Thursday, January 9, 2014

Catching up

My first post of 2014! The slate has been wiped clean and January brings a fresh start. And, boy, what a start it's been for those of us hit with the effects of the Polar Vortex. Even the name of it sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, doesn't it? Here in Pennsylvania, we've been luckier than many of you... our low only reached -7°F (about -21°C)  on Tuesday with a windchill in the -20° range. I'm sure that sounds warm compared to some of you who have been dealing with windchills hovering around -45°! But, it was the coldest  weather we've experienced in the western Pennsylvania area in 20 years! I still remember that January back in 1994 because it was so frigid that the schools shut down for a few days and I was at home trying to reign in three rambunctious boys who were then 11, 9, and 5! The good news is that we didn't get hit with the snow that many of you had--in fact we only have about 4 inches on the ground. The even better news is that it is warming up and will reach 50° by the weekend--time to wash our disgusting, salt-covered cars, I'd say. Mine is so bad that I walked right past it in the parking lot the other day because it looked like a drab gray instead of the normally pretty shade of blue!

Thank you all so much for your great comments on my last post--I really did receive some wonderful gifts, didn't I?  Today, I'd like to share with you the stitched gifts that I sent to some of my blogging friends for Christmas. I truly wish I could have sent out more presents, but I'm only human. I work part-time and still need to sleep (and indulge in my love of reading!) so my stitching time is limited. I'm going to try sending out more Random Acts of Kindness surprises this year, though, so, hopefully, I'll put a few more smiles on friends' faces...

This cheery Just Nan snowman piece called "Snow Business" went across the state to my dear friend Mary. I used the suggested DMC threads and stitched it on a mystery piece of 32ct. linen. In the inner circle I tacked on a delicate Mill Hill snowflake charm. Rather than finishing this into an ornament, I made one of my little pillows so Mary can perch it on her mantle or next to a wintry display.

Just Nan "Snow Business"

You'll all recognize this next piece as a Prairie Schooler design, I'm sure! This sweet chickadee standing on his birdhouse is from PS Book No. 14 called "Holiday Homestead." I changed the red to DMC 815 and added some black to the chickadee's head and to the opening in the bird house. It is stitched on 35 ct. natural Northern Cross linen. Where did this little birdie fly off to? Why, he ended up in Virginia at my friend Robin's nest... Robin doesn't have a blog, but has sent me photos of her stitching and, believe me, it is gorgeous!

Prairie Schooler Cardinal

My next gift went to long-time blogging friend, Myra, in North Carolina. If you think this looks familiar, you're right! I stitched two of these--one for my December ornament and one for Myra.  Both were stitched on black 32 ct. Belfast linen. I added the snowflakes in the background rather than the charted monogrammed initials. You all know what a lover of cardinals Myra is so I thought this would be perfect for her. I  have a feeling I'll be stitching this a third time for another gift!

Prairie Schooler Santa With Cardinal

This little sheep made his way to sweet June in England. He is the third and final in a series of ornaments I stitched for June designed by Plum Pudding NeedleArt in the "Candy Cane Wishes" booklet. As with the other two, I stitched this ornament "over one" on 28 ct. natural Jobelan with the suggested DMC threads. You can see the previous finishes from that series by clicking on these links: here is the snowman and here is the gingerbread boy. June loves them all and says she looks forward to hanging the entire set together on her Christmas tree.

Plum Pudding NeedleArt 
"Candy Cane Wishes" sheep

Another ornament that traveled across the Atlantic ended up in the Northern Ireland home of my dear friend, Lois. I got so many compliments on this Prairie Schooler snowman (from the 1999 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue) that I stitched on black 32 ct. Belfast linen (in this post), that I decided to stitch another for Lois. I don't mind stitching the same thing more than once if there is some time in between. In this case, it was over two years between the two so I thoroughly enjoyed it! The ornament is backed with the pretty red snowflake fabric shown in the background and  bordered in some of my handmade DMC cording.

Prairie Schooler Snowman

Another of my earliest blogging friends, Cindy, received this next ornament. Cindy moved into a new house this year so I wanted to include a stitched house in the design I chose.  And what better designer to find the perfect house images than Little House Needleworks? I turned to "Snow White" and stitched just the bottom portion of the design so it would be small enough for an ornament.This one is stitched on 16 ct. blue Heatherfield and I added a trio of silver bells and pearly white Mill Hill beads in the center of the bow.

Little House Needleworks: "Snow White"

My young friend, Edit, still hasn't received her ornament, but I decided to share it with you anyway. I sent it before Christmas, but it had to travel to Spain so I hope it's not lost. This one is called "A Very Merry Winter" by JBW and I received the same ornament from my friend Lois last year. I loved it so much that I decided to stitch it for Edit. The hanger is a strip of fabric from an old frayed flannel shirt (which is also the backing fabric) and the bottom is adorned with five rusty bells. I love how the stitching on the snowman spells out "Have a Very Merry Winter"--adorable!

JBW: "A Very Merry Winter"

The final ornament was an easy choice! My friend, Shirlee, told me how much she loved my blue and white finish of the skaters and the log cabin (you can see it in this post) so I decided to stitch it for her Christmas gift. The finishing is a little different from my original, but the overall effect is the same.This is stitched "over one" on 28 ct. white evenweave with DMC 3750 and is just the bottom portion of a larger sampler. And, guess what?! I just discovered that Leisure Arts offered the entire sampler as a free download in this post!! Simply scroll down to the Cross Stitching section of that post and click on the words "Winter Sampler." I would print it off right away if you plan to stitch it, though--you just never know how long these things will stay online... I also stitched the top portion of the sampler in red (DMC 304) back in this post in 2012.  Love them both! Has anyone stitched the entire sampler? I'll bet it is beautiful!

Leisure Arts "Winter Sampler"

So, that finishes up the last of my 2013 stitching. I knew my stitching count was down last year, but I'm still pleased with all that I managed to accomplish. I stitched 47 smalls (ornaments, pillows, fobs) and of those 28 were given away as gifts or giveaway prizes. I think that fact makes me happiest of all--I love having my little creations spread out around the world! There were only 5 larger (really mid-size!) finishes, but two of them were box finishes--my very first ever. I so look forward to sharing my stitching addiction (and a little bit of my life) with all of you in 2014! Thank you, as always for stopping by and saying "hi!" I'll be back next week. Bye for now...


Annie said...

Such beautiful gifts for your friends! Your stitching is lovely, and your finishing is just amazing!

Mavi. said...

I love all your ornaments but I have fallen in love with "A Very Merry Winter" ... I looks adorable. Glad to know that the Vortice Polar hos not been affected as much as in other areas. A big hug.

Lisa V said...

They are all soo lucky to have one of your fabulous creations in their home. Happy New Year dear friend, I will look forward to seeing what you create this year.

Margaret said...

Such lovely gifts for your friends! You are amazing -- I wish I were more accomplished at finishing like you are. Happy New Year!

Roberta said...

Hi Carol. Love catching up with your blog and great gifts you received and what you have made. Not sure what happened to my blogging - time!!! Or not having computer close by! Looking forward to a better new year. Wishing you a Happy New Year.

Sheila said...

Beautiful ornaments and I love your finishing!

priscilla said...

They are all gorgeous works of art Carol ! I can't even pick a favorite they are so wonderful ! We have had that cold and now this weekend it is going to rain ! We have so much snow on the ground there will probably be flooding ! I would rather have more snow.. Just not below zero weather ! Have a great weekend !

Gabi said...

Wonderful gifts for your friends. your stitching always look so beautiful.
Warm greetings

Gillie said...

A balmy 7 degrees here, lol! Still enjoy looking at my sweet ornament from a couple of years ago and that nice visit with you three! Yins have a Happy New Year !

Mii Stitch said...

Wow Carol, I love your blog so much!!! This is pure stitching HEAVEN!!! :D Your finishes are always so pretty, neat... just perfect!!! Congratulations on all these beautiful finishes & for putting a smile on so many by your generosity. Hugs & xxxxx

Tricia said...

SO much pretty cross stitch all in one place, Carol! I just know that you made many people happy this Christmas season. Thank you for sharing with us and inspiring us!! :)

Stay warm!!!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Always so inspiring to come by your blog and see what you have done :) Oh many beautiful things to add to my list! It has been cold, cold, cold here and we have 8 inches of snow and our pipes froze...but luckily we go them unthawed before they burst! Whew!
I am already bursting with wanting to see what you are going to stitch next! ;) Happy New Year!

Heather said...

Carol, what lovely gifts you made! You are such a talented stitcher and finisher! I am looking forward to seeing what you stitch this year! I am an avid reader too! :-) It does cut into my crafting time! :-) It was so cold! !! We were pretty similar to what you were. My poor husband had to work at 40 feet off the ground for about 8 hours in that nastiness! I can't wait for the 50's this weekend! ! :-)

sunny said...

They're all beautiful! Such lucky friends you have. I especially love the snowmen in the first one - so I'm off to do some shopping. Gee thanks. LOL!

Kathy said...

What wonderful stitchy gifts, truly heirloom treasures. I particularly liked the JBW Snowman. How clever to use a frayed flannel shirt for both the backing and the hanger. I will definitely be stealing that idea. I live in North Central Florida and although it was not near as cold as everywhere else we did go below freezing and have highs in the upper 30s during the day. For us that is downright arctic. Thankfully it didn't last long. It seems like you had a very productive and generous 2013 and I wish you an healthy and happy New Year.

Vickie said...

I hear ya my friend! Enough with this frigid weather. It will get to about 15ยบ finally today. We might get above freezing this weekend. That would be great to melt a bit of our 15 inches or so on the ground.
You have made such fabulous gifts Carol. They are beautiful. Such care you have put into them. Stay warm!!

Melody said...

What a truly beautiful group of ornaments you have stitched! I love them all. It would be hard to pick a favorite, but maybe the snowman with words for a body will have to go on my list of things to stitch. I will have to take a look at the Leisure Art freebie, as I love that one as well. Happy New Year, friend!

Julianne said...


Your gift ornaments are really special! I have the one you made me a few years back and I love it. I admire it each year on our tree.

I think my favorite is your snowman ornament for Mary. It's hard not to smile when looking at that one. So cute!

Thanks so much for sharing and blogging., it is like visiting with you for a few minutes. Really special!

Friendship Crossing said...

Oh Carol, what a feast for the stitching eyes!! I always LOVE all of your finishes ~ too bad you don't live closer ~ you could teach classes and I'd be the first to sign up!! LOL
VERY lucky friends you have to own something made by you!!
Thanks for the link to the freebie!

Hubby is fixing a busted water pipe right now as I write this, it got so cold here too!

Warm hugs,

Lynda Harrison said...

Hi Carol - such a relief to know that you are not TOO frozen! The weather is shocking, isn't it? - you have all the ice and snow with you, while we are floating around in floods here in the UK!
As always , you stitching is beautiful to see, and I love all of it - especially the Mill Hill Snowmen! You amaze me at how much you manage to get done!!
I will email you very soon - it was wonderful to hear from you.
Take care of yourself - and keep warm
With love and all best wishes,

Unknown said...

Carol, I just love the finishing you did on each ornament - such wonderful detail. What wonderful gifts!

Annie said...

Your stitching buddies know how to pick the right friends! These are all so beautiful. I especially love the Just Nan pillow. What a treat that must have been to receive!

Sounds like we had about the same weather situation as you with maybe a bit less snow to contend with. A warming trend will be most welcome!

LaNelle said...

Beautiful! What a wonderful gift it is when made from our hands & heart. Wishing for you many hours of peaceful stitching in the New Year. Thanks for sharing.

LaNelle said...

Beautiful work! What a gift it is when made by our hands & heart. Thanks for sharing so look forward to seeing all that you accomplish in 2014, may you find many hours of peaceful stitching!

CATHI said...

These are such beautiful ornaments! :o)


Elizabeth Ann said...

Such sweet little treasures for your friends! I am so happy you shared that link, I already printed my copy off. I have always loved that ornament when you show it and now I have my copy! Enjoy your day!!

Bekca said...

You have such a gift for finishing Carol, all of them are so darling. I think "Snow White" is my favourite, so elegant and pretty. I had a total of three ornaments on my tree last year. Maybe this year I'll make it to four!
Best wishes.

Teresa said...

sono tutti bellissimi, una tentazione

Melissa said...

Fantastic finishes, Carol! Besides how wonderful you stitch, you do a great job with finishing these gems! Thanks for the freebie link. I think that's such a cute winter sampler!

Thanks for another great post!

BrendaS said...

Carol -- WOW -- you sent some very nice things to your friends. Your stitching and finishing are always the best.

It's been very cold here too and we have lots of snow but it's supposed to warm up this weekend:)

Have a great rest of the week my friend.

HUGS to you.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

We've been freezing our tootsies off in my neck of the woods this week. I'm looking forward to the promised warm up this weekend. Lovely finishes my friend. I'm sure you made lots of smiles. It's always a joy to visit with you. Have a good week! Hugs!

Elia said...

Ohhhh Carol
such beautiful gifts for your friends! are so lovely ...

Wishing for you many hours of peaceful stitching in the New Year!! Thanks for your smile ;)

I hope you dont have too much snow... here we are good

hugs and kisses in this month

Mary said...

Beautiful stitching and finishing, as always! I especially like the PS Santa/cardinal. Also, thanks, Carol, for including the link for the sampler - I'm going to print it out right now!

The Queen Bee said...

So beautiful. All of the recipients are very lucky. I am sure they will be loved and charished for years.

We are also lucky in that we got freezing cold temps but NO SNOW. So happy about that since Tuesday is my busy work day with lots of driving.


Faye said...

Wonderful gifts indeed!!!!! Your special touches are exemplary~~~~ I look forward to mounds of 2014 stitches~

Linda said...

Absolutely stunning ornaments as always Carol. What lucky ladies to have received one from you.


Rowyn said...

As always, your ornament finishes are absolutely stunning and perfectly finished.

I find it really hard to imagine the temperatures being experienced in the northern hemisphere at the moment. I hope you are managing to stay warm!

msmartello said...

Love the gifts you made Carol! I am sure your recipients loved them as well. Look forward to sharing stitching with you in 2014.
Stay warm!


Kay said...

Wow! You made some beautiful gifts, I think my favourites are the first one and your gift to Myra too. Happy stitching. x

Julie said...

As Mary Poppins would say 'practically perfect in every way' and so they all are. I'll be coming looking here for inspiration to enhance my little finishes this year. Your cord is always just perfect, I love my little bunny ornament.
Much love x

lynda said...

Lovely stitching and finishing! I'm sure all your friends were thrilled with your gifts.

Ariane20 said...

Your ornaments are so beautiful! I love all!

Meari said...

My car is filthy, too! I'm embarassed to drive it to work, but what can I do? It's too cold to wash.

Your gifts are beautiful.

We're supposed to get to 39F by Friday. Woo Hoo! Ought to make a nice sloshy mess everywhere.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Carol, each one of your friends are so lucky to receive one of your beautiful pieces!

I just love Snow Business I'll be adding that to the wish list!

Robin in Virginia said...

What an assortment of ornaments you created! Thank you for sharing the link to the LA chart; it just finished printing. Stay warm and looking forward to seeing your stitching creations during 2014.

Happy New Year, Carol!

Robin in Virginia

PS I love the chickadee you sent my way. Thank you again!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Glad the Vortex didn't suck y'all under! Our low was 7, breaking a record from the 1800's. Looking for a 60's weekend :-). All your finishes are so sweet, and that number finished is incredible to me! Look forward to seeing what's to come in 2014.

Krista said...

Lots of pretty ornaments! You are so generous. Your finishing skills are amazing! I wish I had more time to stitch but I also try to read too. Are you reading anything good right now? Hope you are staying warm!

Melanie said...

Hi Carol
Your posts always warm me up and I love to come home from work and catch up on your stitching. I love the Snow White and the Leisure Arts Sampler, blue is one of my favourite colours too. Your stitching and finishes are always beautiful and I can only dream of producing work like yours. Thank you for continuing to share your stitching stories with us all x

Tiffany said...

Those are all absolutely lovely, wonderful job.

Mini Addictions said...

All of the ornaments are beautiful, Carol. It is so hard to choose a favorite. Thank you for sharing your amazing work with all of us.

Simply Victoria said...

What a lot of pretties to share with friends! Your quantity of projects as well as your finishing is very inspiring!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Those are such lovely pieces of work Carol. Your recipients must have been thrilled to receive them

Oma said...

Oh Carol, I want to be just like you when I grow up...ha really inspire me. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful ornaments you have made and received. They are all wonderful, I couldn't pick a favorite.
Thanks for telling us what they are, so we can find them!!!
If you have time, please check out my blog.

AnaCristina said...

Polar Vortex effect brings us a 34 degrees Celsius temperature here. I sewed a Winter Sampler like you did. It turned out too large (18 X 7 cm) but it looks gorgeous!

Ellen said...

Wonderful ornaments, love them all!

Looking forward to more of your gorgeous works!

Stay warm!


Mary said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely! I'm always so in awe of your amazing finishes.

Barb said...

Thanks so much Carol, I did get a copy of the sampler. I love the way you take small parts from a bigger design and make your beautiful creations!

valerie said...

So many pretty ornament gifties Carol! How do you do it?! I only managed three finishes last year. My slowest year yet but I loved being able to see everyone's (yours included) finishes since it makes me feel like I'm still in the midst of stitching without actually doing any. Funny, huh? Hope you are staying warm out there. We've been hearing so much on the news but it's been super warm and pleasant here fro January. Big hugs!

Cindy's Stitching said...

They are all so pretty Carol. You know i adore mine and i treasure each piece you make for me. Thank you for the link for the free pattern. I printed it up. It's amazing you did so many pieces last year. You still did a lot. Each one a work of beauty. Have a safe trip.

Anne said...

Love all your stitching! Beautiful and such pretty finishes!

Diana said...

Love all your stitching gifts, just wonderful!

Katya said...

Beautiful stitching gifts! Thank you for sharing the link to the Winter Sampler - it is a great gift as well.
Happy stitching!

Bannะพั‡ะบะฐ said...

Hallo Carol! Love your blog too much! So many beautiful little things! Next year I will try to wear my christmas tree such as you)
I like picture in the head of your blog - what is it? Could you write the name of design.
Sorry for mistakes, English is not my native language

Lesleyanne said...

Gorgeous ornaments for your friends, I think my favourite is the LHN. I love the colours you used.

Christine said...

They are all beautiful, but the JBW one is just adorable

Lois said...

Such lovely gifts you stitched Carol and I'm so privileged to have one of them!!!! Although it is now packed away until next Christmas it was much admired by anyone who saw it. Good to hear that your weather is to warm up. Hope that snow and ice disappears soon!

Chris said...

Gorgeous ornaments! I know that everyone will treasure them.
I hope that you made out ok in the cold this week :) Have a wonderful weekend!

Michelle said...

Wishing you a very Happy New Year! Such beautiful ornament finishes, the Just Nan 'Snow Business' pillow is just too cute and Prairie Schooler designs always catch my eye :) Thank you for the link to the Leisure Arts chart, it is such a cute piece and that section made a beautiful ornament!

Brigitte said...

Carol, these gifts are just wonderful. The recipients must have been highly pleased with them.

I was having the same problem when I was still working - so many great things to do in my spare time and then the spare time was always too short. And I have to admit that not much has changed since I have been retired. I want to do so many things during the day and then the day is gone and I have done just half of what I wanted to do.

Thanks for giving us the link to all these freebies on the Leisure Arts site - I did notonly download the beautiful cross stitch sampler but also the instructions for the crocheted snowflakes. To crochet snowflakes for next winter is one of my projects for this year.

LoriU said...

OMG that snowman circle is adorable!!!

I agree with the others who have said the people who have received your lovely gifts are fortunate indeed!!

Christina said...

Oh my goodness, such lovely gifts you stitched. Your finishing is always just perfect for the stitching.

Wow, if your stitching count was low last year, I hate to see what you consider a good year. I won't even embarrass myself with my number. LOL

Stay safe and warm. Makes me glad I am on the West coast.

Christina said...

Oh my goodness, such lovely gifts you stitched. Your finishing is always just perfect for the stitching.

Wow, if your stitching count was low last year, I hate to see what you consider a good year. I won't even embarrass myself with my number. LOL

Stay safe and warm. Makes me glad I am on the West coast.

Christina said...

Oh my goodness, such lovely gifts you stitched. Your finishing is always just perfect for the stitching.

Wow, if your stitching count was low last year, I hate to see what you consider a good year. I won't even embarrass myself with my number. LOL

Stay safe and warm. Makes me glad I am on the West coast.

laceystitcher said...

I love all of your finished designs and that you share your "addiction" with others - great job! Can you tell me who the designer is for your banner? I would like to add that pattern to my stash. Thanks, and happy stitching. My email is

passionfruitprincess said...

They are all beautiful, Carol! i am sure all the ladies were very happy with the lovely gifts you stitched!
Have a great weekend!
Ana Paula

Andrea said...

Gorgeous ornaments and gifts, truly inspirational. Love the Just Nan snowmen, they do make me chuckle!

Sherri said...

Wow! I am sure your recipients were thrilled to be on the receiving end of your adorable ornaments. I absolutely love the Just Nan pillow with the twisted cording; the blue really makes it pop. That's a keeper. Your finishing is always superb with your cute little bows, twisted cording and ruched ribbon. I love seeing them as they inspire me and that makes me happy!

Kathy L. said...

such beautiful stitching. Thank you for sharing. I love looking at your projects, so inspiring.

I also have to thank you for the tip on the sampler. I printed it out right away. I love it. I think I might do the whole thing.


Michelle said...

Beautiful stitching Carol xx

Penny said...

What lucky friends to receive such beautiful gifts! I'm always inspired to see all of your lovely stitching and finishing! Thank you for the link to the Winter Sampler - I love it! Stay warm! :)

marly said...

Forty seven pieces in a year. Forty seven pieces in a year!!! The more amazing part is the amount of time for such detailed finishing. Productive is putting it mildly!

Katrina said...

Happy New Year Carol! I always love seeing all of your wonderful stitching,and getting some inspiration from your finishing too :) I adore the Just Nan ornament, I have the pattern so will have to add it to my stitching basket now I've seen how lovely it is stitched.
Keep warm and have a great weekend!

Pam in IL said...

WOW! You accomplished so much in 2013! I love seeing your stitching and I love seeing your blog header again.

Happy 2014!

Lynn B said...

Oh Carol, you have made such beautiful gifts, I am sure the recipients loved them all!
I particularly like the blue finish, thanks for the link to the chart.

Anonymous said...

Hi dear Carol ,
your ornaments are very beautiful ,Santa with cardinal is my favourite :), but I like all them .
Thanks for the link, I could download the free Winter Sampler , it's a very sweet design , maybe I'll stitch it for this coming Christmas.
I hope the weather is becoming better soon for all of you there in the USA . Here no snow, no cold - the weather is like in spring - not normal at all in January ... poor flowers and trees are confused and began to bloom and bud...

have a wonderful weekend!

Judy said...

Hi Carol. Catching up with your beautiful blog and all your perfect ornaments. Each one is an absolute treasure! It is always such a treat to go to your blog and see a new post.

Glad the polar vortex moved on. We had 12 inches of snow and terrible drifting. Not to mention -34 wind chill. Now rain and melting.

Wishing you all the best for 2014.

Judy Heartland stitcher

Carin said...

Again such beautiful ornaments !!

Anne said...

The Polar Vortex! Eeek! I feel terrible for all of those people across the Prairies and East Coast who have no power. I should count myself lucky we are having rain!! Do stay warm and don't go outside without being bundled up!! All of your finishes are so beautiful. Each one has a special Carol touch to it! Thank you for the link for the Leisure Arts design. I think I would love to stitch it in both red and blue...maybe even a nice evergreen. I bet Shirlee was pleased to receive it!! I, like you, enjoy stitching for others. Sending you big hugs from a rainy Vancouver! Anne

Maggee said...

Your stitching and finishing are impeccable as always! Perfect choices I am sure, for the recipients! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

♥ Nia said...

I don't deal well with cold... I was born in the end of july, the high summer over here :p when winter gets around 0.C that's too low for me! -20 or -45.C.. I would spend days inside and under a dozen blankets!!!!! Stay warm my friend!!!!

Your finishes are always a delight to watch =) I love everything you stitch, the fabrics you pick, even those little bows that you add so perfectly :D wonderful gifts!
Hugs&smiles to you :)

Magiczny ลšwiat Krzyลผykรณw said...

Wonderful ornaments, love them all!

butterfly said...

Hi Carol , love all your wonderful Christmas ornaments , we have all been so spoiled by you and how very lucky we all are.
Hope you are keeping warm hugs to you my friend and thank you again for my lovely ornament.

Mylene said...

WOW! such gorgeous finishes! I am sure all the recipients loves them, lucky they are!!!

Annette said...

hello here in 2014
new year new canges
- 21 -45????
For me that sounds like a science fiction novel.
The lowest I know is - 13...
for now we did had a real winter so far.. still very warm.
They told this week it would get cold and maybe snow.. but still too hot for snow..

I love snow.. I want snow.. please send some..
I;m crochting a lot so maybe will start a new blanket then.. lol

Sweet Carol, any gift by you brings a smile on our faces, if it is a sweet card or a sentence on you blog about us.. so please don't think you need to send your AWESOME pieces.. :P

As always you stitched awesome pieces for your friends, and finished them off even more ebautifull.
My Favorite is JBW A very Merry Winter..
Love that snowmen.. to cute!!
Is that grey it's stitched on??
Did you stitch on grey often?
You like stitching white on grey??
I'm looking for a light color to stitch white on..

From teh 47 you give 28 away??
Your really the most awesome blogger friends all those bloggers can have.. you gave so much away.. and they are all so awesome!1

I;m very very happy with my gifts from you.. your to sweet my friend!!!

have a great 2014..
And I know for sure you will stitch awesome piece this year, more then last year


Annette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hilda said...

Hi Carol,
what a wonderful firework of stitched little treasures - I really love your little pillows.

You have worked so many presents for your friends - I admire anyone who is managing stitching so wonderful pieces for other persons. As I am working in a full-time job I get hardly stitched two or three …

Oh - and thanks a lot for the link to Leisure Arts. I already loved this ornament, when you showed it the first time - but the whole chart (with the top with the sleigh as another possibility for such a wonderful piece) is twice as beautiful ;-)

Have a nice week!


Kay said...

That is a lot that you stitched last year! All the wonderful finishes are so beautiful! Here is to another new stitchy year that will have many stitchy fun moments and beautiful creations!

Scrap said...


I love this ! very nice finishes !

Karoline said...

Such beautiful gifts for everyone :)

Giovanna said...

Lots of wonderful gifts - well done, and lucky friends!

Valma said...

Polar Vortex...we saw that on TV indeed !
Incredible weather where you are !
it looks like being in the movie 'the day after tomorrow' !!
some years ago we had -26°c here, in fact 8 years, I remember as I was coming out of hospital after my operation on the thyroid...I had almost no hormones and this cold was terrible for me =)
stay warm
I hope it's going to be better soon
all those pieces you are sharing now are so beautiful
my favourite is maybe the one for Edit =)
but it's difficult to choose !
you finally made many pieces , you who said last year you wouldn't do that amount of smalls =)
each time it's a delight here and I'm ready for another sweet year with you =D
big hugs

Sharon said...

Amazing finishes Carol! It's always such a pleasure to see your posts!

Mary said...

Oh my! Your ornaments are absolutely beautiful. I am so amazed at the quantity that you have stitched for the year. I am sure your friends will be delighted with their gifts too.
I can't begin to imagine how -21c would feel like - especially after the last few days of over +45c.
Why is the car covered in salt? Do they put it on the roads as they do in England?
Keep warm

Parsley said...

Wow! I love ALL of these and the finishes are just so perfect!

Hope you have a fantastic stitching week!

Melanie said...

These are all so beautiful! They truly are. I can't even pick out a favorite. Ok, if you FORCED me to pick it would be the sheep one. No, the Winter Sampler one! Damn it, I can't pick. Heh.
47 smalls. Oh my goodness. It would take me five years to do that many. (Who am I kidding - it would probably take me TEN years to finish that many. lol)

Wanda said...

Wow Carol! You are endlessly amazing with your beautiful stitching and finishing!! Each ornament is so perfectly stitched and finished. I was thrilled that Leisure Arts made that pattern available but when you first stitched it, I went on a search for it and found the magazine (but I still downloaded the free pattern!)47 completed stitched items is amazing with your very busy schedule.The fact that you gave so many away really speaks to how kind and generous you are. Have a great week!
Hugs, Wanda

Nancy M said...

What wonderful gifts you made.I especially like the Snow business piece! Your finishing is always an inspiration! We were the unfortunate ones that got 19" of the white stuff AND the -20 temps, not including wind chill!

Christina said...

Oh the irony...your post is entitled 'Catching Up' and here I am, woefully behind in commenting on the blogs I follow! ;0)
You sent out some beautiful ornies Carol. I have decided that this year is the 'Year of the Snowman' for me, so I will definitely be stitching 'Snow Business' by Just Nan. I do love the ornies that you stitch on black linen. I really must treat myself to some black linen this year. I do have some black aida but I no longer like stitching on aida.
Great minds must think alike as I too stitched the bottom half of 'Snow White' as an ornie! It looked very similar to yours as I stitched it on dove grey linen. I reluctantly sent it as an exchange just before Christmas so I really must stitch it again for myself!

Belinda said...

What gorgeous ornaments, as always! Loving the snowmen at the top, so adorable and colourful. That will brighten up any Winter.

Jamlol said...
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Jamlol said...
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Claire said...

Beautiful ornaments, Carol! Thank you for the link to the Winter Sampler. Believe it or not, it is still available 4 years later. It's no longer on the same page but if you type Winter Sampler into the search bar you can still download it. Many thanks for the time and love you put into your blog. I so enjoy reading and re-reading your posts and am so inspired by your talent.
xo Claire