Thursday, January 16, 2014

My final year... my fifties begins today!  Although, based on the letter I got in the mail yesterday (mixed in with birthday cards from friends and family), you may think it begins my final year ever! Yes, I received a letter from a local funeral home wanting to introduce me to their new "funeral preplanning program." Now, if that didn't make me feel old, I don't know what will... But, it's true, my friends--today is my 59th birthday. It's made me quite nostalgic, especially when I found this old photo of me dancing with my dear father on my very first birthday, Raggedy Ann doll in his hand.

My first birthday: January 16, 1956

The Raggedy Ann doll made me recall other old memories of growing up in the fifties and sixties and I found myself lost (for hours!) on Pinterest boards amidst some wonderful old images that I hadn't seen in years. I thought I'd share some of my favorites with you. This post probably won't mean much to any of you who aren't in your forties, fifties, or sixties, but for all my younger readers, you'll glimpse a little part of how many of us "older" stitchers grew up...


Learning to read with Dick and Jane. Boring, but effective!

Pledging allegiance to the United States of America...
remember when it was your turn to hold the flag?

Putting our heads down on desks for rest periods after lunch
 or to quiet a noisy classroom. I remember this so well when
the news of JFK's assassination reached us on 11/22/63.

 Vintage Barbie dolls...
my sisters sold mine at a garage sale!

Does anyone remember playing this Barbie board 
game? My biggest fear was that I would end up with
"Poindexter!" I preferred the more brainy guy, "Tom."

The Easy-Bake Oven--one of my best
Christmas gifts ever! I think my love of
baking may have started with this...

45 rpm records--I wore many of these
 right out I listened to them so much! 

Old wooden Bingo tokens--loved that game!
 We had one just like this.

Vintage roller skates with a key to resize them.
Remember wearing your key around your neck
on an old shoelace or piece of string so you
wouldn't lose it?

Metal loom to make potholders--perhaps
my first foray into being creative!

Yikes! I still remember screaming when I ended
 up with the "Old Maid" at the end of the game.

OK--who can ever forget that smell?

Didn't we all want hair like "The Breck Girl?"
This is Cybill Shepherd in 1969!

Another scent that brings back 
very, very fond memories!

Smocked dresses on little girls--my grandmother
stitched the most beautiful ones!

Doctor Scholl's Original Exercise Sandals--I lived 
in these things in my teen years.

We had this exact cookie jar! I was so excited when I
saw it appear in an episode of "Mad Men."

How many of you used to buy, wear, and then eat 
these colorful candy necklaces?

Remember putting these Christmas
stencils on your windows each December?

"The Wonderful World of Disney" had kids across
the country glued to their TV sets each Sunday night. And
when color television appeared, it really became magical!

And who didn't love Annette the most on 
"The Mickey Mouse Club?"

Ahhh... "My Three Sons"--one of my favorite
TV shows. Little did I know that 20 years later 
I could have starred in my own version of it! 

I still remember how excited we all were the day
 my dad brought home this "Meet the Beatles!" album.
The entire family was dancing around the living room!

But, along came "The Monkees" and Davy Jones
stole my heart. How about you?

And another sixties heartthrob of mine--Leonard Whiting
in the 1968 version of "Romeo and Juliet." Who didn't
 want to be that lucky Olivia Hussey?! At least I had her
same "long straight hair parted-in-the-middle!"

Yes, life in 1955, the year I was born, was very different!

I hope you've enjoyed my walk through my childhood and teen years. What other memories pop out in your mind from that era? I think it was a great time to grow up--a time of rapid change, not all good, not all bad. But, those years made me what I am today. So, I enter my last year in my fifties with hope and thankfulness. I'm not sure how I'll feel when I turn 60 next year, but as my husband always says when I complain about getting older, "It's better than the alternative!"

I was so lucky to receive some lovely birthday gifts from my stitching friends which I'd like to share with you. My first gift arrived from dear June all the way from England. She sent me a pretty Jardin Prive chart with the threads, a peony and jasmine fragrant scent, and some cheery blue and white checked ribbon. Thank you so much, my friend--I look forward to using all of your wonderful gifts.

Birthday gifts from June

I also received a wonderful package of fabrics and trims from my sweet friend, Robin, in Virginia. She was so kind to include two hand-dyed packages of Monaco (because she knows how much I enjoy stitching "over one" on that particular fabric) and some lovely champagne colored chenille as well as a supply of navy ric-rak. I love receiving finishing supplies, Robin--thank you so much! I know I'll enjoy using these on some future finishes.

Birthday gifts from Robin

From my lovely friend, Valerie, out in San Francisco, I received a generous gift certificate to my favorite on-line stitching shop, 123 Stitch. I know I'm going to have a grand time perusing the site to choose some new charts or finishing materials. Thank you so very much, Valerie! Who doesn't love getting a gift certificate?!

123 Stitch gift certificate from Valerie

From, my sweet friend, Cindy, in Tennessee, I received the most beautiful snowman ornament for my snowman tree that I have in my kitchen (I keep it up until the end of January). She mounted him in a pocket watch case, a technique that the talented Vonna shared with us in this post. I just love him, Cindy... the blue fabric you used is perfect for a winter scene. I know I'll be trying this type of finish myself in the future (along with most of you, I'll bet!).

Birthday gift snowman ornament from Cindy

In addition to the snowman, Cindy sent me a cute felted piece of birthday cake and not one, not, two, not three, but TEN fabric pieces for me to use in my finishing! I was so thrilled as we have very few places around here to get unusual fabrics... Aren't these wonderful? Thank you, dear Cindy--I know you'll be seeing these pop up on some of my future ornaments and pillows.

Birthday gifts from Cindy

And finally, from my dear friend, Myra, came a box load of goodies! Just look at this little handmade coin purse she made! I'm in awe--I have no idea how she comes up with these creative ideas, but her work just keeps getting better and better. On the end there are two small charms--a "C" for Carol and a small heart engraved with the words "Made With Love."  As you can see she used three different fabrics in shades of blue: two on the outer part and one inside--just perfect for me!  

 Handmade purse from Myra for my birthday

Myra showed some of these mugs that she had printed at Staples from some of her samplers on her blog last month and little did I know that she would send one of them to me as a gift. My photos aren't the best due to the glare (we actually had a bit of sunshine yesterday--gasp!!) when I took them, but I think you get the idea of how wonderful the mug is.

Birthday mug from Myra

But, that's not all! Myra also sent me a bar of chocolate, some cozy stitching socks, two ribbon spools in blue, a bar of juicy peach shea butter soap, a darling vintage themed needle card, and some greenery that will be perfect for finishing Christmas ornaments. Whew!! Thank you, you generous soul--I love each and every gift, Myra!

Birthday gifts from Myra

And, while not a birthday gift, I did receive one more special delivery from England. Christine sent me this tiny bottle filled with bits of sea glass... How did that come about? Well, I admired her big collection of it on her blog and commented that I had never seen it in real life before. The next thing you know, Christine offered to send me some. I was so excited to get some real Cornish sea glass and will add it to my seaside display in my bathroom. She explained that the dark blue is quite hard to find and is often a piece of an old poison bottle. It's fascinating to imagine how old these pieces of glass are and how they found their way into the sea. Thank you so, so much, Christine for sharing a piece of your world with me--I love it!

Cornish sea glass from Christine

Wow! I was thoroughly spoiled and a couple of you have told me there are more gifts on the way. How blessed I feel to have so many thoughtful blogging friends from around the world--you are so very special and I hope you know how you've touched my life...  Thank you all and thank you to those of you who sent cards and emails my way--I appreciate each and every "Happy Birthday" message.

I had planned on showing you a couple of my recent finishes, but, honestly, I'm worn out--I've been working on this post for a few hours and I will just have to save them for next time. I'm so looking forward to Sunday as my two oldest sons have invited us to their apartment for my birthday dinner--only the second time we've been there for dinner in the five years they've lived there (hint, hint--boys!!). The middle son's girlfriend is helping with the cooking so my worries about food poisoning are gone (just kidding, guys!). 

I'm behind on blog visiting and commenting, but will be around to say "hello" to you all soon. I also want to wish a warm welcome to my new followers--so happy you've decided to visit. Thank you again for making my birthday such a special one and happy stitching, everyone! Bye for now...


Annie said...

Happy Birthday! At my age, you seem like a baby. I think if I posted an oldies collection of photos, they would be from an ancient history book!

Lovely gifts from your adoring fans.

And I know you'll love the family dinner most of all.

This was a very fun post to celebrate the penultimate year in your decade (like my $.50 word?)

Annette said...

Dear Carol Happy 59th Birthday!!
Think about this, your as young as you feel like.
The letter is in the transcan??
Barbie game looking so great!!
hihi did you like your sister sold your barbie?
Ow love that oven
Bingo I still play that at my work
Those roller skates are very vintage.. now the icekates look like that
I love smocked dresses
here I see a lot of people with those Xmas stencils at there window

The cost of houses and car.. mmm it's a little really a little big higher.. hihi

Wow you really got spoiled you got so many beautifull gifts!!
Enjoy them all, and you will make so many more beautifull things of it!!

I hope you will have a awesome time your your family, enjoy the visit at your sons.. I think they will take good care of you..
have a great day and awesome weekend

Barb said...

Happy Birthday, to you Carol!

Your gifts are just wonderful and perfect evidence of just how special your blog readers think you are. You share so much with us, it's only fitting that your friends want to honor you with their heartfelt gifts of thanks.

May you have a wonderful birthday celebration(s) and many blessings to you this coming year!

LaNelle said...

Wow, what a trip down memory lane thank you.....I so enjoyed seeing all your beautiful gifts you received such nice friends you have and will look forward to seeing results of how some of them are used. Enjoy this last year of your 50's and may the 60's be even better!

Tricia said...

Oh, happy birthday!! I loved your post and all the fun pictures... Dick and Jane, the Breck girl, Noxema... memories!

What lovely birthday gifts you received! I think I need to get Robin's email to see if she'll dye me some fabric. I love stitching on Monaco, and it is hard to find hand-dyed!

Have a wonderful day!


Unknown said...

HAHA! I just turned 36 and I have been getting AARP and funeral planning mail since I turned 30!

Erica said...

I loved your trip down memory lane! I remember all those things!

Happy Birthday Carol!
The best is yet to come!

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday - Enjoy your day. Have a great visit with your mom. Remember we are like fine wine - the older we get the better we get - lol.

Elizabeth B

Mii Stitch said...

Happy Birthday dear Carol! I loved the pictures you shared about what you grew up with... and although I'll only be 40 this year, I've recognise some that I've grown up with!!! :) So many wonderful gifts, they are all thoughtful & beautiful. Enjoy your diner to at your boys!!! xxx

Lesleyanne said...

Happy Birthday Carol. A great look back at your early memories. Some I have heard of some I haven't being 44. Gorgeous birthday gifts. I hope you have a lovely meal on Sunday.

KimM said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I'm in my late 50's and remember all of these! What memories came flooding back. Thank you for sharing it all. And how wonderful to be remembered by so many friends and recieve such lovely gifts. Happy birthday!!

Ineke said...

Happy Birthday, Carol!
Thanks for the wonderful trip down memory lane. Mine is almost the same, I'm born in 1955 too.
You got many lovely gifts from your friends.

Vickie said...

hahaha! Love's Baby Soft and Dr. Scholl's. ;) Yup!
Happy, Happy Birthday Carol! Have a wonderful family dinner.

Robin in Virginia said...

Happy Birthday to you, Carol! May your day be filled with love and laughter. What lovely gifts you have received as well! I enjoyed viewing the pictures you shared; brought back some good memories.

Enjoy your day!

Robin in Virginia

Mavi. said...

Muy feliz cumpleaños Carol. Un repaso estupendo por todos esos años hasta llegar a los 59. La foto con tu padre es entrañable.
Un gran abrazo y que lo disfrutes mucho.

Very Happy Birthday Carol. A great refresher for all those years until you turn 59. The photo with your father is endearing.
A big hug and you enjoy it very much.

Melody said...

Carol, Happy Birthday! What a fun stroll down memory lane. I remember all of it also, as we are close to the same age. ;) I wore those dr. scholls sandals too. Too bad your sister sold your vintage barbies, you could have sold them today for a nice piece of change... Lol. Lovely birthday gifts too. Hope your family dinner was good. Enjoy it all!!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

Elizabeth Ann said...

I absolutely love all the old photos! I remember spraying that snow on the windows and the wonderful little cards with Christmas designs. Weren't the TV shows the best back then?? Have a wonderful birthday! Happy Happy Birthday from me.....

Nicola said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you're having a lovely day!

BrendaS said...

Happy Birthday Carol!

Thanks for the trip down memory lane -- wow so many memories came flooding back.

You received some beautiful gifts from friends. Very very nice!

Have a good day!

HUGS to you.


Southpaw Stitcher said...

Happy birthday, Carol! What a fabulous boatload of gifts you got for your birthday! Enjoy your day!

Valma said...

Happy birthday my sweet friend =)
you got spoiled indeed with very beautiful gifts !!
June always prepares the most beautiful parcels =)
and you're right...some gifts are still on the road =D
I love this 'vintage' post !
really, I'm from 1975 but I can swear I ate some (too many !) candy necklaces, had those 'awful' roller skates and listened to 45rpm records =D
And to put my head down the desk ! ho my I perfectly remember this at elementary school !!
OK, I never pledged allegiance to the US flag =D
And I'm almost sure that Mum still has one of the pot holders I made with a metal loom !
really an awesome post !
things stayed the same for a while but radically changed in only a few years !
you are in your last 50s year and as I told you I'll be in my last 30s year in March...I truly have to think at writing a post like yours !!!!
happy birthday again
big big hugs

Karen said...

Carol, have a wonderful birthday. I turned 50 last fall, and you know, it's not so bad. I loved your pictures and the walk down memory lane. I was a child of the sixties, but remember many of these things too. Have a great day and keep on stitching!

butterfly said...

Happy Birthday my lovely friend , you were one cute baby.
Love all your gifts from your friends , It is great that everyone is spoiling you .
How lovely to go to your sons for your Birthday dinner.
You took me back into time such happy times they were indeed , we didn't have much money or mobile phone's or PCs but we did have fun playing games in the street .
But I am glad we now have our PCs because it has opened a new big world for us old folk you are not there yet , not till next year Ha , big hugs .

Hilda said...

Happy Birthday, dear Carol!
What a wonderful way to spend your birthday, walking through some childhood memories. And you really found amazing pictures of the past. I do not know all of the stuff, of course (because of living in Austria).

Enjoy your day and have a nice dinner with your sons.
I wish you all the best


Ele said...

Dear Carol,

thanks so lot for your mail with the heartwarming words, I was very glad about.

Your mail arrived on 8th January, this is my birthday and I started my first year in the I am beginning and you are at the end...enjoy your last year my dear friend!

Whish you a wonderful birthday and all the best form the bottom of my heart

hugs & kisses

Faye said...

Happy Birthday! That was great fun and I remembered all of those things but then I was born in...well a few years ahead of you. Keep up making and posting new memories.

CATHI said...

Many happy returns, Carol! You got such lovely birthday presents! :o)


Barb said...

I'm sure I have the date of your birthday but I never remember birthdays! So much for New Year's resolutions :). You're catching up to me! I loved the flashbacks. I had a good laugh when I joined a gym last year and was told I could join Silver Sneakers. No no no! We are still so young in so many ways. Love you Carol and I hope you have a lovely day!

AnaCristina said...

Oh Carol! I enjoyed your walk through your childhood! I only remember that I had a roller skates with a key to resize...because I´m younger than you LOL
But I´m not prepared to think about the funeral preplanning program (oh God, It is to cry or to laugh??)
Very beatiful photo with your dad in your first birthday!

Happy Birthday!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday, dear Carol! What a fun trip down memory lane! I remember the bell bottoms, hot pants and the fringe phase!

Lovely gifts from your friends. I hope your celebrations continue on through the weekend!

Katya said...

Happy birthday! Oh my, so many memories... I don't remember any of those because I am from another country. Lovely gifts from your friends!

Kate said...

A trip down memory lane - thanks, Carol. 59 is a piece of cake. :)
Happy Birthday and enjoy being able to celebrate another birthday.

Krista said...

Happy Birthday Carol! What a fun post with blasts from the past! I definitely remember wearing dr. Scholl sandals, eating those candy necklaces, using Love's Baby Soft, and making those potholders!!

Enjoy your special day!! :)

Poppypatchwork said...

Happy birthday, 1955 was a good year I turn 59 in November. I am English but I remember loads of your items, including putting your head down for after lunch nap. I still have my Scholl wooden sandels, they never wear out.

Vicki said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! I share your memories (especially not wanting to end up with Poindexter!) I am only one year behind you, so I thoroughly enjoyed your nostalgic look at our youth. Enjoy your special day!

valerie said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I am off to write you a proper email. I loved this post. I know of some of the things you posted! ;-) I love that photo of you and your dad. Such a sweet treasure! Looks like you received a wonderful collection of gifts. That coin purse from Myra is so cute. Hope you have a wonderful day! *hugs*

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I was born in 1970, but heck, I remember all that good stuff! Disney, Dick and Jane (I even have an old Dick and Jane reader and taught my kids to read using it!)...nostalgic times made me smile! And look at that cart load of birthday treats and gifts from all the many talented hands of stitchers across the world. Makes me think you're pretty special...of course we all know you are! A very Happy Birthday Carol, may you enjoy many, many more! Best Wishes for a bright, gorgeous day today on your day!

Sweet Sue said...

Sweet post Carol, I'm not far behind you so natch I enjoyed every minute of it:) Wishing you the most wonderful Stitchy Birthday weekend ever, filled with love. Enjoy! xo

Elia said...

Mi querida Carol - amiga-
muchas felicidades !!!!!!!!!!!
que hoy seas muy feliz, que te regalen abrazos, besos, cariño y sonrisas, y luego regalos !
Espero que nos sigas deleitando con tus trabajos, eres maravillosa y nada mayor, eso ha sido una equivocación !!!

Quieres creer que yo he tenido la mayoría de esos recuerdos en mi infancia a pesar de vivir en Europa ??
cuántos recuerdos maravillosos, pero el que más...esa fotografía con tupadre, es una maravilla !!!!

Yo te envío mi regalo, que es, un abrazo envuelto en energía positiva y una amistad a través del océano...

besos enormes

be happy ;)


The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Carol.What a great post,all your lovely gifts and nostalgic photos.I know some of them but not all because I live in the UK but I loved your selection nevetheless.
I am three years behind you..I hope our local funeral director doesn't get too friendly with me!

Linda said...

Happy Birthday Carol. Loved seeing all the pictures. I forwarded an email to you with a bunch one. Lovely birthday gifts.


Pondside said...

Happy Birthday! What lovely gifts you've received. Those blogger friends know you well.
I enjoyed the images from the 50's, being a child of that decade too. I remember gazing at the Breck girls on the back of the magazines and longing for their beautiful hair and complexions.

Michele said...

Happy Birthday dear Carol .. thanks for the walk down memory lane .. having just finished by 59th year and leapt into 60 with a large ass smile on my face, I really really enjoyed looking at everything and remmebering ... Do you remember Mystery Date? and I loved and still have the Beatles and Monkee albums you shared .. and omg I loved Romeo and Juilet .. I have the LP sound track! lol :)

Jennifer said...

Happy Happy Birthday Carol!! I so enjoyed your trip down memory lane! As well as seeing all your lovely presents. It is so much fun to get mail like that . Have a wonderful time with your two son's for your Birthday dinner. Hope to hear the full report of what they served. All the best! xo

Cath said...

Happy Birthday to you . Hope you have a lovely time xxx

Danielle said...

Happy birthday!

While I might be younger than you (I grew up in the 80s) I think I remember half of the same things you did from your childhood! My mom use to make a smocked dresses (she still does for family members and friends actually!) and those candy necklaces, Old Maid, the pot holder kit, Pledging allegiance, Dick & Jane books (I had tons of books)!!!

Thanks for those fun memories.


Mary said...

Happy birthday - so pleased it was a happy one - love all your stitchy gifts. Your husband is quite correct - it certainly does beat the alternative. Just continue on doing what you love and enjoy.

Terri said...

Oh my gosh! What a walk through memory lane. I remember everything in your pictures and I lived in a completely different part of the country than you did. How funny our memories are so similar. Beautiful gifts from your friends. Happy Birthday!

Mini Addictions said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! What a nice walk down memory lane. Enjoy your day & I wish you happiness and blessings for the coming year.

Friendship Crossing said...

Happy happy b'day Carol!! Oh my gosh that was so much fun looking at all those items you found from way back then!! I remember quite a few of them and gosh, how I'd forgotten so many. LOL I hope you enjoy the last yr. of your 50's, I'm not too many yrs. behind you.
Some wonderful looking stitching gifts you received!!

b'day hugs,

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Happy birthday, Carol! What a fun walk down memory lane! I remember all those things, too. Well, almost all of them. Lovely gifties from all your friends!

geeky Heather said...

Happy birthday!! Really enjoyed the walk down memory lane...too young for some but not all. =)

Lisa V said...

Happy Birthday to you my dear friend, I hope you have a lovely day. You are a month apart from my Mum who turns 59 also. We always share the milestone years together as she was 20 when she had me, so next year she turns 60 and me 40.

Margaret said...

Happy happy birthday! I loved the walk down memory lane! There are a few things that I'm just slightly too young for, but most hit a real memory with me! I wanted an easy bake oven so badly, but my parents didn't seem to think it was safe. Ugh! Wonderful birthday gifts too! I love the pic of you with your dad. I know how precious that must be to you.

marly said...

Happy birthday! Oh my you touched on a few things that I'd forgotten. Old Maid, the loom, candy necklace, the stencils. How different families were back then. What lovely gifts you've received, and well deserved!

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday Carol!

Thank you for the lovely trip down memory lane! I remembered some of them ha ha!

Wonderful gifts! Enjoy your dinner with your sons and have a blessed year ahead!


Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Carol! I hope your day was as wonderful as you are.

Your post brought back many memories, though the Dr. Scholls made me LOL. I begged and pleaded and would have sold my soul for a pair of those wooden sandals, but my mother refused for years. I'd sneak around the house wearing hers when she went to work. And I was a VERY big fan of Love's Baby Soft - they still sell it and I can't help but remember my early teen years whenever I smell it.

Enjoy your dinner with your boys!

Shelly said...

Whew! Your title scared me, like this year is the last that you'll be blogging! I thought ..Nooooooo! Happy Birthday! Yep, I remember Dick and Jane, pledging allegiance, 45 records, Barbies from the late 60s, etc. Heres one for you-Dippity Do! My mom would use it in our hair with curlers for school pictures. Thanks for the walk down Memory Lane!

Joy said...

If I had got a funeral pre-planning flyer in the mail, I would not be planning with them. "Hey, we found out you're old now. Prepare to die! Give us your money!"

Wanda said...

Dear Carol, Happy Birthday! Wishing you many more wonderful birthdays! What a lovely post! I truly enjoyed your trip down memory lane. I chuckled especially at the candy necklaces as they were such a fun thing to wear/eat and I always ended up so sticky from them! :) The Noxema jar amused me as well as my friend and I were describing a colour that was 'Noxema blue!' What lovely birthday gifts you have received. Happy Birthday again, hugs, Wanda

Barb said...

A late Happy Birthday to you Carol!Thanks for then trip down memory lane. I am a bit older, but many of them still fit. My DH was in love with Annette on Walt Disney Club!

Vinniey said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! May all of your birthday wishes come true and happiness always! :)

Julianne said...

Happy Birthday, Carol. Thank you for such a fun post. Yes, you must have felt like The My Three Sons" show. My father's oldest sister and her husband had five sons!

Faye said...

Happiest of birthdays Carol!!!!! As we've talked before, I'm a baby boomer also, born in 1955.... So in 3 years, let's do the happy dance together and say R.E.T.I.R.E....!! :))

Rowyn said...

A very happy birthday to you Carol. I do love your husbands saying 'It's better than the alternative'. So very true! I have a friend who is 35 with terminal cancer - I bet she'd love to one day turn 59. I guess it's all in the way you look at things.

I also really love the photo of you and your Dad. I hope you have it in a frame and on display.

As usual your stitching friends have been very good to you. What a lot of very lovely gifts to have received.

I was born in the 1970s, and I remember those lolly bracelets, roller skates and the Wonderful World of Disney! (I let Annabelle watch a bit of kids TV and she always smiles when she sees Mickey Mouse!)

Cindy's Stitching said...

Wow carol, happy birthday. What great gifts. The picture of you and your dad I am sure has to make you smile. Love, baby soft was a favorite of mine. What memories. As you enter your last year in your 50s I have entered my last year in my 40s. How blessed we are.

Cindy's Stitching said...

Wow carol, happy birthday. What great gifts. The picture of you and your dad I am sure has to make you smile. Love, baby soft was a favorite of mine. What memories. As you enter your last year in your 50s I have entered my last year in my 40s. How blessed we are.

Simply Victoria said...

Happy Birthday Carol! Such a sweet picture of you with your dad. Thanks for taking all that time to post all this. So fun to remember all the goodness from the 60's and 70's. You were well remember with some lovely gifts.
Many blessings to you this year!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Carol! I loved your post very much!

Christine said...

Happy Birthday Carol!
I remember some of those things. We had Janet and John books, but the style of them was exactly the same

denise said...

I remember all those things. I had a pot holder loom and I actually had The Monkess album pictured. Happy Birthday! We can celebrate 59 together. My birthday was 12-18.

Gabi said...

Happy Birthday from Germany! I remember some of the things you showed. Well, I'm a bit older than you but I feel like I'm still
in my twenties. May be it depends on the saying women don't get older only wiser!!
Nice picture of you and your Dad.
Warm greetings from Germany

Julie said...

Belated Birthday Wishes to you Carol, you've received some lovely things.
I remember some of the things you showed in your pics, but some not.
Have fun with your young men at your birthday celebration.
Best Wishes x

priscilla said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday Carol ! Such nice gifts ! Love the pocket watch snowman :) Hope your dinner with your sons is a great one ! Can't wait to see what you have been working on !

Christina said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! You were born the same year as my mom.

Sorry you were put on the mortuary's mailing list. :(~

Thank you for the trip down memory lane, I was born in the 70's and remember many of those things.

Such lovely gifts you received.

Have a lovely time with your boys.

Lynda Harrison said...

A Very Happy Birthday to you Carol!! I hope you had a really wonderful day!! Such beautiful gifts from your lovely friends!
Your trip down memory lane was a real last from the past!' I certainly remember most of the things, although some slightly different here in the UK - those skates! Do you remember the skinned knees, too?!! Do you remember too, all those long, hot, endless summer days? Well, that's how it seemed to be then'
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lots of love,

laceystitcher said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday - congratulations! I truly enjoyed the "walk down memory lane" via your photos and comments. I am several years older than you, but I remember all of them! I-love to see pictures of your gifts and your needlework - thanks for sharing.


Brigitte said...

Happy, happy birthday to you, Carol! I hope you are having a wonderful day with family and friends. Or maybe the celebration will still come when you go to have dinner with your sons.
What a great way you found to celebrate the memories of your younger years. Enjoy your last year with a 5! And I agree with your husband - getting older isn't that bad, lol.

LoriU said...

Happy Birthday Carol!! I hope you have a great YEAR!!

Oh what fun to look at those old...err sorry "vintage" photos! I loved my EZBake Oven! I am 52 so am very familiar with pretty much everything you pictured!

Jeanne said...

Happy belated birthday Carol! So much I could say about your lovely post. I am just one year behind you so could relate to all the things you posted. I still have that Meet the Beatles album and my sister gave me a potholder loom for fun a couple years ago for Christmas. I made tons of those as a kid. Did you know Don Grady who played Robbie from My Three Sons died last year? I was very sad about that, I loved that show. I can recall us taking our skates and nailing them to a board to make our first skateboards before they started manufacturing them - and remember boots that were rubber and fit over your shoes with those funky clasps LOL. I have my original Midge & Skipper dolls displayed in my sewing room with outfits I had for them as a kid - my Barbie got destroyed somehow. Ahh...lots of good was a good time to grow up in wasn't it?

You received many lovely gifts Carol...I know you will have a great year ahead with lots of inspiring stitchy finishes to share with the rest of us. God bless.......

Девушка с пяльцами said...

Dear Carol,
Happy Birthday to you! May all you dreams and wishes come true!

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday Carol. Sorry I missed the big day itself. You were a cute baby!! So many memories, some differ to over here in the UK. I remember reading Janet and John stories, I did have a pair of roller skates and some Scholl shoes. Have a wonderful weekend and I'm looking forward to your stitching year.

Kay said...

Happy birthday. I always wanted one of those ovens! Wishing you a wonderful dinner too.

Bekca said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with your family :)
Thank you for sharing your walk down memory lane, the picture of you and your father is precious.
Best wishes.

passionfruitprincess said...

Happy Birthday! I love, love, love, your post! All the vintage things, just lovely! And I love all your gifts too! Hope you have a wonderfull birthday and many others to come!
Ana Paula.

Robin said...

OMGosh! What a wonderful post. Each pix from your childhood brought back a warm memory. (I was born in 1956) I had that Monkees album. And very nice birthday treats. Happy Birthday to you! I am going to have to read all again!

Nancy M said...

I am only 5 years behind you, so your photos from years past were well known by me also. Looks like you have met some wonderful blogging friends that were so generous to celebrate your birthday! I bet you will enjoy your family dinner. Have fun and happy belated birthday.

Meari said...

Happy Birthday! I loved the trip way back when. Even though I'm not a child of the 50's, I remember a lot of those things. I recently bought one of those metal looms in the original box.

Sally said...

Happy Belated Birthday Carol. That would have been my grandma's birthday too :) Hope your 59th year is wonderful!

You received some beautiful gifts.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Carol, I have so enjoyed reading your Birthday post.
With warmest hugs and special birthday blessings, Happy Birthday to you.

Bobbie said...

Carol, a belated "Happy Birthday" to you! I really enjoyed the trip down memory lane since I was born in the 50's also. I, too, have fond memories of playing the Barbie game for hours on end and hoping that Poindexter did not end up as my many fun times in that era! Thanks for sharing!

Maggee said...

Well, Happy Belated Birthday! I wish I had more hours in a day, so I could keep up with blogging AND stitching! What a great trip down Memory Lane. Loved the Monkees, not the Beatles. My parents bought the house we grew up in for $13K! But it was by the beach, thus the higher than average price. I made plenty of those potholders. I STILL have my last collection of 45's -- they aren't going away from me any time soon! Pinterest is yet another reason to wish for more hours in the day! Hugs!

Anne said...

Happy Happy Birthday dearest Carol!! Whhohoo...singing for you! What an amazing birthday flashback! I adore that photo of you and your papa. My heart warms of the two of you. I used to have a Raggedy Ann Doll too...hehee because that's my name! I totally remember Dick and Jane. They still used it when I was in school although I think they got rid of them after that year. I also remember putting my head down for a rest too, that or when we got in trouble. Now some teachers are using chimes when everything is calm. It's a yoga thing I think. Love those barbies. Too bad your sister sold them since they are worth lots now! Wonderful gifts from everyone. Happy stash buying at 123stitch! So sweet of Valerie. Sending you hugs from afar!

Christina said...

I'm so pleased you had a wonderful birthday Carol. I too am hurtling towards a milestone birthday (I'm 37) but I'm trying not to dwell on it. Perhaps I should stay 37 forever?!
The snowman ornie you received from Cindy is so cute and such an unusual finish. Every year I promise myself that I'm going to give other finishes a go - push myself out of my comfort zone - but I never do!

staci said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you have a wonderful year!!!

staci said...
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staci said...
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msmartello said...

Happy Birthday Carol! LOL! Those pictures brought back alot of memories for me as well. Great gifts you received. Stitching friends are the best.
Take Care


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday my friend. I remember that Bingo game also with fondness - you received some lovely gifts xx

Marie said...

Happy belated birthday.

I loved your post, seeing all those items from years ago...I read those Dick and Jane Books, I used the easy bake oven (a lot), I walked in RED Dr. Scholl's, and I got my crafting start making potholders in that loom. :-)

Myra said...

I really enjoyed this walk down memory lane Carol. That is such a sweet picture of you with your father. You got lots of nice things for your birthday, I am glad you liked what I sent to you. I hope your day was as special as you are my friend. :o)

Rachel S-H said...

Happy Birthday Carol.

They still make the Loves. I wore it in junior high. Found it again a couple years ago.

Valentina said...

Happy Birthday Carol!
I've really enjoyed this post about your childhood, it's really interesting to have a glimpse at how the world looked like back then.

Chrissie B said...


Chris said...

Happy Happy Belated Birthday my Friend! I hope that this is the start of a wonderful year for you.
Excellent post :)

Lillie said...

Happy Belated Birthday Carol and many many happy returns of the day!

What a lovely post and wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing. Thou, I am not a child of the fifties but many things I can associate with, especially the skate. My first skate look quite similar :D

Karoline said...

Happy belated Birthday!

You got some lovely gifts

Judy said...

Happy belated birthday Carol. Hope your day was full of love and laughter. Since we are very close in age, I remember all of these things you posted. Such fun to go back and remember those days. Simple, fun times. Very mice gifts you recieved from your friends also. Sorry I am a bit late--just returned from south Texas with 75-80 temps and sunshine to snow and -12 temps...ouch! Until next time--enjoy.

Judy Heeartland stitcher

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday!!!
And thanks for the trip down memory lane. I'm 42 (I'll own it/whatever) and you know what? A lot of this applies to my childhood as well. The Dr. Scholls, the potholder loom, Love's Baby Soft.......I'm sad my Barbies didn't look like that though. Those were the very best looking Barbies, weren't they?
Such lovely, lovely gifts. Enjoy them all!! :)

Kay said...

Happy birthday!!! Thank you for the walk down memory lane with all your fond memories through the years! Such wonderful gifts you got in the mail! Happy birthday, may your last year in your 50's be wonderful!

Kay said...
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The Inspired Stitcher said...

Happy belated birthday, Carol! I had no idea your special day fell this month. I hope you had a wonderful day. Your post was a blast from the past for me. How fun to take a trip down memory lane today. Hugs!

Pam in IL said...

I'm late in posting this, but Happy Birthday! Can you believe we have a teacher that just retired from the school I work at that still used those textbooks! Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday

Danice G said...

Happy belated birthday wishes. I also turned 50 in January. I do remember a lot of the things you mentioned. Now following your blog :)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Looks like you've been spoiled this year!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Carol...thanks for all those photos...quite a memory shaker. I am a bit older than you, but I recall every photo you posted like it was yesterday! You sure accomplish a lot...your stitching is exquisite!

Shari said...

How did I miss this post & YOUR BIRTHDAY?!!?!?!?!?!? Happy belated birthday!!! Looking at the calendar, I realize why! My computer was 'crashed' & I was having to use a laptop that I am unfamiliar with!!!
I loved reliving the early years of your life! I remember so many of the things you showed pictures of!!!

Belinda said...

Oh Carol, happy belated birthday!! What a gorgeous photo of you and your Father, what wonderful memories. I had a raggedy anne doll too. :-)
Taking a trip down your memory lane was really interesting and fun, thanks for sharing.

Mylene said...

Happy happy Birthday Carol!
Such a lovely post and thanks for sharing all the pics.
Your finishes are as always perfectly finished!
And beautiful gifts received.

Eileen said...

Happy Birthday! I just found your blog through Bloglovin' and just had to comment on this post. Thanks for the memories! I remember so many of these things. I also had a game called "Mystery Date" where you opened a door and hoped you didn't get the "dud". :)

Nancy said...

Hi Carol,
It was the cookie jar that got my attention. My mom had one just like it.
I guess you are now halfway into your new decade. I just hit the next one up from you on my last birthday. The years just keep adding
up! I my mom kept a few of my childhood things. But the two I loved the most were given away - the potholder weaving loom and my Barbie doll. Wish I still had them. Mom did keep my metal doll house and all the furniture though.
Thanks for the walk down memory lane.