Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Three small finishes

Hello, my friends! How was your September? I know it's a short month, but it seemed to whiz by faster than ever, didn't it? I can't even begin to tell you how absolutely perfect the weather has been for us here in western Pennsylvania since my last post two weeks ago... Sunshine, mid-70s, no humidity, cool nights--honestly, if I could find an area of the United States that offers that kind of weather day in and day out, I'd seriously consider moving. And you know what I've found? Everyone seems happier--everyone has a smile on their faces or a kind word to offer. Just yesterday a woman came over to me at the library's Reference Desk as I worked and whispered, "I just love this place." I smiled back at her and agreed, "I do, too!" And  last week, I had a patron tell me how nicely I interacted with other patrons. Neither of these people had to do that--they just wanted to pass along a compliment. Working with the public, I do try to go out of my way to be kind and patient with others who also work with the public: store clerks, waitresses, receptionists. Working with the public is tough--you just never know who you're going to be dealing with, but I've come to learn that you get back what you give and a smile and a kind word go a long, long way...

I've been catching up on my monthly ornament stitching lately and have two new Christmas finishes to share with you today. Surprise, surprise--they are both Prairie Schoolers! First up is a piece stitched from the  Prairie Schooler Mini-Card Collection E which comes with a variety of ten miniature Halloween, Christmas, and Easter designs. At a dollar a design (or less!), I think these little PS Mini-Card Collections are a great deal. This Santa is stitched over one on 28 ct. black Monaco. Doesn't he look like he's popping up out of the woods to try to scare someone. When I showed the finish to my husband, he asked, "What is  C X?" Ha-ha!! Well, I guess it does look a bit like those letters at the top of the piece, but I explained to him that those are supposed to be the moon and a large snowflake...

To finish him off into my September ornament, I used this fun black and red polka dot fabric and white cording and ric-rak. I thought the fabric fit particularly well with the whimsical nature of the design. What do you think? I did make a few color changes--made all the snowflakes, the moon, and Santa's mittens white, along with the lettering.

My October ornament is a more traditional Prairie Schooler Santa from book No. 48 "A Christmas Visit." This one is stitched on 40 ct. flax Newcastle using the suggested DMC threads. The only change I made was to the teddy bear (my middle son says it looks like some sort of gremlin!) in the bag that he's carrying. I didn't stitch complete x's for his eyes and mouth--just small straight stitches. The ornament is backed with the pretty olive green and burgundy fabric shown on the right. The colors really pick up those of Santa's robe.

A more traditional stitching needs a more traditional finish so I simply added cording and a small gingham ribbon to this one. I'm very pleased with it...

Here is a closer look for you... I dream of stitching every single Prairie Schooler Santa some day. Do you think I can do it?

It's hard to believe I have only two ornaments left to stitch and finish to complete my monthly goal for 2014. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing them displayed on my Christmas tree in December!

I have one other thing to share with you today and that is a little RAK that I recently sent to my sweet friend, Annette, in The Netherlands. I really enjoy reading Annette's blog and seeing photos of her darling children--she is just so upbeat and lively! Her blog always makes me smile so I decided to stitch a little freebie from the Gazette 94 blog which you can find right here. I loved the border so much on this one with the  tiny fish, ice cream cones, kites, and beach huts--adorable!

This is actually stitched on 40 ct. white Newcastle, but the above photo certainly doesn't show the true color! Below is a much better photo and you can see that I added some blue cording and a small seashell to the pillow to finish it off. Annette really loved it and I was so happy to hear that the gifts I sent to her children were also well-received.

I just noticed yesterday how much the leaves are beginning to change--all the glorious reds, oranges, and golds are beginning to paint a lovely canvas in these Pennsylvania hills. I've heard that the autumn foliage is supposed to be especially pretty this year due to our cooler than normal summer. (At least there was something good about that summer)! Our local turkey family happened to pass through the yard last week and I managed to get a quick photo--just look at how much the little ones are growing!

Here are the little guys back in July... Unfortunately, I only saw six baby ones and there were seven before. Poor little thing... I wonder what happened to him? I sure hope the family has a plan to go into hiding as Thanksgiving draws closer!

This deer decided to check out our patio and the new white bench we just added. I think he likes it; he looks quite "at home" standing right outside our kitchen door, doesn't he?

Well, I think this may be the shortest post I've written in a while--maybe more of you actually made it all the way through this one!  I know I tend to go on and on at times when all most of you are here for is to see my finishes, but I really enjoy sharing a bit of my world with you, too. Welcome to all my new followers and, as always, big thanks to those of you who take the time to leave me those wonderful comments--I so appreciate each and every one. 

I hope each of you has a lovely October--it's going to be a busy one for me with a mini family reunion in NY, a stitching retreat in Erie, and my best friend's son's wedding in Indiana. But, today I am off to the dermatologist to have her check out a very itchy spider bite that I got on my chest this weekend--it's always something with me and my weird medical issues lately, that's for sure... I may be a bit out-of-touch this month, but I'll do my best to visit your blogs and say "hello."  Bye for now...


Mavi. said...

Hi Carol : very nice your cushions, both the santa seems frightening and classic . I am amazed that you can embroider on such a tiny count . The sailor cushion with blue tones is beautiful.
That deer has become family , fleeing turkeys christmas Knocks .
It is best to be friendly and costs the same as not. Best smile. A kiss .

Christina said...

I love hearing about your corner of the world, Carol! Every time I see one of your finishes on black linen I chastise myself for not thinking outside of the box when it comes to linen colour choices. I tend to go for the same - bland - colours all of the time! I have some black aida in my stash...I may dig it out one of these days. :0)

Mii Stitch said...

Some wonderful finishes as always!! Beautiful stitching and faultless finition.... I love them all :)

Lisa V said...

Lovely finishes Carol.
Sorry for not commenting more often but I have been rather ill since June, seem to get one problem after the other and currently suffering a very bad head cold. Your photos make me smile especially during the tough days.

Kate said...

Beautiful projects and photos, Carol. Always a pleasure to read you. :)

Rhona said...

What lovely finishes! My goodness...the little deer is quite brave to come so close while you were nearby!

priscilla said...

Perfect finishes Carol ! Love those Prairie Schoolers :) The polka dot finish is adorable ! Hope everything goes ok with your spider bite ..Yikes !

Heather said...

Good morning Carol! Your new finishes are lovely! I didn't keep up with stitching an ornament a month. Oh well, there is always next year. :-)

I always try to find a nice thing to say to public workers, because I can imagine that it is very hard for them. I have been behind people that are so nasty! I wish that you were my librarian! We have two that are very nice and helpful, but then there is one that is NASTY ! She
made me run out of the library the other day
crying my eyes out! :-(

What a lovely gift that you stitched. I will have to print out that one.

It's very lovely and autumnal here too! We may have to drive up your way soon and check out the autumn color. :-)

I hope that you have a great October!

marly said...

YES! I believe you absolutely can stitch every PS! How the heck do you manage to get your finishes so perfectly shaped? There is never a bad corner or wrinkle or overstuff. You nail it every time. Oh the bite from the you-know-what. Hope it doesn't cause a problem for you. Enjoy the month with family and friends!

Hilda said...

Dear Carol,
your Christmas stitchings are as cute as always! And it once again confirms what I have been afraid of since a long time: I am a traditional person. I just can't stop looking at your traditional santa finishing. It is soooo pretty!
I am absolutely convinced that you would make it stitching every PS, if that would be your target. In more than four years that I already follow your blog, you achieved any goal that you have put yourself!

Have a wonderful month of October!


Vickie said...

haha! That Santa does appear to be popping up out of the woods for a scare. ;)
I hope your month is fun filled Carol.

Barbi said...

Oh Carol! I love the dots on your finish! And the other finish is so perfect too, as all your finishes are. Absolutely I think that you can stitch all the PS Santa's Like your year of smalls, do I sense a "year of PS santas" on the horizon?
Those turkeys are darling! (hmmm I don't think you hear that very often...they aren't the most attractive of birds) I can hardly wait to see your tree...it's one of my favorite parts of blogger world. :)

The Queen Bee said...

Such wonderful finishes. Yes...I bet you CAN stitch them all!

Thanks for the tip on the free seaside pattern. Love it.

Enjoy the lovely fall.


LoriU said...

Cute PS finishes! LOL at your husband and son's comments...men just don't get it!!

Hope the bite is nothing a little cream cannot fix!

diamondc said...

Beautiful finishes, I am with you we need more people interaction, so many people are into their electronic devices, so sad.
I love people interaction, you are right the fall just makes people a little more generous with their time.
Your animal pictures are so sweet, thank-you for sharing.


Natasha said...

Great finishes as always. That deer looked as if he wanted to stay :)

I hope that spider bite does not cause you to much trouble.

I lived in a place that had pretty much perfect weather year round and we moved to the South WHAT?? LOL Take care friend and I can not wait to see your tree this year :)

Irene said...

C X potrebbe anche essere Christmas! Sono belli i tuoi lavori, davvero. Ti auguro di stare meglio e in buona salute!

Robin in Virginia said...

Love your latest batch of finishes, Carol! I think you should make 2015 the year of the PS Santa.

Thank you for sharing your turkey and deer photos! Hope the spider bite doesn't cause you too many issues.

Robin in Virginia

Bonnie Brown said...

Great ornament finishes!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Love the ornaments. There's just nothing like a good PS stitch for comfort. They always turn out so cute. Love the dots especially. You know how I love my polka dots. I hope everything turns out ok at the Dr. Hugs!!

Mary Ann said...

Such wonderful ornament finishes, Carol!!(And, I do believe that you will stitch every single Prairie Schooler Santa some day)! : ) Do you have the latest PS Santa mini card?

The gift you stitched for your friend is adorable--such a summery finish!

It sounds like you have a busy, yet fun, October planned--I know you will enjoy all of it!

Frances said...

As always, your stitching and finishing are both lovely! You know I love Prairie Schoolers~I think stitching all their Santas is a marvelous goal! I want to see them when you finish! HA
Also love the gorgeous wildlife photos!

Melissa said...

Carol, I am sure you are a lovely person to have at the library and all the patrons love you!

Lovely stitching, as usual. I am always in awe of the over one stitching and this time you did it on black too. My eyes went "yikes!"

Enjoy your busy October. I hope your bite clears up soon!

butterfly said...

More lovely stitching to inspire me thankyou for sharing .
Enjoy your October looks like a busy one for you have fun and enjoy. Big Hugs.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Oh my goondess as usual your stitching and finishing is sublime! What a lovely gift for Annette!

cucki said...

Sweet finishes xx

Gabi said...

Ohh and again lovely stitching.
September has gone by and there are only 85 days till Christmas. I don't know why time must go so fast.LOL.
Have a nice fall.
Greetings from Germany

valerie said...

So glad the weather is acting nicely for you Carol! It's too bad that it will be short lived since we're in full swing of Fall. I love your little ornies this month. They are fantastic and your sweet RAK, I'm sure, was happily received.

Your guys are so funny...sometimes guys just don't get it. I hope you have fun at your family reunion and retreat this month! :)

Bev said...

Hi you have some lovely projects, I especially love the Prairie Schooler ones x

Annie said...

Your husband and son are so typically non-stitching males in their comments. I guess you have to use your 'dealing with the public' skills to handle them too! I think your two PS pieces are just right!

And I love the little design you made for Annette. That looks so pretty with the tiny shell trim.

We have had some lovely weather here too. Hope we don't have to pay too badly for that in the coming winter!

Hope that spider bite is nothing serious. You've got a busy time ahead of you and you definitely don't need the aggravation!

Cindy's Stitching said...

Hi Carol, They are just adorable. I love the fabric on the first one, it does make it pop. I like how your husband and son see a piece differently then we do. The moon can be a "C" after all you are named Carol. The RAK is just beautiful. I work with the public on the phone, it can be a challenge at times, but patience and kindness go a long way. How many Prairie schooler santas are there??? My son it moving to Wayne, PA tomorrow. As always Carol, enjoyed the post and have a big smile.

Tricia said...

Happy Fall, Carol! Your little Prairie Schooler Santas are adorable. I always think of you when I see one! I hope your spider bite behaves nicely and goes away soon. Take Care and enjoy your lovely fall weather!

Ruth said...

Here's to you having a lovely Fall as well. I'm glad your patrons are being nice-- it makes up for my grumpy ones :)

Congrats on the finishes.... and drat your husband -- I didn't see a "C" or "X" before but now I will. lol

Jackie's Stitches said...

It's always a good thing to be kind when dealing with anyone but even more so important when interacting with people whose job it is to deal with the public. There are so many rude people out there. I always feel like we have to kind of make up for those people so we always are generous with our tips - even when the service isn't that great.

Love your finishes! You sure have a busy month coming up but know you'll have a grand time!

I never told you but my very first job was in a library. Still one of my favorite places!

Margaret said...

I'm in love with your two PS ornies. They are wonderful! I wish I stitched more smalls -- then it would be worth it for me to invest in such PS packs. Someday maybe! Cute turkey family -- bummer about the missing baby. :(

Linda said...

Your stitching and finishing are lovely as always Carol. Love the pic of the deer.


Barb said...

If anyone can stitch all the Santas Carol, it would be you. Just beautiful finishes. I love hearing about bloggers lives and interests beyond our stitching. Our weather has also turned but with it comes more clouds and a bit of rain. We desperately needed it so I'm not complaining! A very happy October to you!

Mouse said...

hope everything went well with the dr's ...
love all the stitching and finishing ... did think you had started to put your initials in too ...lol
love your wee guests to your lawn :)
have a wonderful stitchy month and look forward to the next update :) love mouse xxxxx
oooo and well done on almost getting your ornament goal finished .... :)

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Your finishing of A Christmas Visit is outstanding!

Enjoy your retreat in Erie! I'm from that area, and it's a beautiful time of year here.

Bekca said...

Thank you for your lovely comment on my Lisbon post Carol. Lovely stitching, your tree is going to look perfect this year, as always. How many Prarie Schooler santas are there? You must be well on your way to completing most of them!
It sounds like you've got lots of lovely things planned for October. I hope you get to enjoy them all, even if it is a bit busy.
Best wishes.

Dawn said...

Happy October Carol! A stitchy retreat in Erie?? OH do tell! Is it with friends or a sponsored one? I was just up there this past weekend to visit my parents, I'll be heading back hopefully this month too.

Belinda said...

Lovely Christmas ornament stitching Carol, what a cute Santa. Nice to hear you've been enjoying some warmer weather. It always brings out the best in people. Sunshine! I am looking forward to summer that's for sure. Thank you for sharing the nature photos, that deer is so sweet! I hope you enjoy your social gatherings coming up and get that nasty spider bite sorted.

Melody said...

Hi Carol. You have a couple of beautiful PS ornament finishes! I don't think I've seen the Santa in the grove of trees before. I will have to look for that one. PS designs are some of my favorites as well. I agree with your observations about the weather, people become nicer when it's beautiful.

Maggee said...

You are right--'kindness begets kindness' as my lovely stitched piece reminds me! I was just looking at it this morning, before starting my day with Hubby... not easy caring for him. As always, your stitched ornaments are lovely. Finished perfectly! Have a great October! Hugs!

passionfruitprincess said...

You are a very kind person, Carol! And of course you can stitch all the PS designs! Your finishes are adorable! They will look lovely on your tree.
The baby turkeys are really getting big! How cool is that! But the deer...he is so handsome!
Enjoy all your October adventures!
Ana Paula.

Lynda Harrison said...

Hello Carol!
So good to read your latest post, and hear all that's been going in in your world.

What lovely wildlife you get in your garden - we have the usual rabbits, squirrels, foxes and sometimes a badger, but the deer aren't seen much lately.

Your stitching is beautiful - and Christmassy! Where did this year go!

Hoping you have a wonderful month, and enjoy all the events you have planned.

Take care of yourself.

Love and best wishes,


Brenda A said...

Everything looks awesome!! :) Hope the spider bite isn't too serious! :)

Elizabeth Ann said...

Ahhhh ha you got those guys done and they almost sneaked right past me! Busy packing away all my samples and patterns from the show and cleaning and cleaning the house... You notice I said that twice because little white doggy hairs keep coming back. Love your new ornaments and I love the blue and white one you sent off! Beautiful finishing job as usual. I certainly hope your bite is much better after a trip to the dr! Have a great month of fun!

Julie said...

I've really enjoyed my catch up read, such pretty stitchy projects you've been creating Carol.
Hope all went well at your check up.

Friendship Crossing said...

Hi Carol, always fun to read about your finishes and your 'world'. Too funny about your hubby's comment, but I have to agree w/him! LOL
What a sweet RAK too!
It's beginning to look like fall here in Ky. too!!

Hope the spider bite is nothing to worry about!

Warm hugs,

Aunt Bea said...

Oh Carol, I just love your posts. The finishes are great. I can imagine how lovely the colors are now. We always were in Gettysburg for a week or so at this time of year. I really miss it now. I love to hear all about your projects and wouldn't it be great to do a PS year of Santas?
Hope your October is just wonderful.

Best wishes,
Aunt Bea

Myra said...

I just love seeing your ornaments Carol. You are so dedicated to stitching them every year. The gift you made for Annette is gorgeous. I am sure she just loves it.

That little turkey family is just so comical, strutting around like they own the place!
Enjoy your October my friend.

Judy said...

Hi Carol. Enjoyed another wonderful post of beautiful stitching and finishing! Love the pictures of the wildlife. They look right at home. It is so hard to believe it is October. Time moves too quickly. It has been beautiful weather here also. And I agree that everyone seems a bit happier. You will be busy for October..so it will fly by too. And soon we will see your beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Happy fall.

Judy Heartland stitcher

Lillie said...

Beautiful finishes Carol. And yes, I thought it was a C too.. C for Carol..LOL

Lovely RAK, I have saved one but never had time to stitch. Your piece is so inspiring.

Have a great October !

Pam in IL said...

Such cute finishes! You ALWAYS finish your pieces in the perfect way!

I agree with you 100% -- if I could find a place that had perfect weather all year, I'd seriously be thinking about moving.

Audrey said...

A friend told me about your blog! I live very near Erie PA! What a small world. Your stitching is beautiful!!

Девушка с пяльцами said...

Hi Carol! Love your new designs! Your finished stitchings always look like precious masterpieces!

Andrea said...

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all", isn't that the saying. It doesn't take much to brighten someone day by a few nice words.
Beautiful stitching as always, love the diamond shaped finish.
I think Autumn has finally made it here. Time for the woolley jumpers to make an appearance!

Michelle said...

Oh Carol they are stunning. Your stitching is beautiful x

Lesleyanne said...

Gorgeous finishes and photos Carol.

Kay said...

Lovely finishes!! Beautiful photos as well! September was a nice month here as well weather wise. October rolled in cold here in Ohio. To be expected though! Happy stitching!

Mary said...

Carol, wouldn't it be great to stitch all of the PS Santas?
Your recent finishes are sweet. I got a kick out of your DH remarks!
Thanks for the link to the beach design. I'm sure Annette was thrilled to receive your treat and will treasure it.

Enjoy your upcoming events. They all sound like you will be busy and having fun.

While we don't have turkeys, it looks as if the deer have come back to roost here.

HUGS, Happy Stitching and Safe travels my friend.

Barb said...

Hi Carol ~ I'm so slow to getting around to leaving you a Comment, but your stitching and finishes are just perfect! It is obvious that we all just love to see your work and love reading your blog!

How is the spider bite? Hopefully, no problem for you and healing well.

Sounds like you have a very October ahead of you - have a wonderful time at all of your fun events and we will look forward to reading about them and, of course, seeing what beauties you have stitched up!!

Anne said...

Your cushions are beautiful and masterfully finished! I adore the PS Santa finish especially since you "turned" it so it looks like a diamond! Very unique! Sweet Annette will be happy with her RAK. It is right up her alley! The deer looks so beautiful and I love how he just wanders into your yard. A real woodland in your backyard! Hugs to you Carol!

Kaisievic said...

Carol, gorgeous finishes and I love the pic of the deer.

Wanda said...

Carol, I have no doubt at all that you can stitch all the PS Santas! What a great goal!! Your two PS finishes are just beautiful! They are just so perfectly and beautifully stitched and finished! The summer ornament is just too cute - what a great design! I hope your spider bite is gone by now...have a great time this month. You have a busy time ahead!
We have had lovely weather this month as well. I agree with you that everyone has seemed happier.
Happy stitching and hugs from Newmarket, Wanda

Brigitte said...

Two lovely new PS Santas finished, and yes, it was not really a surprise that your chose PS for your ornament stitching. I love your plan to stitch all the PS Santas, they are all so special and whenever I look for a Santa to stitch I finally come down with a PS chart. Good luck with your plan.

I also love the little pillow you stitched and finished for Annette. Such lovely motifs and a great colour.

I think you are so right about how the weather can influence people. And it's wonderful outside right now. The changing colours of the trees and bushes, some of them have already lost all their leaves, the clouds driven forward by the wind and all the birds that are gathering to fly away to southern regions. I love this season very much.

Sally said...

Your Santas are wonderful Carol. So beautifully stitched and finished. Love what you stitched for Annette.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

You're right on track, and Yes, I do believe you will one day stitch every PS Santa! Really love the sea shore ornie you made for Annette. Went straight away for the chart.

Isn't the weather fabulous? Fall is always my favorite, and the sample this past weekend made me remember why. The changing leaves got my attention on Friday afternoon.

Be well and stay happy, Friend!

Preeti said...

Your finishes are so pretty :) you are right, the deer looks 'at home' standing there and posing for a snap.

Karoline said...

Cute ornaments, congratulatons

Love hearing about your wild visitors

Melanie said...

We had a September this year? It went by so fast I think I missed it completely. lol
These new finishes are fabulous. Love the contrast on the blue piece. It's so crisp. The Santas, as always, are great, too. I never get tired of those PS Santas. (And they get tired of designing them, do they? :))

Annette said...

I'm still so happy with your beautifull RAK. You made the most beautifull piece for me, and spoiled me like crazy!!
I really love it so does teh kids.Kira walks around wirh her Hello Kitty bag.. so great!!
Your did a awesome job surising me!!

Your 2 Xmas pieces are so cute!!
And as always the finish off so beautifull, I can see in RL how beautifull it is..

Your gatrden is a place to dream about, such lovely with all teh animals.
He I only have birds and cat's, and cats in my garden I don't like, they always leave something behind. :(

Have a great October. you will like this months too!!
Huggss my sweet friend

Marie said...

Your PS finished are beautiful. The one with the Black/Red dot finish would be PERFECT for my DS girlfriend who loved dots!

So sweet of you to stitch that beautiful nautical design for Annette.

Have a great time at all of your events.

Christina said...

Wow, didn't realize how behind I am on my blog reading. Great ornament finishes. Love the little "gremlin" in the basket. Oh wow, look at all that backstitching! Your seaside finish is great. Thank you for sharing your wildlife photos. I always enjoy looking at them.

Nancy M said...

I come to find inspiration and here you have another post! I can see my husband saying the same thing yours did! Love the polka dot material. All your cording is perfect. My family wouldn't get along well with your critters. My husband hunts deer and my son hunts turkey! Oh my!

Lynn B said...

Hi Carol,

Loving all of your beautiful finishes, they are absolutely gorgeous! I love Prairie Schooler too, the designs are so simple yet striking, and yes, I am sure you will stitch all of the Prairie
Schooler ornaments!

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Your turkey photos are great, it seems so strange to think of them just wandering around. I don't like to think about what might have happened to the youngster though - nature is tough.

Parsley said...

Perfect finishes, as always.

We have dozens of wild turkey in our field. Once we found a next of 13 eggs. so fun!

Unknown said...

What wonderful work you do! I'll be back to see more...
Happy Stitchin'...
An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…

Meari said...

It's always nice to see wildlife in the backyard. I will certainly miss the critters that made their homes on my parents property when we sell the house. :(

Congrats on your beautiful finishes.

Solstitches said...

I've lost my stitching mojo but a visit to your blog with all of your gorgeous finishes is enough to relight my fire!
Love the PS Santa and if there is anyone who can stitch them all it has to be you :)