Thursday, October 27, 2016

Halloween stitching and a wonderful honor

Hello, my stitching friends! Can you believe I'm back so soon? I just posted last week and here I am again with a couple of cute Halloween finishes to share with you. But, first, I want to thank everyone for your kind thoughts and congratulatory words on my son's engagement! That is what I so love about this stitching blogging community--everyone is truly excited for everyone else's happy news. And, at the same time, I know I, like many of you have been comforted by words of support when something sad has crossed my path. If only the world were made up of stitchers, right?!

This sweet Drawn Thread sampler has been in my stash for years and I'm so glad I finally stitched it. Honestly, it was such fun! I just loved the little trick-or-treaters and they brought back such delightful memories of Halloween night when my sons were small. This is called "Halloween House Sampler" and is stitched on 40 ct. country mocha Newcastle. I used a variety of overdyeds and DMC pulled from my stash and am so pleased with the result. If you are familiar with this design, you'll notice I made a number of changes. I stitched a trio of black bats rather than the initials that were charted. I also omitted the year after the "31" and stitched two gold stars on either side of it. Teeny-tiny eyes were added to the witch, ghost, and cat, and also to the two ghosts peering out the windows. I think I'll be framing this one, but I could change my mind! What do you think?

"Halloween House Sampler" by The Drawn Thread

My other finish is a Prairie Schooler pillow that those of you who follow me on Instagram (if you want to follow me, please click here) have already seen. It is one of the PS mini-cards, but I changed the shade of orange to DMC 3826 and made the eyes gold (DMC 729) rather than the charted orange. It is stitched "over one" on 25 ct. mushroom lugana. I can't tell who is more scared--the ghost or the moon! What a cute design--oh, how I miss the anticipation of seeing the new Prairie Schooler designs each year...

Prairie Schooler "Boo!"

To finish it off, I simply added some orange ric-rak, black and ivory gingham, and handmade gold cording tied in a bow and topped off with a rusty star.

Another PS finish for my Halloween collection

I haven't really decorated for Halloween once again this October. As some of you who are long-time readers remember, my dad died on Halloween two years ago and I've struggled with this time of year ever since. But, at least this year I actually stitched two pieces so I'm slowly returning to normal... baby steps, right? 

I have simply kept my autumn decorations on display and will begin putting out my Thanksgiving stitching next week. Perhaps 2018 will see me decorating for Halloween once again... We'll see! The photo below was already posted on Instagram, but I thought you might like to see it, too... Three of my favorite Prairie Schooler autumn finishes all in one vignette. They were stitched in 2007, 2008, and I made the teeny pillow on black just last year ... Don't you feel a sense of comfort just by looking at them? Nobody does autumn designs like Prairie Schooler did, in my opinion!

Prairie Schooler autumn beauties

Annual stitching retreat update... Last weekend I attended my 7th annual stitching retreat with four friends. As in past years, we rented out an entire Bed & Breakfast near Erie, PA and just stitched, laughed, ate, slept, and repeated that routine for three days straight! I spent my time working on two of my monthly snowmen ornaments (which you can see a sneak peak of in the collage below). The B&B is always so beautifully decorated for Halloween--just look at that cool pumpkin that the innkeeper carved based on the "American Gothic" painting. And, of course, every good inn has to have a kitty! This one had two--here is sweet Sweeney watching us from his perch on the sideboard as we dined on one of those way-too-big breakfasts that were served each morning.

Stitching retreat 2016 at The Grape Arbor Inn

Stitchy gifts... Two of my retreat friends gifted us with some lovely presents! From Pam came this gorgeous zippered project pouch with pockets on the front and the back--so pretty and useful. We got to select one from the nine (!) that she had made and, of course, I picked this blue and yellow beauty. Isn't it lovely? And Barb made these sweet needleminders with the name of the inn where we stay--she did a wonderful job on them! I am actually using mine on my refrigerator to remind me of the special times we've shared through the years. I think both Pam and Barb could go into business--their gifts are so well-made and would be great for any stitcher! The future of our get-together is uncertain as we are all becoming busier and busier with family things (like my son's wedding next fall!) and such, but it certainly has been a memorable retreat for seven years...

Gifts from Barb and Pam

A lovely honor... So, I mentioned an honor in my blog title, didn't I? Well, imagine my surprise when I received an email last week telling me that Stitching Dreams, yes, this little old blog of mine, has been nominated for the 2017 British Craft Awards "Blog Of the Year" in the cross stitching category. I keep wondering if they made a mistake because, obviously, I'm not British! But, I am truly so honored just to be nominated! 
I have been blogging for almost 8 years and in that time, I've "met" so many wonderful stitchers from all over the world. I don't blog for money or the desire to be known; I do it simply to keep track of my stitching progress and to cultivate the friendships that blogging offers. I would never make a good political candidate because I could never say "vote for me!" and I've never been comfortable being in the spotlight. I haven't even told anyone about this nomination except my husband and three sons (surprise, mom!!). But, if you would like to take a peak at the nominated blogs and vote--for any one of us, that would be wonderful. You can vote by clicking here and then on the "cross stitch" tab at the bottom of the page. It takes less than a minute... So, thank you to the wonderful folks who nominated me--that is so special! And thank you, in advance, for anyone who does choose to vote for Stitching Dreams...

Well, since I'm working this weekend, I won't get to pop in again to say "Happy Halloween!" I hope you, who celebrate it, enjoy your day on Monday and are treated to some tasty goodies. I always loved watching my sons sort out their "loot" after they returned from begging for candy up and down our street. And sometimes, I was even lucky enough to walk away with a Mounds Bar or an Almond Joy because they, like their dad, do not like coconut! Do my international friends have trick-or-treating? I know it is becoming more common in some other parts of the world; it has become so hugely popular here in the United States...   ENJOY!!  Bye for now...



The Queen Bee said...

Everything looks so nice. Decorating for fall is so much fun...even if you don't include Halloween decor. It makes for such a warm and homey feeling.

Can't wait to see what you do with the snowmen.


Irene said...

Carol, ti ho votato!! Te lo meriti complimenti!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Carol, I couldn't wait to vote for you. Just went through the tiny process. You are not only an immaculate stitcher, your finishes are always beautiful. SO,so deserving of this nomination and win!!

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Each time I drive past the Grape Arbor when I'm in town, I think of you and your group. So glad you enjoy the town; it's my hope that my husband and I will move back there when we retire.

Love seeing your stitching; it inspires me to keep at my projects.

Mii Stitch said...

As always, I am admiring your neat crosses and pretty finishes!
Congrats on the award :)

Maggie said...

I love to see all your stitching, it is always finished so beautifully :-)
Love your Autumn display, such lovely pieces.

Congratulations on the nomination, and well deserved, (i voted for you) :-)

Trick or Treating has become more popular here in the UK over the last few years.
My Grandson is obsessed with all things Halloween, the other day he declared that he liked Halloween more than Christmas, lol. I have put up a few decorations but as far as I can see i'm the only one in our cul-de-sac to have done so at the moment, my DH just rolls his eyes at the things i do, bless him.

Your stitching retreat sounds fun! a whole 3 days to just stitch, who wouldn't like that :-)

Kate said...

Congratulations on the nomination, Carol, it's well deserved. Good luck!

Rhona said...

Congrats on the nomination! Love your finishes.

Margaret said...

Wow, that is so cool about the nomination! It's definitely very well deserved. I hope you win! Lovely stitching as always! Framing the Drawn Thread piece would be nice -- I think it would look so sweet that way! Your retreat with friends looks wonderful too, and lovely gifts from friends as well!

Tricia said...

Beautiful post! I am so happy for you - how nice to have your blog honored!! I love all your stitching, but the Prairie Schooler ones are my favorite!

Pull the other thread said...

Many congrats on the nomination. Love your stitching. The Halloween House Sampler would be lovely framed or might make a nice cube finish. Love your little Halloween cushion. Your Autumn finishes are so pretty, the colours are just so warm.

Vickie said...

Yes, ha ha! I had the same reaction! I read your blog name twice posted there since you are most definitely American!! And I voted for you!! :D YOU inspired me to start my blog. You are still awesome at blogging and stitching and finishing. Most definitely finishing!

Arlene G said...

Carol, I love all your stitching but especially the Prairie Schooler s they are my favorite designer. I am working on February and March samplers right now. I finally decided to do four rotations and after being a project stitcher, I am finding I really enjoy having something new to work on each day. Today is February!! That stitching retreat sounds like so much fun!! And those gifts....lovely. BTW, I have that Prairie Schooler Autumn displayed in my bathroom right now. I have winter ready to go but need to work on Spring and Summer.

Sherri said...

Congratulations on the nomination! I'm happy to vote for you. It's no surprise that you'd be nominated as it is such a nice blog. Love your stitches and finishes as always. I know you'll be busy with the upcoming wedding. I stitched a stocking for my son-in-law to be so as to add it to our mantle this year. Exciting times ahead. I

Robin in Virginia said...

What super finishes you shared, Carol! You are so right about Prairie Schooler designs and their comforting stitches. It sounded like you and your friends had a wonderful stitching retreat weekend. I look forward to seeing your latest snowmen additions. I am not surprised that your blog was nominated. Go Carol!

Manuela said...

Wonderful stitching. I like them all.
Congratulation on the nomination.
Best wishes Manuela

Julie said...

Your stitching retreat sounds wonderful Carol, such nice gifts your friends made for you.
~Love the autumn stitching, they do look nice all together.
Well done on completing a Halloween project this year, time is a great healer.
Congratulations on the nominations, and good luck, there are a couple of people I recognise on the list
Love and {hugs} xx

Maggee said...

Congratulations on being nominated! I voted for you! As always your finishing is perfect! You are always inspiring us! Love the PS Autumn vignette... I decorated my downstairs areas with fall pieces this week...You never realize how much you have accumulated until pulling it out for display! But, that won't stop me... I can always decorate UPSTAIRS! :)

Sweet Sue said...

sweet finishes carol, looks like retreat was divine. wishing you a great weekend. natch i happily voted.

Sweet Sue said...

and... sending my heartfelt congrats on your worthy nomination:)

Cindy said...

Congrats on the nomination! You certainly deserve it with your meticulous stitching and finishes. I always enjoy seeing what you have been stitching!
Your stitching retreat sounds like so much fun and relaxing! My husband and I have started staying at B&B's when we travel and they are usually very interesting and much nicer than motels.
I can understand your not wanting to decorate for Halloween, but your fall pieces are so pretty and give a warm feel. Thank you for sharing and I *hope* you win!

Amy said...

Love your new little Halloween stitches! And of course your finishing is gorgeous!

Your autumn decorations are gorgeous as well - there are SO many PS autumn designs I like, it's hard to decide where to start! The fact that they're not necessarily all available helps a little, but still!

The stitching retreat sounds so fun. The gifts made by your friends are wonderful, and OMG that American Gothic jack 'o lantern!!!! Amazing!

Lynda Harrison said...

Hello Carol - The Halloween stitching is lovely, the finishing beautiful too! It's hard to choose a favourite as they are all just lovely. So glad your stitching retreat left you relaxed and happy - it sounds a beautiful place to visit. Halloween is getting bigger here every year now, and the shops are full of all things ghostly - and pumpkins, of course! Many congratulations on your award nomination - it is very well deserved!
I agree entirely about the Prairie Schooler charts. It was so sad to see the company go, and I, too miss their new charts.
Hoping you and your family have a wonderful Halloween - with plenty of ghostly goings-on!
Take care,

Cricket-bug Corner said...

The stitches are lovely! I'm a little jealous of your retreat!! Congrats on your nomination!!

LoriU said...

Oh that Halloween Sampler is just adorable. Love the colors you chose for it.
And THANK YOU for always sharing what changes and conversions you make to your patterns.

Congratulations on the nomination! Very well deserved, and I for one definitely went and voted for you!

The retreat always sounds like so much fun. Maybe you will be able to continue it but at different times of the year. Maybe Spring one year, Summer another depending on everyone's schedule!

I am SO excited that you are on Instagram!

Melissa said...

Congratulations, Carol! It is no surprise really as you have such a lovely blog full of wonderful stitching and it's fun to read too! You put the time into your blog posts and we all appreciate it!

butterfly said...

Congrats Carol how exciting .
Well you are already a winner with me .
Beautiful stitching again, love your Autumn display .
I have not done any Autumn displays this year .
Just one little pillow up.
How lovely to go stitching for three days sounds wonderful.

marly said...

Congratulations! Truly deserved. This is one vote I don't have to question! I think your Halloween House should be finished in your usual creative style to be displayed with the others. Your finishing tops a frame any day. What a lovely place to have a retreat!

twinpeakprimitives said...

Congrats on such a splendid nomination Carol! Your adorable stitching world definetaly deserves every kind of awards! I'll be voting for your blog as soon asIcan!

Autumn display is just dreamy ♥

Annie said...

Memory lane for me with PS BOO and the Drawn Thread piece. Stitched some years ago and always loved both designs. Yours look great.

Quite the stitchy time for you with the retreat and those lovely gifts and the wonderful nomination! I too saw your blog named on that site and wondered how they chose. I think your blog is too good to pass up and it was featured in a British magazine once, wasn't it?

Have a wonderful Halloween!

Daniela Bencúrová said...

Dear Carol, beautiful halloween designs!
Me also liked designs from Prairie Schooler!
Congratulations on your nomination !!! You deserve!
I wish you a lovely days!

Linda said...

Lovely stitching and finishing as always Carol. Congrats on the nomination.


Pam in Virginia said...

Oh Carol, this is such an easy and pleasurable vote to cast!! Congratulations on your nomination. I always marvel at your finishing and the little extras you often add - like the tin star. And the quality of your photographs is always a treat.

Von said...

Beautiful seasonal stitching, Carol! Congratulations on your blog nomination!

Mary said...

Congratulations Carol! I am not a bit surprised on your nomination. Your blog is a joy to visit with so many stitching project finishes and lots of stitching chat. Loved your Halloween stitching - such fun pieces - and those scissors !!! Halloween hasn't really been an Australian "thing". The younger generation are now embracing it much more, especially the trick or treat part, but not so much us older stitchers.

deb said...

The Drawn Thread sampler is adorable - I love the pumpkins growing on the tree!

Had I known you were just a few miles down the road (for your retreat), I'd have waved! Sounds like you had a lovely time.

And congrats on your Craft Awards honor - very cool!

valerie said...

Yay!! Go Carol! Congrats on your nomination! Doesn't that make you feel all fuzzy inside? I love your Drawn Thread finish and your Boo Ornie finish! It sounds like you had a relaxing time on your retreat! So glad. :)

Ellen said...

Congrats on the nomination, I just voted for you! Enjoy your blog all these years, you deserve to win!

Happy Halloween!


Barb said...

I will be giving you my vote as soon as I finish commenting. I do love your Fall stitching. One advantage over Halloween is that you can use them for 3 months not 1. I agree, PS just knows how to do Fall designs. I was thinking about your comment about your Dad passing on Halloween. My dear mom passed on the 4th of July. It took many years before I could get into that holiday. I still think of her on that day but I make a point to think about all our wonderful times not the day she passed. However, it took lots of time to get to that point.

Shelly said...

Halloween House Sampler would look nice in a frame that has the doohickey to stand it on a table. There are no other designers who invoke Fall like PS can! Your finishes are great. I can certainly understand you not decorating for Halloween, it takes time. I miss going through my daughters 'loot' for Smarties candy and those green apple suckers with the caramel in the middle! Yum! Have a great weekend, Carol!

laceystitcher said...

I, too, miss Prairie Schooler! There patterns are always so wonderful! Love all of your stitched projects and finishes. Congrats on your nomination - I will be casting a vote for you. Happy stitching...................

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Gorgeous stitching and finishing and your retreat sounds such fun.
Congratulations on your nomination Carol,you do have a wonderful blog which I always enjoy reading.
No trick or treating here,just the pleasure of seeing all the lovely colourful hallow'en ornaments and stitching at this time of year.

Mrs Milkybar Kid said...

Such a beautiful array of autumnal goodness Carol! Your finishes are always impeccable and such a delight to see, I always look forward to your blogposts and now IG pics!

Christine said...

Such lovely stitching and finishing. I love the autumn display!
Congratulations on your nomination.
Trick or Treating has become more popular here over the last 30 years or so, and it is quite a big thing now, although we don't get many coming to our house as we are on the very outskirts of the village about a mile from the centre.
One difference I've noticed seems to be that British children seem to interpret it as "give us a treat or we'll play a trick on you", whereas it seems to me that your tradition is more "trick us or treat us". Maybe I'm wrong about that though
The other main difference seems to be in the costumes, over here they are more or less limited to the witch/vampire/ghost/zombie type costumes, we don't get the comic book characters and princesses and so on

Marilyn said...

Great finishes, and yes, PS are the best!
Cute gifts you received also.
I voted for Stitching Dreams!! :)
Good luck!

Irmeli said...

I always enjoy to come visit on your blog and I'm not surprised your nomination, congratulation Carol. Your blog is so superb.
I love your Prairie Schooler autumn pieces, they are wonderful and you did a great job with Halloween stitches.
Your stitching retreat sounds nice and you received beautiful gifts.

Gabi said...

Congratulation for the nomination. I think you deserved it! It is always a pleasure to visit your blog and read all the news and see the wonderful things you stitched. TPS is also one of my favorits.
Now I am going to vote for you.
Happy stitching and .... happy Halloween
Warm greetings from Germany

Brenda said...

I love all your stitching!!! WTG!!!

Mary said...

Congratulations Carol, on a well deserved nomination! Your blog has always been a treat and inspiration to read. I voted for you and wish you all the best.
The Halloween House is adorable and I agree that PS has sweet and peaceful autumn designs.

Your cat scissors.... I remember them well and when I sent them to you. As soon as I saw them, I knew you would love them.

Your annual retreat goodies are beautiful. I hope that you and your pals will be able to continue your stitching trip. It seems that life gets busier in different ways these days, doesn't it?

Happy candy basket is ready to be filled for my little visitors...I don't want to have any leftovers :)

Sending HUGS and CONGRATULATIONS to you, my friend xo

Giovi's Creations said...

Dear Carol,
Your finishes are so adorable!!!! :) I really love it.
And... congratulations!!!! I'm sure all of your followers Are very proud of you :) Good luck!
Now, I'm your follower in Instagram, too ;)


Lili said...

Your stitching is so beautiful! Love your Autumn display, the little pillow is so adorable!
Congratulations on the nomination!

Ann at Beadlework. said...

I've been and voted Carol, well done. Lovely post as always and congratulations to your son.

KimM said...

Oh, Carol! Congratulations on being nominated! How awesome is that?! Your stitching is always inspiring to me. Lovely, simply lovely.

Christina said...

Love your Halloween pieces. Congrats on the nomination! Best of luck! Glad you had a nice time at your retreat. Such a cute furry friend to visit with. I didn't realize it's been two years already. Continued prayers the your grief will lessen.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Congratulations on your nomination.
Lovely stitching as always. I can understand why Halloween is a bitter sweet time of year for you but as Julie says 'time is a healer'. You never forget, it just gets more bearable.
I love the sound of your stitching retreat. I hope it doesn't fall by the wayside completely because you are all unable to meet every year.

Preeti said...

Lovely finishes, Carol!! Congrats on the nomination for the award!!:)
Glad to know you had a great time at the stitching retreat and got some lovely gifts too.

Andrea said...

A wonderful Halloween finish. Love the Autumn décor. Congratulations on your nomination, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Sounds like you had a great time yet again at the retreat. You have some lovely gifts. I have just finished the Snowman Trio too, yours is in black ... mmmmmmm. :) looking forward to the finish. :) Happy Halloween!

KrissKross said...

A lovely update as always! Your stitching and finishing are superb! :)


Hilda said...

Happy Halloween, my dear friend! Your Halloween finishes are so gorgeous. I hope that your love of Halloween will come back as the pain of your loss will heal.

Congratulation for the nomination! Your really really diserve it - and of course I voted for you immediately!

Have a wonderful day today!


Melinda Forbes said...

You really do have one of the best blogs . Congrats on the nomination.thinking of you and your dad thank you for sharing that with us.

Melinda Forbes said...

You really do have one of the best blogs . Congrats on the nomination.thinking of you and your dad thank you for sharing that with us.

RJ said...

Hi Carol! I love all of your stitches and your beautiful finishes. I especially love the Halloween house and will have to put that pattern on my wish list for next year. You are most deserving of the blog award and I hope you do win. RJ

Lillie said...

Cute and adorable on your Halloween choice.
What a wonderful way to go on a stitching retreat with just friends, sharing a passion and catching up on life.
Congrats on your nomination Carol, your blog is indeed awesome.
Have a wonderful November

Mini said...

Great Halloween stitching Carol. You received some lovely gifts at the retreat. Congrats on the nominations. Yours is one of my blogs.

Summer said...

So wonderful to have your blog honoured☺ Nice stitching ♥

Penny said...

You've stitched and finished some lovely Halloween/ fall pieces, Carol! You can't go wrong with Prairie Schooler. The retreat sounds like a wonderful, relaxing time. And it was an honor to vote for you - your blog is always such an inspiring and warm place to visit! Good luck! : )

Jennifer said...

Love your Halloween stitching, and also the three Prairie Schooler pieces together. Glad you are back to stitching this year and hope that in time you will decorate as well. I remember reading about your retreat last year and it sounds just great, There is a shop in Cincinnati who sponsors one in the winter and my mom and I keep threatening to sign up for it! I have no doubt it is as rewarding as my quilt retreats. Finally, congrats on your nomination - I have enjoyed reading your blog so much!

Sheryl said...

Wonderful Halloween stitching and great gifts. Congratulations on being nominated for the Craft Awards.

Brigitte said...

Oh my, Carol, how gorgeous they are, your two new Halloween pieces. I love the Prairie Schooler one very much ... and you finished it so beautifully. It looks so great with the black gingham fabric on both sides. A couple of years ago I stitched The Halloween House Sampler by DT, too, and after finishing it I asked myself why I had waited so long to pull out this wonderful chart and stitch it. I think I will make mine into a mini-wallhanging but I don't know yet. It is still in the finished-projects-drawer, lol.

Your Prairie Schooler Autumn pieces are so wonderful, I love these designs very much but haven't stitched them yet. So it's about time, isn't it?

So nice to read that you could spend a lovely and relaxing stitching retreat with your friends. And there were even some great gifts. I hope for you that there will be a future for this retreat. But life goes on and things sometimes change. I used to meet up with two stitchy friends two or three times a year but with the time their crafts changed and now they are more into knitting and crochet than stitching. I'm the only one who still stitches :( But fortunately I have my stitching blogging friends :)

Jackie said...

Hi there Carol! It's me again. You can see what I am doing with my extra hour of daylight saving time. I was on to come visit last evening, but I was kicked off the computer. LOL.
First, Congratulations on the 2017 British Craft Awards. What an honor! I went over to vote on your behalf:)/. Don't believe I'd be much of a politician either. LOL.
Anywho! As always, I do enjoy seeing your beautiful stitches and your superb finishes; and I could not agree with you more that Prarie Schooler is an absolute classic. I am going to dig a Prairie Schooler design out and get it kitted for stitching. I am always awe inspired by your Prairie Schooler cross sttich and displays; and believe it or not, that is how I landed on your blog, some years ago now.
I am so glad to hear that you had another wonderful time at your stitching retreat. Aren't those just fun with all the laughter, food, exchange of gifts, and friendship? I always find them to be a lot of fun as well as inspiration. I hope your schedule will allow you to attend next year.
I hope I won't take so long to come by and visit again. Take care, hugs...Jackie

Unknown said...

Hi Carol! I adore your little Prairie Schooler Boo Pillow – an adorable finish. Our Halloween was lackluster this year too, so I can relate. I want to add my congratulations for your son’s engagement, that is so exciting. And also many congratulations for your blogging nomination – you truly deserve it for all the hard work and love you put into your blog (I voted for you!); I love coming by to read whenever you post! Happy Fall - Emily

Kaisievic said...

Wonderful post, Carol, I really enjoyed reading it and looking at all your gorgeous pics. Your retreat sounds so wonderful. Congratulations upon being nominated, well deserved. I wish you the best of luck. hugs, Kaye

priscilla said...

Congratulations Carol! You so deserve that.. you do have the best stitching blog in all of blogland!
Love the little Drawn Thread Halloween piece and all your other fall and Halloween stitching!

Amb les mans nues said...

Uau! It's so beautiful!!!

Sally said...

Congratulations on your nomination Carol.

Love your sweet finishes. The DT piece is just gorgeous.

Looks like you had fun at the stitching retreat.

Lynn said...

Congratulations on the blog award, I was thrilled for you, I am in good company! Lol.... I love your blog and would be thrilled if you won, I love everything you make, it is all so pretty!

Annette said...

I'm so glad you started at IG...
I didn;t miss to much this last few months!!
I'm going to try to get back.. crazy busy over here!!
I'm lookin to all your posts.. I see really so many stitching pieces!!
So awesome.I enoy your pieces always..
I see pieces , for simmer, fall winter.. snow..
Your you already have snow.. I think you can miss it as you will have a long white winter.. so send it to me.. please..
Those cute baby Robins.. really cute..
I didn't read the text, only looked at your beautifull pics.. I hope I didn't missed any important things..
I'm agan going to try to keep up!!
have agreat week.. enjoy your white garden