Monday, February 3, 2014

Gifts and goodies!

Good February evening to you, my sweet friends! Who else is cheering the end of January? What a long, cold, miserable month--at least for those of us in the midwest and east (and many of you in the south, too). We received 20 inches more snow than in an "average" January...and I know I'll never forget all those sub-zero days. I'm sure hoping that February will be a bit nicer to us. But, a bright spot within that cold first month of 2014 was my birthday! I can't thank you enough for all of your birthday wishes on my last post. I'm so glad that many of you shared my recollections of childhood memories--it really was a wonderful time to grow up in so many ways, wasn't it? I do worry about the fast pace of life that children face growing up in today's world. I guess that sounds "old-fashioned," but it is so hard to see what kids have to deal with today in what should be a fun, simple time in their lives.

I've done a bit of stitching, but only have two things to share with you today--both were sent off as gifts. I stitched my first LHN "Little Sheep Virtues" and thoroughly enjoyed it. This one, "Peace," was sent to my friend, Cindy, for her birthday last month. I stitched it on 40 ct. pearl gray Newcastle using most of the suggested colors, but I changed the greens to DMC 3051 and 3052. I also added a few more leaves to the tree branches on the right.  A simple ecru handmade cording finished it off into a sweet, little pillow for Cindy to set on a bookshelf or place in a basket.

 Birthday gift stitched for Cindy

Another Little Sheep Virtues design, "Love,"  caught my eye and I thought it would be perfect for Valentine's Day stitching. This was sent as a Random Act of Kindness (RAK) to my friend, Lisa over at The Inspired Stitcher. I hope to do quite a few RAK's this year--just want to bring a smile to the faces of some of you wonderful stitching friends. Nothing is expected in return--I just enjoy surprising people now and then...  For "Love," I again used the 40 ct. pearl gray Newcastle (although it seems to appear blue in this photo for some reason) and the same threads that I chose for the "Peace" pillow. I added two more small red hearts above the heart near over the "V" rather than add the suggested button. Both Cindy's gift and Lisa's RAK were backed with the pale green and ivory fabric you see in this photo. I think I'll be stitching this a second time to add to my bowl of Valentine's pillows...

 RAK stitched for Lisa

I've also stitched both my Christmas ornaments for January and February, but want to wait until I'm done with the finishing to share them with you.  Another RAK is in the works and will be winging its way to another stitching friend very soon, too! 

BIRTHDAY ROUND-UP... Several of you asked what my sons cooked for my birthday dinner. I'll tell  you... it was such a treat to just sit and be waited on that evening! I'm not used to others cooking for me and I honestly didn't quite know how to just sit and relax as they bustled around the kitchen cooking and doing the dishes... The main dish they prepared was called Pasta all'Amatrice and was prepared with a new-to-me pasta called bucatini. It was like a thick hollow spaghetti--have any of you had it before? Very, very tasty and quick to prepare. They also served roasted vegetables (not a green one in sight, thank goodness!!), garlic bread, and ended the feast with a selection of little cheesecakes for dessert. It was an almost-perfect evening--if only my youngest son could have been there with us, too. But, he surprised me by sending this simply gorgeous flower arrangement. Hydrangeas, lilies, iris, daisies, and white roses--such a perfect bouquet for me!

Birthday flowers from youngest son

Two wonderful gift certificates from 123 Stitch arrived from my oldest and middle sons and my middle son and his girlfriend also gave me this pretty blue and white bowl filled with the most fragrant hyacinth. It's been such a pleasure to enjoy a bit of spring as the snow flies outside!

A breath of spring!

And, guess what? More birthday gifts arrived from stitching friends. It took a bit longer to get them from overseas, but they were both well worth the wait. My sweet friend, Valerie, sent these all the way from France. Just look at this adorable blue and white needlebook that she stitched for me! I so love the little girl on the swing and the beautiful "C" monogram--just perfect! (This is from a French design called Toile de Jouy Alphabet Chart). She included a pretty handmade card and some floss as well. Thank you so much, my lovely friend--your thoughtful gifts are so special!

 Birthday gifts from Valerie

My dear friend, Lois in Northern Ireland, sent another fabulous package of goodies. She made a lovely floss tag (her first ever--and it looks perfect!) in the prettiest shades of blue and green. As you can see, it is monogrammed with my initials and the year and finished with a lovely blue/gray cording. The gift box also included a sweet chart called "Maddie Button" (I know I'll be stitching this one soon!), a lovely decorative bow, some silk floss, and a package of tea. Lois, your gifts put a huge smile on my face--thank you so very much!

Birthday gifts from Lois

And I was also treated to another 123 Stitch gift certificate from my sweet friend, Donna (no blog) who lives in West Virginia. I know just what I'll be ordering with it, Donna! Thanks so very much for making my birthday so special!

It's a tradition at the library where I work that whoever is celebrating his or her birthday brings a treat for our monthly meeting, so, with my January birthday, I'm first each year. This year, I treated my co-workers to this plate of cookies... Oh, my--the aromas of butter and sugar were amazing as they baked.  Along with the peanut-butter kiss cookies you see on the left, I also made White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies, Raspberry Brownies, and Pecan Pie Bars. Needless to say we were all on a "sugar high" after that meeting...

Birthday goodies made for work

I also wanted to share with you this bowl of cheery snowmen that I have on the sideboard in my kitchen. Honestly, just seeing their smiling faces has helped make this long winter a bit more bearable. Just look at those cute little grins--I dare you not to smile! My husband bought this long (22 inches!), narrow wooden bowl for me for Christmas and it is a perfect depth for displaying a row of my little pillows. These are actually Christmas ornaments that I placed in the bowl after we took our tree down last month. Cute, eh?

 My bowl of jolly snowmen

Well, that's about it for my first February post. I plan on doing some Valentine stitching over the next couple of weeks--how about you? I hope you each have a great week ahead with lots of stitching time! There is nothing more therapeutic than curling up with our fabric, thread, and needle on these cold winter days, don't you agree?  Thanks again for your delightful comments and emails... you always manage to make me smile!  Bye for now...


The Queen Bee said...

Such a nice recap of your birthday. Like you, I'm glad to see January go. Although, we are expecting one snow storm after another this month. I think, given a choice, I'd rather have the bitter cold.


Anne said...

Very sweet SB finishes!! I like linen you stitched it on. I can't remember if you told me before, but do you use a cord twister thing? Such sweet gifts from your sons, especially the pretty hyacinth and flowers. It's so nice to have a bit of spring in the house when it's cold out! Beautiful gifts and goodies from the ladies too! I like your new wooden bowl...looks like it can hold more smalls :D


Tricia said...

Such sweet stitching on your gifts, Carol! Both the ones you gave and the one you received. And those flowers! Birthday flowers, the Hyacinth, the daisies. Sigh! It looks like spring. I think sometime I need to learn how to decorate from you. Your house always looks so "home" - y. I love "stopping by"! : )


Jackie's Stitches said...

The pasta dish looks good though I too have never heard of that kind of noodle. Very interesting. I love it when my guys cook for me. It's a real treat!

January sure went by quickly! You didn't miss a beat though!

Shelly said...

You have some very thoughtful sons. Great RAKs youve sent out. Your eye for color is right on when it comes to your finishing! It's always a treat to read your posts!

Faye said...

You truly were showered well this birthday!! Happy birthday again, my friend..... I love your side board of snow guys all stitched..... Enjoy stitching the reds and pinks during February.... And, I hope you get NO MORE SNOW!!! :D

Mini Addictions said...

Beautiful gifts that you received and are giving. I love the bowl of snowmen...but hope that is all the snow you see for the rest of the season.
As always, thank you for sharing with all of us.

Robin in Virginia said...

What a fabulous post and pictures you shared, Carol! You received and gave some lovely items. I love your bowl with the snowman. I would love to know more about your new bowl.

Enjoy your week!

Robin in Virginia

Laurie in Iowa said...

Love your bowl of snowmen. So glad you had such a lovely birthday meal.

Belinda said...

Lovely to hear you had a wonderful birthday Carol. Your birthday meal your sons cooked sounds delicious. It's a shame your youngest son couldn't make it but what gorgeous flowers he sent you. Your comment about not being used to sitting while you are being spoilt at the dinner table made me smile. A typical Mothers comment! My mum would say the same.
As always your stitching/finishing is beautiful! I am sure your friends are so appreciative of your gestures.

Oh and my goodness your plate of goodies looks good enough to eat through the computer screen!! Yum! I feel like a cup of tea at the moment and a taste of every goodie you baked would go down a treat with it! have lucky co-workers.
You are right, your snowmen friends did make me smile!

Melissa said...

What lovely stitching and what lovely gifts! January may have been cold but you had lots to celebrate. That's so nice that your boys made you dinner and your youngest sent you those beautiful flowers!

What will Valentine's Day bring you, I wonder? ;-)

Keep warm!

Annette said...

Ow my so much show. We didn't Got even one inch.! And my garden Is already getting in bloom. So now the cold does not have too come any more. Now I want spring.
Valerie showen What she made for you. So beautifull. Your otter gifts are so wonderfull.
You spoiler your Friends again
You must had had the most awesome birthday of the year. Hihi. The first of the year.
Your diner from your Kids Sounds awesome. And beautifull flowers.
Ow my I with I werken with you that looks so awesome.
Have a beautifull walther month with many stitching.
I'm busy Working for carnaval. No time for Love stichting.

Gabi said...

Nice to read you had a wonderful birthday and wonderful gifts.
January wasn't cold in my region. No snow in sight! May be the cold days will come when nobody espects anymore.
Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Carol , you had a wonderful birthday : loving family around ,good food , relax ,nice presents for stitchers :) and beautiful flowers ....

The gifts you stitched for your friends are really pretty and cute .

Have a wonderful week Carol!

Brigitte said...

OH my, so lovely, these two little pillows. I always love this kind of finishing, just a cording around the edges and a little bow. The recipients of your little gifts must have been very happy. And I love your wooden bowl with the snowman parade. I have been on the lookout for a wooden bowl for quite a while and I'm sure I'll find one one day. They are so perfect for a beautiful display of little pillows.

Great what your sons were cooking for you. It must have been delicious, at least it sounds like it, lol. I also get spoilt every now and then by my sons and DIL and fiancée, and it's like a feast each time. Me not having to cook is always a feast, as I don't like doing it too much.

You've received some more wonderful gifts from your stitchy friends. Aren't gift certificates just wonderful? Just as wonderful as all the stitched pieces that you got. Enjoy!

butterfly said...

Sounds like you had a great Birthday Carol with your sons. Lovely gifts from family and friends and flowers. Love the snowmen so cute.
Cookies look so yummy.
And fell in love with your sheep RAKs so sweet.
Keep warm , my friend hugs & kisses.

Scrap said...

Hello Carol! your little sheep are adorable! I love the finish! I'm trying to mount mine! thank you for sharing with us
good week

Mii Stitch said...

What a beautiful post (again!) :)
Love the pretty finishes & amazing gifts you received. You're all so talented! Just looking at these yummy biscuits make me want to eat them all, yum!!! Take care & have plenty of Valentine stitching time, hugs xxx

Marilyn said...

What great RAK's.
You received some nice B-Day goodies also.
Love your Bowl-of-Snowmen, they did make me smile. :)

Michelle said...

So glad that you had a wonderful birthday and that your sons treated you so well :) Such lovely gifts received and your little sheep pillows are so cute! I love the display of snowmen - such a perfect bowl for displaying ornaments!

Gillie said...

Oh what a cheery post and some colour! Well done those boys!

Jan Gartlan said...

Such gorgeous finishes! Happy belated birthday

Ellen said...

Wonderful gifts received from your sons and friends! Love those gorgeous flowers!

Your sheep pillows are so beautiful! That long bowl is just perfect for the snowmen ha ha!

Looking forward to your Valentine stitching...


Anonymous said...

I smiled when I saw your bowl of snowmen- hmm I have a dough bowl, I best get stitching ;-)

Julie said...

Happy belated Birthday.Your boys certainly looked after you.Lovely little posy and Hyacinths smell so nice.Lovely gifts both giving and receiving.And those biscuits,say no more.Looking at your last post brought back memories of those Skates and Dr Scholls sandals,Bingo Buttons and Necklace Sweets.

Julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shirlee said...

Loved seeing all the stitching both given & received. Also loved seeing your bowl of snowmen : )

Kate said...

What a cheerful post - love those flowers, the boys did well.
A belated Happy Birthday to you.

Margaret said...

Such a fun post! Lovely stitching from you, lovely gifts from friends, great birthday dinner news, and the baking -- yum! Have to go look at those recipes now!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

You have some very special young men in your life Carol! I hope my boys remember my birthday in a similar fashion some day :) Eats, treats and FLOWERS! yes, that's perfect! From your plate of cookies to your bowl of snowmen...perfecT!

priscilla said...

Glad you had such a nice birthday Carol ! Love your little sheep you stitched , and also all the gifts you received ! Your little bowl of snowmen is adorable ! More snow for us tonight , I just heard on the news we have had 51 inches already!!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Gorgeous stitching Carol and what lovely gifts you received.
The cookies you made look sooooo delicious and
your snowmen are so sweet,they made me smile too:-)

BARBARA said...

I,too, feel very blessed to have wonderful children who treat me in a similar way. We are expecting more snow tonight in upstate N.Y but your snowmen put a smile on my face and make me forget the weather. BTW, the flowers are gorgeous:)

Vickie said...

Sounds like a wonderful birthday celebration from two of your sons. Lovely gifts you have received. And very well finished gifts you gave.

BrendaS said...

Carol -- Great post! It's so wonderful to see the gifts you've given and received. So very glad you had a nice birthday with your family, hopefully you will see your youngest son very soon!

Keep warm and hopefully Spring will be here before we know it. It has been such a LONG winter...

HUGS to you.

Annie said...

As always, beautiful stitching by you and your friends. And what a nice birthday... your sons are the best, whether cooking or sending those gorgeous flowers! Those cookies look delicious... your co-workers must love you!

I sure hope this winter ends eventually. One stormy forecast after another. You've had a much worse time of it than we've had in DC, but I'm ready for a real warm-up anyway!

Elizabeth Ann said...

Wonderful pieces you have made for your friends! I love the little snowmen lined up in your kitchen, they do make one smile! I am so happy you had a wonderful birthday dinner, mine was on Groundhog's Day and haven't gotten out to dinner yet but maybe this week! Have a wonderful week!

Rachel S-H said...

Happy Birthday!

I don't know how February is going to pan out. We had snow yesterday, calling for some nonsense tonight and then Sunday agian.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Thank you again, dear friend for the sweet thoughtful RAK. It brought a much needed smile to my face. You are so correct, Valentines Day is my absolute favorite holiday of all. It's even better than Christmas! I'm glad your birthday celebration was so fun.

Linda said...

I so enjoy seeing your stitched smalls. You do such a fantastic job of finishing them. These two are super. Wonderful birthday gifts and oh my those sweets look yummy.


Barb said...

You bowl of snowmen is just perfect! Plus so many lovely gifts for your birthday. I am very impressed with your sons. My son probably doesn't even know a site like 123 Stitch is there !! You deserve all the wonderful things!

Andrea said...

Beautiful gifts. I have started mu Sheep Virtues ... but need to finish them. Your flowers are beautiful, bright and cheery. Hyacinth are so fragrant aren't they? Some lovely birthday gifts for you too. Your basket of snowmen certainly does bring a smile to your face. Are you continuing with the basket theme this year? Same tradition in our office with the cookies and biscuits. I'm glad it's only 6 of us! Enjoy the rest of the week.

Lynda Harrison said...

Hello Carol - what a lovely birthday you had! Such beautiful flowers from your sons and lovely things from your friends - and having a meal cooked for you - just perfect!
How cold and nasty your weather sounds! Here in England we haven't had many really cold days - yet, but the flooding in parts of the country is horrendous.
Your stitching is as beautiful as ever. Have a 'Happy February' with many hours of stitching!
Love and best wishes,

Charlene ♥ NC said...

A special birthday deserves all the grand celebrations you received. Love your first sheep ornaments - beautifully finished as always. That IS the perfect vessel for those little snowmen pillows. Look forward to seeing all your Valentine pieces, too. Stay warm and keep stitchin'.

Shirley said...

Hi Carol,
Just catching up with my blog reading. Congratulations on your birthday last month, love the picture of you and your dad. I am not many years behind you but have recently received offers for a free eye test and discount hearing aids. They do make you feel you are on the slippery slope don't they? Glad you were spoiled on your birthday, have never seen that pasta either. Your snowmen look fab in your new bowl.

msmartello said...

Hi Carol, Since January has my birthday as well I can totally relate. Love your sheep virtues and cookies. Yum!!! I wanted to jump through the screen to sample them. LOL! Delicious!! I especially love your snowmen. I love to look at mine and try to add to it every year.
Take Care


Barbi said...

Happy belated birthday my friend!!! Such a lovely post. Your virtues are so sweet, and I just love the gifts that you shared with us. Your hubby knew exactly what he was doing when he found you that long bowl for clever of him to get that for you, it's perfect for your little pillows.
oh and thank you so much for the links for the recipes, I must try them! they look de-lish!

Cindy's Stitching said...

The flowers are so pretty. A touch of spring in the winter. How nice they cooked for you. I have eaten that pasta, i think i have tried them all :0
The cookies look so good. How lucky your workers are. I like that you have to bring something in on your birthday,its reversed from most other places. I think we all want spring, I know I do. I adore my pillow and it sits on my dresser. I see it each day. You received some wonderful gifts carol. Ahhhhh stitching gifts are the best. I can't wait to see your finishes.

Pam in IL said...

Sounds & looks like you had a wonderful birthday! I really like your new header and the bowl of snowmen. I'm sure you've posted about them, but my memory needs refreshing -- who is the designer of the snowman 2nd from the right?

laceystitcher said...

Wow! Love this post - so many things to look at and "savor". Loved the RAK's you did and the "stitchy" gifts you received for your "special day". Do you know what the name of the pattern is with the girl in the swing - just love it and would like to try to find it. It cold and snowy here (Kansas) so I will join you in a cup of tea and picking up the stitching. Enjoy!

Pam L

staci said...

Mmmm, those cookies look so yummy! It sounds like you had a really lovely birthday :) Love your bowl of snowmen too!

Anonymous said...

I love that "Love" sheep design! Do you mind sharing how long it took you to stitch it? I'm always hesitant about buying new designs when I'm not sure if I'll have time to work on them. And a happy belated birthday!

Sherri said...

Wow, so many great things in your post. The flowers were beautiful and the cookies looked delicious. The gifts you gave and received were amazing. Love your bowl of snowmen. Love the long bowl that held them; your husband did well!

Judy said...

Hi Carol. Great to see a new post on this cold and very snowy night! Your birthday celebration sounds like it made your final year of fifties off to a great start. Seeing the flowers makes me want spring even more. Slowly but surely it will get here. Some more nice stitchy gifts.

Your sheep virtures are adorable. I just got the corder and I am looking forward to giving it a try. I hope I can perfect it somewhat close to your beautiful cording.

I still have alot of snowmen out...maybe if I put them away we will stop getting so much snow! Perhaps I should make that a plan for the weekend. Your long bowl of snowmen does make me smile!

I just ordered Madde Buttons. I think it is adorable.

I'm sorry to say more snow is probably heading your way. It has been snowing here since noon and expected to continue overnight. Then only 6 again on Thursday. Oh more!

Have a great week.

Judy Heartland stitcher

Kay said...

Beautiful finishes! I love how you have your snowmen on display! Looks very cheery! Looks like you got very spoiled for your birthday with what you got from friends and family! Glad to hear it was such a special day!

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

A nice post. Good luck with your endeavours.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Angela said...

Lovely gifts sent and received. Love the Snowman display :)

Krista said...

The ornaments you made are beautiful! You are so good with the finishing! Those raspberry brownies sound scrumptious!

Kay said...

You lucky girl!! It is always fun to get vouchers for stitching stash. I must say that your gift from Valerie is stunning, I love both the design and the colours she used. Happy February. x

Lesleyanne said...

Sounds like you had wonderful birthday with gorgeous gifts and flowers. Your display of snowman is beautiful.

Julie said...

A lovely post Carol as always, filled with such pretty pictures. Your snowman bowl looks wonderful, they do have some great expressions.
Super little RAK ornaments you have sent out to your fiends and such beautiful stitched gifts you received too.
A bet your home smells lovely with the scent of the hyacinths.
What lovely boys you have who obviously love their mum very much.

passionfruitprincess said...

I am so glad you had such a nice birthday! Your flowers and other gifts are beautiful! I specially love the needle book...just darling! I also love your bowl of jolly snowmen!
This year the weather is crazy. Here in California we had some summer days in Winter. We are not having enough rain and snow this year, and this can be our worst drought ever. We even had fasting and prayer last Sunday at church asking for rain.
Stay warm, and have a wonderful rest of week!
Ana Paula.

Valma said...

who can resist smiling when seeing this bowl of snowmen =)
they are all so cute !
can't choose just one, they are all different and beautiful =)
and those cookies ! ho my ! when will someone invent a way of going through a computer screen !! they are so yummy !!!
I need to have a look at the link for the recipes =)
You made 2 wonderful versions of the LHN sheep. I'm finishing the last one for my coasters =)
I really enjoyed this personal SAL and will surely miss it !
but your 2 pillows are really incredible, as always
I'm really happy you loved my Bday gift, you've been spoiled sweetie, so super
can't wait to see your Valentine pieces =)
big big hugs

Chris said...

Good Morning Carol!
I am sorry that February has started off with more bad weather for you. Ugh!
Your birthday celebrations sound like they were wonderful. A lovely dinner, flowers and More stash :) Perfect.
Lovely sheep and snowmen pillows. I hope that the bad weather has equaled more stitching time for you.
Have a great weekend!

Bekca said...

I agree Carol, your bowl of smiling snowmen is very uplifting! I'm so glad to read that you were suitably spoiled for your birthday. I look forward to seeing your new stash when it arrives. The plate of cookies is making my mouth water, I bet they were delicious :)
Best wishes.

Friendship Crossing said...

Wowza Carol, don't know where to begin ~ LOL! Your guys outdid themselves w/the dinner and flowers ~ gorgeous!
Truly sweet gifts both sent and received! Loved the plate of cookies ~ YUMMM!!
That long bowl w/the snowmen are adorable!
Looking forward to spring!!


Melanie said...

Love that your blog header is all dressed up for Valentines. It's very pretty. :)

These little sheepy finishes are just so durn adorable. I hope you do get to stitch the Love one up for yourself.

Sounds like a wonderful, wonderful birthday. Lots of family, yummy food, great gifts and pretty flowers. Good for you! You deserve it. :)

LoriU said...

Cute sheepies!
Beautiful flowers!
Yummy goodies!
And of course adorable snowmen in a bowl!

Great post!!

Lillie said...

Fabulous gifts and yummylicious treat from the family. Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration and the cookies look heavenly. Love your new header, it's lovely.

Stitching Noni said...

Happy Belated Birthday :o)
Sounds like you had wonderful day!
I love the gifts you received especially the gorgeous French designed one from Valerie :o)
Your snowmen are just lovely, as are your sweet little sheep!

♥ Nia said...

A lovely.February banner on the of your blog :)
You have received some lovely gifts =) and your finishes look beautiful as always :D
Ohhhh I love you snowmen in a row! Hehehhe all so cute! A big smile indeed :D
I won't be stitching any special thing for this month (every one knows why heheheh) but I am looking forward to feel the first spring signs! So tired of this cold =/ i want some sunshine for my baby to arrive ;) hehehehe

Michelle said...

Happy Belated Birthday. What a cheery post. Loved looking at all your photos thank you x

Sally said...

Happy Belated Birthday Carol. You received some beautiful gifts.

Love your sheep finishes. I need to get mine made up. Why oh why did I decide to wait until I'd finished them all!

I can imagine how fed up you are of snow. We're fed up of the rain over here and some areas down south have been under water for weeks now with no let up in sight. I'm still hoping for some snow but I can't see it happening!

Giovanna said...

Lovely ornaments and gifts! Glad your sons took good care of you on your birthday :-)

Девушка с пяльцами said...

Congratulations with wonderful gifts, Carol! Your bowl of snowmen is also charming!
Best wishes, Tatiana

Lynn B said...

What lovely gifts you sent and received Carol, I love them all!
Looks like you had a great birthday.

Best wishes

Lynn B

Melody said...

Carol, what lovely birthday gifts you received! The flowers from your son are just beautiful!

You are right, your row of snowmen ornaments are very cheerful.

Stay warm!

Karoline said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday, your flowers are gorgeous.

You got some lovely gifts and the RAK's are great.

Meari said...

What a wonderful birthday you had :) I've not had the pasta, but your dinner sounds scrumptious.

Marie said...

You have such thoughtful, sweet children. That is a gift in itself!

So many wonderful birthday gifts! i am sure that each one made your heart smile.

I truly love the Little Sheep Virtues designs and need to set aside time to stitch each one. Your stitching is always beautiful.

Your header looks so pretty. Happy Valentine's Day, Carol

Annette-California said...

Happy Birthday Carol! Wow you totally had a great celebration and still continuing it sounds like. Lovely RAKS you sent to freinds and your stitched snowmen did make me smile - too CUTE!!! Spectacular flowers. Again belated
Happy Birthday - love Annette

Nicky said...

Happy Birthday Carol!! It sounds like your boys spoilt you well, and most deservedly too! I haven't heard of bucatini, sounds like a delicious dinner though, and your boys know you well with the gifts and flowers. Your snowmen really are adorable, far too cute to put away immediately following Christmas! I always enjoy reading your lovely posts and hearing your news..... Nicky x

Simply Victoria said...

Your birthday flowers are so cheery! I really love the monogram "C" needlebook you got as a birthday gift.

Christina said...

Sorry you are having such a rough winter, we are just getting ours. Finally some much needed rain, hopefully with more on the way. Such cute little sheep, your finishing is beautiful as always. Oh, what beautiful flowers you received. Nothing like fresh flowers to brighten a room. Yum, your cookies look great. I have been in the mood to bake, just need some time. LOVE your bowl of happy snowmen!! I am doing some Valentine stitching, but it will be a Christmas gift. LOL

Hilda said...

Dear Carol,
what wonderful RAKs you worked. And you have been gifted really nice - the "C" I love most!
I hope the first half of February treated you with warmer and springlike weather!

Kathy Ellen said...

Happy Belated Birthday Wishes, Carol! How wonderful to have your sons prepare such a delightful gourmet dinner for the occasion.....everything sounds yummy:)

Both LHN Sheep Virtues pillows are just adorable and beautifully finished as always. Cindy and Lisa must have been so thrilled to receive them.

What wonderful handmade gifts you received for your birthday, and the flowers you received are beautiful and must have such sweet fragrances of Spring.

Aren't you blessed to receive such nice gifts, and your co-workers must have been delighted with those delicious goodies. My mouth is watering, just looking at them!

Blessings to you, dear friend.

Maggee said...

Your birthday presents sound great--your sons/family spoiled you--as it should be! And all the stitching goodness you received... heaven! I love the bowl of snowmen! I have stitched at least two of them, tho they were gifts... I want them for myself! I have all the others in my stash!! Oh to have more time! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

Mavi. said...

Hi Carol, nice to your almodas, embroidered with such gusto and well assembled. Beautiful bouquet of your son. The sachets are all together very well and those cookies are palatable.
Better weather that much snow already tired.

dixiesamplar said...

Goodness Carol; I can't believe I missed your birthday! Many belated happy birthdays my dear friend...I hope it was a wonderfully happy and blessed day for you. Looks like you were gifted with some very special prezzies too...such sweet sentiments from dear blogging and stitching friends! And those flowers from your son are absolutely gorgeous :D

I enter my 50's next month (Mar)...woohoo...and I cannot wait (honestly)!

Jackie said...

Good early Sunday morning Carol:))
I've had to figure in my puzzled head, where in the world was my last stop on your blog. LOL. I thought in spring, but here I am on your winter post from last year. "I will try to be a better person:)"
You received some beautiful florals and stitched goods for your birthday from your children and friends from around the globe. They are indeed beautiful!
I am sure the cookies you shared for the monthly meeting went over very well. They look delicious. I am not a big cookie maker, but I will have to make some for my girls.
I absolutely love the ornaments in the long bowl too. I need to find a bowl….so, so lovely Carol.