Monday, January 28, 2013

A few more ornaments to share...

Warm greetings to you my friends on yet another frigid morning here in western Pennsylvania! The good news is that this cold streak is ending--well, for a few days at least. According to our trusty weathermen, Friday's high will be back down in the teens. Oh well, February will be a short month and then we're into March which means spring is just around the corner (at least that's what I keep telling myself)...

I have a few more ornaments which I sent out for Christmas gifts in December that I wanted to share with you today. It took a while for all of them to arrive. The differences in mail delivery times confound me--I mean I mailed a package to Spain which arrived in a week, but another package sent to England on the very same day took almost three weeks to be delivered!  The important thing is that all of my ornaments have finally made their way to new homes and were well received and for that, I'm ever so grateful...

For my friend, Lois, I stitched an older Prairie Schooler design which I'm sure most of you will recognize. I just love this giant bunny leaping over the little house on a starry winter's night! For this one, I used 40 ct. flax Newcastle and the suggested DMC colors and added some buttons and red jingle bells to the trim for a little accent. I'm sure this bunny is happily nestled in his new home in Northern Ireland. I loved stitching him for you, Lois!

Prairie Schooler Rabbit from "A Prairie Christmas"
 (Book No. 10)

This Little House Needleworks ornament simply called "Joy" was sent to my friend Cindy. The funny thing is, I received the exact same ornament (which I dearly love!) from my friend June for Christmas! I used 40 ct. antique white Newcastle and the suggested DMC threads for it... Also added some Mill Hill beads (#02052) and handmade cording in DMC 3052 to finish it off. I hope this little gift brings you much J-O-Y in the new year, Cindy!

Little House Needleworks: "Joy"

I liked this older Prairie Schooler ornament so much that I stitched it for not one, but two friends in December! The partridge wanted a warmer climate so he flew south to live with both Myra in North Carolina and Robin (no blog) in Virginia! This one is from PS "The Twelve Days of Christmas" (Book No. 74) and was stitched on 40 ct. flax Newcastle. I made a few changes in that I stitched another leaf in place of the number "1" that was charted and I changed the lettering to a gold color (DMC 420). Both Myra and Robin seemed very happy with their new "pets" and it was a pleasure to stitch for such sweet friends.

Prairie Schooler Partridge (Book No. 74)
"The Twelve Days of Christmas"

Obviously, I was on a Prairie Schooler kick in December because another one sprang from my needle and headed all the way down to Kentucky and my friend, Shirlee. Shirlee loves snow and reindeer so I thought this would be a fitting choice for her. It is stitched on 40 ct. flax Newcastle with DMC threads. I then used the same green checked gingham that I accented Lois's ornament with and added some rope-like trim and four buttons.  I hope you are reminded of me each year when you hang it on your tree, Shirlee!

Prairie Schooler Deer from "A Prairie Christmas"
Book No. 10

For the second year in a row, my English friend, June, received an ornament stitched by me from Plum Pudding NeedleArt. Last year, I stitched her the little gingerbread boy and this year I made her the snowman from the same booklet called "Candy Cane Wishes." There is one design left in the book--hmmm...I wonder what June will be receiving next year? I stitched it over one on 28 ct. light natural Jobelan using the suggested DMC threads and added a ruched ribbon edging with some gauzy burgundy ribbon. Isn't he cute!

Plum Pudding Needleart snowman
from "Candy Cane Wishes"

To my young friend, Edit, who lives in Spain, went this pretty design from an older Just Cross Stitch magazine (November/December 1997). It is called "Folk Doves" and is designed by Ginger & Spice. I used DMC 115 on 32 ct. white Jobelan and dressed it up with some contrasting fabrics and bit of lace trim. I thought this ornament was fitting for Edit because her year was filled with lots of love--she has a brand new baby! I also stitched a little ornament for her new daughter, but forgot to photograph it before I sent it on its way, so if you'd like to see it, you can go to Edit's post right here.

Ginger & Spice: "Folk Doves"

Next we have an "oldie, but goodie" that is now making it's home with my local stitching buddy, Linda. I've always loved this design called "Winter's Eve" by Country Cottage Needleworks. It is from the 2006 ornament issue of Just Cross Stitch magazine and is stitched on 32 ct. flax Belfast using the suggested threads. I kept the finish quite simple with some handmade white cording and a cluster of jingle bells topping the white satin ribbon on the hanger. I hope this little gift brought a smile to your face, Linda!

Country Cottage Needleworks: "Winter's Eve"

My final ornament went to my friend, Mary, and is one of my favorites. I stitched it for Myra last year--next year, perhaps I'll make one for myself! This is by Plum Pudding NeedleArt and is called "Winter's Song." I think it is one of the prettiest designs out there--just love the sentiment on it and the darling cardinal. I stitched this piece over one on 28 ct. Bay Leaf Jobelan using DMC threads and added a simple handmade cording and green and white gingham bow... Mary seemed quite happy with it and I am so pleased to add to her growing collection of Carol-stitched ornaments!

Plum Pudding NeedleArt: "Winter's Song"

Whew! That was a lot of stitching for one month, wasn't it? Does anyone have a favorite? I know I say this every year, but I really need to start my Christmas gift stitching earlier! I think I'll try to do one each month and squirrel them away for gift-giving in December... I hope each recipient loved her ornament as much as I loved stitching them! I know I treasure the things that were stitched for me at Christmas time...

BIRTHDAY NEWS: Well, first of all--thank you, thank you for all of my wonderful birthday wishes on my last post! You sure know how to make a girl smile!! An Italian blogging friend, Pat, commented that it was also her husband's 58th birthday on January 16th--we are "birthday twins!" It's a small world, isn't it?  I also received two more lovely gifts from two of my oldest and dearest stitching friends which I'd like to share with you...

I'm not sure if any of you heard my cries of joy when I opened Myra's gifts on January 16th, but I'm sure I could be heard well into the next county!! Just look at what she made for me--one of her beautiful stitching wallets... Isn't it gorgeous?! Tucked inside was a package of needles and there are three compartments to hold threads, scissors, and even a small chart or two. I absolutely love it, Myra--and you couldn't have picked prettier blue fabrics for me. But, that's not all she sent; I also received a delightful bar of fragrant soap, two Vera Bradley notepads, some finishing ribbon, and an assortment of chocolates (which are long gone!). Thank you so much, my generous friend--you certainly spoiled me this year!

Birthday gift from Myra!

More birthday gifts from Myra!

And from my long-time friend way up in Canada, dear Cathey (who many of you know as "Pumpkin") came a wonderful gift certificate from my favorite online shop 1-2-3 Stitch. When I opened my email that morning and read of her gift, tears came to my eyes... As many of you know, Cathey has been dealing with some major health issues over the past months and I couldn't believe she remembered me on my birthday with all she has on her plate right now. That just shows what a caring and thoughtful friend I have! She also has the most darling little baby with the cutest dimples I have ever seen.  Thank you so very much, my sweet friend--your gift truly touched me...
Birthday gift from Cathey!

RAK received:  What a delightful surprise came from a new blogging friend in England last week. Michelle, from Michelle's Stitch Craft Place blog made this delightful red and white pincushion and sent it to me as a RAK  to thank me for my inspirational finishes on my blog. Wasn't that sweet? I just love it, Michelle, and I have already added it to my basket of pinkeeps stitched by friends around the world. I forgot to take a photo of the back of it, but it had the cutest red and white snowflake pattern and a darling fabric label that Michelle added. She has a photo of the back of it on her blog so go take a look and tell her I said "hello!" Thank you again, Michelle, for the lovely gift and for the beautiful card--I'll treasure them both!

RAK from Michelle!

Well, I actually do have a couple of new finishes to show you, but I think I'll save those for next time. Right now, I can hardly move due to having shoveled my entire driveway (and it is a long driveway!) and two sidewalks this past weekend. You see, my husband has been in sunny southern Florida visiting his parents and brothers for the past week so the shoveling fell on my shoulders (and arms, and back, and hands!). We got about five new inches of snow, but luckily, it was the powdery light stuff so it wasn't too bad. It's just that I used muscles that I normally don't use. I think a nice hot bath might be in order before I head off to work this morning...

Thank you all for visiting me today--I am so happy when I see your comments as they let me know you've dropped by. And a warm welcome to my new followers--I hope you'll visit often! Thanks again for your sweet birthday thoughts--it made turning 58 much easier (well, a bit easier at least!). Bye for now...


Dawn said...

Your finishes are so beautiful Carol! Happy belated birthday, i can't beleive I missed it! What wonderful gifts!

Barb said...

I have just found your blog and oh wow now Have to become a follower as your finishes are am-a-zing.
Such lovely ornaments and fabrics and trims finishing them . All those in amonth , I have a giveaway on my blog if you would like to enter, .Maybe a new friend is found, we have rain again ,after one day of snow ,but I do not think we have had so much rain as we have had since October, I am not drowning I am waving quote comes to mind.

priscilla said...

Such pretty ornaments, Carol ! I think you need to show us how you store and organize all your charts ! It would take me a long time just to decide what to stitch for everyone !
Hope your back feels better! We have a joke around here that the only time it snows or we have any weather related problems my husband is out of town :) We are not getting any snow this year , maybe 2 inches the whole season . Can't wait to see what you are stitching now :)
Have a great week !

Patty C. said...

So glad you enjoyed your birthday !!!
Enjoyed the photos - Your stitching/finishing is always a visual treat :)

Julie said...

You certainly made a wonderful array of Christmas ornaments for your stitching friends carol, I don't think I can choose a favourite, they are all so beautiful. Super wallet and other lovely goodies that arrived for our birthday.

Barb said...

Oh dear please forgive me I am already a follower, how did I get that so wrong. Just a dippy almost 65 year old woman here!!
Happy belated wishes for yours .

CJ in OK ;-) said...

Beautiful work on all of them. Ham your friends were thrilled. With there gifts. CJ in OK

Hilda said...

Whew indeed!
You have been very busy stitching so many lovley ornaments in just one month.
I love them all - but "Winter's song" is my favorite too.
And stitched 1 over 1 it just looks sooooo gentle!

Have a nice week (with warmer weather)

cucki said...

So glad you enjoyed your birthday....
All the finishes are so beautiful..xx

Gabriele said...

Happy to hear you enjoyed your birthday. The finishes and the gifts are beautiful. I love the little snowman!
It's getting warmer here too, the snow is melting.
Big hugs from Germany

Tricia said...

Beautiful finishes, Carol! My favorites are the little Plum Pudding Snowman and the CCN Winters Eve. You were a busy girl!! So glad you had a happy birthday!!


AnaCristina said...

So beautiful!!

Laurie in Iowa said...

Your posts are always a joy to read. All of the ornaments are wonderful and the finishing is fabulous too.

Margaret said...

Wow, so many beautiful presents! And you received nice gifts too! Hope you get over the soreness from shoveling soon. I love to shovel -- if it's not too much and it's the light stuff. lol!

Shirlee said...

Hi Carol! What a wonderful post! I really enjoyed seeing all the ornament gifts you made. Of course my favorite is the one you made for me, really & truly : ) The next in line is the Winter's Song which I promptly went on a quest to find. No luck, unfortunately, but I asked 123 if they could order it for me & I also came across another one I have to have. Two, actually, but it turns out I have the other one. Good thing I looked in my files before I ended up ordering it again, which happens every so often I'm afraid. You also received some lovely gifts, & of course you know I am envying you being out there shoveling your driveway! Some people have all the luck : )

Ellen said...

Your finishings are so gorgeous, I love all the ornaments! My favorite is Winter's Eve.

You have some wonderful gifts!


Ellen said...

Your finishings are so gorgeous, I love all the ornaments! My favorite is Winter's Eve.

You have some wonderful gifts!


Vicki said...

Your finishes are terrific!

Heather said...


What lovely gifts you stitched! I am sure everyone loved them!

What a lovely gift from Myra!

I hope you recover from snow shoveling! ;o)

Pat said...

So many beautiful ornaments. I love how you finished each one of them. Your friends are very lucky. Your gifts were lovely too!

Rita said...

Beautiful finishes!!!

Happy belated birthday.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday! What lovely gifts you received! Carol, your finished ornaments are amazing! I have to say that I love the one that hung on my tree, but I love the other PS ones as well as the PPN cardinal!

Robin in Virginia

dixiesamplar said...

My goodness Carol, you certainly have been a busy stitcher...and such lovely finishes too! I know that all your lovely pieces are being enjoyed as we speak :o)

So glad you had a wonderful birthday, and you received some lovely gifts yourself.

BrendaS said...

Carol -- Another great inspiring post! You made some beautiful Christmas ornaments and I'm sure everyone was thrilled to have a "Carol" ornament on their tree:)

Great B-day gifts received -- you are so deserving!

Have a great week my friend.

butterfly said...

Hello sweet friend, what a wonderful post, thank you for sharing your birthday gifts with us all.
And all the wonderful gifts you have stitched for friends, I love my snowman and my gingerbread man from last year and they are going to have their very own tree next year, I will always think of you my dear friend when I look at them , and that I use to look at your blog years ago in amazement of your beautiful stitching and now I own two beautiful ornaments, still blows my mind.
Lots of hugs to a lovely friend.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

It's always a pleasure visiting with you Carol! I love all your gifts given and received. I'm glad you had a good birthday!

Libby said...

Beautiful finishes. I was wondering now you managed so many gifts...I think your plan of working one a month is a good one. It's no fun stitching under pressure.


Dani - tkdchick said...

Carol yet another fantastic post! What wonderful and special ornaments you've sent out. Any stitcher would be honoured to receive a gift from you!

You've received some fantastic gifts for your birthday!

Vickie said...

Your posts always brighten my day Carol. Thank you. Such beautiful photographs. Your stitching and gifts are so lovely. Very meticulous.

Siobhán said...

Oh my gosh!! I always love seeing your finishes, they are such an inspiration. Wonderful gifts given and received!

Christina said...

What lovely gifts you made for all of your friends. LOVE the cardinal ornament. Now I have to add that to my shopping list. LOL the gifts you received are beautiful as well. Stay warm.

Mavi. said...

Dear Carol, I hope that your muscles do not hurt you and that the good weather urgently as possible, to make warmth.
That amount has embroidered cushions in a very small count, your eyes have to be very good. They look beautiful all the gifts you sent and you received.
I hope you keep making me enjoy your wonderful crosses.

Fiona said...

Lainey introduced me to your blog and I am so glad she did. All your stitched gifts are beautiful and beautifuly finished as well. Your birthday gifts look lovely too. Happy Belated Birthday.

Southpaw Stitcher said...

Wow! So many beautiful gifts given and received! What a fabulous post!

Solstitches said...

Wow Carol, there may not have been a January basket but you certainly treated us to a lot of gorgeous ornaments anyway. All of the things you stitched for your friends are beautiful.
I love what Myra made for you and the pillow from Michelle is so pretty.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

I love all the wonderful goodies you've sent and received. Another inspiration from you is the time and care you take with posts - like sitting across the room and sharing. Be well, stay warm, and happy stitching! Hugs!

Beth said...

All so very nice Carol - stitching and finishing both. The PS Rabbit has been whispering my name for a while now - you've inspired me!

McKenna C. said...

Beautiful ornaments! You got some great gifts!! :)


Kay said...

Such gorgeous designs and work from you, your friends are blessed. My favourite is Winter's Eve as I really like the soft colours on it.

Nancy said...

All of the ornament you stitched and finished are beautiful Carol! You received some lovely gifts.

Melanie said...

Your finishes are always beautiful and your ideas are inspirational. I am just stitching the LHN "Joy" and intend to make it into a small pillow, your green check ribbon reminded me of some green check fabric I have which will be perfect. Thank you for sharing your stitching

Melanie x

Девушка с пяльцами said...

All your stitchings are magnificent, as usual!

Annette said...

Here the snow is melting too.. not much is there left.
Wow did you sleep in November and December.. you send out so many beautifull pieces

I'm in love with your header!!
Every January I love it so much too see it.
The words so beautifull stitched, the colors.. reallt wonderfull

YOu got beautifull gifts for your b-day..
WOW Cathey send you a gift with all she is dealing..
She truly is a good friend of you!
Love it

And also a beautifull RAK you got.

I wanne wish you a wonderfull year and a great week

Friendship Crossing said...

Always enjoy your stitchy pillows/ornies as I 'stroll' down your blog posts! LOL How sweet of all your bloggy buddies to send you something so special, as you are so deserving!
Love all your finishes Carol. Our snow is gone and it is much warmer here today too, but overcast and windy!

Hugs from Ky,

Krista said...

Beautiful finishes, Carol! You do wonderful finishing on all of your ornaments. Prairie Schooler is one of my favorites.

Annie said...

I don't know how you found the time to stitch and finish so many beautiful gifts in addition to all the cute things you've shown on your blog all year. You are really an ornament machine!

And you deserve all the wonderful gifts you got in return.

I guess you built up muscles doing all that stitching so you could shovel that snow easier.

Enjoy the warm-up before it gets colder again!

Michelle said...

What lovely photos Carol - thanks for sharing them again you have given me inspiration. Glad you liked your little RAK xx

Linda said...

Oh wow Carol. Your stitching and finishing is absolutely stunning. I am so jealous. You made some gorgeous ornaments for your friends. They are so lucky. You received some lovely birthday gifts.


♥ Nia said...

If I saw photos of your finishes without knowing it was your work.. I would guess it anyway :D All so pretty!! Congrats sweetie :D

Lucky girl :D You received lovely gifts =)
Hugs to you!!! :D

Kate said...

My goodness but you were a busy lady last year!! All your projects are quite lovely as are your newest gifts!

Annette-California said...

Honest to goodness Carol I love everyone of your ornaments. Lord you do such a beautiful job of finishing each one. I know each will be greatly treasured from your friends. Very pretty gifts you received. Love your new wallet:) You are blessed. I bet now you have stronger arms for stitching after getting a full work out from shoveling snow. I am going to go back and have another long look at your lovely ornaments. love Annette

valerie said...

Carol, did you hear that? My jaw just hit the floor. Wow, so many pretty finishes! I still don't know how you do it. You're a stitching-finishing machine! Maybe one day, we'll meet and you can show me how you do your cording. It's so pretty. Where do you hide the ends?! I love them all but my favorite is the LHN Winter's Night simple yet it speaks winter to me. And such pretty gifts! Love the stitching wallet from Myra!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Where to start?! I can't tell you how much each of your beautifully stitched, stunningly finished, gorgeous ornaments make me smile more!? They are ALL wonderful, simply wonderful!

Anne said...

Beautiful finishes and stitching as you always do! And how lovely to connect with stitchy friends! :)

Judy said...

Hi Carol. Fantasic post! Each of your ornaments is absolutely beautiful and perfectly finished!! I am so envious of your cording..the most perfect I have ever seen. I have looked for PP Winter Song chart, but have not found it yet. I can not pick a favorite...too difficult to choose. If our weather is heading your way, all your snow should melt. Hope your aches from shoveling melt away also. Thanks for sharing your gifts given and recieved. Amazing!

Judy heartland stitcher

Anne said...

Stunning finishes for your friends Carol!! I can't choose a favourite because they are all lovely! Myra sure spoiled you with all those lovely gifts and that pretty blue sewing case!! I have to ask you a favour...could you link or email me the post where you showed how to do your bows? I tried making one today and I failed miserably!! I tried looking online but only came across floofy bows for Christmas and presents.

Anywho, I hope you ok and rest up from all that shoveling!! A hot bath is an order :D


Barb said...

I think my favorites are the PS designs. I always seem drawn to them. As usual Carol, your finishes are just amazing. The gifts are also very thoughtful and lovely! Watch that shoveling, don't work too hard.

Melissa said...

Well, your stitching is just AWESOME as always, Carol. You got some lovely stitching and gifties in return too. Nice one!

I hope the weather turns better for you, or at least no more shoveling until your DH gets home!

Louise said...

Beautiful stitching Carol,thank you so much for sharing them.Very inspiring and a fantastic post.

Deborah said...

Another wonderful post! Beautiful ornaments and they are finished perfectly.

Veronica said...

Oh wow, absolutely gorgeous ornaments. You certainly have a knack for finishing and pairing them with the perfect fabric to best show them off. Lovely gifts you've received too.


Jane said...

Hi Carol
I've been missing for some time now but so pleased to catch up with things on your blog today and see all your wonderful stitching both received and sent ~ very inspiring.
Favourite? Well no difficulty there ... has to be The Prairie Schooler Rabbit, not seen that one, very cute! Happy belated birthday wishes to you xxx

Valma said...

ho my ! so many beautiful things in this post =)
you made very beautiful and sweet pillows
Joy for Cindy is one of my favourite, very beautiful
you've been spoiled too, so great =)
really happy for you, and's young until you're young in your head =)
here snow disappeared and we have 9° instead of the -11° last week !!! it seems it's hot but the wind and rain I feel colder !!!
big hugs sweetie

Shari said...

wow were very busy.....everything looks wonderful....I too love the Plum Pudding Winters Song....

Ele said...

My dear Carol,

what a lovely post with such beautiufl new ornaments, my favorite is the little rabbit from TPS, I stitched it too a few months ago, but I didn't finsh it so far.

Please excuse me, I can't send you my congrats to your birthday on 16th of January, because we had some problems with th PC, so I hope it will go well now.

You mustn't be afraid of your "60th", I am closer to the "50th" than you to your new decade...on 8th it was my "49th" birthday...;-)

Hope you had a wonderful birthday
with your family, friends and lovely gifts

warm whishes

from Gabriele

Chris said...

Good Morning Carol!!
It is always such a treat to read a post from you. I am always inspired and enjoy seeing your finishes. All the ornaments are so sweet.
It sounds like you had a lovely birthday! What wonderful mailbox surprises. Myra's gifts look amazing as does everything else.
I hope that the snow lets up. Stay safe and warm.

Marsha said...

What an awesome bunch of ornaments. I love the Joy one and have never seen that one before. I stitched the blue house ornament three times, one for each of my children. We live in a blue house and I made the door red. Do you back stitch or baste a certain number of threads away from the design to get your edges even? And do you use interfacing on the back of your design area? Thanks for any tips.

Anonymous said...

Hello Carol

Your ornament finishes are beautiful!

Giovanna said...

What wonderful ornaments - you're a great inspiration, well done.

Lesleyanne said...

Gorgeous gifts Carol both given and received. Another lovely post.

Mary said...

Wow! You have been really busy. The stitching and finishing are so beautiful. I wish I could finish my projects half as good as you do. I am sure everyone loved their gifts.

Michelle said...

Such wonderful finishes - I absolutely love the JOY ornament! Great gifts and RAKs received!

LoriU said...

Another wonderful post! I think my favorite is ... hmmm.... the snowman! of course!

Melanie said...

That is so true about mailing times! It's frustrating, right? I do find the UK to be slooooooooow very often but, on the other hand, a package to the Netherlands and 'round those parts can take just a few DAYS. It's weird. So glad all your ornies finally made it though. They are all precious and I'm forever in awe of your finishing skills.
So glad you had a happy birthday! :)

Pam in IL said...

Such beautiful ornie finishes and gifts you received too.

Can you share how you attach the cording hanger to the ornaments. Do you make your own cording? Love it!

Mary said...

Carol, your finishing is always such an inspiration! I'm especially partial to the Prairie Schoolers, they're so timeless.

Nancy M said...

You amaze me! All these on TOP of the baskets of ornies you did all year??? WOW. I'm sure they are all loved and cherished as are the ones you were lucky to receive.I love the little girls ornie that you forgot to photo too! It was 60 and thunderstorming here today....but of course Thursday will be 16....crazy stuff for sure!

Maggee said...

Wow! All those ornies PLUS the ones we saw already???!!! Your fingers were flying! My faves are the LHN Joy one (I stitched it once, as a gift, and now want to do it for me!) and the Plum Pudding one--haven't seen that and will have to track that pattern down now! Then there is the CCN one, with the sheep! Your wallet from Myra is delightful! So Nice! 58 has not been too bad... Hugs!

Catherine said...

You certainly sent and received some wonderful goodies! Your finishes are always so lovely!

Scrap said...

Hello Carol! Your ornaments are adorable. I like very much the finish.
Good day

Unknown said...

It is always a pleasure to visit you ! I love those gifts !

Myra said...

Carol, I absolutely love everything you have stitched for me and consider them true treasures. :o) I am glad you enjoyed your birthday gifts. I enjoyed putting them together for you.

passionfruitprincess said...

Lovely ornaments you made and lovely gifts you got! I don't know how you find time for stitching this much! Your finishes are so beautiful as always.

Have a wonderful day!

Ana Paula.

Shirley said...

Happy belated birthday Carol, so glad you had a good one and enjoyed all your lovely gifts. Your finishes are always so beautiful. I will have to look through them for inspiration next time I made any smalls.
I hate the winter so am looking forward to spring too.
Take care and stay warm.

Nicky said...

Beautiful ornaments you've given Carol. As a very happy recipient of one of your gorgeous stitched pieces, I know how thrilled they must all be with them! Hope your days will warm again soon..... but a little sad that means mine will have to cool down though :-)
Nicky x

Mary said...

Carol, reading your blog and seeing all of your beautiful stitching is like a trip to the candy store!!

I especially L-O-V-E each one of my treasures that you have made for me.
You are so kind and generous with your talents.

Your birthday gifts are lovely.
I hope that your day was a special one for you.

Our weather is crazy, too. Warm one day in the 60's and freezing the next. I'm watching the wind and branches fly past my window right now.
Spring can't come soon enough.

Have a good weekend. Hope you are able to get some stitching time~

Carin said...

Ohhh I love all your finishings, they are so beautiful !!
You also got some very nice presents for your birthday and that RAK present is a beauty as well !!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

oh oh oh que de merveille I love your stitching !
bisous bisous

Lisa said...

What a wonderful selection of ornaments.

Ann said...

Hi Carol,
It seems to me that you made and received lots of lovely ornaments!
I adored the Scottie dog ornament in your last blog ;-).
Have a nice weekend!

Andrea said...

Your ornaments are just a joy to see. Normally I would say I couldn't choose a favourite but Winters Song is just sooooo striking, it's stunning.

Mary said...

My, that was a lot of gorgeous stitching and the ornaments look amazing!!! I'm sure everyone loved them!

Kay said...

Those are all lovely finishes that you made! What wonderful birthday goodies you got as well. Looks like you had many to help spoil you on your special day!

Christina said...

Carol - you must have been so busy in the run up to Christmas! Well, I always enjoy picking out a favourite so...well, it's a tie between Prairie Schooler Rabbit (because I love the dangley red bells) and 'Winter's Song'. Beautiful finishes. You were truly spoilt on your birthday but you deserve every single gift! I look forward to your next post.

Diana said...

All the ornaments are just beautiful..thank you for sharing them with us all.

Bertie said...

Stunning finishes Carol, this morning I took some time out to read your blog properly, there are so many I need to catch up with. I love the way you make up your ornaments, you give us a lot of inspiration;))
The PS ornaments are fabulous.
Have a good week;)

Gabi said...

Wow, that are a lot of ornaments. And all are so beautiful. Love also the way you finish them.
Great gifts too.
Hope your muscles feel soon better and that there is no need to shovel snow anymore soon :)

Elia said...

Hi, Carol another fantastic post!

I love the picture of the header to this February, is precious.
Also the latest embroidery,
so small... are fabulous, with all the gifts, enjoy a lot, my dear!!

Be well, stay warm, and happy stitching! Hugs from Spain!


Tatkis said...

So many beautiful stitchings, and all are wonderfully finished!

Happy belated Birthday!


Giovi's Creations said...

All the gifts you made are beautiful! You have lucky friends! ;) And it's great celebrate a birthday with surprises isn't it?

Greetings from Barcelona! Giovi

Brigitte said...

Oh, so many lovely ornaments found their way to your stitchy friends all over the world. Isn't it great how Prairie Schooler offers a perfect pattern for nearly everyone? It must have been a relief when you learned that the last little package had arrived at its destination. You're not the only one who was waiting - a couple of days ago we received a package from our daughter with a Christmas gift that she had sent in the middle of December. Not bad, huh. Lol.
And there were also great gifts that found their way to your home. Enjoy them all.

Melody said...

Carol, you do the nicest stitching and finishing! I am always in awe when I look at your photo finishes! I think the Joy ornament would have to be one of my favorites. I need to stitch it up one of these days.

I am so happy you had such a nice birthday celebration! Eases the pain of another year creeping in...ha!

Hopefully your hubby will be home before you have to shovel again...

Audrey said...

I just found your blog thru Blue Hen Hollow. I am blown away by your ornaments! I am finding it difficult to find time to stitch and I think that ornaments are the way to go. I can't wait to go thru all your archives. I live in Western New York state on the shore of Lake Erie so we are probably not that far away from each other. Do you have a favorite needlework shop or do you shop on line?

Karoline said...

Beautiful ornaments Carol, congratulations

You got some lovely gifts

Mary Ann said...

Beautiful gifts sent, and lovely gifts received!! I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your gorgeous stitching and finishing!

Edit said...

Happy belated birthday Carol, it was some time ago I know, but I have a 3 month old cuteness who does not let me leave comments or blog at all :)

All your finishes are so lovely as usual, but of course the most beautiful is the one you sent to baby Sara, we will treasure it :)

I wish you a nice Sunday! Edit