Wednesday, January 16, 2013

They do roll around quickly...

Birthdays, that is! Yes, today marks yet another year in my march toward the big 6-0!! I'm 58 today, but the thought of that milestone birthday still two years away is very much in my thoughts  these days for some reason. Here is one of my favorite photos taken on my very first birthday... I just love those pudgy baby fingers exploring the ribbons on my birthday present. What is it about chubby babies that is so appealing--just love them!! And how about those vintage birthday cards? I spot a smiling rabbit on each and every one--I guess I liked bunnies even way back then. This was taken in Buffalo, NY back in the mid-50s by my dear dad who was in medical school at the time. I wonder if I got a chance to sample that yummy looking chocolate cake my mom so lovingly baked for me? If so, I'll bet she carefully removed the sweet, lace pinafore that I wore in this photo...

January 16, 1956 ~ one year old!

My husband and two older sons surprised me with an early birthday celebration on Sunday. What a wonderful treat that was as I had just spent five hours driving back from visiting my parents in New York and was very tired. They made chicken parmesan and a nice salad and treated me to some wonderful stitchy gifts--a couple of charts from my wish list, lots of overdyed threads, and a few gift certificates to various online shops and JoAnn Fabrics. They obviously have learned what makes me smile... And when mom is smiling, all is right with the world--everyone knows that!

I finally have my first finish for 2013 and it is a finish for my blogging friend, Brenda, who just happens to share my birthday today! Brenda is the proud "mama" to two adorable Scottie dogs and when I saw this freebie from The Cricket Collection, I just knew I had to stitch it for her. I thought the design would really "pop" on black so I chose 32 ct. black Belfast linen for the job and used most of the suggested DMC colors. I did change the green on the dog's sweater a bit and I added a silver jingle bell in the "bow" of the stitched mitten. The fabric shown in the background is the backing of the little pillow. Brenda seemed to enjoy my little gift and I'm so happy!

Cricket Collection freebie stitched for Brenda's birthday

BIRTHDAY THANKS... I was lucky enough to receive some very special gifts on my birthday as well... From my long-time blogging friend, Cindy, came two cute charts and fabric, fabric, and more fabric!! She covered just about every season--from the spring flowers to the patriotic colors to the Halloween spooky designs to the green and red Christmas prints. WOW! I will have to get busy and make some more little ornaments and pillows to use these up, Cindy!  You were so sweet to remember me with all you have going on in your life right now--I am truly touched... Thank you so very much!

Birthday gifts from Cindy

From the always sweet Sue came this beautifully handmade stitching pocket. In her card she noted that it is stitched on 32 ct. Golden Promise linen with WDW Williamsburg Blue. Isn't it lovely? She monogrammed it with the letter "C" from one of the Sajou alphabets and added the prettiest antique ivory trim at the very top of the pocket. I just love it, Sue--you were so thoughtful and kind to remember me on my big day. Oh, and that Godiva chocolate bar is certainly an extra-special treat, too!! Thank you so very much for your sweet gifts, my friend!

 Birthday gifts from Sue

All the way from England and my friend, June, came this exquisite needlebook--my very first!! I had admired those miniature spools that she used to adorn one of her creations so I was thrilled to see that she added them to the ribbon on the needlebook. Don't you love the color of blue she chose? I think that is why blue is my favorite color; there are just so many shades of it--from the royal blue that June used to turquoise to the palest icy blue of a winter sky--I love them all! She also included a magnetic bookmark and some cute thank you cards. I love my gifts, June--you really are so kind to remember me and my special day!

Birthday gifts from June

And from my West Virginia stitching friend, Donna (no blog), came this wonderful assortment of charts...all new to me! She included the Waxing Moon "Lost Mitten Angel" chart, the Lizzie Kate "Love Sampler," and Twisted Thread design called "Easter Hare." Along with them she added a Marjolein Bastin bookmark. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Marjolein Bastin designs? And the bunnies  pictured on the bookmark are adorable! Thank you so very much, Donna--everything is delightful! It has been a pleasure getting to know you this past year...

Birthday gifts from Donna

Thank you all so very much for your thoughtful remembrances--your friendships are the best part of your gifts and I treasure each one of you!

Many of you are aware of Melanie--or the amazing Melanie as I like to call her, who blogs at Moonraker Lampwerks. I call her amazing because she is one of those crafters who can do multiple things and do them all so well--from her knitting to her stitching to her bounteous and beautiful handcrafted beads, her blog is a joy to read. She recently let me borrow one of her cross stitch charts and when it arrived I saw that she also surprised me with two of her adorable handmade beads... Aren't they adorable? Check out her blog--you'll love it as much as I do! Thank you, Melanie, for the special treats--I'm thrilled to own some of your beads!

Beautiful beads from Melanie

I know I promised to show you my final Christmas ornaments in this post, but I'm out of time this morning--will definitely get to it next week, okay? Thank you, thank you for all of your wonderful comments on my last post--I guess you liked my "Year of the Bowl" as much as I did. I have to admit, I'm missing making all of those little pillows very much.  Welcome, too, to my new followers--I'm so happy you're here. I'm way, way behind on answering emails and commenting, but will definitely catch up this week. Can't wait to spend another creative stitching year with all of you! Bye for now...


Annie said...

Just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday! I hope it's filled with all the people and things you love most:)

priscilla said...

Happy Birthday Carol ! Hope you have a great day !!!
Love the litte scottie dog !

Katherine said...

Happy birthday to a fellow Capricorn and Januarian! I had trouble turning 25 - A QUARTER CENTURY OLD! Once I got over that, birthdays haven't ever bothered me again. Not like I can make 'em stop. Have a great day.

Melody said...

Happy Birthday, Carol!

I hope you celebrate it in style! What thoughtful gifts you received from stitching friends!

I love the scotty dog mitten you stitched. I have always thought scotty dogs were so cute.

We are nearly the same age. I am just two years younger. I know what you mean about years creeping up on you.

Have a great birthday. I am looking forward to sharing another year of blogging with you.

Nicola said...

Happy Birthday Carol! You've Certainly had some wonderful birthday presents! The little Scottie dog you stitched for Brenda is really cute.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! What lovely gifts you received. Love your Scottie dog on the black fabric, it really pops!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Well Happy Birthday, dear friend! I had no idea today was your special day. I'm glad to know another Capricorn. Hope your day is as special as you are! Hugs!!!

Maggee said...

I hope you keep enjoying your special day! You have had a great time of it so far, with family surprises and gifts from friends. Do love that blue in the needlebook! I love Melanie's beads too! Looking forward to a new year of different stitching from you! What anticipation! Hugs!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Carol have a very happy birthday!!!! I wish I was like these other ladies who are so on top of things and make and send a gift for special people!!!

You received such wonderful and special gifts!!!

Lovely gift you made for Barb!

cucki said...

Happy Birthday Carol ! Hope you have a great day !!!
All the gifts are so cute xxx

Kate said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! You have been blessed with such wonderful birthday gifts.
Don't sweat the age thing ... as one who has just celebrated #66 I assure you the 60s are lots of fun so enjoy getting there.
The Scottie dog is such a lovely gift for your friend.
Always a pleasure to read you. :)

Margaret said...

Happy happy birthday, Carol!!! I love the pic of you at one year old. What a cutie! Great gifts from your friends as well. And what a treat those boys gave you when you got home from NY! Fantastic! Enjoy your day!

Gabriele said...

Happy birthday from Germany! Hope you have wonderful day. Don't be afraid getting the "6" soon. Here in Germany we always say, with 60 life starts and you are as young as you feel.
Big hugs

Tricia said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! How nice to be surprised by your guys. How thoughtful they are! I love your little scottie dog... of course I had to go print it out! : ) It reminds me of our little schnauzers.

Enjoy all your presents! : )


Lisa V said...

Happy birthday Carol dear friend. You received some lovely gifts and your little scottie dog ornie for Brenda is a cutie!

Mary Ann said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! I hope you have a wonderful day!! And, such wonderful gifts you received--especially the dinner and stitchy gifts you received from your guys!!!

AnaCristina said...

Happy Birthday Carol!!


dixiesamplar said...

Happy Birthday Carol...I hope it is a blessed day for you! And what lovely gifts you received!

I caught up on your last post and let me just say...WOW!!!! What a lovely bunch of smalls and so many of them...wish I could be that productive, LOL! They are gorgeous though and you will get years of enjoyment decorating your home with them.

Giovanna said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. Lovely gifts, and what a great mitten ornament you made.

Anna van Schurman said...

Happy Birthday! I love the fabric you used to back that cute Scottie dog ornament!

Shirley said...

Happy Birthday Carol. Hope you have a wonderful Day.
What nice gifts to receive from your stitching friends. How fun.

Vickie said...

Happy Birthday Dear Carol! What a great birthday picture. Love the scottie, that is in my to do pile. Such fine presents for a fine lady and friend.

Vicki said...

Happy Birthday! Take some time to celebrate!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Happy Birthday Carol. Your friends showered you with lovely gifts.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Carol! My wish for you is a spectacular day from beginning to end. What lovely gifts to receive from family and friends.

Robin in Virginia

Cole said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Mavi. said...

Dear Carol: many congratulations on your birthday. Glad to know that your husband and your children made ​​you a nice birthday party. It's endearing pictures of your first birthday.
I like the gifts you have.
And I love the embroidery botita, I've downloaded the.
I hope to congratulate you year after year.
Many kisses.

Beth R. said...

Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you have a wonderful day! I really enjoyed seeing all of your bowl finishes in your previous post. I'd have to say that the sunflowers are my favorites. Can't wait to see your stitching finishes for 2013. Happy Stitching! Beth

Penny said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday, Carol! Your birthday picture is so sweet! :) What wonderful gifts you received and that little Scottie dog is cute!

Mavi. said...

Dear Carol: congratulations. Glad to know that you had a nice birthday party organized by your husband and children. You look very pretty in the photo of your first birthday. It's nice embroidery snow boot. Thanks for the link, I've downloaded.
I hope to share many stitches you this year.
Many kisses.

Keeper of the Crowes said...

Happy Birthday, Carol, to you and Brenda! Hope you have a wonderful year!!! Love the ornament you made for Brenda. I know that she's going to love it!!!

BrendaS said...

Happy Birthday Carol! Thank you again so much for my sweet sweet Scottie small. I have it next to me on my stitching table and everytime I see it I think of you.

Wonderful stitching gifts you received -- very well deserved!!!

Have a great day my friend!

HUGS to you.

Julie said...

Hapoy Birthday wishes to you Carol. Such an array of wonderful gifts from stitching friends.
Your special gift for Brenda is beautiful.

Annette said...

Happy happy birthday...
Darn I was looking this week when you B-day was... to late.. lol... next time... I know it now!!

You DH and son really spoiled you with so many beautifull gifts!!
How great is that.

And what a beautifull gifts you all got from your blogging friends!!
Great .. really beautifull.
I so love the little wooden spools, and the lovely selfmade beads..
Enjoy all your lovely giftss....

Have a wonderfull day, dear Carol!
Hope everything was oke at your mom and dad's

Barb said...

Happy Birthday sweetie! It's also my wedding anniversary today! You have your boys well trained LOL!

Anne said...

Happy Birthday Carol. Just about caught up to me, at 61. Time does fly by as we stitch and stitch and stitch!! lol Gorgeous handmade beads, love them, and such a wonderful gift. Love your little scottie dog, especially on black, makes it!! Hope you have a great day. Looking forward to your blog and finishes this year as well!! :)

Krista said...

Happy Birthday, Carol!! Have a wonderful day!!

Siobhán said...

Happy, happy birthday, Carol!! How sweet of your family to look after you so well and know what you like! Your stitching is so cute, and I love all the gifts! Lucky you. :) Enjoy your special day!

Mylene said...

Happy happy Birthday Carol! I hope you are having a lovely day!

WOW! Such lovely gifties you've received!!

Sweet Sue said...

Cute Scottie, nicely done. Happy Stitchy Birthday Carol, hope you find some time to stitch and relax on your special day. How wonderful that your men brought their A Game!

Mary said...

Happy Birthday Carol. I wish you a wonderful day and blessed year ahead.
What a sweet picture from your first birthday. You can tell those little fingers were artistic even then!

The scottie dog is precious....a true keepsake for Brenda.

You are a special blogging friend to so many of us and your treats are beautiful. Enjoy each one as they were all sent with love.


Shirlee said...

Happy Belated Birthday Hugs, my friend! You got some great gifts & the gift you made for Brenda is just perfect! Love the photo of you at age 1. It's so fun to look back on those old photos, isn't it? Life was very special then : ) Have a wonderful 58th year!

butterfly said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my sweet friend.
Lovely gifts for a lovely lady.
Love your stitched little scottie dog.
You will soon be in my club the over 60s it's great Carol, it's so much fun, you can do what you want with out any worry about what anyone thinks . The freedom is great . big hugs.

Mary said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! Sounds like your family planned a great meal and added great stitchy items to your stash!
Lovely gifts received from friends as well!

barbara said...

Wishing you an utterly fabulous birthday and new year, Carol! If only I had an assistant to remind me when these special days are approaching, so I could get a card and gift off to celebrate the occasion. Best wishes!!

Jennifer said...

Happy, happy, happy birthday! I'd wish you a day filled with stitchy goodness, but I see that's already been covered. :-) Have a lovely day!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Happy Birthday, Dear Carol...

Special guys taking care of their special lady! All your gifts are thoughtful and lovely. Well deserved, too.

The ones that were 'disturbing' for me were 33 and 50. Don't really know why. I think now it's just glad to be here!

Cindy said...

Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day!

Valma said...

Happy birthday sweetie =)
I'll for sure remember the date for next year, as yesterday was Mum's birthday =D
(a little bit older, she is from 1951 =D)
you've been blessed by family and friends , so happy for you
You deserve good things and moments <3
We can easily recognise you on the picture, hehehehe =D
Such a sweet baby you were, already wondering what could be done with this ribbon =D
Joyeux Anniversaire and very beautiful first 2013 finish
big hugs

Beth said...

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays Carol. Love your photo of your first birthday and all the bunny cards - fitting then that you've been gifted with a cute bunny bookmark for this birthday! Enjoy your special day.

Marsha said...

Happy Birthday Carol. A nice bunch of presents to celebrate your day. I turn the big 6 - 0 this year. Something about that number is a little scary.

marly said...

Happy Birthday! What a lovely and well deserved group of gifts for a favorite blogger. And such a thoughtful gesture to come home to a great dinner. Enjoy your special day.

valerie said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Carol! I hope you have a fantastic day filled with love and fun. You received so many lovely gifts. I'm sending you an email today! Hugs to you on this special day. :)

Cath said...

Happy Birthday to you , seems like you've had a great day .X

Michelle said...

A very Happy Birthday to you Carol - hope you had a wonderful day! That Scottie dog is so cute and looks stunning on the black fabric! Such wonderful gifts received :)

Martine said...

Happy Birthday, my dear Carol !!
You had receive so many lovely gifts !!
I am so happy for you !
I love the photo of you baby... You was so cute !!!
Congratulation for the little Scottie dog !I love this ornament too...
Have a great day, my dear friend !
Joyeux anniversaire !
Many Kisses.

Pumpkin said...

Happy Birthday dear friend! I hope this is a super day for you :o) May all your wishes come true.

Christina said...

Happy birthday Carol!! You share the birthday of a very special lovely nanna. She would have been 91 today. You have received some beautiful - and well deserved - gifts. I love the scottie dog you stitched for Brenda. It certainly does 'pop' on the black fabric.
The photo of you on your first birthday is so cute! If only you'd kept the cards, they would b worth a fortune! :0)

Katrina said...

Lots of happy birthday wishes to you Carol :) Hope you day is filled with all the things you love!

Michelle said...

You received some lovely things Carol. Happy Birthday. I hope my RAK arrives with you soon xx

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Happy, happy birthday. Your scottie pillow is adorable! And what great gifts you received from your stitching friends! Enjoy your day.

Ellen said...

A very Happy Birthday to you, Carol!

You have some great presents!


Nancy said...

Happy Birthday Carol! Pretty presents from your friends.

Melanie said...

Happy happy birthday!!!!! xoxoxo!

Shari said...

Happy Birthday dear Carol! I hope it has been a great day! All of your gifts are gorgeous...and yeah for your hubby & sons!! How great they did!

Judy said...

Happy birthday Carol! Loved the adorable 1st birthday picture. Isn't it a treat to look back at old pictures! Thanks for sharing your gifts and surprises for your special day. The scottie is just the cutest. And again that perfect cording around it. Everytime I see Moonraker Lampwerks blog..I am amazed by all those beads. They truely are beautiful. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Judy heartland stitcher

Gabi said...

Happy Birthday Carol.
Great to hear you got spoiled by your friends and loved ones.
Love that picture of your first birthday. SO cute.

Linda said...

Happy Birthday Carol. You have received some great gifts. If you have the urge to make pillows, I'll send you some of my ornaments. lol


Barb said...

I just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!! You are willing to share so many things with us out here in blogland that I wish you the best of days!!( Great family you have)

Robin said...

Happy birthday to you and thanks for sharing all your goodies with us. Your baby pix is adorable and I especially love the scottie pillow. It is too too cute.

~*Sharee*~ said...

It looks like you had a wonderful Birthday hun...I'm right behind you on that big "6-0" I'll miss your little pillows so please do share them once in a while for us...:) I think my favorite is January; love the snowmen!!

Hugs, Shar

Heather said...

Happy birthday Carol!!! I hope you had a very lovely day!! You received such lovely gifts!!! I love the picture of you when you were a wee thing! ;o)

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Carol!!!!
You're family and friends are so sweet!!!!!

Rowyn said...

Happy birthday Carol. It sounds like your family and friends totally spoiled you. You deserve it!

Perhaps you should plan something extra special for your 60th so it is a day to really look forward to.

Elia said...

Happy, happy Birthday my friend Carol !
Hope you have a great day with all your family!!!
I love this old photo, so sweet ;))

All of your gifts are gorgerous and your scottie pillow is adorable! Enjoy your special day ^^

A big hug
and kisses from Spain
(here with snow today)


Libby said...

You lucky birthday girl! Happy Birthday...a day late. Sorry.

So nice that your family has figured out how to make your day special.


Annie said...

Happy Birthday! You really received some lovely gifts there. And your Scottie is just the cutest.

Hope this year is your best so far!

Lesleyanne said...

Happy Birthday Carol. A gorgeous gift for your friend and beautiful gifts received for your birthday.

Bruna Aguiar Melo said...

Happy belated birthday!!!
New follower your stitches!!!

LoriU said...

Happy Happy Birthday Carol! I hope you have a wonderful year!!

I got a little nostalgia when I saw the picture of you as a one year old because of the table. We had the same little grey table/high chair/buggy combo growing up and my mom kept it for years. It might still be at their house actually.

Catherine said...

What a sweet picture of you! Those first birthday photos are always so cute. Lovely gifts you have received, Carol! May you have a wonderful years ahead!

msmartello said...

Hi Carol,
Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like you had a great day and what wonderful gifts you received. Stitching friends are the best! Love the baby picture. How precious!

Lois said...

Belated happy birthday Carol!!! Your day certainly crept up on me too!! I'm glad that you'd such a nice birthday treat arriving back after that long drive. What a sweet birthday picture and what lovely gifts have been arriving at your door lately!

Karoline said...

Happy birthday Carol :) You got some gorgeous gifts

Your scottie dog pillow is lovely

Cindy's Stitching said...

glad you had a great birthday carol. You got some wonderful gifts. How nice your family knows what you like.

Elizabeth said...

Belated Happy Birthday - hope you had a wonderful day.

Lillie said...

Happy Belated Birthday Carol!
Wishing you another year of wonderful stitching and stashing :D

Девушка с пяльцами said...

Dear Carol, best wishes on your special day!

Nicky said...

Happy birthday Carol, I hope you had a magical day. Looks like you've been spoiled with some wonderful gifts, enjoy!

Friendship Crossing said...

Hello sweet Carol, I almost missed this post somehow!
Your scottie dog looks adorable! Love the colors!
All your gifts are so nice, just like you! You deserve every one of them!!
Hope your b'day was extra special!!

Hugs to you,

Nicola said...

Belated birthday greetings. You were a very cute little girl. Such gorgeous gifts.

Belinda said...

Happy belated birthday Carol. Sorry I'm a few days late! That is such a beautiful photo of you on your first birthday. I love the little story to go along with it too.
Cute Scottie dog. :) colours really pops on that black fabric.

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

joyeux anniversaire !!
bisous bisous

Melissa said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you, Carol! Sounds like you had a good one with lots of lovely gifts and treats!

Kathy Ellen said...

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday birthday, Carol! What a wonderful meal your dear husband and sons made for you too.

What an adorable Scottie dog pillow you stitched and finished so beautifully for Brenda. She must love it. Wonderful gifts you received too.


Faye said...

Playing catch up....I missed your birthday!!!!! How it was awesome!!!! I have spent an hour, a whole hour!!,on your friend Moonrakers blog..... OMG.... Where have I been not to be following her??? Love her beads.... Stitching... And wonderful sense of humor! You know we are only months apart in age ..... It's only a number....... Take care, Faye

Patty C. said...

Glad to see you are getting younger everyday!

Giovi's Creations said...

Oh Carol! I did't know it!
Happy, happy, happy birthday to you!!! A new year full of happiness and stitches! :)

Hugs, Giovi

Kay said...

Happy birthday! The years do tend to move on by it seems, each year faster than the last. It sounds like you had such a wonderful birthday from your family and friends and got lots of nice things to celebrate your day!

Anne said...

Happy Belated Birthday Carol!! I just realized you share the same birthday as my uncle, so I should remember that for next year! Lovely gifts you received from your friends. I wish I could stitch something quickly and mail it to you, so a cyber hug and kiss will have to do! Hugs!! Kissses!!


Carin said...

Sorry I'm so late but I wish you a belated birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day !!!
You made a fantastic cushion with the dog for your friend and you recieved lots of beautyful goodies !!

BTW. I love the picture in your header, can you tell me what that pattern is called for or from which designer?

Scrap said...

Happy birthday Carol, and your friend Brenda! An etrès beautiful photo of you still girl, it is very cute!
bisous bisous

Anonymous said...


Just had a look around your beautiful blog. Your stitching is gorgeous!
I love the scotty dog ornament!
Happy belated birthday - you recieved lovely gifts.
Happy stitching.

Solstitches said...

Happy belated birthday Carol.
You have received some beautiful gifts from your stitchy friends.
Cute picture of you :)

Alissa said...

Happy belated birthday, Carol! You must be enjoying those great gifts! Thanks for your inspiration!

Deb said...

Happy Birthday Carol!! It looks like you were very spoiled this year by your friends. You got some wondoerful things!!

♥ Nia said...

Ohhh =( I think it's the second time I miss your b-day! Last year I didn't know and this year.. I forgot.. shame on me! Sorry sweetie!
It's January, birthdays a little bit next to Christmas, it's not easy to keep up.. and this year I'm still behind on Christmas! LOL Just a few thank you parcels that I haven't finished yet =) But that's not the point right now, let's go to the important eheheh

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! ƪ(^◡^)ʃ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ƪ(˘˛˘)ʃ ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ*
How sweet your photo =) and rabbits near your since early!!! ahahahah how cute! =)
"And when mom is smiling, all is right with the world--everyone knows that!" LOL :D They sure know how to make you happy =) very sweet!

Such a cute finish! I love how you always make your works pop out on your finishes! Always so pretty, really, you always manage to make everything in a way that catches our eye :D
Lovely gifts =) sorry for not having nothing from me in there, I wish there was =( oh well.. all days are good days to send gifts, someting will arrive in a near future ;) hehehehhe

Hugs to you my sweet friend! I wish you all the best, may your wishes come true and may your life be filled with long and happy years :D You will have to deal with a lot more that 60 ;) 100 sounds good? ahahahaah

Parsley said...

Hope your birthday brought you much joy and happy things. You deserve it!

Unknown said...

my husband celebrated 58 years on 16 January !!
Happy Birthday

Meari said...

What lovely gifts you received on your birthday!! Happy Belated Birthday :)

Shane Pollard said...

Happy Birthday dear Carol

Judging by this wonderful bevvy of comments you must be one of the most popular girls in blogland!

I chanced upon your blog so I feel lucky - I've enjoyed looking about and love all your crossstitched ornaments.
They are perfect for me to do, something small I can pick up and finish fairly quickly too!

I think I'll make a start on some Santa ones for my family for next Christmas - I'm sure I'll find some free patterns on the internet!

I'm your newest follower and I look forward to keeping in touch with what you're doing.

Please pop over to my blog and enter my giveaway and see what I do too!

Shane ♥

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

bisous bisous de la FRANCE

Nancy M said...

You can see I'm catching up! Between the flu and now a cold, my reader explodes!!!! Happy belated birthday. Looks like you have established some wonderful online relationships! Unlike an un-named football player! LOL

Brigitte said...

I know I'm late. I wasn't reading blog posts for a couple of weeks - just too much work.
Happy belated Birthday wishes to you! And another very productive stitching year.