Sunday, December 19, 2010

Final 2010 Ornaments

Hello everyone! First of all I want to thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments on my "Winter Circle" of snowpeople in my last post. There are clearly a lot of snowmen lovers out there! I loved reading which one each of you chose as your favorite, too. Well, I finally finished up my last two ornaments for my 2010 "Ornament a Month" challenge. November's ornament is from the Prairie Schooler "Santa Moon" (Book No. 53) booklet. I began stitching this over two, but it was turning out much too large for an ornament which caused me to start over and switch to my favorite "over one" stitching on 28 ct. black Monaco.

I just love how tiny the golden yellow Santa is--only two inches high. I changed the color of his robes to my favorite DMC 676 and his boots to 844, but the other colors are as charted. Now let me tell you, I lay awake at night worrying about sewing the crescent shape. It wasn't nearly as hard as I had imagined, but thank goodness for the power of trims and ribbons to help hide imperfections! Overall, I'm very pleased with November's ornament finish.

My December ornament is, what else--also a Prairie Schooler. I stitched only the very bottom motif of "The Night Before Christmas Sampler" from the chart Christmas Samplers (Book No. 63). Don't you love this tiny Santa? He is so skinny and "crazed" looking--almost looks as if he wants to throw the Christmas tree he is holding in his hand right at you!

Now I'm sure you're all familiar with the famous "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" poem, aren't you. You know the line where it says, "not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse?" Well, apparently the little creatures who have taken up residence in our attic haven't read the poem or are at least choosing to ignore it. It has sounded like party central up there night after night. We've caught four of the little mice so far and things have quieted down so perhaps by Christmas Eve we really can say "not a creature was stirring!"

Anyway, this ornament is also stitched over one on 28 ct. Summer Khaki cashel linen using DMC threads. I changed the color of the house to DMC 676, Santa's robe to 221 and added some swirly, white snowflakes in the air. Then I simply enclosed the whole scene in a zig-zag border. To complete the ornament I turned it into a little pillow with the green checked fabric, rope-like braid, buttons, and a pair of shiny red jingle bells hanging from some thin sage-colored ribbon. I think this may be one of my favorite finishes of the year.

2010 Monthly Ornaments
I thought you might want to see all twelve ornaments displayed together on the garland going up my front stairway. I just hung them there for the photo--they eventually made their way to the Christmas tree in our sunroom. So which is your favorite? I really love all of them, but still think the tiny stocking that was my March ornament finish is the one I like the best. I just love that tiny black lamb on it. I'm so proud that I achieved one of my goals for 2010: to stitch and finish an ornament each month!

2010 Monthly Ornaments: January ~ June

2010 Monthly Ornaments: July ~ December

The mailman recently delivered two wonderful Christmas gifts from some dear blogging friends. First came this perfectly stitched Prairie Schooler Santa from fellow PS addict, Julianne. Perhaps this Santa was tired of life in sunny California and begged to be sent to snowy Pennsylvania to live? I just love him, Julianne, and he will have a place of honor on my tree. Right now he is sitting in the center of my kitchen island where I can admire him! Thank you so much for your lovely gift and for your friendship--I treasure both...

When I opened this gift from sweet Myra I could barely contain my excitement. Myra knows how much I love her project pouches and had gifted me with a beautiful one for my birthday last January. This pouch is a smaller version, perfect for storing my beloved ornament projects. I love the fabric, don't you? And just look at the tiny scissors charm she added to the zipper! Myra's sewing is gorgeous and I'm just thrilled to be the proud owner of this little gem. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my friend!

I'll leave you with a photo (all photos are clickable for a larger view) of my Christmas tree all decked out with my stitched ornaments. Our tree doesn't have a theme--on it you'll find ornaments made by my sons when they were in elementary and pre-school, the yearly Hallmark ornaments I have bought them since they were young, some golden Danbury Mint ornaments from my mother-in-law, and a few pieces from early in our marriage over 33 years ago when we didn't have a dime to our name. I love seeing the history of our family displayed on the Christmas tree each year.

My middle son thinks the tree looks too crowded, but I love it! It makes me so proud to think that I created many of these ornaments with my own two hands and that they'll someday be handed down through the generations. It is wonderful to have a hobby and passion for something that will leave a bit of you for others to remember, don't you think? I don't know if the guys can appreciate them now, but I think (hope!) that someday, they will treasure these tiny creations...

I want to wish each of you who celebrate Christmas a day filled with love and laughter...Thank you for being such wonderful friends who take the time to leave a comment, send an email, or just pop in to take a look at my blog. I truly have been blessed to "meet" so many wonderful stitching friends. Merry Christmas to all!


Rowyn said...

Wow, so many beautiful Christmas ornaments!

Your tree is amazingly gorgeous. I think it has room for a few more ornaments yet :-)

Have a wonderful Christmas Carol.

Anonymous said...

Love your tree!!!! and also your finishes they are wonderful!!!! hopefully I'll have display myself because I am doing 1 a month for 2011

Laura said...

How exciting!! Your ornaments are just so beautiful and so inspiring and so wonderful!! Thank you for such a lovely post...I see lots of ideas for my stitching next year!

Merry Christmas!

valerie said...

Wow...look at your tree! I'm jealous!I have my work cut out for me. I think my fave is the PS(?) one with the deers and birdies amidst the trees. They look wonderful displayed on the garland. That's a terrific know...if the tree is overflowing in a couple of years. lol

Great gofties from Julianne and Myra too!

I hope you, DH and the boys have a wonderful Christmas...and Happy New Year. =) *hugs*

Cole said...

I love your tree! There's so many handmades and treasured items! Note to self ~ must make more ornaments!

And Merry Christmas to you and your family too Carol, and may 2011 be the best year yet! Cheers!

Virpi said...

Thank you for those lovely pictures. I like especially the way you finished the ornament with green fabric and bells. What an awsome decorations you have.

Belinda said...

I love all your ornaments, they are all lovely. I think it is very special that such things will be passed down.
I love the skinny santa, he has alot of character.
Merry Christmas to you too!

Catherine said...

Oh Carol! I just don't know where to begin! Your ornaments look fabulous - I'm not one for picking favorites, and I absolutely can not pick one in this case as they are all wonderful!

And your tree is stunning! I can still see green, so I'd say it is not too crowded - there's always room for one more special piece!

Isn't Myra a sweetie! What a great bag - love that fabric!

Have a wonderful week and Merry Christmas!

Lesleyanne said...

Your tree is gorgeous. Couldn't possibly choose a favourite ornament as they are all stunning. Happy Christmas.

Denise said...

This morning before work I thought I'll hop on the blogs and see what's up. I only made it yours -- I had to stop and admire each and every one of your ornies, click the photos, and go ahhh!

Your tree is beyond gorgeous!(DS doesn't know good when he sees it!) And the ornie with the bells (Dec, I think) my favorite!

Congrats on achieving your 2010 goal!
Merry Christmas - Denise

Christine said...

Wow - Your tree looks amazing and how wonderful to have so many hand-created ornaments on it! Fabulous job!

Edit said...

Your latest finishes are so so beautiful Carol! And the special moon shape... I just love both of them. As well as your monthly ornaments, and your Christmas tree. I can't find words. It is simply wonderful!!!

I hope you have a nice preparation for Christmas in these days.


Unknown said...

Your tree looks amazing,i love looking at all the photo's.

I hope you will have a merry christmas,

Hugs Yvon.

Annette said...

A very beautifull yellow Santa.. Love the moon shape!!
You December Ornie is so lovely... I love the 2 red bells hanging on it!
Al you ornies are so beautifull... I can''t choose, and what a great idea to hang them on the stairway!
Your Christmas tree is so beautifull... Love it... It's made by you and your family..treasure it!!

Hazel said...

I love both your november and ecember ornies. I love the trim on the december one. Love all your ornies. They have really inspired me. xx

Shari said...

again, a fantastic wonder you get so many have a way with words......
I LOVE your latest ornament...I love how you finished it! All of your ornaments are should be very proud of your tree...
I had to laugh to myself! We have purchased a Hallmark ornament for each of our kids over the years as well....only one still home, so only one has them on our tree!
Merry Christmas to you!!!!!

KarenV said...

Your November and December ornaments are fabulous, Carol! I really love the shape of the November one and the design and finishing on the December one is perfect :)

Your tree is absolutely stunning with all your lovely ornaments, thank you for sharing pictures! Merry Christmas!

Chris said...

What a wonderful collection of ornaments. Congratulations on finishing an ornament a month.
The tree looks great.
Have a great week and Merry Christmas :)

Vinniey said...

You've done a perfect finishing for the Santa Moon, Carol. It beautifully stitched and I just love the color matching of the dark blue fabric and trims. Your December ornament are so so stunning, very nice, Carol. I love it too. How nice to decor the stairway with all those stitching ornaments! I thought you're going to hang all your ornaments on the stairway before I continue reading your blog. But they looks so nice on your tree as well, I love love your tree, Carol. I think I can spend more than an hour standing and admiring all your finishing works in front of your tree.

Your March ornament looks really beautiful. No wonder you heart it as your most favorite ornament finish of the year. Your March, November and December are my favorites. :)

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your family. Cheers!

Margaret said...

The finishing on your ornaments looks perfect! And the ornaments! Fantastic! Just gorgeous! Nice presents too! Love your tree! Ignore that middle son. lol! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Annie said...

What a gorgeous display! You have so many interesting finishes and they all turned out so perfect. They look so cool on that staircase too. I think I like the Santa crescent moon the best, but it's a difficult choice!

riona said...

Since you asked, I tried to pick a favorite from among your twelve 2010 ornament finishes ... I narrowed it down to the April Santa and the November Santa ... but couldn't get any further than that. All your photos are so lovely: the project pouch, the tree, the garlanded bannister ... this post was truly a delight to the eye!

Nancy said...

Such a beautiful post Carol! I enjoyed reading it with my cup of morning coffee. Your latest ornament finishes are beautiful as well as the gifts you received. Your stairway looks so pretty and festive, and I love all the ornaments on your Christmas tree! I don't think it looks too crowded at all. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Siobhán said...

Wow!!! What a post full of inspiration. I clicked (to enlarge) on the photo of the garland with the ornaments and saved it in my favorites for future inspiration. Your tree is beautiful! Ours is the same--chock full of everything, crowded full of ornaments and the memories that each treasure brings with it. Your latest ornament finishes are wonderful! I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy 2011.

BrendaS said...

Carol --
I just love your November and December ornaments. The crescent moon shape came out beautifully and I can't believe you stitched it over 1 on BLACK!

I can't choose a favorite as they all look wonderful on your garland. Your tree is gorgeous!! I love putting the ornaments on the tree and trying to remember where they all came from. So many memories!

Have a very Merry Christmas!

sylvie said...

a lovely christmas tree, I love Prairie schooler, every year I stitch a happy new year card.

Sally said...

Oh wow all of your ornaments look gorgeous! Some absolutely beautiful finishes.

Faye said...

Carol, your tree is just beautiful and I love the stitched ornaments!! I actually recognize quite a few of them!!!

Enjoy your blog so much and wanted to wish you and your family a very nice Christmas...Take care, Faye

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Carol, I dream of having a beautifully decorated loaded with stitched ornaments JUST LIKE YOURS!!! It is beautiful! I also love they way the garland looks on your stairs with the ornaments on it...I know you transferred them to the tree....but maybe next year I may try decorating with some onrnaments on our staircase :)

Beautifully done, I'm salivating just viewing your wonderfully bedecked tree!

May you and yours enjoy the most merriest of Christmases!

Scully said...

I loved them on the garland, I want to do that!

Your finish of the Santa was great, too. I am so going to do some finishing techinques this coming year.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Your last monthly ornaments are just lovely and beautifully finished. Gosh there are days I wish I had an eye to finish like that... or maybe I just need to leave myself enough time so I don't end up doing the same old style over and over

Your 12 months of ornamets are very impressive! Congratulations!

Have a Merry Christmas!

Tricia said...

Congratulations!! What a wonderful job! I love the little black sheep, too. I think that's my favorite. :-)

Cindy's Stitching said...

So pretty. The garland was a good idea going up the stairs. Your tree looks wonderful. I can't pick just one ornie, they are all so pretty. Have a blessed christmas.

Natasha said...

What a beautiful tree. That is the type of tree I dream of packed full of wonderful ornaments each with its own stories. Growing up our tree was so full of oranaments for 30 years of "life"

I commend you on your goal for 2010. I just love the PS Santa in the creascent shape. Such wonderful finishing.

What are your goals for the coming year?

Take care and have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful work of art! Love all your ornies, and maybe one day mine will grow into one so grand!

Merry Christmas!

Pumpkin said...

Wow, wow, wow, wow! You are on FIRE woman ;o) Your crescent Santa is just stunning and I love how you finished your December ornie.

Showing them all together just makes me green with envy! You should be proud because you not only stitched all 12 but you FINISHED all 12 as well :o)

Your gifts are just wonderful and no wonder you were so happy to receive them!

Omigosh, your tree! It's SO fun to look at everything. And no, it's not too crowded ;o) How big is your tree though???? LOL!

Hope you have a wonderful holiday season my friend :o)

Katrina said...

Wow, everything is gorgeous and the project packs are so pretty too.

Mavi. said...

Beautiful decor and precious ornaments. I love absolutely all, but especially in December ornament is adorable.
Very happy holidays to you and all yours.
It is a pleasure to follow in your blog.
A kiss. (use translator)

Meari said...

I love how you displayed your 2010 ornaments on the stair railing! I may have to use a variation of that next year by hanging some from my fireplace mantel greenery. :)

I think your tree looks fabulous. Not too crowded at all. Your latest ornament creations are just beautiful.

Merry Christmas!

Marion said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! I love all your ornaments!! Your tree is gorgeous!!

Happy Holidays!!
Nova Scotia

Teresa S. said...

My favorite ornament is definitely the December Prairie Schooler Santa with his crazed little whip :) Your tree looks absolutely gorgeous-you did beautiful work this year on all your ornaments and I may be "stealing" a finish idea or two from you :) Have a Merry Christmas!

Mylene said...

WOW! A great post Carol... i jsut LOVE all your ornaments. Your Christmas tree looks GORGEOUS!!

I sure miss my tree this year...

Wish you and your family a Happy Christmas!!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness, look at all that stitchy Christmas goodness! Congratulations on all the ornaments you've stitched up this year. I love that last one with Santa and the reindeer - perfect!

Have a Merry Christmas, Carol!

Meadows08 said...

Carol your ornaments are fabulous! Congrats on reaching your stitching goal this year! I thought they looked lovely on the garland on your stairs.

This hobby is fabulous, I completely agree with you! I'm lucky enough to have family that admire and appreciate the things I make through the year.

Merry Christmas!

Lynn said...

What a beautiful post Carol! I loved seeing the pictures of all of those gorgeous ornaments. You should be very proud. Your tree looks fabulous adorned with all of them! I think one of my favourites is the June ornament. I love cardinals!
I'm so glad that I stumbled across your blog this year. Your stitching gives me inspiration!
I hope that you and your family have a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Melanie said...

Oh my goodness, just stunning! That's the first word that came to mind when looking at your banister and tree. Absolutely stunning! Good job!

Solstitches said...

Oh my goodness! Just how lovely is that wreath going up your stairs with all of those gorgeous ornaments?
Wow! I love how it looks and your tree also.
The Winter Circle is adorable. Who doesn't love a snowman/woman?
Little Red Riding Hood has to be my favourite. She is way too cute.
It's been a while since I had the chance to catch up on blogs so it is a real treat to see all the lovely things you've been stitching.

Shelley said...

I just found your blog via Cindy's post on her blog about the surprise package you sent her.

I love your stitching. You do such exquisite work. Your tree looks so beautiful and inviting. I'm now thoroughly hooked on your blog.

Merry Christmas!!

Olga said...

All your ornaments are so darling and I love your Christmas tree filled with the sweet little bits of your family history.
Happy holidays to you and your family!

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

All your ornaments are beautiful, Carol. I love the project bag that Myra stitched, too.

Merry Christmas!

cathy r said...

je ne connaissais pas mais tu as un très joli blog )))

Unknown said...

Your ornaments and tree are gorgeous, Carol! Have a wonderful Christmas with your family!

Myra said...

Carol, I want to come to your house for Christmas! LOL Everything is just beautiful. I still have the ornaments my boys made in school and hang them on the tree - it is embarrassing for them but I just love them. Your latest finishes are so pretty, I love your color changes. I am growing quite fond of PS Christmas designs - maybe Santa will bring that gift certificate I asked for so I can start my own collection. :o)

Wishing you all the best in the upcoming festive week!

Robin - Samplerbird said...

Oh Carol, I am drooling all over my keyboard looking at your collection of ornaments. I have a severe case of ornament envy. Outstanding work!!

Kathy A. said...

That is an absolutely beautiful Christmas tree Carol. I love that your tree is full of memories. I think that makes a tree so very special.
Merry Christmas my friend.

Anonymous said...

Love all the ornaments! When it comes to finishing up you are one talented lady. I can´t stop admiring your work :)

Sue said...

Your stitching is STUNNING. Those have to be the most beautiful ornaments and finishing I've ever seen. I love your blog.

Blu said...

Your ornaments are all absolutely gorgeous! The crescent shape is so cool!

Shirley said...

All your ornaments are fabulous. If I have a favourite it is probably the one with the green check fabric at the bottom because it is a bit different. Your tree is absolutely stunning.
Merry Christmas

Lois said...

Carol, your tree is gorgeous!! Lots of ornaments and lots of memories. Well done on stitching an ornament each month! They are all lovely but do you know if I had to pick a favourite I think I will say the last one you did, the PS Santa in his sleigh. I love how you've finished it and the changes you made. Then, I also love your crescent shaped finish!

What a lovely gift from both Myra and Julianne! Have a wonderful Christmas Carol, enjoy having everyone home!

Andrea said...

Don't know quite where to start. Love your tree and stair decor. The 'Twas the Night Before Christmas ornament/pillow is just gorgeous. Just love everything. :)

Have a very Happy Christmas!

♥ Nia said...

I love your 'moon' ornament!! so pretty :)
I love your stairway decoration!! My favourites: september and november :)

So many beautiful ornaments that you have!! :D
The most beautiful cross stitch ornament tree that I've ever seen!

•*¨*•.¸.•*¨ Merry Christmas •*¨*•.¸.•*¨

Anonymous said...

I love how you finished your Santa Moon ornie, it's just perfect! I think my favorite ornament thi year would be the Sunflower Santa. And, I think your tree is beautiful. I'd love to admire it in person :) I'm stitching the little mouse in a teacup right now.
Merry Christmas!
Donna in WV

Daffycat said...

Oh, that is the most gorgeous tree ever! I love all your ornaments.

Merry Christmas, Carol!

Martine said...

Oh Carol! Your Christmas tree is magnificent and I like looking at all the ornaments one after the other!!!
I also like very much your pillow with the crazy Father Christmas !!!! and the Prairie Schooler Santa of Julianne is adorable !!!!!!!!!!
Here, Santa was very generous !!!
Have a wonderful Christmas Carol, my dear friend, with all your family at home !!!!

Alison said...

Oh wow...fantastic ornaments & tree. You've done a great job on the finishing! Merry Christmas.

Nima said...

you have a beautiful cross stitching blog...thank you for stopping by my blog with your lovely comment. so i could come here and visit yours. your cross stitch ornaments look awesome. so nice to see your gorgeous christmas tree

Mavi. said...

Thank you very much Carol.
Happy New Year (full of pretty embroidery) for you and your family.

Nelli said...

Wonderful! Very nice!

Bekca said...

I think I have to agree with you and say that December is my favourite ornament of the year. Reading your ornament posts throughout 2010 has inspired me to attempt this challenge myself - one ornament for each month! They might not all be Christmas ones, but they will certainly be ornaments :) What gorgeous gifts you have received from your friends and I think your tree looks perfect. I hope you have a lovely New Year and I look forward to continue reading your blog in 2011. All the best.

Julie said...

Your tree looks amazing Carol, its so special to have past memories with older ornaments that you can bring out each year and remember.

Super gifts from Julianne and Myra.

I love the crescent moon Santa, he is beautiful

Sharon said...

Oh, your tree is just inspiring. It is truly fantastic! You should be very proud. Maybe one day I will get there! Happy New Year!

Jackie said...

Carol your ornies are absolutely beautiful and loved the dispaly on the stair case wall. Congrats on getting them all done.
Thank you for stopping by dear and hope you have twice the stitch fun in the new year.
Happy New Year

Jennifer said...

You certainly should be proud Carol!! Your tree is the tree I someday long to have with lots of stitched ornaments in amongst the cherished ones. A belated Merry Christmas to you and your family . In a day or so I will post on my blog why I am late in wishing you one. Thank you for visiting my blog . I count this year as a wonderful one in meeting so many stitching friends through the blogs and you are one of the favs as your blog is wonderful. all the best for a stitching year in 2011!

Heidi said...

They are all sooooo beautiful and look so lovely on the garland. Your tree too.

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year Carol!

Hugs from Holland ~

Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy said...

Oh, I do LOVE all your ornaments, Carol! Such Beautiful stitching and finishing. And your tree is amazing... Just Gorgeous! I don't think it's a bit crowded at all... lots more room for more stitched treasures! I do hope to stitch an ornament a month this year...

Heartfelt blessings always in stitches...

Einschies blog said...

Carol I absolutely love your ornies, your tree, your stairs with all the ornies hanging there;-)))

Gaby from Germany

Patty C. said...

GORGEOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TREE