaway for this chart. Please follow the guidelines below if you want to be included.

To be included in the drawing for the Homespun Elegance chart shown above, please...

1) Specifically mention that you would like to win it in your comment 

2) Be a follower of Stitching Dreams (in my blog's sidebar on the right)

3) Make sure to leave your email address in your comment if I don't already have it

4) Answer the "Getting to Know You" question below.


Getting to Know You... For today's getting to know you question, I'd love to know what favorite book(s) you've read recently that you would recommend. I've been doing a lot of reading (well, even more listening to audiobooks) this year. I tend to listen more and more while I stitch as there is just nothing on television these days. That way I can enjoy two of my favorite hobbies at once! Win-win! 


Two of my favorite reads so far this year.

Two favorite books that I've read recently just happen to be by the same author, Tracy Chevalier. I so enjoy historical fiction and these both fit the bill. The Last Runaway, (published in 2013) centers around a young Quaker woman who, in 1850, moves to Ohio from England. It portrays her trials and tribulations as she adjusts to a very different culture and way of living. She soon finds herself caught up in helping runaway slaves escape North through the Underground Railroad. The story line and characters are so well done and the scenes centering around the importance of quilts and quilting are especially endearing.

A Single Thread (published in 2019) is set in the early 1930's in Winchester, England. Violet Speedwell is one of the "surplus women"--those women who lost husbands or  fiancés in WWI and are considered "old maids." She moves to Winchester and soon becomes involved with a society of broderers who embroider kneelers for Winchester Cathedral even though she's had no experience with stitching. Both books invoke the feeling of  peace and satisfaction that comes from doing handwork of any kind which is one reason I think I enjoyed reading them so much.

So, now it's your turn... what is a favorite book that you'd like others to know about? I'd love to add some new titles to my "must read" list.

Signs of spring continue to abound now  that it's finally warmed up...

Such brilliant color in front of our home.

This beautiful crabapple tree (hybridized by my husband's grandfather) is something we look forward to each Spring. I only wish the blooms lasted a bit longer!

This little fox was photographed by my oldest son after chasing a squirrel up a tree in my son's yard. The squirrel escaped, but that sly fox appears to still be looking for him!

How can the year be one-third over already? I saw this very relatable Snoopy cartoon (always my dad's favorite Peanuts character) the other day and it is so very true. How I wish time would slow down... 

Can anyone relate?

On to May! It is a month filled with doctor's appointments for me and I'm not looking forward to it at all. (Does anyone ever truly enjoy going to the doctor)? I have my annual physical, dentist, endocrinologist, colonoscopy, and mammogram appointments scattered throughout my May calendar. UGH! I'll sure be glad when they are over. How about you? I hope you have something fun waiting for you in May?  Thank you so much for popping in today and leaving such nice comments. I really look forward to hearing from you... Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead! Bye for now...


Gabi said...

Hello Carol, yes it's amazing how time rushes by. Your post is as always nice to read. Your Santas look very beautiful. The PS 2024 Santa, I also stitched it and.... same little fault with the trouser I made. Your finishing is great.
Weather is getting better in my region, no rain but Sahara dust. My black car is yellow at the moment.
The flowers are great.
Have a happy week and keep on stitching.
Hugs, Gabi

butterfly said...

Lovely post Carol, two great stitches and finishing .
Lovely flowers in your garden , and great photo of the fox .
I know how you feel I have just done all my appointments with doctors all good and the dentist , which I hate .
I only like nice things Ha,
We did get some sun , but back to rain .
I just hate not being able to stitch it's so dull,and not dark enough to put a light on .
I like all books fiction and fact , but I do read allot of magazines. Enjoy your day hugs June,
Have a good week hugs June

Marilyn said...

Your ornaments are so very pretty, I always love your finishing, not overdone, just pretty.
I very seldom rad books, but, I am reading/looking through the current issue of Punch Needle & Primitive Stitcher magazine. :)
Very pretty flowers & cute Fox.
Yes, time goes fast.
I also gave some appts in May.
Take care.

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

My cousin turned 70 today, and I love the quote you showed about getting old!!

I finished reading Mrs. Griffin's Rise to Fame by Olivia Ford; I absolutely loved it! With the world being so upsetting, I find my taste in fiction has turned to easy reads. Will be checking my library to see if they have the books you've recommended. I've always loved to read; but now that I quilt and stitch, it's hard to fit everything in.

As always, your stitch finishes are beautiful. I can easily spot your work on Pinterest.

Anonymous said...

The Women by Kristin Hannah and Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe by Heather Webber have been 2 of my favorites this year.....

Anonymous said...

You mean Mrs Quinn?

Stasi said...

Your Santa's are so cute...I'd love to be entered for the Santa riding a bike.
I usually listen to books also and the last one I "read" was Where the Crawdads Sing.
I am not happy with the 80 degree weather so soon, but the AC is on and I am thankful for that.

Robin in Virginia said...

Both your ornaments are darling, Carol. I thought of Tim immediately when I saw the cycling Santa. Love the Snoopy graphic! So true! I hope Tim's bicycling trip is a good one for him and know that you will enjoy having the bonus time to stitch.

I have read a number of good books so far this year, but I would recommend Keeping Lucy by T. Greenwood and Walking Shoes by Lynne Gentry.

We had 90 yesterday and I was not happy to see that. I would prefer 60s or low 70s.

Leonore Winterer said...

Oh yes, time surely does fly...especially when you're having fun! And we are finall getting some nicer weather too. Of course it hit right when I went back to work after my time off, but I'll still take it.
Your ornaments are cute and lovely as ever - but I really don't want to think about Christmas too much just as we are heading into spring proper!
Ooh, I love talking about books. Currently I am reading the latest entry in one of my favourite series, the Chronicles of St Mary's by Jody Tailor. It's about timetraveling historians who try to find out how some events in history really happened, so they go there (or then?) to observe. And then something always goes horribly wrong. It's great fun and even after 15+ entries, I still enjoy them a lot!

Anonymous said...

Karen said....

Always love to see what you are working on and your lovely finishes!

My reading this past month included:
The Other Bennett Sister - Janice Hadlow
The Indigo Girl - Natascha Boyd
The Teacher - Freida McFadden

Would love to do the Homespun Elegance pattern for my summer Christmas stitching! Please enter me in the drawing:

Love your extra touches you gave this guy!

or-ar quilter said...

I’ve read your blog for years and have always admired your work. I’ve recently retired and am slowly picking up cross stitching again. I stitched when I was in high school and college, but lost my mojo while slogging through the working years. I would love to be entered for the Cycling Santa giveaway.
No new recent reads for me. My reading also went on hiatus during my working years. I’m hoping I’ll get the bug again to pick up a book and just relax and read.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.

Heritage Hall said...

Just love your Santa finishes, Carol.. Many thanks for the book suggestions... may pick up that
Single Thread... I do so much of non-fiction reading, that one might be a pleasant pause.

Christina DErrico said...

Hi Carol,
In my neck of the woods we have leaf blowers constantly going, to be honest it’s a bit annoying. One time I had just cleaned my house from top to bottom and it was beautiful outside so I opened the windows. Well a bunch of dust was blown into my house, as you can imagine I wasn’t happy. I have a couple of books I have enjoyed reading, one is Memoirs Of A Geisha and the other is Close To Shore, this one is semi historical about the Jersey Shore in the early 1900’s. To be honest I read these a while ago between my stitching and care giving I don’t read as much as I would like.
Your Santa’s are gorgeous as usual you just amaze me, I would love to stitch the homespun Santa…
I hope all is well with you my friend ♥️

Sharon said...

Hello Carol !
I always enjoy reading your blog.
We live on a small farm in the woods of Southwestern PA
where I love to read historical fiction and cross stitch also.

These two historical fiction books came to mind immediately:
Follow the River by James Alexander Thom...based on a true story and
My Name is Resolute by Nancy Turner

Both are the stories of women who faced insurmountable odds and yet triumphed. They are set in the early years of our country.

Nancy Turner novels are always a great read....neither of these are new
but rather Golden Oldies that I reread.

There are so many more that I could recommend but these two stand out.
Blessings and many peaceful stitching hours to you...Sincerely, Sharon M.

Anonymous said...

Carol, beautiful stitching. I, too, am working on a PS Santa. An older one. I love Historical Fiction also. I just finished Fates and Traitors by Jennifer Chiaverini. It is about John Wilkes Booth and the women who loved him. I thought it was very good. I just started The Women by Kristin Hannah. A number of people on Instagram are reading it so I thought I would try it. It is very good. About nurses in the Vietnam War. My husband was in that war. I really enjoy seeing what books people are reading and have liked.

Isabel para ALROMASAR said...

Nothing passes faster than time!!!!
One more month has passed and you have found two new ideal jobs.
Hugs from Spain

Anonymous said...

I don’t know why it says anonymous, but my comment is from Gail

Anonymous said...

Thank you Carol for all your sharing! Have just returned to cross Stiching after a 40 some hiatus ( life!!😎). Am stiching some of the Prairie Schoolers and would Love to win the Homespun Elegance chart of Avery and Cycling Santa to the Santa grouping this Christmas! Email: Luv to read / listen to audios when Stiching or quilting. My favs of late are The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis, Murtagh by Christopher Paolini, West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge. Happy stiching and reading! 🙂

Anonymous said...

Whoops above anonymous is me: Jackie

Diana said...

Thank you for the inspiration! Love seeing your ornaments each month. I would love to win Avery's Cycling Santa.

I too prefer to listen to my books. I absolutely loved 'The Women' by Kristin Hannah. I love Jacqueline Winspear's Massie Dobbs series, I'm anxiously awaiting the next book that will be available in June.


Barbara from Kansas said...

Hi Carol,

I love your 2 latest ornaments you have made. I enjoy collecting Santas for Christmas and would love to win the "Cycling Santa" pattern. I am working on an owl ornament and a PS Santa for my next couple of ornaments.

I recently read "The Women" by Kristin Hannah and really enjoyed it.

Enjoy spring!

Anonymous said...

The Santa on the bike is beautiful; I’d love to win this as a giveaway. The book I’m loving at the moment is GENUINE AUTHENTIC-The Real Life of RALPH LAUREN by Michael Cross: about a different kind of stitching. It is old but my partner buys a box of books each year for me for Christmas: this is one book from last year!

Anonymous said...

Oops my comment about Ralph Lauren is from and thank you so much for your amazing posts.

Karen Y said...

I love your Santa on the bike & would love to stitch it for my sister. Your finishing is perfection! Unfortunately, I don't find the time to read, but I do have a favorite book that I've read years ago & need to reread - Evergreen by Belva Plain. Yes, time passes too quickly & I wish I had more time to do all of the things I so enjoy. It's such a beautiful time of year - enjoy!

diamondc said...

Carol: You have a gift for finishing, both Santas are beautiful, I love stitching Christmas all year long.
The book I am reading now is The Book Thief, it is a great read.
I belong to two book clubs, both have different genres of reading.
Love the floral photos so pretty warming up here in Minnesota finally.
The fox lost the squirrel won.
Time is flying by, I wish it would slow down.
Praying for good appointments.
Have an amazing week.


Theresa Grdina said...

Hello!! Your stitching is as beautiful as usual!!! I really love that Santa on a bike and would love to stitch him for my tree! My all-time favorite book is The Red Tent. But I just finished The Women by Kristin Hannah and loved it. Didn’t want to see it end. Happy Spring and happy reading!!!

Sandy said...

The Snoopy cartoon is spot on. I am in no hurry to pass off any days now and yet, as a kid you couldn't wait for the next big thing on the timeline.
The Santa on the bicycle is such an adorable pattern. No one would have noticed the extra stitch....only you, but it does drive us nutty:)
Beautiful finishes and the sun has been shining as of late. It was none too soon for me although at the moment we are having a thunderstorm.

Barbara said...

Now that I am a bicycle rider myself, I really appreciate your Santa on his bike!! How cute is that?!!!

Signs of spring in your area are lovely. I know you enjoy these evidences so much after a colder winter than what I have here in Florida.

As for the speed of getting older, yes, it has flown by, in some respects.

Hugs to you!

Tina said...

Love the Santa’s Carol…especially the one on the bike. Such lovely stitching😀 I just finished the Single Thread and didn’t quite like it but happy that you did. I’m now reading reading The House at Sea’s End by Elly Griffiths, the third book in her Ruth Galloway series.

Anonymous said...

Love both the Santa’s but especially the cycling Santa! Perfect for my husband! “All the Light We Cannot See” is a must read! Happy stitching!

Rita Heindel said...

I would definitely like to win the bike riding Santa, to stitch! Ironically the book I was going to recommend was A Single Thread. I just finished it for a book club read and thoroughly enjoyed it. Looks like I need to grab her other book you recommended. I just finished my 2024 PS Santa as well. Loved adding the back stitched background and was dreading it before I got started.

Marie said...

Hi Carol, I enjoyed reading your blog as usual. Your finishing always amazes me. I would love to stitch the Santa for a bicycling friend of mine in my book group.
It's winter here so getting a lot reading in. Just finished of Thursday Murder club #4 by Richard Osman. They have just announces they are making #1 into a movie with Pierce Brosnan, Helen Mirran and Ben Kingsley

Love your garden pics too.

Anonymous said...

I’d love to stitch Avery’s cycling Santa. Love your blog and am enjoying the 12in24 ornament challenge. Recent books I’ve enjoyed include Being Henry by Henry Winkler, and Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica.

Anonymous said...

The comment above is mine—forgot to include my name and email—
Janis Hartman

Gammy T said...

I think every piece of your work turns out beautifully, and it gives all of us(your followers!) great ideas for finishing, too. Inspiration in every post :) Winning the cycling Santa pattern would be a wonderful surprise!
My most recent reads have been two older Ken Follett novels, the prequel and sequel to Pillars of the Earth--The Evening and the Morning, and World Without End. Love the historic fiction in these two novels.

Julie T said...

Hi Carol! Another wonderful post. I just love all of your Santa's and I am a fellow lover of all things by Brenda Gervais. I would love to win the chart of your bicycling Santa. I also listen to audiobooks while stitching. I rarely watch TV so I finish 2-3-4 books per week as I also listen while getting ready for work and driving. I tend to get stuck on one author and read everything they have written. Right now I am listening to books by Colleen Coble. I have enjoyed them all. My email is Have a good May despite the doctors appointments.

Mylene said...

Hello Carol, i love both your recent finishes and both as always perfectly finish. I would like to be included in the draw for the Santa. Unfortunatly, no time for reading books recently due to work...think i will try audio books but don't know yet how to..just don't have the patience to find out on my phone.
Hope all goes well with your appointments this month.
Happy week!

Vickie said...

Just love both of these ornaments so much! So whimsical. I would love to be entered into the drawing please. That fox picture is wonderful. I do believe I have read both of those books, but am not sure about The Last Runaway. I am checking it out to be sure. Sad when your memory is not the same anymore. I would suggest The Women by Kristen Hannah. I thought it was great!

Anonymous said...

Carol, Your April and May ornaments are so darn cute! I just love the Prairie Schooler Santa’s but have yet to stitch one. Maybe this year! I love gingham fabric and ribbon too and often use it. I stopped in Joann’s yesterday and their ribbon section was so sparse. It is good to stock up when you see it.
My ornament is stitched and ready to be sewn together. It is a Christmas design from Little House Needleworks but I changed the colors so it’s a little more springy than Christmasy. I have a floral Liberty print I’m going to use.
I too dread doctor and dentist appointments and I just spent z2 hours yesterday at the periodontist have 2 implants put in. It is such a long process with healing time in between each appointment. For all the time and money I’ve spent on my teeth, they should be amazing but there is always more work to do. Hopefully by getting your appointments all done in one month you can have the rest of the year off!
I enjoy your blog!


Manuela said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Manuela said...

Hello Carol,
deine neuesten Finishes sind richtig toll. Ich liebe den radelnden Santa Claus.
Auch der Santa 2024 von TPS ist wieder richtig schön von dir gefinisht.
Gern hüpfe ich in den Lostopf.
Ich höre beim Sticken und Stricken auch gern Hörbücher. Ich lese unterschiedliche Romane, mal romantisches, mal Krimis. Einer meiner Lieblingsautoren ist J. D. Robb, die Krimireihe von Lt. Dallas und ihrem Ehemann Roarke. Gerade lese ich den 46. Fall von ihr.
Das Wetter ist in den letzten Tagen richtig schön und warm geworden. Frühling liegt in der Luft.
Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft für deine ganzen Arzttermine.
Big Hugs, Manuela

Anonymous said...

HI Carol:
I have enjoyed your blog for several years now. Thanks for sharing. I would love to receive your give away Santa cycling. My email is rahunt28186@hotmail. I have been reading books I have read before from my stash of books, you may enjoy Amanda Quick Burning Cove series. I love a good mystery. I have wondered if you use a magnifier lamp for stitching. I also am on Instagram as crossstitchruth. I started cross stitch after I retired. Yes the months seem to go by fast. Now the warmer weather means I can golf on my two leagues. Ruth

MTBrx said...

All your stitching and finishing is lovely! I am still on the hunt for a good finisher (just not my forte). As far as books go, if you haven't read "The Women" by Kristin Hannah, I highly recommend.

Happy Reading and Stitching!


MartinaM said...

I love this Santa with his bike, a really great and cute pattern. And I would really like to win it.
The new PS Santa is also very nice again, and both have a great finish as always.
I haven't read any of them, but I've heard them and I can highly recommend them, but I don't know if they're also available in English.
One is Homecoming by Kate Morton, a great book,
the other is Street of Shadows by Jennifer Donnelly, incredibly exciting.
Luckily, I don't have any big appointments in May, and we have a lot of public holidays here, so early summer can be more relaxed.
I wish you a good time and many positive results.

Maggie said...

Time certainly goes faster the older you get, that Snoopy saying is very true!
Love your two ornaments but I really think that Santa on his bike wins, I've never come across that chart and I'd love to be in the draw for it please :-)

I enjoyed A Single Thread, It was one of our book club reads last year. I recently finished The Women by Kristin Hannah and enjoyed that, also A Terrible Kindness by Jo Browning Wroe was a very good book.
Those check ups are not always nice but are necessary, I hope all goes well for you. Hope you enjoy the month of May x

Katie said...

Here in Indiana I even had to turn on our AC today. Just too sweaty. I heard it's supposed to be really hot year too. Yuck. Why can't it just stay perfect haha.

Love your two new finishes. Please don't enter me though. I have way too many things to work on right now. I just love the way you finish them. Perfect. I love the backstitched trees. So pretty and what a beautiful touch.

I read scary books so I'm sure not something you would enjoy haha. I am trying to finish a Stephen King one but wow it's huge and I never take time to read. Just stitch.

Lovely fox photo.

My mom loved Snoopy. It's so true as well. I really wish time would slow down. I have a lot of fun stitching plans. New start every Wednesday in May to celebrate my bday month. Then two others mixed in too haha.

Tobi said...

I just finished reading The Armour of Light by Ken Follett. It is the sequel to the trilogy Pillars of the Earth. If you want to read this series I would suggest reading the trilogy first, then the prequel and finally the sequel. The first book, Pillars of the Earth, really sets the scene for this historical fiction. Loved the whole series! Hard to put down!


Gail L. said...

Hi Carol, I really enjoy seeing your posts and appreciate your sharing the finishings of your ornaments. This May has been rather difficult as I just had basal cell surgery on my nose that was more extensive than expected and resulted in reconstructive surgery to repair what was removed. Before the surgery, I just finished reading the 7th book in the Below Stairs mystery series by Jennifer Ashley called Speculations in Sin, which takes place in the late 1800’s. The title is misleading as it doesn’t mean what you would think. lol. For right now I’m limited to wearing my glasses short term due to the bandages, so books on tape or audio books seem like a good idea to pass the time. Thanks again for a wonderful post. Gail (

Gail L. said...

P.s. I would like to win pattern, forgot to mention in above post. Gail (

marly said...

Sounds like your body is getting spring cleaned!! I hope all goes all!

Lee said...

What great finishes! Love reading your posts and getting inspiration! I would love to stitch up that Santa on a bike! My sister and I love to bike and love Santas! So kind of you.
So lovely that Spring is here, love to see your photos - flowers in bloom and a fox!! Wow. That is so nice.
I love to read and I am currently reading Birding to Change the World, A memoir by Trish O'Kane. I am only a few chapters in but loving it! Recommended by my daughter ( A librarian) Happy Spring!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Carol, your Homespun Elegance and PS Santas are gorgeous. The colors just pop on your gorgeous fabrics. I always enjoy seeing how you finish your projects so beautifully. I was thinking about one of your finishes that you did last year I believe ( it was a round but you framed it). I can not remember which stitch , but I just loved your finish. Oh my what a treat to see the red fox. I am so glad supper was delayed and the squirrel got away though. Lol. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

Shelly said...

Your finishes are just adorable! The cycling Santa cracks me up! I predict he'll get his robe caught in the chain though, lol! I'd like the chance to win the cycling Santa. I always suggest the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I just finished Drums of Autumn last night and now will start Mexican Gothic, a mystery gothic novel. The authors name escapes me. Enjoy your time stitching up a storm!

Anonymous said...

yes, I would love to enter the contest to win the Biker Santa. I'm up to date on my stitch one ornament a month, I don't finish them up into ornaments until Dec. but I get my stitching done each month. I just finished reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Didn't realize it was a non-fiction book, and I'm sure everyone read it many years ago. A friend, who is a librarian, said she couldn't finish it. I kept plugging along and finished yesterday. I have read Tracy Chevalier books - Orchard House, and The Tea Chest, and loved them both. Picked up another Jennifer Chiaverini book at the library yesterday. Happy Spring everyone. :) Barb from Wolverine Lake Michigan

Faith... said...

I love Santa and his trees and I still don't see the error but that is probably just me! LOL I just love how you display your photos. It is like they go to the studio for professional pictures.

I prefer to read fiction and often books by John Grisham where he is always standing on the side of the wronged and helping to right the situation. I have recently read two good books by Jodi Picoult; Small Great Things (very good) and Nineteen Minutes. They were both very good books.

Your spring flowers are beautiful! About getting old, I can really relate, especially lately.

Have an awesome weekend and Happy Mother's Day Carol!

Babeth-Lili said...

Bonjour Carol
Ce Père Noël est adorable. Il me pairait bien de le broder. J'aime aussi beaucoup ceux de Prairie Schooler ainsi que les Saint Nicolas.
J'ai lu les deux livres de Tracy Chevalier dont vous parlez et les ai beaucoup appréciés.
Le dernier livre que j'ai fini s'intitule "Le bureau d'éclaircissement des destins" de Gaëlle Nohant sur les objets et archives retrouvés après la 2nde guerre mondiale à restituer aux familles descendantes des victimes.

Babeth-Lili said...

Il me pairait bien du frère. Il me plairait bien de le faire (broder).

Kay said...

Thank you for a delightful giveaway, I would love to enter. My favourite book that I have read this year is The Book of Beginnings by Sally Page, it’s about friendship. It also inspired me to start using a fountain pen again, it’s set in a stationary shop.

Jutta said...

Dear Carol,
how creative you are, your two new ornaments are simply magical.
I really liked your post, just the many doctor's appointments, all in May? I hope you get through everything well and that you are and remain healthy, all the best to you!!!!
Thanks for this post, many hugs, Jutta

Bluebird said...

Both of your Santa finishes are so cute, and the finishing is beautiful as always. I love the Prairie Schooler Santas. It is hard to believe that it's already May. Your flowers are gorgeous. Good luck with all your medical appointments - it will be nice to have those all taken care of for the summer. Thank you again for a lovely post.

Jennifer said...

Hi Carol! Your two newest ornaments are great, love the finishing on both of them! And your flowers are so pretty. It’s a bit rainy but nice temperature here today so we have the windows open, love the fresh air and sound of the birds. I am going to guess you may have read it already, but will share The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue as one of the better ones I’ve read this year. It kept me guessing and I love a book that flips around during different times. I also read and enjoyed A Single Thread. It was fun to read about the stitching they did in the book. Hope all the doctor appts went well and you are enjoying the long weekend!